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Sex Hormones and Tendon

Mette Hansen and Michael Kjaer

The risk of overuse and traumatic tendon and ligament injuries differ
between women and men. Part of this gender difference in injury risk is
probably explained by sex hormonal differences which are specifically
distinct during the sexual maturation in the teenage years and during
young adulthood. The effects of the separate sex hormones are not fully
elucidated. However, in women, the presence of estrogen in contrast to
very low estrogen levels may be beneficial during regular loading of the
tissue or during recovering after an injury, as estrogen can enhance tendon
collagen synthesis rate. Yet, in active young female athletes, physiologi-
cal high concentration of estrogen may enhance the risk of injuries due to
reduced fibrillar crosslinking and enhanced joint laxity. In men, testoster-
one can enhance tendon stiffness due to an enhanced tendon collagen
turnover and collagen content, but testosterone has also been linked to a
reduced responsiveness to relaxin. The present chapter will focus on sex
difference in tendon injury risk, tendon morphology and tendon collagen
turnover, but also on the specific effects of estrogen and androgens.

Sex hormones • Sex • Gender • Injury risk • ACL rupture • Estrogen •
Estradiol • Testosterone • Progesterone • Relaxin • Insulin-like growth
factor I (IGF-I) • Collagen • Fascicles • Knee laxity • Joint laxity •
Tendinopathy • Cross-links • Biomechanical properties

M. Kjaer
Institute of Sports Medicine, Department of Orthopedic
M. Hansen (*)
Surgery M, Bispebjerg Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark
Department for Public Health, Section for Sport Science,
Aarhus University, Dalgas Avenue 4, 8000 Aarhus, Center for Healthy Aging, Faculty of Health and Medical
Denmark Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen,
e-mail: Denmark

# Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016 139

P.W. Ackermann and D.A. Hart (eds.), Metabolic Influences on Risk for Tendon Disorders,
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 920, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-33943-6_13
140 M. Hansen and M. Kjaer

Introduction seem to exits between pre-pubertal boys and girls

[20] and between postmenopausal men and women
Sex differences in tendon and ligament injury risk [21]. Taken together, these observations indicate
are reported. The relative risk of tearing the ante- that sex differences in tendon and ligament bio-
rior cruciate ligament (ACL) is 2–6 times greater mechanical properties are significant in the period
in young female compared to male athletes [1–3] of life where the sex hormonal profile is markedly
even after socioeconomic, health and lifestyle different between women and men. In line with
background variables and the level of sports par- this, the sex disparity in ACL injury risk is peaking
ticipation have been taken into account [4, 5]. Espe- in the teenage years where sex hormonal
cially, when circulating estrogen is peaking around differences are the greatest [5, 22].
the time of ovulation during the menstrual cycle Part of the sex difference in tendon and ligament
the risk of an ACL-rupture seems to be enhanced biomechanical properties is explained by a general
[6, 7]. In contrast, the risk of sustaining an Achilles greater tendon size in men compared to women.
rupture [8] or developing tendon pathology [9] Yet, also after adjustment for body weight and
seems to be lower in premenopausal women com- control of activity level Achilles and patellar tendon
pared to that in men, whereas this sex discrepancy cross-sectional area (CSA) is greater in young male
in risk disappears after menopause [10] where the runners compared to equally trained young female
level of estrogen is comparable between the sexes runners [17] (Fig. 13.1). Furthermore, tendon CSA
[11]. Furthermore, the transition to the postmeno- is greater in trained male runners compared to that
pausal state characterized by low estrogen levels is in untrained men, whereas no difference in tendon
associated with a dramatic increase in the preva- CSA is reported between untrained and trained
lence of asymptomatic rotator cuff tears female runners [17]. These cross-sectional data
[12]. These observations have led to a search for indicate that the ability to adapt to regular training
the underlying mechanism(s) involved in the dis- in regards to patellar and Achilles tendon size might
crepancy in the risk of injuries between men and be reduced in women in contrast to in men
women and between young and elderly women. A [23]. However, it should be noted that low energy
complex interaction involving several risk availability is a common phenomenon in endurance
factors is probably in play (e.g. ligamentous laxity running, especially among young female athletes
and size, limb alignment, notch dimensions and [24, 25]. Therefore, sex difference in tendon adap-
decreased neuromuscular control of knee, motion tation to training may be confounded by hormonal
skill level and muscular strength) [13]. However, disturbances related to low energy availability such
since estrogen receptors have been localized in as low estrogen and insulin-like growth factor I
tendons and ligaments [14, 15] it has been (IGF-I) levels as these hormones are coupled to a
suggested, that at least part of this gender differ- stimulating effect on tendon collagen synthesis
ence in risk might be explained by sex hormonal [26, 27]. Actually, other data supports that female
differences influencing tendon and ligament struc- handball players seem to be able to adapt in tendon
ture and biomechanical properties. size after long-termed regular strenuous loading of
the tissue [28]. Thus, long-term intervention studies
are needed to clarify if the is a sex difference in
tendon adaptation to training.
Sex Differences in Tendon Structure Tendon structural quality also seems to differ
and Biomechanical Properties between young men and women. Mechanical
testing of single human patellar tendon collagen
Tendon stiffness has been reported to be lower in fascicles from young men and women have
young women than men during voluntary isometric shown that during loading the ultimate stress
contractions using ultrasonography [16, 17]. Simi- before rupture is greater in fascicles from males
larly, joint laxity has repeatedly been reported to be compared to those from females [23]. The sex
greater in post-pubertal women compared to differences in fascicle biomechanical properties
age-matched men [18–20], whereas no differences may be related to structural differences. In young
13 Sex Hormones and Tendon 141

