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Transient A/F Control

Characteristics of the
5 Liter Central Fuel
Injection Engine
C. F. Aquino
Engineering and Research Staff
Ford Motor Co.
Dearborn, Ml

International Congress and Exposition

Cobo Hall, Detroit, Michigan
February 23-27, 1981

Reprinted from SP-487—"Engine Control Modeling"

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ISSN 0148-7191
Copyright © 1981 Society of Automotive Engineers Inc.
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Transient A/F Control

Characteristics of the
5 Liter Central Fuel
Injection Engine
C. F. Aquino
Engineering and Research Staff
Ford Motor Co.
Dearborn, Ml

IT HAS LONG BEEN KNOWN that suddenly opening the all cases, and the need for tighter control
throttle of a carbureted engine causes a momen- (especially with the three-way catalyst) has
tary lean excursion, and that this behavior is stimulated a renewed interest in the exact
closely related to the presence of liquid fuel nature and causes of transient A/F excursions.
on the intake manifold walls. (1,2)* Since With microprocessor-controlled electronic
these A/F excursions can cause driveability fuel metering it is possible to use more sophis-
problems, the need to eliminate them was immedi- ticated strategies to compensate for the tran-
ately recognized. The solution of this problem sient A/F excursions. For example, if the exact
has been to heat the intake manifold and inlet causes of these excursions were understood, or at
air to reduce the A/F excursions, and to provide least if their relationship to such variables as
acceleration enrichment to the metered fuel to throttle motion, manifold temperature, etc. were
compensate for the remaining lean excursion. known, calculations programmed in the micro-
This approach has provided a more or less satis- processor could provide the proper amount of
factory solution to the problems of driveability compensating fuel as a function of the appropri-
until recent years when the need for reduced ate variables. Present efforts are to charac-
exhaust emissions placed new emphasis on A/F terize (if not completely understand) A/F excur-
control. It has now become clear that the sions in such a way as to allow this type of
acceleration enrichment provided to overcome compensation. One of the first efforts was by
potential driveability problems may fall short Stivender (3) who characterized the fuel and air
of completely eliminating the A/F excursions in dynamics with simple transfer functions. He then
used the result of engine tests to identify the
*Numbers in parentheses designate References at time constant of the fuel lag as a function of
end of paper. engine coolant temperature. More recently, Wu

Experiments have been conducted to deter- and mass-flow metering strategies was made.
mine the nature and causes of A/F transients A simple continuous flow model was develop-
during changes in throttle angle on a 5 Liter ed to predict the effects of manifold air
central fuel injected dynamometer engine. Tests charging and wall wetting. Comparisons of model
consisted of a series of one-second throttle predictions and experimental results show the
ramps of various magnitudes at constant engine agreement for air flow to be within ± 4%.
speed. Fuel metering calculation was adjusted Wall wetting is described by a linear,
to give error free metering, so that observed first-order equation with two parameters; a
A/F transients were due to induction system boiling time constant, and a percent impaction
characteristics such as manifold wall wetting, parameter. Agreement between model prediction
air charging, and injector phasing. The effects and experiment is good if the percent impaction
of throttle body and manifold temperature were parameter is allowed to vary linearly with
investigated and a comparison of speed-density throttle angle.

