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The Architect’s Guide to Reducing

Embodied Carbon through Life
Cycle Assessment
Strategies, Indicators and Circular
Economy Impacts
2 The Architect’s Guide to Reducing Embodied Carbon through Life Cycle Assessment

With the growing consciousness about

the environmental impact of the built
environment, there is an emerging
focus on Reducing Embodied Carbon
(REC). This serves as a crucial strategy
for architects aiming for sustainable
designs. In our quest to move towards
a more sustainable and circular
economy, understanding the life cycle
of architectural projects is now more
critical than ever. In this first section of
our eBook, let’s dive in to understand the
concept of Circularity Criteria and how
these contribute to an effective life cycle

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3 The Architect’s Guide to Reducing Embodied Carbon through Life Cycle Assessment

Understanding Circularity
Circularity Criteria, simply put, is a set of • Material Level: This level focuses on
guidelines or standards that attempts to the choice of materials. Sustainable By understanding and abiding by these
transform our linear economy (take-make- and recyclable materials should be the Circularity Criteria (Levels), architects
waste) into a circular one where waste is architect’s first choice. are able to add immense value to their
minimized and resources are continually re- projects while significantly contributing to
used. As an architect, it’s crucial that your • Product Level: Here, the strategy
a more circular economy. In the following
designs reflect these standards to align revolves around the design of
sections, we will explore how these
with sustainable practices. architectural components and how
criteria interact with the implementation
they can be efficiently assembled and
of RCE life cycle analysis and strategies
The criteria is built on three main levels: disassembled for reuse.
for reducing embodied carbon.
Material Level, Product Level, and System • System Level: This level emphasizes
Level, each representing a stage in the integrating all components into a
life cycle of an architecture project. They circular system, considering both
provide a holistic approach for architects the architectural project and the Source: Building Circularity Assessment in the Architecture,
to incorporate circularity in their designs, surrounding environment. Engineering, and Construction Industry - Information Systems
thereby Reducing Embodied Carbon (REC). in the Built Environment, Eindhoven University of Technology.

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4 The Architect’s Guide to Reducing Embodied Carbon through Life Cycle Assessment

The Importance of Reducing Digging Deeper into Reducing influence the amount of embodied carbon
Embodied Carbon in a building. For instance, overdesigning
Embodied Carbon Understanding the sources of embodied can lead to unnecessary material usage
carbon is the first step in reducing it. and subsequently, higher embodied
The sustainability of the architectural This begins with understanding the life carbon emissions.
sector is dependent not only on the cycle of building materials. Much of the
operational carbon emissions, but also on carbon emission is a product of energy- Lastly, the end-of-life stage of a material
the embodied carbon emissions associated intensive manufacturing processes. These adds another layer of complexity. When
with the manufacturing, transportation, include the significant emissions from a building is demolished, its materials
construction, and disposal of building extracting raw materials and converting often end up in a landfill, where they
materials. Reducing Embodied Carbon them into construction products. However, break down and generate emissions.
(REC) is a revolutionary approach to transportation and construction stages By considering the reuse or recycling of
making architecture more sustainable. But also contribute to a building’s embodied materials at the design stage, architects
why is it so important? carbon. can significantly reduce the embodied
carbon emissions associated with the
Embodied carbon refers to the greenhouse Apart from the manufacturing process, end-of-life stage of a building.
gas emissions that are generated the design choices architects make also
throughout the lifecycle of a building
material, from extraction, to manufacture,
to disposal. Because of how heavily the Source:
construction industry relies on carbon-
intensive materials like steel and concrete,
REC has become a significant part of any
building’s carbon footprint.

Consider this: even if you could design

a building to generate zero operational
emissions, it would still contribute a
significant amount of carbon to the
atmosphere due to the embodied carbon
of its construction materials. Therefore,
reducing embodied carbon in architecture
is crucial to achieving true carbon-neutral

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5 The Architect’s Guide to Reducing Embodied Carbon through Life Cycle Assessment

Case for Reducing Embodied Carbon

In the face of the ongoing climate crisis,

reducing embodied carbon isn’t just an
environmental imperative—it’s a financial
one as well. Regulations for carbon
emissions are growing stricter, and
architecture firms that fail to adapt risk
facing regulatory penalties.