Fig. 13.1 The magnetic 7

resonance imaging (MRI) Untrained women
determined patellar tendon Trained women

Patellar tendon CSA (mm2 / kg3/4)

cross-sectional area (CSA) 6 Trained men
for trained and untrained Untrained men
men and women **
normalized to body mass.
5 ** **
Trained men had a greater
CSA than untrained men 4
(P < 0.01); however, note
that trained women had a
similar CSA compared 3
with untrained women. An
MRI of the patellar tendon 2
[21]. (Reprinted from [21].
Copyright # 2007 John
Wiley and Sons. Used with 1

layer seems to responsive to anabolic stimuli

0.07 Rest #*
Tendon collagen FSR (% h-1)

such as training [32–34] and probably also hor-

0.06 72 h monal stimuli [26, 27, 35, 36]. In young healthy
0.05 women, a lower tendon collagen synthesis rate
0.04 has been reported compared to age-matched men
both at rest and in response to exercise at the
same relative intensity [37]. Patellar tendon col-
0.02 lagen synthesis rate was still enhanced over rest-
0.01 ing values 72 h after exercise in men whereas the
0.00 synthesis rate was not different from resting
Women Men values in women (Fig. 13.2). Unfortunately, the
balance between synthesis and breakdown was
Fig. 13.2 Comparison of patellar tendon collagen frac-
tional synthesis rates (FSR) at rest and 72 h after exercise not determined. Only limited validated methods
in women and men. *Significantly different from rest exist in relating to determining tendon collagen
value, P < 0.05. #Significantly different from women, breakdown rate in vivo in humans. However,
P < 0.05 [24]. (Reprinted [24]. Copyright # 2007 The these data similarly to cross-sectional including
American Physiological Society. Used with permission.)
untrained and trained female runners [17] indi-
cate that the response to mechanical loading may
women, expression of Type III collagen in the
be reduced in women [23].
patellar tendon is higher than in men [29], which
may induce a greater elastic flexibility. In addi-
tion, women patellar tendon dry mass and colla-
gen content per tendon weight has been reported Influence of Estrogen on Tendon
to be lower compared to in men [30]. Structural and Biomechanical
The tendon collagen content is determined by Properties
the balance between collagen protein synthesis
rate and collagen protein breakdown rate (see Introduction; Estrogen and Estrogen
Chap. 8). The tendon collagen turnover is slow Signaling
and specifically recent data suggest that the ten-
don core of collagen is the same from the late The effect of sex hormones may differ between
teenage years until death [31], whereas the outer animals and human since the sex hormonal and
142 M. Hansen and M. Kjaer

