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Hs Candour uarfrs Baader fart
contributions have been received from employees from diverse Anish Anand tional area. The articles focus on issues related to corruption i i our daily life & society and preventive vigilance measures. The Editor-in-Chief —— e-Candour also includes important highlights and glimpses of Vigilance activities during the year. | am extremely thankful to all the contributors who have responded to our request with enthusiasm. More than 60 articles were received and selection was quite tough. | also express my sincere gratitude to our Chairman and. Managing Director and Chief Vigilance Officer for their unequivocal support and guidance. | would also like to take this opportunity to express thanks to the entire team of "Candour" journal, who have put in utmost dedication and hard work to collect and compile the articles with quality content. reader's valuable feedback & inputs for betterment of future editions. Gar Anish Anand Executive Director (Vigilance} POWERGRID az viafera wararz BI Tat weed fear, sa sifste, Tears Gata orators, drat, ‘eile a2, Saex29, aera, etarem — 122001 Disclaimer: The views expressed in the articles are of authors only and not necessary of POWERGRID management and Vigilance department. _/ POWERGRID A Maharatna Enterprise | Shdoipe ata) eas mi Chief Vigilance Officer 1] Anish Anand Smita Prasad Executive Director (Vigilance) Senior GM (Vigilance) AT AW) Shri Amal Kumar Shri Lalit Kumar Sharma —_—_Shri Shashi Prakash ‘Asstt Manager (Vigilance) Asst Manager (Vigilance) Asstt Manager (Vigilance) sz Candour #233 =. ole of Youths in Making India Corruption Free and Transforming, India as Developed Nation Om ul igitance Inspections in Projets: A Brief Introduction See ead FI 5 3 i fe Corruption from Its Roots esc enor] Preventive Vigilance Workshop at Gangtok Field Office Visits of CVO, POWERGRID Role of Technology in Combating Corruption ole of Sanctioning Authorities in Combating Corruption In Going Celebration of Vigilance Awareness Week CT ec ‘Vendors’ Meet at Corporate Centre, POWERGRID, Gurugram ledia Coverage during Vigilance Awareness Week 2022 A iu DOT Meee i H RO nurturing highly ethical and corruption free society DOE a Seu a DE CUR eu ae Fe ec a Site Inspections by Team Vigilance Tn ree Sse Candourz Chief General Manager (Vigilance), Role of Youths in Mal Sac cu RHQ, SR-ll, Bengaluru g India Corruption Free and Transforming India as Developed Nation We all know that corruption is a crime against humanity. It cripples the government functioning and destroys the country. Because of prevalence of corruption in the system, development of a country halts, morality of people declines and poverty increases. Corruption has an adverse effect on the social, political and economic aspects of our society. Unfortunately, corruption exists in almost all major spheres of our society. Very offen, we come to know about happening cof big corruption scandals in various parts of the country. It has dominated the politics of almost every country at some point in time. Corruption steals fortune of our young people and deprive them of prosperous future. The obliteration of tax revenues by corrupt officials decimates the resources for education, health care and other necessities provided by Government. Every year, companies and @ individuals pay worth over crores of Rupees as bribe which destabilizes trust of Government institutions and increase inequality in society. The current population of youths in India is approximately 27% of the total population of the country. Young people have ideas, skills, energy to contribute, courage to fight with the system and tremendous capacity to learn. They have capacity to serve and lead the society. They are ready to accept more responsibility and prepared to face any challenge. Young people not only represent the future of our country, they are sociely’s main agents of change and progress. Youths of country are the hope of the nation and can play an important role in fighting against corruption. Young people tend to be more exposed to bribery and therefore vulnerable fo corruption, as they are involved in almost every characleristic of the sociely - os students, workers, officers, Government servant, executives, customers and citizens Every youth strives to eliminate corruption from the oreas where he is initially exposed. Young people are an integral element for cultural change and shaping the society for tomorrow. In the beginning, every youth is an honest person who has big dreams to fulfill. But with the exposure to society, he starts transforming Some of the people accept the corruption as the way of life or norms of the sociely. They come across deep-rooted aspect of the corruption in society and surrenders. Many of fimes, he is also aligned with the prevailing corruption practices, but, there are other varieties of youths who strive to fight corruption. Fortunately, most of the modern youth has attitude of the second POWERGRID A Maharatna Enterprise > Tee araefals aie POWERGRID category. We all know, a nation is built on the strength of its youth. Their present attitude and behavior will affect a nation's life, but more importantly, they will become our future leaders. The child who tolerate corruption con ruin thenation, since, corruption is a cause of destruction. Therefore, attitudes to fight against corruption and the importance of understanding integrity need to be instilled from a young age. Youths must continue to translate the values which were inculcated through the agents of socialization i.e. family, school & society. The good values of the sociely must be passed-on from generation fo generation. Youths should occupy the available leadership roles locally, regionally and notionally to promote transparency, peace, equity and justice for all. As future leaders, young persons should ovail themselves of information and training that allows them to become responsible leaders and advocators of the truth in spite of the consequences. Youths should not allow corruption to become a norm in society and they should stand up for successful future. A new generation of political leaders, bureaucrats, technocrats, CEOs of the companies are gite dynamic and they are more assertive for transparent decision-making. We often come across people criticizing the public system and complaining about prevailing corruptions. As a matter of fact, public participation and outcry is more important in \_ curbing corruption from Government machineries and system. Mere complaining is not sufficient to serve the purpose, rather one should become the element of change he want to see in the Government/society. Some of the initiatives, youths of India may introduce for eliminating corruption from India are discussed below: 1. Introducing Technical Solutions: Our youth can definitely help our Government and society in providing more and more technical/software solutions for various public services. We all appreciate the digital services introduced in recent years in the field of banking, communications, automation, social media, marketing, issuance of passport, railwoy/flight reservations, income tax deposit and return filing, vehicle registration, land and building records etc. With the elimination of human interference, the system will be corruption free. 2. Creation of Corruption Reporting Forums/Platforms: Youths can easily identify the places in their localities where major corruption in system is prevailing and these may include offices/places/depariments of the Government and public utilities dealing with the public. They can monitor the system and also activities taking place in these offices. Youths should have willingness to talk openly about their opposition to corruption and raise awareness about its adverse effects on society. Cases of corruption noticed may be shared with the public by uploading the incidence on reporting platforms on the web or may be circulated through mobile apps. Social media platforms can be also utilized to report corruption cases of Government offices in real-time manner. 3. Demonstrating Boldness Against Corruption: Youths should demonstrate their determination for not giving/taking bribe in availing/providing any service through public offices. They should POWERGRID A Maharatna Enterprise Sse Candourz align anti-corruption measures with service providers, consumers and adminisirative machineries. Young entrepreneurs are adopting integrity standards in their business ventures, especially those who want fo spread and survive onlong term basis. 4. Keep Mor Public spending of Government through budget and non-budget modes are very high. Since, vast sums of public money is spent, there is possibility of high risk of corruption. It has been specially observed that in case of calamities like flood, drought, cyclone, earthquake etc., lots of public spending is done in relief works and there are fair chances of corruption in the process. The attentive youth can keep strict vigil on such spendings and report any abnormality to vigilance machineries and public at large. joring of the Public System: 5. Election Monitoring: Modern youths of our country are very progressive and they want development of nation at a faster pace. They do not have any inclination or preferences for the candidate belonging to their cast creed or religion. They want fo vole for those candidates who works for their constituency. During the elections, candidates are in the spotlight and this is a good time for the youths to hold them accountable for their campaigning and election promises. Youths may ask candidates to sign a pledge against corruption and agreement to take development work. The young voters should cautiously use their franchise. In case of any known evil about any candidate in fray, same should be brought othe notice of general public and Election Commission. 