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(4) has developed a model based on physical the throttle body in the same proportion, the
description of fuel impaction on manifold walls increase in fuel flow is delayed before it
and subsequent vaporization or reentrainment into reaches the engine, whereas the increase in air
the air stream. In its simplest form this model flow is not, thus resulting in the lean excursion.
yields a first-order transfer function similar to The mechanism for this fuel delay is that a por-
that of Stivender. tion of the fuel droplets strike the walls of
Another result of the renewed interest in the manifold and throttle body and are thus held
transient A/F behavior has been the development up for some time. The strongest evidence for
of a fast response A/F ratio monitor by Ricardo this argument is that if the fuel is gaseous as
of England. With this device, A/F excursions in the system described by Hamburg, (8) there
with rise times on the order of one-second can be are no transient A/F excursions. What happens
followed with a high degree of accuracy (this to the droplets once they hit the walls is not
rise time can be reduced to about 1/4 second with clear. People have suggested that a slow moving
electronic compensation). Using this device it liquid film flows along the walls until finally
has been possible to characterize the transient reaching the intake port. This may be true for
behavior of engines equipped with various fuel some of the film, especially under very cold
metering systems. (5) This type of character- conditions, but the evidence seems to indicate
ization is aimed at predicting the effects of that a large portion of the film is vaporized or
the A/F control of these fuel metering systems otherwise reentrained into the air stream before
on overall emissions and fuel economy rather than it reaches the intake port.
for use in compensation. Hires, (6) on the other A good starting point from which to consider
hand, has developed a vehicle calibration method the state of liquid, vapor and air in the mani-
of incorporating a dynamic model similar to those fold is the equilibrium condition. That is, if
of Stivender and Wu into a compensation scheme. fuel and air existed at a given A/F ratio at a
The purpose of this study is to examine, for given temperature and pressure long enough to
a particular engine package, the various possible reach equilibrium, what percent of fuel would be
causes of A/F excursions, to quantify their vaporized? This question is not easily answered
relative importance, and to lay the groundwork because fuel is made up of many components each
for compensation by testing the validity of a having its own vapor pressure curve. By using
simple, control oriented model similar to those the method of Bridgeman, (9) however, we can get
of Stivender and Wu. The engine is the Ford, a good answer to this question based on the
five liter V-8 with exhaust heated aluminum dual A.S.T.M. distillation curve of a given fuel.
plane intake manifold. The fuel metering system Figure 1 shows the A.S.T.M. distillation curve
consists of two electronic fuel injectors located for Indoline (the fuel used in this study) along
in a dual bore throttle body, one injector being with the equilibrium percent vaporized as a
above each throttle plate. The system has been function of temperature for various ratios of
in production since 1980, and is described in a air to fuel vapor. For an air/vapor ratio of
paper by Czadzeck. (7) 16:1, we see that 100% of the fuel is vaporized
at 85°F. Since the curves of Figure 1 are for a
DISCUSSION pressure of one atmosphere, the temperature for
100% vaporization would be even lower with re-
Changes in A/F ratio which accompany a duced pressure in the manifold (part throttle
change in throttle position are due to two dif- operation). Since we observe a liquid film on
ferent causes. The first is due to what can be manifold walls under conditions of 100% equi-
called steady-state metering errors. These librium vaporization, it is clear that the
errors are due to the inability of the system to induction process is one of nonequilibrium where
meter a constant A/F ratio over the entire range liquid droplets do not have time to vaporize
of operation and do not depend on how fast the before hitting the walls.
throttle is moved, nor do they die out when the Even though this impaction-reentrainment-
throttle is held fixed. The second cause is the vaporization process is complex, it is clear
dynamic response of the system which produces that induction system temperature is an impor-
A/F excursions even when the steady-state errors tant parameter. For this reason, experiments
have been reduced to zero. In this study, the measuring the effect of induction system tem-
steady-state errors were reduced to zero, so the perature on A/F excursions were performed to
dynamic factors could be studied. For electronic identify the importance of manifold wall wetting.
fuel metering with throttle body injection, the The second dynamic property related to A/F
following four factors are generally recognized control is manifold air charging. This refers
as being related to transient A/F control: to the fact that as the throttle is opened, the
1) fuel lag due to wall wetting; 2) manifold air flow at the throttle is momentarily greater
air charging; 3) injector phasing; and 4) sensor than that at the inlet port to the engine. This
and calculation delays. The experiments were is because of the increasing air density (and
designed to sort out the relative importance of therefore air mass) in the manifold during
these four factors by observing the effects on throttle opening. This can be seen clearly in
A/F excursions when appropriate variables were Figure 2 which shows air flow at the throttle,
changed as discussed below. and manifold absolute pressure for a very rapid
The term "fuel lag" refers to the fact throttle opening. The flow at the port is pro-
that if both air flow and fuel flow increast at portional to manifold absolute pressure, so the
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systems have used the "speed-density" calcula-

tion to determine air flow at the inlet port
(see Equation 1 ) .


the manifold pressure and temperature can be

measured to use in equation (1). If throttle-
injected systems (such as the one considered
here) use the speed density calculation rather
than actually sensing throttle air flow, an
error should be expected. To determine the
importance of this effect, experiments were run
to measure transient A/F excursions using the
speed density and throttle air flow (called "mass
flow") metering strategies, respectively.
The third cause of A/F excursions are
sensor, actuator, and calculation delays.
Clearly if there is a delay in the air flow
signal or any calculations required, the change
in fuel flow corresponding to a change in air
flow will be delayed, thus creating an error.
The delay of the production pressure sensor used
in the speed density calculation is shown in
Figure 2 in comparison with a fast laboratory
The fourth factor relating to transient
response is injector phasing. Electronic fuel
metering systems using the solenoid actuated
fuel injectors (which include the majority of
systems currently in production) meter fuel by
pulse-width modulation. That is, the injectors
are turned on a given number of times per engine
revolution, and fuel flow is controlled by the
"pulse width" or length of time the injectors
remain on.
In the system under study here, each injec-
tor is turned on twice per revolution, which
difference between the two curves is additional means that there is one injector pulse for each
air flow at the throttle required to "charge" intake stroke of the engine. Since the length
the manifold. Systems in which fuel is injected of time an injector is on is typically short
at the throttle should use throttle air flow to compared to the duration of the stroke itself,
determine fuel flow, whereas systems in which we end up with a burst of fuel entering the air
fuel is injected at the intake port should use stream as it flows into the cylinder. It is
port air flow. Traditionally, port injected conceivable that "phasing" the injector to fire
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at the beginning of the intake stroke would

result in different transient A/F excursions
than firing at the end of the stroke. The
limiting case would be firing so late in the
intake stroke that the intake valve closed before
that portion of air and fuel entered the cylinder.
The fuel and air would then remain in the mani-
fold runner until the next intake stroke of that
cylinder (2 revolutions later) at which time the
throttle would have opened slightly further
resulting in more air (and more required fuel)
for that cylinder. In this limiting (hypo-
thetical) case the amount of fuel inducted is
the amount corresponding to the air inducted on
the previous cycle. The importance of this
effect was determined by measuring the A/F
excursions for various injector phasings. It
should be mentioned at this point that since the
effect of wall wetting is greater than the other
three effects, the experiments concerning mani-
fold charging and injector phasing were done with
fully heated manifold.

EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE AND RESULTS cussed in more detail in the section comparing
experimental and predicted behavior.
A. TEST PROCEDURE AND INSTRUMENTATION - To The data was recorded on a Honeywell
simplify matters, a simple test was defined to oscillograph. A trace from a typical test is
represent transient operation. This was to move shown in Figure 4. The variables measured are
the throttle from its initial to final position as follows:
in one second while holding engine speed constant. 1) Throttle angle measured with a potenti-
Other types of transients can be envisioned; for ometer attached to the throttle shaft.
example, moving the throttle while engine speed 2) Air flow measured with a Meriam Laminar
changes, or changing engine speed at fixed Flow Element, located upstream of the
throttle. Since the main variables in the induc- throttle body. The volumes and pressure
tion processes are air flow and fuel flow, the drops in the air flow measuring system give
constant speed throttle ramp brings out the it a transient response similar to a first
essential dynamic features of the system. The order system with a time constant of 4-5
one second throttle ramp was chosen to be con- msec.
sistent with the response of the A/F monitor. 3) Manifold absolute pressure (production
As mentioned earlier, the instrument used sensor).
to measure exhaust A/F was originally developed 4) Manifold vacuum measured with a Validyne
by Ricardo of England. This instrument, de- differential pressure transducer. Response
scribed in a paper by Haslett and Eidson (10) flat to 80 Hertz. (trace shown in Figure 2)
measures oxygen partial pressure using a 5) Percent oxygen in exhaust measured with
zirconia sensor. The model used in this study Lambda Scan. For purposes of visualizing
is the improved Sensors, Inc. version called the traces, %O2 can be considered linearly
"Lambda Scan". The dynamic response of the related to A/F, with 1% O 2 approximately
instrument is limited by the sample handling equal to 1 A/F.
and mixing that must be done. To measure the
response, a special valve was designed that
could meter a controlled amount of air into the
exhaust of a running engine. With this valve
the A/F ratio in the exhaust could be modulated
with a sine wave of known amplitude and fre-
quency. The response of the instrument to inputs
with frequencies up to 2 Hertz is shown in Figure
3. As mentioned before, the frequency response
is improved by electronic compensation of the
output signal. This compensation is accomplished
by passing the output signal through a transfer
function that is approximately the inverse of
the measured response. The response of the
compensated signal is also shown in Figure 3.
When comparing measured A/F waveforms to
model predictions, the compensated instrument
itself was characterized as a second order system
to further improve accuracy. This will be dis-
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6) Exhaust gas oxygen sensor output (E.G.O. The A/F excursions for all the tests had the
trace), This is the standard production same general shape as that of Figure 4. That is,
zirconia sensor which responds within a lean excursion accompanied throttle opening,
approximately 20 msec, but is very non- and a rich excursion accompanied throttle closing.
linear, acting like a "switch" from zero Due to the delay caused by the exhaust sample
volts when lean of stoichiometric to 1 volt line, the Lambda trace was shifted in time from
when rich of stoichiometric. the rest of the data. Accurate information as
Some general comments can be made about the to the timing of the A/F excursion could only be
test procedure and data. As stated previously, inferred from the E.G.O. trace. In most cases
the tests consisted of a series of one second it appeared that the A/F excursion started within
throttle ramps at fixed engine speed. Since the 2-4 engine revolutions after the beginning of
characterization study described in reference throttle motion. As already mentioned, the
(5) measured the A/F excursions for all engine steady-state metering errors were eliminated so
speeds and loads, it was decided to select a that the A/F excursions were due only to the
single representative engine speed for this study. dynamic properties of the system. The means of
All tests were run at 1400 RPM. The effects of eliminating the steady-state metering errors was
exhaust gas recirculation on A/F excursions were to adjust two parameters of the metering calcula-
also measured in the characterization study (1), tion in such a way as to obtain the same A/F
so this variable was eliminated by running all ratio at both end points of the throttle ramp.
tests at zero percent EGR. A given test series The question then arises as to whether or not
consisted of five separate tests, each starting the A/F remains constant between the two end
at a throttle position of 10° (from closed points. This was checked by ramping the
plate), and ramping to 13°, 15°, 17°, 19°, and throttle very slowly (25 sec.) between the end
21°, respectively. Figure 5 shows engine torque, points and observing the A/F ratio during the
air flow, and manifold pressure at 1400 RPM as a ramp. This procedure did not prove to be a good
function of throttle angle. It is seen that the check for two reasons. First, even with the 25
tests ranged from light to rather heavy "tip-ins" second ramp, there were still slight transient
which cover most of the range of driver demands. contributions to the A/F excursion (note that
As previously mentioned, the one second throttle true steady-state errors produce mirror image
ramp was chosen to be consistent with the Lambda traces when the throttle opening is compared with
Scan response. Typical driving often includes the throttle closing). Second, during such a
faster ramps. To extend the results of this long ramp, long term effects due to things
study to faster ramps, the model must be used. such as temperature changes cause slight A/F
Even though this means using the model outside drift which would not take place during a one
the range for which it has been validated, second ramp. Another indication of steady-state
effects important to fast ramps (such as air errors can be determined by adjusting A/F to be
charging) have been included in the model. equal at the end points for the largest throttle
ramp (10°-21°), and observing any offset in A/F
at the end points for the intermediate ramps.
Using both of the above methods, it is estimated
that steady-state metering errors account for
from zero to 10% of the observed A/F excursion,
with the speed-density strategy giving more
steady-state errors than the mass flow strategy,
mainly because of the nonlinearity of the volu-
metric efficiency term in Equation (1).

