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Leading People

Leading People Response Report


Leading People Problem of Practice Responses

MODULE 1: SCHOOLS WHERE PEOPLE THRIVE / Lesson 1: How Principals Lead with Teachers

/ 1.1.1 Welcome to Module 1

1.1.1 PoP Reflection Table: Identifying your Module 1 PoP

(Employment Lifecycle)
Your Response

Finding talented people is not an easy job for managers because it demands being
vigilant with the provided information and the real capacities of the candidates. The
most challenging part is the interview questions. Most of the time, candidates come
Hiring with typically prepared questions.
Other difficulties:
-Attracting qualified candidates
-Testing candidates' skills and abilities with fairness

The steps of developing a recruitment strategy:

-Budget constraints
Recruiting -Write the job description and job specifications.
-Determine the best recruitment strategies for the position.

Establishing a goal and devising a strategy to get everyone is fundamental for a

team leader.
For me, listening and communicating are the best ways to help my team. The
following should be communicated by teams:
Support and Responsibilities
Teams Reasoning
I would like to have various ideas about team building skills because it is an
important part of my job.

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Employing the Team Development Stages is essential for managers to understand

their development as a team. Understanding why things are happening in your
Development organization in certain ways can be a key step in the self-evaluation process. Each
and Evaluation level of team development has its distinct recognizable sensations and behaviors.
The team can optimize its procedure and productivity by having a strategy to
recognize and comprehend the reasons behind changes in team behaviors.

MODULE 1: SCHOOLS WHERE PEOPLE THRIVE / Lesson 1: How Principals Lead with Teachers

/ 1.1.3 The Teachers’ Role in School Improvement

1.1.3 PoP Reflection: Ensuring your Teachers Have a Voice


Now, think about your own faculty and staff. How can you ensure that your teachers have a voice in
identifying and addressing the school’s problems? List at least three specific strategies.

Your Response

Building connections and trust is the first step in making it possible for educators to share their thoughts
and for administrators to be comfortable delegating authority.
-regularly solicit feedback from all educators (not just at staff meetings or during a yearly survey); Also,
offer options for face-to-face communication.
-To be ready to learn from teachers and trust them
-Don't ignore or discount viewpoints you don't agree with or comprehend, and don't be hesitant to ask
-Provide teachers the support and time they need to be successful both in the classroom and in the
leadership opportunities

Submitted February 18, 2023 at 12:36 PM ET

MODULE 1: SCHOOLS WHERE PEOPLE THRIVE / Lesson 2: Making a Match in Hiring / 1.2.1

Hiring at Wildflower

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1.2.1 PoP Reflection Table: Key Interview Questions

Your Response

Question 1 What grade level do you prefer? Why?

Rationale 1 To understand better candidat's experience and preferences.

Question 2 What frustrates you the most about teaching?

Rationale 2 With this question, we can test how easily the candidate can get discouraged.

MODULE 1: SCHOOLS WHERE PEOPLE THRIVE / Lesson 2: Making a Match in Hiring / 1.2.2

Recruiting Teachers

1.2.2 PoP Reflection: Diversity Goal and Measures


It’s critical to ensure that your recruitment efforts to increase diversity are not only thoughtful, but grounded
by data and goals. Consider your current faculty and staff. What is one goal around diversity that you can
set for your school, and how will you monitor and measure your performance in achieving the goal?
Respond in the space provided below.

Instructor’s Note: A reminder that this exercise is designed to support learners in identifying ways to
increase diversity in candidate pools and reduce risk of implicit bias in personnel decisions. In the United
States, federal and state laws prohibit discrimination against job applicants or employees because of

| Page 4 of 30

protected categories. More information can be found at:

. The legal context will differ in other countries.

Your Response

The teachers are involved in diversity programs from the start. This help to increase buy-in and lead to
smooth implementation. Using social media.
Provide instructors with the resources they need to help you promote the company by encouraging them to
share your job postings with their networks. Both your current and potential employees will feel
appreciated by your organization, which is great for general team morale and engagement.