6. Obtaining Information through Right to Information Act: ltis an important act to provide secure access of information fo citizens lo promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority. RTI Act described as a tool for empowering ordinary citizens and changing the culture of governance by making it transparent, less corrupt, participatory and accountable. As per this act, youths may obtain information regarding Government functioning, expenditure, decisions and progress of ongoing Government aided projects. In case, any fraud or corruption in the system is observed, they can escalate the matter at appropriate forums. 7. Reporting corruption to Ant Corruption Institutions Viz. CVC, Lokayukt, CBI ete.: Government has established many Anti- Corruption Institutions such as CVC, Lokayukt, CBI etc. and in case of notice of any corruption with prima-facie indication, our youth can approach to these institutions. There is a provision of Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informers(PIDPI). The Govt. of India under this provision hes authorized Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) as "Designated Agency’ to receive written complaints from general public on any allegation of corruption and misuse of office by any employee of the Central Government or any other Corporation, Company, Society etc. owned or controlled by Ceniral Government. Under the PIDPI resolution, the identity of the complainant is kept secret and complainant is protected from victimization for making such complaints. ling Public Interest Li jation(PIL) Public interest litigation is the power given to the public by courts through judicial activism. The person filing the petition must prove to the satisfaction of the court that the pefition is being filed for a public interest. The court can itself take cognizance of the matter and proceed Suo- moto or cases can commence on the petition of any public. Our youths can easily approach courts against any unfairness and injustice by Government institutions. POWERGRID A Maharatna Enterprise cee ee SF mines — g Suggestions to Public Institutions: In the recent time, Government has made many platforms for the public to offer their suggestions for better delivery. Youths can give suggestions to the Government for change in policy for sustainable improvement in services. This is only possible if the young people working in these institutions are receptible who endorse the change for improvement suggested by youths. 10, Creating Public Awareness: Posters & pamphlets are very attractive and effective tool of communication which can also become a tool for creating awareness in the society about anti-corruption. Through a combination of images in the form of pictures, sketches & cartoons and text, information can be passed on to general public by displaying the same at public places. All that they need is a pen ‘and paper, else they can use smart phones or laptops. Social media platform con be also utilized. 11. Learn by doing new experiments: Youths always believe in doing new experiments 1s per the situations and due fo this reason, the word “Generation Gap” has come into existence. Any good strategy should be adapted as per situations. Youths of the modern time are aware, alert, intelligent, hardworking, knowledgeable, techno savvy and they have natural flair to resist corruption. Modern youths in the society are activists who are challenging outdated methods of fighting corruption. Apart from learning from various historical events and nonviolent movements of protests, these groups are agile and collaborative and they cannot tolerate or accept dishonesty and exploitation. With the significant contributions of our youth population, there is drastic reduction of corruption in Government sysiem. The effect of the same is clearly visible and our per copita income is NL increasing with a fast pace and India has become the Fifth Largest Economic Power of the world. Youth population of our country are qualified and skilled. Moreover, Indian youths are very sincere and hard working. Indian scientists, engineers, Doctors, Managers and entrepreneurs are excelling at international level. In India, there is vibrant democracy and political stability. Indian youths are also familiar and fluent with the international mode of communication English which give them clear- cut edge over young people of other countries. In the recent time, India has demonstrated its supremacy in various fields such as Information Technology, Space Technology, Defense Production, Dairy Product, Food Production, Steel Production, Silk Production, Handicraft and numerous other fields. All Indian religions are promoting non-violence and peace and considering the world as one family. Our youths ‘are confident and they will be definitely successful in eradicating corruption from the country. There is no reason to disbelief our youths and their hard work will definitely transform India into a developed country. Shri Sanjeev Ranjan has done B. Sc (Electrical) from NIT, Jamshedpur. At present, he is serving as Chief General Manager (Vigilance), RHQ, Southern Region-lI, POWERGRID, Bangalore. He is having more than three decades of experience. ry