Further, as clients and the public become

more informed about the environmental
impact of buildings, there is growing
demand for carbon-efficient designs. By
focusing on reducing embodied carbon,
architects can stand out in the market by
offering genuinely sustainable designs.

Reducing embodied carbon also presents

an opportunity to innovate and discover
new ways of doing things. For example,
exploring alternative, low-carbon materials
and construction methods can help in
creating a building that’s not just eco-
friendly, but also unique and aesthetically

So, as you can see, the drive towards

Reducing Embodied Carbon is not just
about protecting our planet, it’s also about
driving forward an industry and adapting
to the architectural needs of the future.
Source: MDPI

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What is Life Cycle So, why is this crucial to you as an

Assessment and Why is
it Crucial for Architects? • Environmental Accountability: Architects
play a pivotal role in the building
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a systematic industry, a sector which contributes
approach that evaluates the environmental significantly to global carbon emissions.
aspects and potential impact associated Having a thorough understanding of
with a product, service or process. It does LCA allows you to take accountability
so by analyzing the entire lifecycle from by designing structures that create less
raw material extraction through materials environmental impact.
processing, manufacturing, distribution,
usage, repair, maintenance, and disposal • Compliance and Recognition:
or recycling. Often referred to as a Legislation is evolving to recognize the
“cradle-to-grave” approach, LCA gives a importance of sustainable building
comprehensive view of the environmental practices. Utilizing LCA can aid in
impacts resulting from all stages of a achieving certifications such as LEED
product’s life cycle. and BREEAM, which offers greater
recognition and approval for your

• Client Appeal: Clients are increasingly

demanding eco-friendly buildings.
Being equipped with knowledge of LCA
allows architects to meet this demand
with accurate, quantifiable information
about the environmental impact of their
Note: As architects, understanding
LCA is just one tool in your sustainable • Sustainable Materials: LCA helps in
design toolkit. Remember that producing the mindful selection and usage of
environmentally friendly designs will take construction materials, catering to the
a combination of many strategies, tools, designing of a structure with a lower
and approaches. carbon footprint.

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7 The Architect’s Guide to Reducing Embodied Carbon through Life Cycle Assessment

Mastering the LCA:

Getting Started
Starting with LCA may initially seem
complex, but breaking it down into stages
can simplify the process. The crucial stages

1. Goal and Scope Definition - Identify and

define the purpose of the LCA.

2. Inventory Analysis - Catalog all relevant

inputs and outputs of the system.

3. Impact Assessment - Evaluate potential

environmental effects of the collected

4. Interpretation - Evaluate, summarize, and

communicate the results.

By using LCA as a guide, you can pave the

path for sustainable architecture, bringing
about a positive change in the world while
achieving great strides in your architectural
Source: Browning Day

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8 The Architect’s Guide to Reducing Embodied Carbon through Life Cycle Assessment

Circular Economy and its

Impacts on Carbon Reduction:
A Comprehensive Overview
Every journey starts with a single step, How does a Circular Economy Impact
and in our quest to reduce embodied Carbon Reduction? Let’s illustrate this with an example.
carbon (REC), the Circular Economy
plays a frontline role. By rethinking our Let’s dive into some aspects of how the Consider an office building. Under the
approaches, adopting conscientious Circular Economy helps bring REC into traditional linear model, resources are
practices, and reshaping the way we use practice: extracted, a building is constructed,
resources, the Circular Economy empowers
used for several years, then demolished,
us to mitigate the environmental impacts Resource Efficiency: By optimizing the use and new materials are extracted for
of our activities effectively. of resources, architects can significantly a new building. But, if the building’s
minimize waste production, leading to a design takes into account the
At its core, the Circular Economy promotes substantial reduction in the embodied principles of the Circular Economy, the
the reduction of waste and the continuous carbon of the buildings. components of the old building could
use of resources. It strives to shift away
be reused or refurbished in the new one,
from the traditional linear model of Material Reutilization and Waste reducing the need for new materials and
“take-make-waste”, and move towards Minimization: Adopting design strategies thus, the carbon footprint.
an innovative approach where resources that promote reusability and recyclability
are not depleted but repeatedly used, of materials is another effective way to
repaired, and recycled. aim for zero waste, ultimately reducing the
embodied carbon.
But why does this matter to architects?
As architects and designers, it is our
Longevity: An essential aspect of circular shared duty to fulfill the potential of
Architecture has an undeniable impact on construction is designing buildings for REC in the architectural sector and
our environment. Therefore, it is crucial for longevity. This not only reduces the need help pave the way for a circular future,
architects to understand the principles of for new construction but also lessens a future where buildings and cities are
the Circular Economy and how they can the carbon footprint as there will be less carbon-neutral. Let’s work together to
design and build in a way that reduces demand for new raw materials, reducing build healthy, resilient societies, with the
embodied carbon. This not only results in emissions. Circular Economy leading the way.
environmentally friendly buildings, but can
also save costs and increase a building’s

