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Raiders of the Sulu Sea

External Criticism

Raiders of the Sulu Sea, a documentary film by Icelle Gloria D. Borja, was a valuable resource
for understanding Zamboanga's rich history and culture. The film, directed by Idzwan Othman,
was a secondary source, not produced at the time of the events, but containing material from
historical books and textbooks. The narrative, though somewhat ambiguous due to the
narrator's accent, was descriptive and enlightening, and was intended for audiences fluent in
the English language. Borja, the chancellor of the Mindanao Association of Museums, was a
prominent Filipina painter and sculptor, and her films include "Mirrors of Our Past: The
Liberation of Zamboanga and Our Heroes Part 1 and Part 2, Trees and Tell, Dia de
Zamboanga, Flores de Mayo, A Great Malayan.”

Internal Criticism

The film aims to educate and enlighten about the raiding of Filipinos by fellow Filipinos, arguing
that the true purpose of these raiders was to fight for their rights and protect Islam's colony. It
challenges the idea that invaders were "foreign people" and highlights the feeling of
hopelessness among Muslims after the bombing of Balangingl. The film also explores the lives
and activities of raiders through archaeological excavations in Butuan.

A Legacy of Heroes:The Story of Bataan and Corregidor

External Criticism

For the documentary film A Legacy of Heroes: The Story of Bataan and Corregidor, the
Department of National Defense of the Philippines and the Philippines Veterans Affairs Office
worked together. Since these are Philippine government offices, they are regarded as genuine
and authentic. This is a secondary source since it was not produced within the allotted time
frame. Since the medium used for narrating is English, it is not ideal for those who are unable to
understand it to watch. I would assume that the documentary is not blased in terms of narration,
and each character has a flaw in the plot and the chain of events is well structured and

Internal criticisms

The film provides a comprehensive account of the events following the collapse of Bataan and
Corregidor, detailing the physical torture and suffering endured by Filipinos and Americans
during the Japanese Empire's rule. It interviews firsthand witnesses and highlights the
authenticity of the events. The film aims to remind Filipinos of their heroism and patriotism,
highlighting the importance of this significant event in Philippine history.

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