Submitted February 20, 2023 at 12:43 PM ET

MODULE 1: SCHOOLS WHERE PEOPLE THRIVE / Lesson 2: Making a Match in Hiring / 1.2.4

Creating a High-Quality Candidate Pool

1.2.4 PoP Reflection: Long-term Strategy for Short-notice Vacancies


Inevitably, there will be situations that arise where you’re working with a short timeframe and must quickly
fill a vacancy. Consider your own process: What is your long-term strategy for developing a pool of
candidates you can recruit to fill vacancies on short notice?

Your Response

Write a thorough and comprehensive job description that details the jobs:
Main responsibilities
Necessary skills and training
Necessary education
Application process
Establish a monthly budget for your hiring plan.
Submitted February 20, 2023 at 01:12 PM ET

MODULE 1: SCHOOLS WHERE PEOPLE THRIVE / Lesson 2: Making a Match in Hiring / 1.2.4

Creating a High-Quality Candidate Pool

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1.2.4 PoP Reflection Table: Applying Hiring Best Practices

Your Response

Set up a team of recruiters and interviewers to assist with hiring rather than a
Future Hiring single person.

- Identify my needs
-Contacting past employees or past applicants can help me broaden my
Future Recruiting search pool and increase the likelihood
Identify my needs
-Enjoy a successful offboarding.

=cooperating teachers
Mutual Selection the candidate has a clear picture of the school's expectations and duties

My job description will serve as a checklist to help both the recruiter find
suitable applicants and job seekers decide whether or not their qualifications
Developing a High- would position them for success in the position.
Quality Candidate Be sure that candidates who fulfill my requirements don't drop out of the
Pool running because of something as simple as making the application procedure

MODULE 1: SCHOOLS WHERE PEOPLE THRIVE / Lesson 3: Collaboration Among Teachers /

1.3.1 Setting the Stage for Teams

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1.3.1 PoP Reflection Table: Current Team Structure and Goals

Your Response

Head of department
Team Structure Coordinator

-Elaborate with the annual teaching plan

Team Goals -To use effective teaching methods to encourage students
-Discuss the program and other issues needed

The head of the department fully supports the new

Would a new hire at your school feel teachers by providing feedback about lessons. The
supported by your current team coordinator is here to support them when needed.
structure? Why or why not? This support is encouraging a new teacher to collaborate
and ask questions.

MODULE 1: SCHOOLS WHERE PEOPLE THRIVE / Lesson 3: Collaboration Among Teachers /

1.3.2 Addressing Frequent Impediments to Effective Teams

1.3.2 PoP Reflection Table: Teacher Team Support Strategies

Your Response

-Encourage teamwork in the process of planning lessons

Existing -discuss about challenges one a week with HOD and find solutions together
Strategies -Pear observations between teachers and HOD

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-google doc
New Strategies -have commun time to plan lessons in order to create the collaboration and
teamwork mood and facilitate the commun job.

MODULE 1: SCHOOLS WHERE PEOPLE THRIVE / Lesson 4: Developing and Evaluating

Individual Teachers’ Instruction / 1.4.1 Developing and Evaluating Teachers’ Instruction:

Hurston K-8 School

1.4.1 PoP Reflection Table: Improving the Evaluation Process


What specific actions can you and your team take to improve your evaluation process?

Your Response

Observation lessons by other subject teachers

Constrictive written feedback after each observation
Self evaluation system
Student surveys, and measures of student achievement;

Submitted February 20, 2023 at 03:03 PM ET

MODULE 1: SCHOOLS WHERE PEOPLE THRIVE / Lesson 4: Developing and Evaluating

Individual Teachers’ Instruction / 1.4.2 Keeping Accountability a Priority

1.4.2 PoP Reflection: Removing a Team Member


How might you determine when to actually remove someone from your team? What steps would you take
before, during, and after the process?

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Your Response

Parents complains, low students progress show the beginning of the problem. First step is observation
lessons by coordinator, DP and Principal. I would provide the teacher with constructive feedback. After
provided feedbacks I will observe many times to be sure that the teacher understand the importance of this
In case of no reaction from teacher's side I would dismiss her and explain reasons without giving any

Submitted February 20, 2023 at 03:16 PM ET

MODULE 1: SCHOOLS WHERE PEOPLE THRIVE / Lesson 4: Developing and Evaluating

Individual Teachers’ Instruction / 1.4.2 Keeping Accountability a Priority

1.4.2 PoP Poll: Experience With a Teacher Who Wasn't a Good Fit

Have you ever had a teacher who wasn’t a good fit for the role or your school?