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9 The Architect’s Guide to Reducing Embodied Carbon through Life Cycle Assessment

Exploring RCE Life Cycle

Analysis: Techniques and

When we talk about Reducing Embodied Now, let’s explore the primary techniques essentially everything that keeps the
Carbon (RCE), we refer to the systematic involved in RCE life cycle analysis and their building functional and comfortable for
effort to lessen the carbon output created subsequent benefits: its inhabitants.
during the production of raw materials
and the construction process. A key tool 1. Materials Assessment: This involves 4. End-of-Life Assessment: The final
in any architect’s sustainable design a comprehensive investigation of the stage concerns the building’s eventual
arsenal for achieving this is Life Cycle carbon footprints of different building demise, a phase often ignored in
Assessment (LCA), especially when it’s materials. Architects consider the traditional architectural practices but
applied with a focus on RCE. This provides energy required to produce these essential for a comprehensive RCE life
a comprehensive overview of the potential materials, transport them to the site, cycle analysis. It includes the carbon
environmental impacts associated with all sustain them during the building’s produced during demolition and the
the stages of a product’s life, from sourcing lifetime, and decompose them post- process of either disposing or recycling
to disposal, also known as the ‘cradle to use. the resulting materials.
grave’ approach. 2. Process Analysis: A thorough process
analysis evaluates all construction
Using LCA analysis in the context of activities for their carbon output. It
RCE helps architects understand and includes everything from the energy
tally the ‘carbon cost’ of their projects – consumption of construction machinery
everything from the energy consumed by to the fuel used by workers commuting
manufacturing processes, to the impacts to the site. The beauty of these techniques
of transportation and eventual waste. lies in their detail and
By understanding this cumulative effect, 3. Operation and Maintenance Evaluation: comprehensiveness. They allow
it is possible to make intelligent design This calculation assesses the carbon architects to consider aspects
decisions that lessen the overall carbon produced during the life of the building. of building design that may have
footprint. It includes heating, cooling, lighting - otherwise been neglected.

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10 The Architect’s Guide to Reducing Embodied Carbon through Life Cycle Assessment

Furthermore, the benefits are plentiful and In essence, integrating RCE life cycle as-
accumulate over time: sessment into architectural processes not
only makes economic sense but also ensu-
• Better Decision Making: Understanding
res a sustainable future. Remember, every
the carbon impact of materials and
decision counts when it’s about preserving
processes empowers architects to make
our planet!
better, informed decisions.

• Long Term Cost Efficiency: Although

sustainable materials and practices
might seem more expensive initially, they
often result in long-term cost savings,
mainly through decreased energy and
resource demand.

• Improved Reputation: As the world

becomes more environmentally
conscious, buildings with low embodied
carbon become more appealing to
clients and users, enhancing the
architect’s reputation and market value.

• Preservation of Natural Resources:

By choosing lower-carbon options,
architects are actively contributing to the
preservation of natural resources.

• Legislation Compliance: More and

more jurisdictions are implementing
regulations that mandate an extent of
RCE in new construction. Being versed
in RCE LCA can ensure compliance with
these regulations, avoiding potential
fines and delays.