as ceed py POWERGRID A Maharatna Enterprise Sse — CAN Our? csttehdeiatS tenn ak afar at aie, foxy fox wer ary og of. atk oe fa Gr. ae Gee TT FE STEM. TE Ade Vt. be vp oe ¥ yore off So TE YH Tech Ve. Ue ap 8 ay oiler aT, WERE FM... CITT Ar phoert aad deta giaers geet aH orlent &, ot ae A gex eee crafters eee Sealer tort othe TT corel ont Fede ee @ | 3h carl araytirs A falter armreit # aerrT 28 ast a sega Wed &, Gb UT Cate eet ste ie Movie Hater 81 wei oiowteste oPrerst Hae wa warfere fog e | fiche, wider otk etter gaa srs att | yey POWERGRID A Maharatna Enterprise araefals =F POWERGRID WC EE LCC DGM (Vigilance-TW) Corporate Centre, Gurugram VIGILANCE INSPECTIONS IN PROJECTS : A BRIEF INTRODUCTION POWERGRID advocates the principles of Transparency, Probity and Ethics in its Management functioning and “Integrity and fairness in all matters" is one of ils core values. To achieve organizational objectives, Vigilance Department assists the Management in vigilance related matiers, fo ensures integrity, ransparency and equity in the functioning of organization which are epitome of good governance. To strengthen the organizational process and fo minimize malpractices in various systems & acivities, emphasis on preventive vigilance is given in POWERGRID. Preventive vigilance focuses on the right types of systems or need for re-engineering proactive approach aimed at identification of opportunities and faking oppropriate action against potential threats and suggesting systemic improvement for avoiding lapses/ financial losses in future. Vigilance inspection of projects/ works is an effective tool of preventive vigilance which enables early detection of misconduets apart from bringing to light the damages to, the system, and also enables recouping the loss wherever possible and facilitate control of further domage. It also works as deterrent measure for possible lapses/ misconducisin future. POWERGRID Vigilance Deparment conducts three type of inspections namely Surprise, Process-on-line ond CTE Type inspection in different projects like construction of Transmission lines, Sub-station projects, ULDC, Telecom, Civil works & major procurements. Inspections ‘are also conducted in the O&M stores and other Departments as per requirement. @) Process Online Inspection (POL): This inspection is carried out by Vigilance department during initial phase of the project/ works, preferably between 10-20% of the work progress. During POL inspection, compliances to statutory requirement and contract conditions are examined, viz. Bank Guarantees, Insurances, labour license, source approval, vendor ‘approval, safety plan, facility for storage, advance payment, establishing of testing facility, deployment of Tak ete, b) Surprise Inspection: Surprise inspection is carried out during critical phase of work, particularly in spheres where there is scope for discretion or for showing of favours is considered more. Surprise inspection emphasizes on ongoing aciiviies during the course of inspection. No prior intimation is given fo officials looking after the work/ project for the surprise inspection, hence, this inspection gives actual picture of the systems and procedures adopted for the work. _ CTEO/CTEType inspection Chief Technical Examiner's Organization (CTEO) from CVC conducts intensive Examinations under the head of "CTE Inspection’ as a preventive Vigilance tool with prior intimation to POWERGRID. First, all necessary and relevant documents are called for by them for ‘examination and then field inspection is carried out to confirm measurements and quality, examination of WERGRID A Maharatna Enterprise Sse Candour™z payment bills, compliance to contract conditions, collection of samples for testing, etc. POWERGRID Vigilance officers, as a representative of CVO, POWERGRID associates with the CTEO team and based upon the observations raised by the CTEO, necessary co- ordination and follow-up is done with the concerned depariments/regions by Vigilance department to resolve the observations with a logical conclusion to the sotisfaction of CVC ‘As per directives of CVC, Vigilance Department of POWERGRID conducts CTE Type inspections, in the similar pattern as followed by CTEO during intensive Examination, with an objective of detecting technical & contractual irregularities to improve systems & procedures and ensuring quality and cost effectiveness during execution of projects. The procurement cases, so selected, are thoroughly examined right from the stage of their inception to the stage of fulfilment of all contractual obligations and beyond in an objective manner. In course of Intensive Examination, issues involving vigilance angle-reflecting gross negligence, grave procedural irregularities, financial imprudence resulting in loss to the POWERGRID, malatfide, etc., are converted into vigilance references, with the approval of CVO and dealt separately. Followings are the main areas of inspection/ scrutiny: + Ensuring of “the 5 rights of procurement" viz. right quality, right quantity, right time, right