Reflection Question

If so, how did you handle it? If not, how would you handle it?
What are your best ideas to address the challenge and permit the employee to keep their dignity? Please
refrain from putting any identifiable information in your answer.

Reflection Response

Firstly I would provide my feedback for many times in order to let the teacher know how important is this
case for me as a Principal.

Submitted February 20, 2023 at 03:26 PM ET

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Yes: 75 %
No: 25 %

MODULE 2: LEADERS AS ARCHITECTS / Lesson 1: Leader as Architect / 2.1.1 Welcome to

Module 2

2.1.1 PoP Reflection Table: Identifying your Module 2 PoP (Significant

Your Response

What is the problem you will A large amount of homework and pressure
focus on?

What are the changes you think Cooperation between subject teachers, and regular discussions
need to be made? with students.

Who will be on your team to help

you make these changes? Name The school coordinator and the subject leaders
their position at the school.

A successful school is a school with motivated students. Teachers

Will your team agree with your assign homework to their students to increase their knowledge of
change or will you anticipate a subject and instill good studying habits. If it doesn't work it is
pushback? time to make changes.

MODULE 2: LEADERS AS ARCHITECTS / Lesson 1: Leader as Architect / 2.1.4 Decision-Making


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2.1.4 PoP Poll: Applying the Decision-making Model to Ryan’s


Now you will have an opportunity to apply the decision-making model to Ryan’s situation in setting the
three priorities. What does the decision-making tool indicate about how he should include others in the
decision? To answer this question, we recommend you use the downloaded copy of the decision-making
model and walk through the questions.

What decision-making process does the model indicate Ryan could have used?



Reflection Question

Which question in the decision-making tool did you find most difficult to answer? Why?

Reflection Response

Do you have enough information to decide on your own?

I think that Ryan is determined that knows the school problems but after he might change this idea.

Submitted February 26, 2023 at 02:18 PM ET


Joint: 34 %
Consultation: 27 %
Autonomous: 25 %
Delegated: 14 %

MODULE 2: LEADERS AS ARCHITECTS / Lesson 1: Leader as Architect / 2.1.4 Decision-Making


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2.1.4 PoP Reflection Table: Identifying the Best Decision-Making

Your Response

Which decision-making process

does the model indicate you Consultation
should use?

Each institution has its own specific nuances that we, as a leader,
cannot foresee and know. For this reason, we must involve other
Do you agree? Why or why not? colleagues in the cause and cooperate in the name of the
common interests of the school.

What have you learned about

how to decide whether to include Cooperation is the most successful way to achieve goals.
others in the decision- making

MODULE 2: LEADERS AS ARCHITECTS / Lesson 2: Distributing Leadership / 2.2.2 Cultivating


2.2.2 PoP Reflection: Applying the Authority Matrix to Your Team


For your Problem of Practice, you identified a team to help you implement a change to solve the problem
you identified. Using the Authority Matrix: Four Levels of Team Self-Management tool, decide how you will

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distribute leadership for this team. Do you think this team will be manager-led, self-managing, self-
designing, or self-governing? Explain why.

Your Response

Self-Management team
I assume that this will increase job satisfaction and value may increase.
I eventually include additional viewpoints, perspectives, and ideas as each member assumes their
position with a deeper sense of ownership and engagement. It is significantly simpler to adopt innovative
new ideas since self-management promotes greater agility rather than smothering them beneath approval
requirements. Self-management can therefore lead to more original issue-solving, a diversity of ideas, and
improved responsiveness.

Submitted February 27, 2023 at 03:32 AM ET

MODULE 2: LEADERS AS ARCHITECTS / Lesson 2: Distributing Leadership / 2.2.3 Allowing

Others to Do Their Work

2.2.2 PoP Reflection: Effective Delegation and Your "Backpack"


Thinking of your Problem of Practice, how can you make sure that other people’s work stays in their
backpacks and does not jump over into your backpack?