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11 The Architect’s Guide to Reducing Embodied Carbon through Life Cycle Assessment

Improving Strategies: gas emissions. Therefore, its reduction is Design for Disassembly (DfD)
crucial in our quest to decarbonize the built
Architectural Approaches to environment. DfD is a design strategy that considers
Reducing Embodied Carbon the future adaptation or dismantling of
Consideration of Materials a building. This approach prolongs a
building’s life cycle and facilitates building
As an architect, your role in reducing Everything begins with the material
components’ reuse, hence lowering the
embodied carbon cannot be overstated. By selection. As an architect, it’s essential
overall embodied carbon.
adopting effective architectural strategies, to understand that every material has
you have the power to drastically decrease its embodied carbon footprint. Prioritize Use of Renewable Energy Sources
the environmental impact of your projects. using low embodied carbon materials
like bamboo, timber, or recycled steel. Diversifying the energy mix of a building
Before we dive into the exploration of
Where possible, reduce material usage by by incorporating renewable energy sources
these strategies, let’s first reiterate why
exploring new architectural designs and like solar, wind, or geothermal energy
this matters in today’s world.
methods that require fewer resources. not only reduces operational carbon but
Why the need to Reduce Embodied can indirectly reduce embodied carbon
Carbon (REC)? Modular Construction within the power sector, making it another
fantastic strategy.
Every action in the construction process Designed off-site then transported for
exhibits an environmental footprint. on-site assembly, modular constructions In conclusion, the strategies to reduce
From the extraction of raw materials, significantly reduce construction embodied carbon are many and varied. The
transportation, and assembly of waste, transport emissions, and energy call here is for architects to lead the charge
building components, there’s always a consumption compared to traditional by transforming the way they approach
consequential carbon footprint. REC is building methods. Plus, they speed up the building design to incorporate these
pertinent in the early stages of a project, construction process, potentially saving strategies. After all, as architects, we shape
contributing hugely to global greenhouse costs. the buildings. Let’s also shape a better, less
carbon-intensive future.

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12 The Architect’s Guide to Reducing Embodied Carbon through Life Cycle Assessment

Key Considerations for

Reducing Embodied Carbon
at Different Stages of the
Life Cycle
As an architect, it’s vital to recognize that equipment powered by renewable Each stage presents different challenges
reducing embodied carbon is a holistic energy instead of fossil fuels helps to and opportunities, but with informed
process—it occurs at distinct phases of reduce the embodied carbon associated decisions and strategic approaches,
a building’s life cycle. Let’s explore some with the construction process. architects can significantly reduce the
strategies for decreasing embodied carbon embodied carbon throughout a building’s
at each stage: • Operation: This stage is predominantly
life cycle. Remember, it’s not just about
about devising means to reduce
the initial construction but the entire life
• Planning and Design: This stage offers operational energy, which in turn
of a building, from its birth to its eventual
the most leeway to influence embodied affects embodied energy significantly.
carbon in a project. Thoughtful design Implementing efficient building systems,
of the building’s form, orientation, utilizing renewable energy, and ensuring
and material palette can significantly regular preventive maintenance can help
reduce energy use and thus embodied to control operational carbon over time.
carbon. For instance, designing compact
forms reduces surface areas and, • End of life: Here, the goal is to minimize
consequently, heat loss and overall waste and maximize material recovery
embodied carbon. Additionally, choosing to extend a product’s functional life.
carbon-sequestering materials or those Reusing, recycling, and adopting Design
with lower embodied energy helps for Disassembly (DfD) guidelines are
curtail carbon emissions. key approaches to lowering embodied
carbon at this stage. Where demolition
• Construction: By opting for lean is inevitable, materials can be recovered
construction methods, like prefabrication for reuse or recycling to keep them in
or off-site construction, you minimize the circular economy and to prevent
on-site wastage, thereby lowering unnecessary embodied carbon from
embodied carbon. Furthermore, using waste disposal.