Repeatability was checked in two ways.

First, every ramp was repeated several times and
the traces compared. In this case, repeatability
was very good as will be seen in the section
comparing model predictions and experiment where
multiple traces are shown. Basically, the traces
only differed by the noise level on a given trace.
In day-to-day repeatability, slight differences
due to variation of temperatures, fuel properties,
etc. were observed. The scatter in the data
presented is due to these effects. In all cases,
unless otherwise mentioned, only the lean excur-
sions resulting from throttle openings will be
studied. In all cases, the rich excursions
follow the same trends as the lean ones.
One last comment can be made about the
traces of Figure 4. The apparent noise on the
air flow trace is due to the flow fluctuations
due to individual intake strokes. These show up
clearly in Figure 2.
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ON A/F EXCURSIONS - In order to determine the If the manifold skin temperature were high
range of temperature to be studied, a preliminary enough to cause the impacting fuel droplets to
experiment was performed to observe some charac- behave similar to the film boilding behavior
teristics of fuel boiling on a hot plate. This observed here, there would be no wall wetting,
was not meant to simulate conditions on the and thus A/F excursions due to wall wetting
manifold wall, but rather to give a general would be eliminated. The impaction-vaporization
indication of the impaction-vaporization process. process in the manifold is more complex than this
Fuel droplets from a hypodermic syringe were simple experiment due to factors such as vari-
allowed to fall onto a flat plate whose tempera- ations in air and fuel velocity, surface rough-
ture was controlled. The ambient pressure was ness, and fuel composition changes due to
controlled, and tests were run from one atmos- vaporization before impaction. With this in
phere down to about one third atmosphere. In mind, Figure 6 was used as an indication that
all cases, the air was quiescent. Visual obser- manifold skin temperatures in the neighborhood
vations were made, and it was observed that the of 400°F should be enough to eliminate wall
droplets wet the surface completely (with zero wetting.
angle of contact) and then completely vaporized. To control manifold skin temperatures, a
As the surface temperature was increased, the jacket was built around the intake manifold which
vaporization rate increased to the point where allowed passage of either exhaust gas or tap
the droplet completely vaporized in about 1/2 water. Controlling the flow of exhaust or
second. Further increases in surface tempera- water allowed manifold temperatures to be con-
ture created the so-called "film boiling" or trolled. In these tests the exhaust crossover
"Liedenfrost" point where the droplet no longer which normally heats the manifold was used when
wet the surface, but remained suspended on a needed. Figure 7 shows temperatures at various
layer of vapor. The pressure and temperature locations under the two extremes tested, as well
at which this occurred is shown in Figure 6 for as for the normally heated engine.
indoline as well as two single component fuels;
For all tests, the inlet air was between
one a high boiling point hydrocarbon (undecane),
60°F and 70°F. The effect of inlet air tempera-
and one a midrange hydrocarbon (isooctane). Also
ture was not studied.
plotted are the saturation curves for the two
single components (shifted up by 100 degrees F
for comparison with the film boiling curves).

To demonstrate the effect of manifold skin

temperature, a series of tests was run from 70°F
to 200°F in increments of approximately 25°F.
A typical A/F excursion for skin temperatures of
70°F is shown in Figure 8. Comparing this with
Figure 4 where skin temperatures are 200°F,
shows that heating the intake reduces the ampli-
tude of the excursion and increases the rate of
delay back to steady-state. The amplitude of
A/F excursion is plotted vs. the ratio of mass
flow at the larger throttle opening (M1) to that
at the smaller throttle opening (M0) for six
temperature conditions in Figure 9. The corres-
ponding temperature conditions are shown in
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A/F excursion with increasing manifold skin

temperature. It should be noted, however,
(Figure 10) that the manifold was not heated
uniformly in this series of tests. Rather the
manifold floor under the throttle body was cooler
than the rest of the manifold. This is because
heating was accomplished by passing exhaust
through the special jacket only and not through
the normal crossover passage.