menstrual profile varies considerably between estrogen is peaking, medium in the LP and low-
species, which questions the transferability of est in the FP [50]. The findings are supported by
results from animal studies to humans. Based later data [51–53], but not all [18, 54]. The cyclic
on this, the following is primarily based on variation in knee laxity seems to be repeated in
human data. each menstrual cycle, but the magnitude and
In premenopausal women 17-β estradiol is the pattern of cyclic changes varying greatly among
dominating type of estrogen. The estradiol level women [55]. An inverse relationship between
in women is in general several folds higher than circulating estradiol concentration and tendon
in men until menopause [38, 39], but the stiffness has been observed in female handball
concentrations of sex hormones fluctuate during players independent of cycle phase [28]. Simi-
the menstrual cycle. During the menses period in larly, cyclic changes in Genu recurvatum and
the early follicular phase (FP) the concentration general joint laxity have been reported, which
of estradiol and progesterone are low, whereas underlines a systemic effect [55]. The greater
the concentration is peaking just before ovulation knee laxity associated with high levels of estro-
(~day 14 of the regular cycle) and remains at a gen seems influence landing biomechanics [56]
high level during the following luteal phase (LP) and thereby the risk of injury. In support, expo-
until next menses. sure to high level of estrogen reduce maximal
Estrogens primarily bind to the estrogen load to failure in rabbit anterior cruciate
receptors (α & β) in the nucleus, but there are ligaments [57].
also bindings sites in the plasma membrane Until recently, a mechanistic explanation for
[40, 41]. Estrogen receptor distribution and the the rapid changes in tendon and ligament laxity
relative isoform (α- and β estrogen receptors) during the cycle was missing, since it is very
predominance varies within different tissue unlikely that it is caused by any significant
types and the expression is influenced by the change in collagen content within days. Though,
estrogen level [42–45]. Activation of the two new in vitro findings have shown that short-term
types of estrogen receptors seems to induce (24 h or 48 h) exposure to physiological concen-
both similar and opposing effects [46, 47]. - tration of estrogen decreases mechanical func-
Estrogen-binding to the receptor induce receptor tion of engineered ligaments by inhibiting the
activation, but also other stimuli can indepen- activity (61–77 %) of the crosslinking enzyme
dently of estrogen-binding influence signaling lysyl oxidase [58]. If the enzyme activity is simi-
pathways linked to estrogen receptor activation larly reduced in vivo when exposed to high level
[48, 49]. of estrogen it may explain the observations of
greater knee laxity and a risk of sustaining an
ACL injury around ovulation [58].
Influence of Estrogen on Tendon Inter-individual difference in the average
and Ligaments level of estrogen between women may also influ-
ence the tendon and ligament structure and bio-
To get closer to an elucidation of the effect of mechanical properties over time. A positive
estradiol on tendon and ligament it is relevant to correlation between circulating estrogen and
compare results from women tested in the dis- human tendon collagen synthesis has been
tinct menstrual phases or women with low com- reported [27] (Fig. 13.3). Furthermore, in elderly
pared to high endogenous concentrations of hysterectomized women who were long-term
estradiol independent of menstrual phases. users of estrogen replacement therapy (ERT),
In a systematic review from 2006, six of nine tendon collagen synthesis was higher and patellar
studies observed no significant effect of men- tendon relative stiffness was lower compared to
strual cycle on knee laxity [50]. Nevertheless, a age matched postmenopausal women with very
meta-analysis of the data show that knee laxity low levels of estrogen [27]. The latter observa-
was significantly greater around ovulation, when tion may be explained by a general high tendon
13 Sex Hormones and Tendon 143

Tendon synthesis FSR

ERT users
** 0.10 Tendon FSR rest
0.08 Tendon FSR exercise
Tendon FSR (% h-1)

Tendon FSR (% h-1)

0.06 0.08
0.03 0.06
0.00 0.04
Rest Exercise 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7

Estradiol (nmol L-1)

Fig. 13.3 Top left: patellar tendon collagen fractional and **P < 0.001, unpaired t-test, control vs. ERT users.
synthesis rates (FSR) at rest and 24 h after exercise in Top right: relationship between tendon FSR and serum (s)-
postmenopausal women who used ERT and postmeno- estradiol in ERT users at rest (r2 ¼ 0.41, P ¼ 0.06) and
pausal women who did not use ERT (control). **P < 0.01 postexercise (r2 ¼ 0.80, P < 0.001)

