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7/8/24, 11:09 PM Ffmpeg: How to resize video to 50% of original size - OneLinerHub


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How to resize video to 50% of original size

ctrl + c

ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -vf 'scale=-1:ih/2' out.mp4

youtube github

-i in.mp4 input video file

-vf apply specific video filters

scale= scale video

-1 width will be automatically calculated based on aspect ratio

ih/2 height is calculated as half of input height ih

out.mp4 resulting video file 1/2
7/8/24, 11:09 PM Ffmpeg: How to resize video to 50% of original size - OneLinerHub

How to resize video to 1080p
How to resize video to 720p
How to resize video to 480p
How to resize video

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How to use filter_complex to apply filters to videos
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