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Nama : Intan Dewi Permadi

Matkul : Writing
NPM : 2318210009

Exercise 1. Each sentence has four underlined sections; your task is to identify the
section with a grammar mistake — in other words, the section which is wrong.

1. Mohammed owns two different houses. He likes to live in his house by the sea when the
weather is good, but in the winter he is preferring to live in the city.
Answer: Should be “but the winter he prefers to live in the city”
2. I play tennis every Tuesday. Last week, I was playing with John, a man I am knowing from
work, when a bird flew into the tennis net.
Answer: Should be “a man I know from work”
3. While Keiko was fixing the car, I was making the supper. By six o'clock I had been
working for eight hours, so I was needing a good meal.
Answer: Should be “so I needed a good meal”
4. I don't understand stative and dynamic verbs. They seem very confusing. I am hating them,
because they are driving me crazy!
Answer: Should be “I hate them”

Part 2 Transitive and Intransitive Verbs

Transitive verbs are those verbs that have an object. Intransitive verbs are those verbs that do
not have an object.
Exercise 2. State whether the verbs in the following sentences are transitive or

1. She advised me to consult a doctor. (Transitive)

2. Let’s invite your cousins as well. (Transitive)
3. I waited for an hour. (Intransitive)
4. I received your letter in the morning. (Transitive)
5. I am going to send her some flowers. (Transitive)
6. He has changed a lot since he got married. (Intransitive)
7. Suddenly the child woke up. (Intransitive)
8. The loud noise woke me. (Transitive)
9. Let’s discuss your plans. (Transitive)
10. I heard a lovely song in the morning. (Transitive)
11. Can you lend me a few pounds? (Transitive)
12. The wind was blowing fiercely. (Intransitive)

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