Your Response

First, he must correctly assign the role to each member of the team. Team leaders play a special role in this
group. It is with them that regular meetings will be organized in order to keep the whole process under
control. A clear action plan is developed together with all participants and approved by the Principal.

Submitted February 27, 2023 at 12:17 PM ET

MODULE 2: LEADERS AS ARCHITECTS / Lesson 2: Distributing Leadership / 2.2.3 Allowing

Others to Do Their Work

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2.2.3 PoP Reflection: Internal Accountability


Consider a team or group you have been a part of in the past where there was a level of internal
accountability. Describe the team and the factors that cultivated the internal accountability.

Your Response

When compared to accountability, responsibility is something that is provided to an individual; this

includes things like a job title, a list of responsibilities, and even something as basic as arriving at work on
time. From other side the comprehensive and motivating manager was supportive and as a middle leader
we can share our suggestions with him.

Submitted February 27, 2023 at 01:12 PM ET

MODULE 2: LEADERS AS ARCHITECTS / Lesson 3: Creating an Environment for Collaboration /

2.3.1 An Incident at City

2.3.1 PoP Reflection: Considerations for Ryan Creating ABIDE at City


Creating an environment for input and collaboration is Ryan’s go-to strategy. What will Ryan need to
consider as he creates ABIDE—Acceptance, Belonging, Inclusion, Diversity, Equity—to implement these
goals at City?

Your Response

Firstly he should think about ABIDE's role regarding students and staff members and parents. Ryan is
supposed to define the role and clear responsibilities of each member. In school, there are full-time
teachers so he should divide time and obligations correctly to avoid any conflict situations. It is important to
create a clear timetable with space for meetings.

Submitted February 27, 2023 at 01:45 PM ET

MODULE 2: LEADERS AS ARCHITECTS / Lesson 3: Creating an Environment for Collaboration /

2.3.2 Identifying the Right People

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2.3.2 PoP Reflection: Framing your PoP to Promote Collaboration


How can you frame your Problem of Practice so you get your team to work collaboratively towards a
positive outcome?

Your Response

Understanding and cooperation largely depend on empathy. Work in small group with Heads of
departments will effectively impact on student's outcomes and their achievement. Each member should
feel as a part of the team in order to collaborate for the common aim.

Submitted February 27, 2023 at 02:35 PM ET

MODULE 2: LEADERS AS ARCHITECTS / Lesson 3: Creating an Environment for Collaboration /

2.3.3 Setting Direction

2.3.3 PoP Reflection: Two Ways to Improve Team Effectiveness


Consider the team you will work with on your Problem of Practice. Thinking back on the practices
described on this page—setting goals, norms, and agendas—describe two specific things you can do to
make your team work more effectively.

Your Response

Giving group members ownership only entails empowering them to take charge of their actions and
holding them responsible for the results of those actions.
For team members to understand their work responsibilities, interaction is important. Also, any
communication problems might cause several misunderstandings inside a team, which unquestionably
affects the team's total productivity.
The level of friendship among the team members has a significant impact on the team's productivity. The
office atmosphere improves if the team members get along and are aware of each other's talents and flaws.

Submitted February 28, 2023 at 04:04 AM ET

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MODULE 2: LEADERS AS ARCHITECTS / Lesson 3: Creating an Environment for Collaboration /

2.3.4 Cultivating Collaboration at City

2.3.4 PoP Reflection Table: Strategies to Empower Teachers to be

Agents of Change
Your Response

Strategy In order to support teacher leadership, experienced teachers act as facilitators.


Provide teachers the flexibility to finish the curriculum. The ability to pace their own
Strategy teaching-learning processes to fit a more comprehensive curriculum and to make the time
2 and space necessary for meaningful and empowering dialogic activities with the girls is
made possible by this, as well as by trusting teachers and promoting teacher autonomy.

Strategy The aim of teacher leadership and growth activities must move beyond simple pedagogical
3 techniques or corrective actions.


Organization with Your People / 3.1.1 Welcome to Module 3

3.1.1 PoP Reflection: Review your Module 2 PoP (Significant Change)


Your Problem of Practice for Module 3 also requires making a significant change at your school.