Figure 10. Two things are clear from Figure 9.

First, that at a given temperature, the size of
the A/F excursion increases smoothly with in-
creasing change in throttle angle. Second, that
there is more or less continuous reduction in

Further increasing manifold skin temperature

up to 400°F by combining normal crossover heat
with heat through the special jacket resulted in
no further reduction in A/F excursions. Figure
11 shows A/F excursions vs. for the
normally heated manifold along with two condi-
tions where additional heat was added through
the special jacket. The fact that the A/F
excursions appear to increase as the intake mani-
fold is heated is related to the fact that
heating the manifold reduces air flow at the
higher throttle angles proportionately more than
at the lower throttle angles and, therefore, the
ratio is smaller for a given change in
throttle angle, whereas the amplitude of the A/F
excursion changes very little with increased
heating. Close comparison of Figures 9 and 11
shows that the curve for the normally heated
manifold condition of Figure 11 is not quite the
same as the warmest case of Figure 9 (this
difference is more than normal variability in the
data). The reason for this may be the difference
in manifold temperature distribution for the two
cases. The normally heated temperature distribu-
tion is shown in Figure 10 for comparison. The
effects of locally heating portions of the mani-
fold were not studied, although they have impor-
tant implications relative to the application of
"quick heat" to improve A/F control.
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The effect of throttle body temperature on

A/F excursions was studied by heating the engine revolution (in this case
throttle body, walls by means of a special jacket N = 4)
which passed hot air around the outside of the
throttle body. Recall that the fuel is dis- and combining equations (1), (2), and (3) we
charged above the throttle plate thus partially get
wetting the walls of the throttle body. The
throttle plate was not heated in this study.
The effect of heating the throttle body on A/F
excursions is shown in Figure 12. The tempera-
tures corresponding to these tests are shown in
Figure 10. It appears that wall wetting in the
throttle body is a contributor to A/F excursions.
Its effect is important when the manifold is in
the normally heated condition.
Equation (4) is the calculation performed for
speed density metering, using measured values
EXCURSIONS - The effect of air charging on A/F
of manifold pressure and temperature.
excursions was studied by using the two metering
strategies "speed-density" and "mass flow" dis- For mass flow metering, equation (3) was
cussed above. Since the fuel is discharged at used along with the measured air flow signal
the throttle, tests run using the speed-density from the Meriam Laminar Flow Element. The
metering would include the effects of air equation for pulse width is
charging, whereas tests using mass flow metering
would not include these effects. By comparing
A/F excursions resulting from mass flow and
speed density directly, the extent of this con-
tribution could be measured.
Here the measured signals are and RPM. This
The speed density calculation was performed
calculation was performed by a Digital Equipment
by a prototype microprocessor. Using equations
Corporation LSI 11/02 minicomputer. With both
(1) and (2), along with the injector character-
calculations running concurrently, either mass
flow or speed density metering could be selected.
In this way a direct comparison was made by
running back-to-back tests. A typical compari-
son of the A/F excursions obtained with the two
metering strategies is shown in Figure 13. Two
things are evident. First, that the speed
density trace has a slightly higher amplitude,
and second, that the shapes of the two traces
are different. The A/F excursion associated
with speed density metering rises more quickly
and tends to be rather constant during a good
portion of the throttle ramp. This is because
the error due to the manifold air charging
reaches its full value rather quickly and then
remains fairly constant as the throttle con-
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of sensor and calculation delays on A/F