place & right price. Fulfilment of statutory requirements. Paymentis made as perthe terms of the contract. There is no duplicate / over-payment to the contractor / supplier. Rates for extra / substituted items are derived as per the provision in the contract agreement / WPPP Payment for extra / substituted items is made after due approval of the competent authority Advances are paid to the contractors / suppliers for the amount specified in the contract agreement on fulfilment of payment terms. Recovery of advances is made os per the terms of the contract agreement. Reimbursement of all statutory taxes / duties is done ‘agains! documentary proof. Hire charges of Plant and Machineries are recovered from the contractor as per the specified rate. Charges of facilities provided by POWERGRID like electricity, water, office, quarters, etc. Supply of materials as per contract conditions. Arranging adequate storage facility for equipment. Implementation of Standard Field Quality Plan (SFQP) and maintenance of required records. Proper handling and return of dismantled materials Availability of Test Reports/Acceptonce for Test Reports, MTC’5/Test Reports are being reviewed. Witnessing of Cube testing by the group/ person, who ‘are associated with construction of TLand S Delay in completion of project. Any deviation from technical specifications. Quantity variotion and Price variation. Violation of to Health and Safety clause. ‘Above inspections and scrutiny of case files are regularly cartied out by Corporate as well as Regional Vigilance to, identify ond arrest the delay in various processes and also to keep a regular check on use of discretionary powers by various authorities while taking decision on the case files. These inspections are carried out in the cases mainly related to the areas which are prone to corruption or having scope of discretion or of showing of favours. As an outcome of above, various systemic improvements are proposed to ensure the implementotion of well-defined internal processes as ‘well as corresponding controls with clear responsibilities for different kind of activities. On the initiotive of Vigilance Department, « mechanism ‘of holding an Orientation meeting has also been instituted in order to address and mitigate the lapses, during the construction stage at the commencement of contract which are repetitive in nature in the presence of Regional Vigilance, site officials, Regional FQA, Sofety and contractor's personnel. This major preventive vigilance initiative has reduced repetitive lapses significantly during project execution and increased overall efficiency. It needs no over emphasis that systemic improvements, in the matters found lacking in one aspect or he other, in, the course of the inspection/scrutiny, are regularly advised os o measure of preventive vigilance and better performance in times to come. Preventive vigilance not only reduces corruption but also leads to better operational results. Its the duty of every employee to ‘workin this direction and should act as if he isa vigilance officer in himself/herself. POWERGRID A Maharatna Enterprise <= ‘te Hee SF mines — qua ries (aPrae), sad da |, fears ALTAR Aw ata -faesrketa seat REM Zw ASRT, ze at ae Brew 8 | afta a & ag der wera St wRAT wT SEPT wR 8) ane ve ter ea 2 ot ge are a wT sont 8) aneran ean ter Hag ore ah aT ST oT Baa She ters we GTC ETA I rae BL WER Ge wre & Fah ata S aia aret wg as sie wIS sora wh oer wer w fry me are ate rarer eect ar eer fare ren @ | STEHT TH MOT TE e fee cttw erie Rng far ah eePH OTT are # for BH Ye ge went wh sree # cree wet OT We 8? Perr wo A farer a oie! oH AB x Uw at fe A FOR wT are ere eh RAT TAR | AE ATTEN WaT wT ah fee veer wey eT Ban der A era or eae age aif 81 gerd ag oer S| et gH HTT ew rT Tae a TE 1. Ateehs saat st watt arn 4 stare tea galt ot seer aA ger Ha areal eg yao ga Pei fear fet are aS yaa z, wate ora stot aa 8 oh saat aaa S aerax Ae e1 ga cit F orice oie aiff aang oT crema Ge oe attenl al ror) & fery ART weet | 2amisatoat Bar tar & art we vensit Oh fas Rega or ste a, AIR =H MATT A AAT, ANAT TAT A HE areril er wert Sar safe ar ores aa S| erat a cafe son were fore BE we ATT AEH 8 agi am Re ah IPT Gems A A.B ch ek BH RG aise wa & fara fre TET 8 al aoe BA Be 2 srerare aga sift & | a. reratt waft fait it) wR wera wow SCTE wT ATT BE Fe woe By sere aT A ET AY tT oe corer oars & faryarafr ate ae est ar oer att gan ga or Pet at Ren } aE zt pA arene Se NT METAR ge er EL 4 errere she wach aerate aran 9 area afte age wit wera S agl Ss apreor oA Ey ae gr Ral we Ter at Ty BL aA Ratan ate Pat a carer Sar are # sk Be TTA ais Fa ae eee aT ae F fire ae Tea a oon a iahe ae oe | scare a1 3 go A ae aed fy eR A anh ae e SRT To BH OS ER FH HE es A VT Be 7 el El RR | TRIER aT OTT AT BF wa wera a oH Sea TE oh oe a ew TE POWERGRID Sse Candour™z ow 6 fey yea He Sk Da} we F OTH wey & fey dor were | sare rere bers wh eto a ar oan BF wage Bt ond é ait gH ae a gy we a fay ge & oh a HET A aS Gad E | Se HT TAN VyCorT aS Ee ats agi Ie res + fanart aga revere & fore Pre ar area