collagen turnover at high levels of estrogen since arcus tendinous fasciae pelvis, which is rich in
the collagen content was not changed. An type III collagen (82 % of the total amount of
enhanced tendon collagen turnover may indi- collagen) the tensile strength of the tissue and the
rectly reduce the possibilities for intra- and inter- susceptivility to anterior vaginal wall prolapse
molecular cross-linking by enhancing the tendon are low in postmenopausel women
collagen turnover on the top of a probably direct charachterized by low estrogen level [63]. Simi-
inhibiting effect on crosslinking enzymes [58]. In larly, hip joint flexibility was observed to be
line with a lower tendon collagen synthesis in lower at low estrogen levels. The latter observa-
postmenopausal women not using ERT, estrogen tion may be related to the content of type I
deficiency in rats has been associated with down- collagen and the type I to (Type III þ IV) ratio
regulation of fibroblast cell proliferation and den- was observed to be lower in postmenopausal
sity in the Achilles tendon [59]. women compared to postmenopausal women on
It should be noted that estrogen may have hormone replacement therapy (HRT) [63]. Simi-
divergent effect on the biomechanical properties larly, low estrogen status may be detrimental for
of collagen rich tissues placed in anatomical tendon and ligament healing [59]. In
distinct positions due to a disparity in loading oophorectomized rats maximal stress upon the
profile and differences in relative distribution Achilles tendon, cell proliferation and density
and numbers of estrogen receptors (α and β) was reduced compared to sham-operated
[46, 60]. Knowledge in this field is very limited, rats [59].
but as an example, high versus low circulating To sum up, effects of estrogen on tendon and
estrogen in postmenopausal women has been ligaments are not fully elucidated and seem to
found to be associated with reduced relative stiff- depend on the age and the hormonal status of the
ness of the patellar tendon [27], which is rich in women, the specific type of tendon and ligament
type I collagen as most tendon and ligaments in focus, and the degree of mechanical loading of
(~60 %) [61]. Similarly, the rise in estradiol the tissue. In women, presence of estrogen in
around ovulation [50] and during pregnancy contrast to low or lack of estrogen may be bene-
[62] in premenopausal women is associated ficial when tendon and ligaments are exposure to
which enhanced knee joint laxity. In contrast, in regular tissue loading [64] or recovering after an
144 M. Hansen and M. Kjaer

injury as shown in animal studies [59, 65], since Tendon collagen synthesis (FSR)
estrogen seem to have a stimulating effect on **
type I collagen synthesis in tendon [27]. Con- 0.075 ( (
versely, in active young female athletes physio-
logical high concentration of estrogen may Control

FSR (% h-1)
0.050 OC
enhance the risk of injuries since a high level of
estrogen seems to reduce the responsiveness to
mechanical loading in collagen synthesis [49, 66] 0.025
and is coupled to enhanced joint laxity [6]. The
latter may be coupled to a greater risk of tendon
and ligament injuries [5]. 0.000
Rest Exercise Rest Exercise

Fig. 13.4 Patellar tendon collagen fractional synthesis

Influence of Oral Contraceptives rates (FSR) at rest and 24 h after exercise in controls and
on Tendon and Ligaments oral contraceptive (OC) users. Values are means  SE.
Controls, women who had never used oral contraceptives
Worldwide more than 100 million who were tested in the follicular phase; OC, OC users.
**P < 0.01, (*) P ¼ 0.13, unpaired t-test, control
premenopausal women are using oral vs. OC
contraceptives (OC) [67]. Nevertheless, knowl-
edge regarding the effect of OC on tendon and
ligaments is sparse. Yet, use of OC in during the menstrual cycle disappears [53],
premenopausal women seems to influence ten- which diminished the enhanced risk of ACL
don and ligaments differently than use of oral injury in the ovulation phase [75]. Likewise, pro-
administration of ERT in elderly women spective data show no periodicity in non-contact
[27, 36]. High endogenous estradiol is associated ACL injury and ankle sprains in OC users in
with high tendon collagen synthesis [27], contrast to non-OC users. However, in the latter
whereas tendon collagen synthesis is lower in trial no overall significant difference in injury
young OC users compared to control [36]. This risk between groups was observed [76]. Actually,
may be related to OC has a marked inhibiting use of OC may have negative impact on tendon
effect on the IGF-I level [26, 36]. Furthermore, in adaptation to regular training and thereby the risk
contrast to endogenous estradiol or ERT, cross- of injury in athletes based on a lower tendon
sectional data suggest that OC use reduces knee collagen synthesis rate (Fig. 13.4) and a reduced
joint laxity in young athletes at ambient temper- responsiveness to mechanical loading [35, 36].
ature [53, 68, 69], but not in all studies [28, 52, Data on the effect of OC on tendon and liga-
70] and not after warming up the leg to 38 ment injury risk is limited. In a 12 month pro-
[53]. If tendon and ligament laxity is reduced in spective study including Swedish female soccer
OC users compared to non-OC users, as in men, players a lower rate of traumatic knee and ankle
it might explain why OC users and men experi- injuries was reported in the group of OC users
ence greater muscle damage and more delayed (13 of 33 women) compared to in non-OC users
muscle soreness after heavy exercise than (29 of 51 women) [77]. Furthermore, in a study
non-OC users [69, 71, 72], since a flexible tendon including 4497 operatively treated ACL cases
reduces the tensile loading on the connected and 8858 age-matched controls with no ACL
muscle-tendon junctions and contractile muscle injury, OC use was linked to a lower relative
filaments during muscle contractions [73]. ACL injury risk [78]. Nevertheless, in the latter
Use of OC inhibits endogenous secretion of study they did not control for sport participation
estradiol and thereby the fluctuations in estrogen which may differ between OC and non OC users.
during the menstrual cycle [74]. In conjunction Furthermore, two studies have reported that OC
with this, the fluctuation in knee joint laxity does not seem to exert any protective effect on
13 Sex Hormones and Tendon 145