excursions was to measure the delays, and then
include these delays in the model. Since these
effects are rather straightforward, it was not
thought necessary to run experiments with various
amounts of delay to determine the effect on A/F
excursions. The primary sensor involved in the
speed density calculation is the MAP sensor.
The response of the production MAP sensor is
compared with that of a Validyne pressure trans-
ducer in Figure 2. The production sensor damps
out the pulsations and lags the Validyne trace
by about 12 msec. These response characteristics
are due to the properties of the sensor itself
as well as the length of tubing connecting the
sensor and source (which is about 10 inches for
the production installation). Following the
method of Iberall (11), the frequency response
of the Validyne installation is estimated to be
flat out to 80 Hertz, which.means no appreciable
attenuation or delay for the Validyne trace.
tinues to ramp, whereas the wall wetting The sensor delay was characterized as a pure
effects continue to accumulate during the entire 12 msec delay, and its effect on A/F excursions
one second ramp. This will become evident when was to increase the amplitude of the excursion
the model is discussed. Figure 14 shows A/F by about 4½ percent (this will be shown in the
excursions for mass flow and speed density model discussion).
plotted vs. The temperature conditions The calculation delays in the speed density
for these data are normally heated manifold with system are not straightforward. Looking at
no throttle body heat; and normally heated mani- equation (4), the term in brackets is calculated
fold with the addition of throttle body heat in the microprocessor, and the time for this
(temperatures shown in Figure 10). It is seen calculation (including analog to digital con-
that although the use of speed-density calcula- version of the sensor signals) is not constant,
tion increases the A/F excursions in all cases, but rather depends on various occurrences which
the effect of throttle body wall wetting far can interrupt, or change the processor sequence
exceeds the effect of manifold air charging. of tasks. The most influential variable in
Note that this trend may be reversed for equation (4), however, is the manifold pressure
faster throttle ramps; this will be discussed (P) with the terms in brackets being more of a
in the model discussion. variable coefficient modifying the main variable
D. EFFECT OF SENSOR AND CALCULATION (P). The basic pulse width calculation then
DELAYS - The means of determining the effects (which is the proportionality between pulse width
and P) is then done by an analog circuit and
thus has no calculation delay. With this philos-
ophy, the basic calculation is done with no
delay, and the smaller effects of temperature
and volumetric efficiency are subject to a delay
of between 10 and 25 msec. For the one second
throttle ramps where the end points are adjusted
to the same A/F, it was assumed that calculation
delays have negligible effect on A/F excursions.
Sensor and calculation delays for the mass
flow system were small enough to be neglected.
Delays in the air flow signal are due to changes
in pressure in the volume between the meter and
throttle. The meter was sized to minimize this
effect. The resulting delay was first order
with a time constant of about 7 msec. The cal-
culation time (including A to D conversion) for
equation (5) in the LSI 11/02 was 3 msec. This
calculation was fast enough to follow the indi-
vidual intake strokes (which results in appreci-
able fluctuation as shown in Figure 2 ) . For
this reason, the "instantaneous" air flow upon
which a given pulse width is based depends on
the particular point of the air flow trace used
in the calculation (selecting the highest peak
would result in a leaner A/F than selecting
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lower points on the trace). It was found that The model describes wall wetting and air charging
progressively selecting points along the air (and sensor delay as already mentioned) and
flow trace from the beginning to the end of an neglects effects of individual intake strokes
intake stroke resulted in a variation in A/F and injector pulses. Air and fuel flow are
(under steady operation) in a way which paral- handled separately by assuming the air flow to
leled the air flow trace as one would expect. be independent of the presence of fuel.
Rather than filtering the air flow trace, it was Using the "uniform flow" approach to model
decided to base the calculation on a fixed point the air flow through the manifold, all proper-
in the intake stroke. This resulted in a satis- ties are assumed to be uniform throughout the
factory operation with a pulse width that did volume of the manifold. The temperature of the
not vary more than 4 percent from one pulse air in the manifold is assumed constant, and
to the next. taken as the average of measured temperatures.
E. EFFECT OF INJECTOR PHASING - The The air is assumed to behave like an ideal gas.
effect of injector phasing was measured by The continuity equation for the manifold
running a given throttle ramp for injector volume is
timings from 70° before top center to 20° after.
The results of this test are shown in Figure 15.
It is seen that the smallest A/F excursions
correspond to initiating the injector pulse at
top center. Since the volume of manifold where M is the mass of air in the manifold and
through which a charge passes is about half the are air mass flow rates at the throttle
volume of air inducted in a given intake stroke, and port, respectively. From the ideal gas
half the charge entering the cylinder consists relation, we can express M as
of air and fuel that has been residing in the
manifold runner since the previous intake stroke
(a discussion of manifold storage is given in
reference (12)). Initiating the injection much
later than top center results in some fuel
entering the air that resides in the manifold where V is the total volume between the throttle
until the following stroke. Injecting much plate and intake valve (includes manifold and
before top center is the same as being after cylinder head passages).
top center for the previous stroke. It is not Now from equations (1) and (2), can be
surprising, therefore, that injecting at top written
center gave the smallest transients.

If were thought of as an input inde-

pendent of P, and if h vol were constant,
equation (7) would be a simple first order
equation showing the response of manifold pres-
sure to a change in mass air flow at constant
engine speed. The time constant would be the
manifold volume divided by the volume flow rate
out. In reality, and hvol depend on P, but
this simple picture gives an intuitive feel for
the air charging process.
Although volumetric efficiency depends on
factors such as valve overlap, engine speed,
and manifold design, it can be approximated
(13) by the following


The objective of the model is two-fold.

First, to represent a simplified concept of the
essential features of the physical process, to
be used in conjunction with experiments to gain
improved understanding; and second, to provide
a basis for a transient compensation scheme.
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half of the fuel impacts the throttle plate where