Take a look at your Problem of Practice from Module 2. Using the space below, update or change it to
ensure that:

1. The problem of practice requires making a significant change at your school.

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2. It requires a team to successfully implement that change. Who will be on your team? Name their
position at the school.

Your Response

Create a delegation of students to diversify school life and allow students to develop their leadership
qualities. For a big school, such as ours, this is an excellent initiative to cooperate between students and
school and teachers. The Deputy Principal will lead Student Council the Team.

Submitted March 03, 2023 at 12:33 PM ET


Organization with Your People / 3.1.4 Changing Mindsets

3.1.4 PoP Reflection: Reframing your PoP


How would it benefit from reframing? Remember that reframing is using words and actions that change the
shape of others’ frames and ways of seeing an issue.

Your Response

-We stop seeing only obstacles

-We’ll get hung up more about the solution of the problem rather than the problem itself
-We change our vision

Submitted March 03, 2023 at 02:37 PM ET

MODULE 3: SCHOOLS AS LEARNING ORGANIZATIONS / Lesson 2: Establishing a Learning

Framework / 3.2.1 A Learning Frame at Popp’s Ferry

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3.2.1 PoP Reflection: Reframing your PoP into a Learning Frame

Your Response

Enrollment: How will you communicate to I would write an email thank you to the whole involved
your people why they are being selected to team members for their great job and their motivation.
work on this problem?

I would read the instructions, and look at what they

Preparation: How will you prepare your The role of leaders
people to work together as a team, while at Establish team rules
the same time having them explore new The foundation of effective teamwork is effective
ideas and solutions? communication. The members of great teams like
exchanging ideas, brainstorming together, soliciting
input, and being refuted.

Structured Interviews
Trial: How will you do the actual work and QUESTIONNAIRES
collect data on its effectiveness? Asking a group of people, often between 6 and 10,
open-ended questions in order to receive feedback.

Reflection: When you’ve completed the

work, how will you learn what worked and From team members and parents feedbacks.
what needs adjustment?

MODULE 3: SCHOOLS AS LEARNING ORGANIZATIONS / Lesson 3: Psychological Safety / 3.3.3

Image Risk

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3.3.3 PoP Reflection: Image Risk and your School's Culture of


How does image risk impact your school’s culture of collaboration?

Your Response

This is a very serious and common problem in our school. Fear of not being heard and judged are the
main reasons.

Submitted March 04, 2023 at 02:02 PM ET

MODULE 3: SCHOOLS AS LEARNING ORGANIZATIONS / Lesson 3: Psychological Safety / 3.3.4

Leadership Behaviors that Cultivate Psychological Safety

3.3.4 PoP Reflection: Psychological Safety


Having completed the lesson on psychological safety, consider how you might cultivate psychological
safety for your team.

How might psychological safety improve your team’s ability to solve the problem you identified at the start
of Module 3?

Your Response

The spirit and motivation of teachers will rise

They are not silent about problems and offer solutions
High team spirit supported by the Principal

Submitted March 04, 2023 at 02:37 PM ET

MODULE 3: SCHOOLS AS LEARNING ORGANIZATIONS / Lesson 4: Continuous Improvement:

Learning from Failure / 3.4.3 Addressing Common Challenges

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3.4.3 PoP Reflection: Systems in Place to Learn from Failure


Consider your own school. Do you have systems in place to learn from failure? Describe those systems
and how you cultivate honesty and engagement in the process.

Your Response

By keeping lines of communication open, we can cultivate more real and fruitful connections with our
coworkers. By being clear about my boundaries, we are also leading by example and promoting ongoing
dialogue about them, which may reduce the likelihood of exhaustion, misunderstandings, and resentment.

Submitted March 05, 2023 at 03:47 PM ET

MODULE 3: SCHOOLS AS LEARNING ORGANIZATIONS / Lesson 4: Continuous Improvement:

Learning from Failure / 3.4.4 The Process Knowledge Spectrum

3.4.4 PoP Reflection Table: Routine and Complex Operations

Your Response

Regular support lessons for lagging students

CPD sessions for teachers
Routine Operations Regular meetings
Parents/teachers meetings

Analysis of the progress of students in all subjects

Complex Operations Admission process
Hiring teachers

MODULE 3: SCHOOLS AS LEARNING ORGANIZATIONS / Lesson 4: Continuous Improvement:

Learning from Failure / 3.4.5 Learning from Failure

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3.4.5 PoP Reflection: Meeting Outcomes--Better Teaching and


Dr. Healy believes that the most important outcome of his surgery department’s M&M meetings is better
patient care.

