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RMIT International University Vietnam

Essay Rough Draft

Subject Code: BUSM4185

Subject Name: Introduction to Management

Location & Campus SG Campus

Student name: Nguyen Thao Quynh Nhu

Student Number: s3980814

Lecturer’s name: Phuc Dao Gia

Word Count: 1516

"I declare that in submitting all work for this assessment I have read, understood
and agreed to the content and expectations of the Assessment Declaration."

Table of Contents
Case Analysis.................................................................................................................2
Conclusion..................................................................................................................... 5
Reference....................................................................................................................... 5
I. Introduction

Bubble Bar, founded by Ms. An, the owner of 28 branches nationwide, is currently
encountering the potential risk of disruption. However, problems occurred when a Ho
Chi Minh branch had to be closed due to growing deficits over the last few months. The
internal environment is the primary cause of its decline. Specifically, the company has
been dealing with a variety of pitfalls including employees’ subpar performance,
overloaded manager work, unfair compensation rate and benefits policies, customer
dissatisfaction and disconnections among staff. The purpose of this study is to clarify
their sole setbacks, suggesting solutions based on management theories and
recommending strategies for Bubble Bar.

II. Case Analysis

1. Problems
a. Poor human resource management and fragile organizational culture

As analyzed by Mr. Hung, the manager of the closed branch, the key factor leading to
the consecutive monthly decline in sales was poor customer experience. Considering
staff ineffectiveness contributed significantly to Ms. An's outlet shutdown as a result of
overall customer dissatisfaction, it is reasonable to assume that employees’ poor
performance is the major problem. As noted by Elnaga, A. and Imran, A. (2013),
employees’ output is identified as the most valuable asset of any organization with their
capacity to refine or jeopardize the reputation of the company, it is also a crucial
component in the success or failure of an organization (Siddiqui, M. N., 2014, p.181).
Importantly, the quality of service is the customer’s top priority (Wroblewski M.T., 2021).
The service personnel’s lacking work ethic had been shown through an array of
negative feedback and comments from unhappy customers. Consequently, the deficit
skill of employees is currently under re-evaluation owing to several shortcomings in
the unethical attitude of employees. This phenomenon may be a result of inattentive
recruitment procedures employed by the organization. Ensuring the appropriate
execution of different organizational tasks and activities necessitates the recruitment of
qualified applicants for the correct positions (Radhika K, 2020). Beyond that, it appears
to be an absence of interpersonal interaction among team members, causing a
dearth of emotional attachment among colleagues. As per Occhipinti, S.F. et al (2018),
job satisfaction and performance are impacted in terms of acquaintances, involvement,
and supportiveness from their coworkers. Although most employees struggle with
integration, everything gets along far more effortlessly with the helping hands of
colleagues. (Petersen K. S. et al, 2016)

a. The imbalance of empowerment and power

Another noticeable point is that a former employee experienced greater job satisfaction
while working for a competing business. The individual expressed that, notwithstanding
her dedicated performance towards a business's objectives with a high level of
competence, she was not offered any sort of financial reward or job promotion from the
manager at Bubble Bar. Therefore, this situation leads not only her but also her
colleagues to experience increased job dissatisfaction and less motivation to remain
committed to the shop. Workers see their salary as more than just money, they perceive
it as a reflection of the value their company attributes to them as an employee. (Chron,
2020) Their total effectiveness and productivity can be impacted directly by how much
they are appreciated and the empowerment they held. One of the main drivers for the
escalation of employee turnover, stated by Hee, O.C et al (2018), is that workers feel
neglected, insignificant, and exploited, with their contributions going unnoticed as
businesses put greater emphasis on revenues. Based on the former employee's
perspective, the employees' lack of enthusiasm towards their job is their discontentment
with inadequate career advancement opportunities and the unfeasibility of reaching
the position of branch manager. Job insecurity has been referred to as a stressor since
it is interpreted as a threat and represents uncertainty, which is frequently associated
with powerlessness (De Witte, H., 1999).