ACL injury risk in skiers [7, 79]. Also, a higher testosterone on tendon collagen content and
risk of symptomatic Achilles tendinopathy has thereby tissue stiffness is supported by animal
been reported in OC users [80]. Therefore, addi- findings showing that testosterone increases col-
tional clinical studies are needed to clarify the lagen content in prostate [84, 86] and hip joint
biological and causal association between OC capsule [87], and reduces passive range of
use and injury risk. motion of the patellar tendon and ligament
[88]. Furthermore, in vitro findings have shown
that testosterone administration in high doses to
Influence of Androgen and Relaxin human cultured tenocytes increased tenocytes
on Tendon Structural number and changed the phenotype after short-
and Biomechanical Properties term exposure [89].
Animal data suggest that testosterone may
Knowledge in relation to the effect of androgens indirectly reduce tendon and ligament laxity by
on human tendon and ligament is limited and the downregulating the expression of relaxin
exact role remains elusive. Androgen receptors receptors [88] and thereby the effects of relaxin.
have been localized in human ACL tissue [81], Relaxin is linked to activation of collagenases,
which seems to be a androgen-responsive tissue. increased tendon laxity, enhanced risk of ACL
In women, testosterone, the most abundant injury, but also to improved ligament healing
androgen, fluctuates – although at low [90–92]. Interestingly, in contrast to testosterone,
concentrations - during the menstrual cycle and recent animal data suggest that progesterone and
is enhanced around the ovulation [81]. The level high doses of estrogen administration are cou-
of testosterone is positively correlated with ACL pled to enhanced knee laxity and enhanced
stiffness, whereas estrogen and the estrogen to expression of relaxin receptors [93]. Therefore,
testosterone ratio are negatively correlated to on the top of a likely direct effect of estrogen and
ACL stiffness [81]. Since knee laxity is enhanced androgens on tendon the sex hormones may indi-
around ovulation [50] this suggests that estrogen rectly influence tissue stiffness through changing
seems to have the dominating influence on ten- the responsiveness to relaxin.
don and ligament biomechanical properties in Testosterone may also have a positive influ-
women. Nevertheless, testosterone may have a ence on tendon and ligament adaptation to train-
potential counteracting role. In support of the ing, but the human data are primarily based on
later, animal data indicates that testosterone cross-sectional data comparing men and women
changes estrogen receptor α and β expression in [23]. Tendon synthesis rate in response to exer-
upper site directions [82, 83] and reduces the cise is greater in men than women [23]. In addi-
stimulating effect of estrogen on mammary epi- tion, in elderly men a greater increase in tendon
thelial proliferation [83, 84]. stiffness after 12 weeks of alpine skiing training
In men, the level of testosterone is 7–8 times has been observed compared to in postmeno-
higher in men than women [85] and this is cou- pausal women [94]. The latter should be seen in
pled to a higher tendon synthesis [37], a lower light of circulating estrogen levels is comparable
knee laxity [18], whereas tendon stiffness between elderly men and women, whereas
is higher [17]. It should be noted that the circulating testosterone is still enhanced in the
circulating concentration of estrogen is posi- men [11].
tively correlated to high tendon collagen synthe- Similarly to estrogen, effect of testosterone on
sis rates in women [27]. Therefore, it can be tendon and ligament injury risk is probably
hypothesized that testosterone has a more pro- dependent of the physiological concentration
nounced role on tendon and ligaments in men and balance between unbeneficial effects of
than estrogen in women, but this statement low, but also of high testosterone concentrations
needs to be confirmed. An anabolic effect on induced by administration of androgens.
146 M. Hansen and M. Kjaer

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