Thinking about your Problem of Practice, what can you do to ensure that the outcome of your meetings
leads to better teaching and learning?

Your Response

Information exchange
discover something
Fix a problem
Make choices.
Create community
Goal-setting, assessment, and reflection

Submitted March 06, 2023 at 06:38 AM ET

MODULE 3: SCHOOLS AS LEARNING ORGANIZATIONS / Lesson 5: Execution-as-Learning /

3.5.1 Execution-as-Learning at Popp’s Ferry

3.5.1 PoP Reflection Table: Solutions-Oriented Approaches (Execution-

Your Response

Diagnose: Assess the situation Analyse the possible reasons of student’s low achievement

Design: Develop specific plans for Meeting with teachers in order to develop a real vision of
action situation.CPD sessions for teachers

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Act: Treat the experience as an Regular peer observations and constructive feedback from
experiment others (principal,DP…)

Reflection: Evaluate the results. Teachers motivation and students academic

What should change? achievement.They perform better.

MODULE 4: FOCUS ON YOUR MESSAGE / Lesson 1: The Power of Changing Beliefs and

Mindsets / 4.1.1 Welcome to Module 4

4.1.1 PoP Reflection: Identifying your Module 4 PoP (Challenging


As a school leader, you communicate the vision, goals, and strategy of your organization—both through
the course of regular business and when external factors do their best to thwart your efforts.

Choose a Problem of Practice for this module that is a challenging situation you’re currently facing or
anticipate facing in the future. It should:

• Involve multiple stakeholders

• Require you and your team to strategize
• Demand external and internal communication
• Involve refocusing on goals

Your Response

-a switch from scheduled maintenance to initiatives that support school improvement and explicitly focus
on increasing accomplishment standards
-a better balance between understanding what the system expects of individual leaders and what working
professionals expect of themselves and their colleagues. It is suggested that professional collectives and
alliances made up of groups of principals work best to strike this balance by developing and implementing
their own professional development plans.

Submitted March 09, 2023 at 12:42 AM ET

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MODULE 4: FOCUS ON YOUR MESSAGE / Lesson 1: The Power of Changing Beliefs and

Mindsets / 4.1.2 Frost’s Vision for Excellence

4.1.2 PoP Reflection Table: Your Aspirational Goal or Vision

Your Response

Stretch objectives can inspire individuals and teams to aspire higher

What is your aspirational and push themselves beyond their comfort zones, which increases
goal or vision? motivation and engagement. Increased commitment, ownership, and
engagement with the work or project may result from this.

What are small and large

examples of different High academic results of students
constituents achieving this

MODULE 4: FOCUS ON YOUR MESSAGE / Lesson 1: The Power of Changing Beliefs and

Mindsets / 4.1.4 Fostering Understanding and Conviction

4.1.4 PoP Reflection Table: Obstacles Facing your Goal's Message

Your Response

Resistance to change, fear of failure, and lack

What are your obstacles? of focus.

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Every new project brought about some change

and pushes us to stretch ourselves.
How will you remove those obstacles to foster I would try to set goals and explain why we
understanding and conviction in your message? need them and what to do for achieving the

MODULE 4: FOCUS ON YOUR MESSAGE / Lesson 2: Engaging Others in Your Vision / 4.2.2

Using Others to Communicate Your Vision

4.2.2 PoP Reflection Table: Connecting Stakeholders with your Goal or

Your Response

Strategy Create an atmosphere where everyone feels appreciated and respected.


Strategy Weekly updates on the situation should be provided, potentially with student quotes.

The well-being of teachers, students, their families, and other members of the general
Strategy school community is something that trusted and respected principals "personally involve
3 themselves in."

