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3B COM M UNICATIVE W hat’s th e preposition?

Q Look at the questions. W rite the missing preposition for each circle.

Q Take tu rn s to choose a group o f questions to ask a partner.

Who can you rely HZ I when you have a
If you had to speak in front [__ j a large
problem? Can they rely i 11 you too?
audience, how would you feel?
What do you always have I your desk
® Do you know anyone who has a phobia, at home?
or is really afraid t 1something?
Would you prefer to live in a fla t! H the
® When was the last time you felt proud top floor or I_j the ground floor?
[__ I something you had done?
Which gadgets do you completely
« What food and drink remind you I __| depend1 ! in your everyday life?
your childhood?

What sport or activity would you like to be really good I__ I?

Why do you think some people are bad I I learning languages?
If someone arrives L_J a concert / film late, should they be let in?
Do you like telling jokes? Do people laugh I ] the jokes you tell?

What sports clubs or organizations do / did What period of history are you most
you belong [”T7I? interested! |?
What kinds of things do you object L _J Have you (or has anyone you know) ever
people doing a) on a plane, b) at the cinema? succeeded L J passing a difficult exam?
What two things are you most looking When you arrive L _ I a new city / country,
forward! i this year? what's the first thing you usually try to find out?
What advantages or disadvantages are Do you often waste time looking for things
there to being married [ __I someone from I j y o u r bag?
another country?

© What are some of the typical things couples argue H i?

What would you warn visitors I I before they visit your city / country?
When was the last time you felt angry j I something a friend did to you?
When you were younger, did you get excited I your birthday? How did you use to celebrate it?

Do you feel pleased i J your progress in © How do you feel about waiting L I people
English this term? when they’re late?
Can people still be friends if they don’t Should a man pay j__ I a woman on a first date?
agree C J] each other about, e.g. politics? Are you (or is anyone you know) applying 1 l a
Is there anyone in your family that you are job / course at the moment?
a bit fed up! J at the moment? Who’s responsible I ! doing the housework in
Have you ever been given a present that your house?
you were really disappointed I 1?

English File 3rd edition Teacher’s Book Intermediate Plus Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2014 173

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