2. Solution

A potential strategy to stimulate employee engagement entails providing training

programs in interpersonal communication skills (Hynes, G.E., 2012). Herzberg's
research (1968) indicated that the employees’ energy is derived from engaging in
inspiring and demanding tasks that allow employees to attain their goals and gain
recognition. They implied that without proper training, employees would not fulfill their
duties at their finest potential. Practices for workflow redesign are recommended as
an effective method to boost organizational productivity and effectiveness. By
implementing Taylorism principles, which underscores the importance of task
specialization through its division of labor into the smallest skill aspects. Managers can
allocate responsibilities to staff members based on their skill set ratings to observe and
create an employee skill matrix (Bibi, N. et al, 2021). The process of fragmentation is
designed to divide duties that align with each member's respective capabilities to
guarantee optimal efficiency. Additionally, through the deployment of employee
empowerment, the influence of job redesign has a greater effect on employee
commitment and responsibility (Kuo, T.H. et al, 2010). The new strategy ought to be
carried out in a manner that impacts both obstacles and motivators for service
To address the restricted emowerment, managers may implement theories aimed at
fostering employee motivation to increase happiness in the workplace. Maslow’s original
hierarchy of needs consists of five stages: psychological, safety, love and
belongingness, esteem, and self-actualization needs (McLeod S., 2018) In terms of the
conceptual framework, individuals possess multiple needs that serve as incentives for
their work (M. A. Bawa, 2017). Upon understanding the importance of Maslow's theory,
managers can leverage the highest level, namely self-actualization. The logic underlying
employee empowerment is to enhance employee accountability, and foster employee
morale, thereby improving the standard of workers' job experiences. In the best-case
scenario, when employees feel being entrusted in a company, their work ethics would
undoubtedly culminate in elevated productivity, loyalty, and self-assurance (Abou
Elnaga, A. and Imran, A., 2014) From the research conducted by Brower, H.H. et al
(2009), there exist distinctive correlations between trust in a manager and trust in a
subordinate. Specifically, when the supervisors show more supportive behaviors toward
their employees and entrust them with more significant roles. Murphy P (2015)
described that the presence of a tangible goal to strive towards is an essential factor in
the workplace. The Society for Human Resource Management (2017) suggested
organizations acknowledge the individual's efforts, triumphs, and career progression in
pursuit of their self-realization goal. Rewards are proven to serve as a mechanism for
optimizing efficiency and altering behaviors among unsatisfied workers. Accordingly,
implementing a proportionate system of rewards may motivate employee fulfillment with
work while strengthening their productivity (Mehmood S. et al, 2013). The suggested
solution for the overloaded work of managers is to maximize workforce efficiency for
subordinates while concurrently alleviating the burden of management. In turn, the
implementation of this substitution is expected to facilitate productive collaboration,
maintaining a shared sense of mutual respect and assistance among members of the

3. Recommendations

Initially, it is imperative to distinctly verify the strengths and weaknesses of every team
member to provide all the outlets’ branch managers regarding the overall quality of
personnel in their work environment. Given the nature of their interactions, clients and
front-line employees develop special bonds (Chung, B.G., 1997) Supervisors ought to
create a variety of channels to collect customer experience data of employee service
feedback via online surveys, request forms, and social media ratings. Self-assessment
and annual work progress evaluation are highly recommended to allocate tasks that
best leverage the assignee’s capabilities. To ascertain if employees, divisions, and
organizations are operating at their best abilities, evaluation procedures should be in
line with corporate goals and company strategic plans (Kromrei, H., 2015). The
organization should create a benchmark to measure employees’ work progress. For
instance, different levels of job performance rank should be arranged into 5 levels:
exceptional performance, exceed expectations, meets expectations, underperforming,
and unsatisfactory. These standards must focus on noteworthy metrics which are
understandable, attainable, valid, and especially client-focused. (Mohamed, S., 2003).
To build strong and effective co-worker relationship, Delmas, M.A. and Pekovic, S.,
(2018) proposed an environmental practice that ameliorates interpersonal connections
inside the organization via teamwork. Establishing regular team meetings and social
events outside the work duty to reinforce companionship among colleagues. For more
effective collaboration among employees, it is advised that Mr. Hung execute a group-
based approach to task delegation.

Developing compensation systems that involve monetary and non-monetary

incentives, offering professional training to augment employees' knowledge and
competencies opportunities for job enrichment and enlargement to encourage their
entrepreneurial spirit and, consequently, foster organizational accomplishment (Tumi,
N.S. et al, 2022). Burton, K. (2012) indicates that non-financial incentives or recognition
are more efficient motivators for most people than money. However, managers need to
be truthful while giving praise and awards (Doyle, S., 2004). To succeed in their career
progress, an employee may seek guidance from their manager to demonstrate upon
attaining a higher position. Through setting a positive example, managers should create
a positive work atmosphere that fosters a sense of power among employees (Ramlall,
S., 2004). The manager should always give the employees thorough reviews and
feedback about their performance to help them find their core values and feel respected
in the workplace.

III. Conclusion

By conducting business with an innovative approach Bubble Bar can boost its service
personnel performance and customer satisfaction.

IV. Reference

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