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13 The Architect’s Guide to Reducing Embodied Carbon through Life Cycle Assessment


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14 The Architect’s Guide to Reducing Embodied Carbon through Life Cycle Assessment

Exploring the Nexus of Cost

and Carbon Reduction in
Architectural Projects
Embodied Carbon reduction undeniably In light of this, it becomes clear that
plays a crucial role in creating a sustainable decisions made to reduce embodied
future, and architects wield a significant carbon can often lead to significant
level of control over this metric within the cost savings over the building’s lifespan.
built environment. However, architects Referred to as “life cycle costing,”
also must navigate the financial this approach considers not only the
realities of construction projects. Thus, initial expenses related to design and
understanding the relationship between construction but also the long-term
cost and embodied carbon reduction is operating, maintenance, and eventual
fundamentally essential for architects to disposal costs. Considering these costs
balance both effectively. from the outset of project planning can
result in substantial reductions of both
cost and carbon.


Materials and technologies Choice of low carbon materials

impacting initial investments and energy-efficient technologies

Maintenance costs over the Enhancement of durability, adaptability

building’s lifecycle by designing for a longer lifespan

Savings from reduced energy Efficient use of resources and application

consumption of renewable energy solutions

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15 The Architect’s Guide to Reducing Embodied Carbon through Life Cycle Assessment

Cost-Effective Strategies for

Reducing Embodied Carbon
Here, we present several strategies honed
to offer the best of both worlds - cost
efficiency and embodied carbon reduction.

• Material Selection: Selection of low

embodied carbon materials can also
provide cost savings, as they often are
resource efficient, requiring fewer raw
materials, and promote longer life spans
or even the potential for reuse.

• Design Optimization: Efficient design

can save substantial costs, especially
when reducing, reusing, and recycling
building components are part of design

• Energy Efficiency: Investing in energy-

efficient designs can lead to savings in
operational costs, providing a return on Adopting a long-term perspective to
investment that offsets any related initial cost and embodied carbon can harness
costs. these principles to achieve a win-
win situation for architects, project
• Asset Recycling: Reusing existing stakeholders, and the environment.
building structures can save on both Remember, a project viewed as costly
construction costs and carbon compared today due to its embodied carbon
to building new. reduction strategies may very well
prove to be a cost-efficient investment
in the long run.

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16 The Architect’s Guide to Reducing Embodied Carbon through Life Cycle Assessment

Closing Thoughts: Embracing

a Sustainable Future with Life
Cycle Assessment and Circular
Adapting our architectural practices to Reducing Embodied Carbon (REC) Implementing the principles of a Circular
incorporate the principles of Life Cycle is central to a project’s sustainability Economy in architecture further boosts
Assessment (LCA) and the circular impact, not just for today, but for future our endeavors to reduce embodied
economy is not merely a trend, but a generations. This shift requires a new carbon. A shift from a linear (“take-make-
necessity. Sustainability isn’t just a approach to the way we plan, design, build, dispose”) model to a circular one can
fashionable buzzword; it’s intrinsic to the and maintain our structures. As architects, drastically enhance resource efficiency and
future of architecture and the livelihood of we are in a unique position to influence minimize environmental impact. A circular
our planet. As architects, the decisions we and drive this change. By being aware of economy approach in architecture means
make now will shape our world for decades the implications of our decisions, and by designing buildings in a way they can be
to come. Therefore, it’s our duty to make employing more sustainable materials deconstructed and recycled, minimizing
informed decisions that reduce embodied and practices, we contribute to the overall waste and continually reusing resources.
carbon and support circularity. societal goal of reducing carbon emissions.
Will it be easy? Probably not. Will it
While this guidance covers a wide range Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), an analytical be worth it? Absolutely. Each step we
of information, it’s not all-encompassing. method used to evaluate and decrease the take towards a more sustainable future
Every building project is unique and will environmental impact of structures over counts, and it’s within our grasp to shape
face its individual challenges. However, their entire life cycle, provides insight that a future where architecture is not just
by understanding the principles of LCA, can significantly help alleviate the carbon visually appealing but also respectful of
the circular economy, and embarking on footprint of our works. Using this data- Mother Earth. We have the knowledge,
the journey towards reducing embodied driven approach gives us a realistic picture tools, and incentive to reduce embodied
carbon (REC), we can begin to design of what the total environmental impact of carbon in our architecture - all we need
and construct buildings that are not our building is, beyond the energy it uses is the commitment. So, architects, let’s
only beautiful but also environmentally or the waste it produces. collectively take the leap.