the primary mechanism for reentrainment is the
high air velocity with very little heat transfer
The flow rate at the throttle can be cal- from the plate. High speed movies suggest that
culated by assuming no pressure recovery down- the time constant for reentrainment is on the
stream of the throttle, so that the pressure at order of a single intake stroke. Observing the
the maximum velocity point equals the manifold manifold walls during cold operation shows an
pressure (P). We have appreciable liquid film, and the decay of A/F
excursions (see Figure 8) suggests a time con-
stant on the order of several seconds. Other
factors such as the multi-component properties
of fuel, and dependence of vaporization on
pressure and air velocity as well as temperature
further complicate matters. With this in mind,
a simple model is postulated which makes no
attempt to address these realities, but rather
predicts the gross behavior. It is assumed that
the metered fuel is proportional to air flow,
and that some percent (X) impacts and forms a
film on the walls. It is also assumed that fuel
leaves this film in proportion to the amount of
fuel in the film. These two assumptions form
the basis of the wall wetting model. The con-
tinuity equation for the fuel film can be
Combining equations (7), (8) and (9) allows written
for numerical solution of the air flow at
throttle and inlet port during a throttle ramp
at constant engine speed. Figure 16. shows cal-
culated air flow and manifold pressure compared
to measured values for a fast throttle ramp.
The effect of ignoring individual strokes is
clearly evident. Model inputs are ambient tem-
perature and pressure, engine speed, manifold
charge temperature, and throttle angle, and the
parameters to be chosen are E and C d . The pre-
dicted values of manifold pressure and air flow
at the initial and final throttle positions were
within ± 4 percent of measured values for all
The fuel flow process is not as straight- Now, if it were not for the air charging,
forward. The essential feature is that it is a we would simply say the fuel reaching the engine
nonequilibrium process where some portion of the is the nonimpacting liquid plus the reentering
fuel impacts various surfaces and vaporizes or vapor , and solve (10) for
is otherwise reentrained. In reality, there is Mf to give the A/F as a function of time. In
more than one mechanism. For example, at least fact, when the effect of air charging is small
compared to wall wetting (as in Figure 14), the
additional complexity to be described may not be
required for a compensation scheme. If the
effect of air charging is large, however, this
approach leads to erroneous results. For
example, suppose we had a carburetor for which
X = 0 so that none of the fuel impacts the walls,
and we considered a rather fast transient where
the difference between throttle flow and port
flow were appreciable (as in Figure 2). Then
using the above approach, the fuel reaching the
engine would be which would be proportional
to , whereas the air reaching the engine would
be which is less than . The result would
be a rich transient, which does not in fact
happen. To account for this detail, it was
assumed that the vapor coming from the film
fills the manifold volume uniformly. The con-
tinuity equation for fuel vapor in the manifold
is then written
Downloaded from SAE International by University of British Columbia, Tuesday, September 25, 2018


The vapor fuel flow to the engine is then

. The liquid flow to the engine is
not simply (1-X) again because of air-
charging, but is given by .
This approach, although somewhat oversimplified,
accounts for all the metered fuel, and eliminates
the errors discussed above. Solving equations
(10) and (11) gives the fuel flow to the engine
from which A/F can be calculated as a function
of time. The parameters to be chosen to fit the
data are X and τ.


Comparison of model predictions and

engine data were made by running the model for
conditions which match a particular engine run,
and comparing measured and predicted exhaust
oxygen traces (recall that the response charac­
teristics of the Lambda Scan shown in Figure 3
are included in the model). Measured and pre­
dicted values of air flow and manifold pressure
were also compared. The total number of pa­
rameters available for adjustment was four, two
for the air flow (CD and E) and two for the fuel
flow (X and τ). The air flow parameters were
set at 0.81 and 0.84, respectively, and only
needed to be changed for the case of heated
throttle body. The adjustment of fuel flow pa­
rameters will be discussed below.
Oxygen traces for two typical runs are
shown in Figure 17 (a) and (b) - Curve (a) for
the cold manifold (Figure 10, Curve A) and
Curve (b) for a moderately heated manifold
(Curve E, Figure 10). The throttle ramp for
both cases is the same. It is immediately
evident that the predicted decay back to steady
state does not match the actual decay for the
cold condition. The two curves match well for
about the first second of decay, beyond which
the actual decay becomes much slower than pre­
dicted. A possible reason for this could be
the multicomponent nature of the fuel which
would tend to vaporize the more volatile com­
ponents at a higher rate, leaving the less
volatile components on the wall to vaporize at
a slower rate. Included in Figure 17 for com­
parison is trace (c) for a test where the fuel
was isooctane, a single component fuel, again
with the same throttle ramp. The decay for this
trace falls closer to the exponential decay
predicted by the model.
It is of interest to see how well the
model predictions fit the data if the parameters
are set to a given value to match a particular
throttle ramp, and then left unchanged for other
throttle ramps. Figure 18 shows the amplitude
of the A/F excursion plotted against vaporization rate (τ). For this reason, only τ
comparing the data of Figure 9 to model pre­ was adjusted to account for the six temperature
dictions. In light of the physical inter­ conditions. Each model prediction curve of
pretation of the parameters X and τ, it would Figure 18 represents a single value of τ. In
seem that manifold temperature should have no order to fit the data, it was necessary to allow
effect on droplet impaction (X) but should affect X to vary as a linear function of throttle angle.
Downloaded from SAE International by University of British Columbia, Tuesday, September 25, 2018