MODULE 4: FOCUS ON YOUR MESSAGE / Lesson 2: Engaging Others in Your Vision / 4.2.3 Role


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4.2.3 PoP Reflection Table: Potential Role Models

Your Response

Teachers can teach students about important life values such as

Within your school community, hard work, determination, and responsibility,share their
who can act as role models? experience…

-Give them opportunities to provide CPD sessions for other

How will you give these potential -Lead some school projects in collaboration with students and
role models an opportunity to parents
lead? Make
-Involving students in extracurricular activities and lead these
small groups

MODULE 4: FOCUS ON YOUR MESSAGE / Lesson 2: Engaging Others in Your Vision / 4.2.4 The

Four Elements of Mindset and Behavior Shifts

4.2.4 PoP Reflection Table: Joey's Each Trust One Program Takeaways
Your Response


1. The most trusted teachers share their

experience with other teachers

2. Each student has a one trusted adult in


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MODULE 4: FOCUS ON YOUR MESSAGE / Lesson 2: Engaging Others in Your Vision / 4.2.4 The

Four Elements of Mindset and Behavior Shifts

4.2.4 PoP Reflection Table: Completing the 4 Elements Framework

(Mindset and Behavior Shifts)
Your Response

Developing Talent and Skills Reinforcing with Formal Mechanisms

Salary increase
Set clearly goals and deadlines Thank you letter for teachers from Principal
Meetings to discuss the problems and find solutions Regularly emails with instructions and
together. reminders

MODULE 4: FOCUS ON YOUR MESSAGE / Lesson 3: Communication in Schools / 4.3.1 Robert

Frost Middle School Experiences a Crisis

4.3.1 PoP Reflection Table: A Crisis Scenario

Your Response

Allergic reaction at the school canteen

Describe the crisis scenario. Symptoms: vomiting and stomach pain, swollen lips

Describe the team you would The school nurse, the school psychologist, and the school
need. administrator.

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Call the parents,

Where and when the reaction took place
Describe your initial steps. How much medicine was given
By whom?

MODULE 4: FOCUS ON YOUR MESSAGE / Lesson 3: Communication in Schools / 4.3.2 Crisis


4.3.2 PoP Reflection Table: Your SOCO

Your Response

Key Message: In one brief paragraph, state the key point or Inform parents about how
objective in doing an interview or media event. This statement and where the incident
should reflect what you would like to see as the lead paragraph in a occurred.
story or news report.

School is ready for all

Key Facts: What are the three facts or statistics you want the public unforeseen situations
to remember as a result of reading or hearing about this story? Everything is under control
Staff react professionally

Target Audience: Who is the main audience or population segment All parents
you would like this message to reach? Note both primary and Students
secondary target audiences.

The school was not

Interview Objective: What is the one message the audience needs informed about the food
to take away from this report/interview? This is your SOCO. allergies of students.

| Page 27 of 30

Primary Media Contact: Who in your office/organization will serve School coordinator and the
as the primary point of contact for the media? nurse.

MODULE 4: FOCUS ON YOUR MESSAGE / Lesson 4: Taking Care of Your People and Yourself /

4.4.1 Taking Care of Your People and Yourself

4.4.1 PoP List: Taking Care of your Team

Your Response


1. send a formal letter of thanks

2. Letters of recommendation

3. Salary raised

MODULE 4: FOCUS ON YOUR MESSAGE / Lesson 4: Taking Care of Your People and Yourself /

4.4.1 Taking Care of Your People and Yourself

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4.4.1 PoP List: Taking Care of your Team (Private)

Your Response


1. Take their feedback for decision making

2. Give them day off to thank you

MODULE 4: FOCUS ON YOUR MESSAGE / Lesson 4: Taking Care of Your People and Yourself /

4.4.1 Taking Care of Your People and Yourself

4.4.1 PoP List: Taking Care of Yourself

Your Response


1. Don’t think about school at home

2. Take care myself

3. Try to be concentrated on positive things at

school and in personal life

MODULE 4: FOCUS ON YOUR MESSAGE / Lesson 4: Taking Care of Your People and Yourself /

4.4.1 Taking Care of Your People and Yourself

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4.4.1 PoP List: Taking Care of Yourself (Private)

Your Response


1. To have more time to plan all


2. Try to stay positive at work

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