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Reducing Embodied Carbon

through Life Cycle Assessment:
3 real-world examples

One of the best ways to truly grasp the • Material Sourcing: Sought locally
concept of Reducing Embodied Carbon sourced materials, reducing
(REC) through Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) carbon emissions associated with
is by considering real-world examples. This transportation.
section will highlight three architectural
projects that have successfully integrated • Construction: Applied green
REC principles, giving you tangible construction methods, reducing on-site
evidence of how REC can positively impact emissions.
the architectural industry. • Operational Phase: Designed for
Example 1: Bullitt Center - Seattle, USA net-zero energy usage; incorporated
renewable energy systems, including a
Recognized as one of the greenest 244 kW solar array.
commercial buildings in the world, the
Bullitt Center aimed to have as minimal • Deconstruction: Planned for
an environmental impact as possible. deconstruction from the onset, allowing
Considerations were made at all stages materials to be reused or recycled,
of the LCA, including material sourcing, further reducing embodied carbon.
construction phase, operational phase, and
ultimate deconstruction.

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Source: Bullitt Center
18 The Architect’s Guide to Reducing Embodied Carbon through Life Cycle Assessment

Example 2: Powerhouse Brattørkaia -

Trondheim, Norway
This office building in Norway stands as
a monument to scaled energy-positive
construction. It demonstrates that REC
isn’t just limited to small projects. The
building generates more energy than it
consumes, making it a standout case for
reducing embodied carbon.

• Material Sourcing: Considered materials

in terms of their sources and embodied
carbon contents. The structure primarily
uses low carbon concrete.

• Construction: Waste was sorted and

recycled on site to minimize CO2-
intensive transportation.

• Operational Phase: It’s covered in solar

panels that supply the grid with extra
energy. The building’s energy use is also
minimized through effective insulation
and heat recovery systems.

• End-of-Life phase: A long building

lifespan was targeted through high-
quality construction and a design
that allows for easy maintenance and

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Source: snohetta
19 The Architect’s Guide to Reducing Embodied Carbon through Life Cycle Assessment

Example 3: Morris & Co - London, United

This firm leads by example with their own head
office in London, a prime example of renovation
over demolition. The project is a powerful case
for how interventions in existing buildings can
substantially reduce embodied carbon levels.

• Material Sourcing: Instead of sourcing new

materials for construction, the project focused
on rehabilitating existing materials within the

• Construction: Minimized construction waste by

careful planning and retaining a majority of the
building’s structure.

• Operational Phase: Retrofitted the building with

energy-efficient systems to reduce operational

• End-of-Life phase: The old structural elements

retrofitted have an extended lifespan due to
reuse, delaying their entrance into the waste

Each of these embodiments brings to light the

power of reducing embodied carbon through
thoughtful application of LCA. Despite their
differences, the common thread running through
them is a commitment to minimizing environmental
impact at every stage of the building’s lifecycle.
They stand as inspiring examples of how REC
principles can be utilized, regardless of project
scale or location.

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Source: archdaily
20 The Architect’s Guide to Reducing Embodied Carbon through Life Cycle Assessment

• Architecture 2030. (2019). The 2050

• NBS. (2020). How to Reduce Embodied


• United Nations. (2020). Circular Economy

Strategies Would Tip Balance in Battle
Against Dangerous Climate Change.

• World Green Building Council. (2019).

Bringing Embodied Carbon Upfront.

• LCA Commons. (2020). Life Cycle

Assessment (LCA).

• McLennan, J.F. (2012). The Philosophy

of Sustainable Design: The Future of

• European Commission. (2020). A New

Circular Economy Action Plan. Ec.europa.

• BREEAM. (2020). Understanding Life

Cycle Assessment.

• The Living Building Challenge. (2013).

Reducing Embodied Carbon in Buildings.

• PCA. (2020). The Role of Concrete in

Global Carbon Reduction.

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Postgraduate Programme
in Sustainable Architecture
and Construction

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