This then created a third parameter for fuel

(since now two values are necessary to specify
X as a linear function of throttle angle). The
function selected to fit the data of Figure 18

which implies that the percent impacting in-

creases from 30 percent at closed throttle to
100 percent at 90 degrees. It is not hard to
imagine a greater percentage of fuel impacting
the manifold walls as the throttle is opened
further. Figure 19 shows the value of used
in the model as a function of manifold tempera-
ture (middle front skin temperature). This plot
suggests the kind of functional relationship
which could be used in a compensation scheme.
Inspection of Figure 18 shows very good
fit except for the fully warmed up case. A
further refinement can be made to gain an even
better fit. This is to allow X to vary linearly
with throttle angle as before, but to introduce
a maximum value beyond which X does not increase
This now creates a fourth fuel parameter which
we can call the maximum allowed impaction per-
cent. Figure 20 shows the model predictions and
measured traces for a typical throttle ramp.
Also shown is the oxygen level in the exhaust
(before being attenuated by the Lambda Scan).
The close fit of model to experiment generally
holds true for the "warmed-up" cases with only
slight degradation caused by not using the
"maximum allowed impaction" parameter. Note
also that for the one-second throttle ramps
the compensated Lambda Scan produces a trace
very close to the actual levels in the exhaust.
Figure 21 shows model predictions for the
data of Figure 14. The value of is set to 0.4
seconds and 0.1 seconds (for cold and hot
throttle body respectively) for both the mass
flow and speed density cases, and X is given by

to know the effect of these two variables acting

separately. Although very little testing was
done at throttle ramps other than the one-second
ramps already described, what data there are
Since the parameter values are the same for the show that changing the throttle rate while
mass flow and speed density cases, the curves of keeping constant does affect the A/F
Figure 21 show how well the model predicts the excursion in the way which is predicted by the
effect of air charging. For the case of un- model. The results of comparing a one-second
seated throttle body, the prediction is quite throttle ramp to a one-and-one-half second ramp
good, with the data showing a slightly larger (both with the same change in angle) are shown
effect of air charging than the model prediction. in Figure 22 along with model predictions. The
For the case of heated throttle body, the model model parameters have the same values in both
predicts a larger difference between mass flow cases. It is clear that the amplitude of the
and speed density than actually measured. A/F excursion is smaller for the one-and-one-
As discussed previously, the tests were half second ramp, and that the shape of the
limited to one-second throttle ramps. This in trace changes as expected. The good fit suggests
effect coupled the throttle opening rate to the that the model may be valid over a wider range
change in mass flow . It is of interest than that studied here, and should therefore
Downloaded from SAE International by University of British Columbia, Tuesday, September 25, 2018


contributes to A/F excursions. Heating the

throttle body (with manifold at 200°F) reduced
excursions by a factor of 2.
3) The effect of manifold air charging
produced A/F excursions 30 percent larger with
speed-density metering than with mass flow
metering. This effect should be even more pro-
nounced at higher rates of throttle opening
than the one-second ramps studied here.
4) Injector phasing can affect A/F
excursions by as much as 40% for large tran-
sients, with the smallest excursions correspond-
ing to injection initiation at top center.
5) Sensor delay accounts for less than
10 percent of the observed excursions, with the
effect expected to become more pronounced at
higher rates of throttle opening.
6) A simple continuous flow, control
oriented model demonstrates the ability to
predict the essential effects of wall wetting,
air charging and sensor delays, but does not
accurately describe all details. The effect of
manifold temperature on A/F excursion can be
predicted by allowing the "Boiling Rate" pa-
rameter to vary as a function of temperature.
Since A/F excursions depend on temperatures in
various locations (such as the manifold and
throttle body), the relative importance of these
temperatures must be determined. The "Impaction
Percent" parameter must be allowed to vary
linearly with throttle angle for good fit.
7) The air flow portion of the model
predicts air flow and manifold pressure within
± four percent for the conditions studied (no
exhaust gas recirculation and a single engine
speed). The parameters describing the throttle
plate discharge coefficient and engine volumetric
efficiency were held constant except for the case
of heated throttle body.


A Throttle flow area

A0 Fuel flow rate from open injector
A1 Injector delay time
(A/F) Air fuel ratio
Cd Throttle discharge coefficient
D Engine Displacement
E Engine volumetric efficiency parameter
be useful in determining the effects of faster K Ratio of specific heats for air
transients. M Mass of air in intake manifold
Mf Fuel mas in wall film
CONCLUSIONS Mfm Metered fuel
Mv Mass of fuel vapor in intake manifold
Based on this study of transient A/F Map Mass air flow rate at inlet port
control of the five liter central fuel injected Mat Mass air flow rate at throttle
engine, the following conclusions can be drawn: Mo Initial mass flow rate
M1 Final mass flow rate
1) Manifold wall wetting is the most N Total number of injections per engine
important factor contributing to A/F excursions. revolution
The amplitude of a typical A/F excursion can be P Manifold absolute pressure
reduced by approximately a factor of 3-4 by Pb Barometric pressure
heating the manifold from 70°F to 200°F. Further PW Injector pulse width command
heating beyond 200°F has little effect on A/F R Ideal gas constant
excursions. r Engine compression ratio
2) Wetting of throttle body walls also RPM Engine revolutions per minute
Downloaded from SAE International by University of British Columbia, Tuesday, September 25, 2018


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