pe area AC 8 afte at |S we oT ot aIohfaa FAM a fer onde afte wee creel ar gedTS! Gea & | eng GP ‘areth Ren Sa WRT BI OTH es TH HH ORT A eT ae Hare 8 RH a Ue BARA He | Bg AAT aerat wafeg fe er A ee ae ea OTe ote re ‘wife FR | + aadetat QO ah } iy eet or aA A AIRY wt ate sensi ony Rear oF ok e, trarph ate o ory CARAT GY ASM, He TI FHS HA fy HT FATT oa 1 ga cite @) hye wy B efSa Pen oT aIAEY | + Rensiintermar fatty dat A ae chit at some aa & fey AAfSar afk ero af fer sitter Hen aiey | Fe aE a Rea oRerert 84 baat we eft Sorre at ore afer ney I + ademas ea a ee we @) et orf Re S wo A SAT onfey fas meerare wT aera SH are att a BATA ey a ao BH GE) ANG G1 UTE BY | + Sau ste Rede cena st wera @t be ay A sehfral A) wee ae wer 81 want graft sik use ahret ger oer cere We MAA Sek enh fy ar aay cet Rear ay ok 85 & ae crf ory OTe B | Reve oA OTTET Te ei fey or wad & Gel dR aT waits oe yee 81 ahr ast stage # ast ani sie wer wer wee garell ar Rats ae six oy aT & gfe eer Fa Ure SE BH A yes a wea FI + Rear cae air fare & free ferred eof at @ fore gta 3 we oa a set 812 Ga eer KOM a orn ares & ae Se we 8 fH oe git A GwaTT & are 4 fieea fen ot wae @ sie ANT TAT ware Age wR aa wach 8 fore err A oftverslt tten ert aria fe ot aire gfers a Fee aT UTE ee fore a ger ar aT El AT TS | ‘Matt BE ASTATe Bt BW, Bea we Aer ar Prat Qaa ah vw A ger, os a GET Tea BeeTATE! aa wt ror Bae eres, meta Bt EA frerar a sare ft ert ato ae areas AO Surcrane } ret ak 8 wh a wen 8 | Qe aT TTT 2 fh ep aw area } arr ay Gee fier at TET aria aS a GT ore 81 oa HE Hah we A Te PT Ge TTT RGN BH ANT ET TETAN S Aw HA a free Se canfeey aeitfas mre ae erence Gehl Bt ere wT at aT ea wate ae aX waa | wera a sik awa aTef ele wre BY Saat wrgl wt ger Rar ST aAART | vareet & fore ae FH aadh ax S are ares YorIR S seen) A) gal ale 8 Gl weraR wT ERO Gre SUH wr ea A crave wy Pret wey faery Ra Ha Tor aR | BAN ARE HLTA AH ART 2 ator fry ae oe TH eT HET wat da were Ba eR T Tae ote deer al weet 8) gaey ga wh aw ae wa |S HET tech eran as Ra ETE fie TTT POWERGRID A Maharatna Enterprise je= ee SF mines — MSR Pavan Kumar Chief Manager, SR-I, Khammam CORRUPTION FREE INDIA FOR A DEVELOPED NATION A METHOD TO ERADICATE CORRUPTION FROM ITS ROOTS Why are there corrupt practices in every part of the country? [sit the fault ofa system or of individuals? Corruption is derived from the term "corrupt," which implies “anything that does not work completely due to some factor." I hos existed in the world since the beginning of fime. It is now present in all aspects of life. Corruption is prevalent in many professions, including polities, law enforcement, and public services. There is no such thing as a problem without a solution, Sometimes we have fo work hard fo get the solution, and other times itis a piece of cake. If we want fo know the solution to a puzzle, we must study it repeatedly. We must think in numerous directions, which is known as lateral thinking. So, in order to find a solution to the problem of corruplion, we must consider all aspecis ofthe situation. Good habits and corruplion-free methods should be insilled from birth, unless they are insiilled with much effort. These steps are best described using a Farmer's approach. + The farmer takes meticulous care in all aspects of farm cultivation. Our government is farming in India, where, in addition fo the vital plants, many superfivous plants are growing. + Before planting the seeds, the farmer ploughs and prepares the land so that the roots can spread. Parents must prepare their children's minds from childhood onward + Farmer inspects the good environment with seasonal rainfall for appropriaie agricultural growth. If there are no rains, adequate water supply must be given. Similarly, a child's surroundings is quite important, and it should be positive + Attending to agricultural problems on time, such as using insecticides to eradicate insects, reducing undesired plant growth, and so on. Similarly, in the case of children, parents must closely watch and modify their behavior during the early stages. + Once the roots are robust, the farmer will take care of relatively few things, and the crop will be able fo grow on its own. Similarly, youngsters can develop good moral ideals on their own + Ifa big bug attacks the crop, the farmer takes swift action fo eliminate it from its roots. Ifit is not practicable, the farmer safeguards neighboring farms by using harsh pesticides and, on ‘occasion, destroying their crops. This is the type ry 5 ceed Pes POWERGRID A Maharatna Enterprise Sse Candourz of harsh penalty that should be applied to protect the nation's youth, which also determines the nation's pride This farmer's strategy is the foundation for every crop. Similarly, this should be a constant strategy to instilling excellent moral standards in fulure generations. The government's policies are strong enough to penalize corrupt people and corrupt behaviors. We are still dealing with corrupt situations here and there. To take action on a problem, we must first analyze the circumstance. We must discover the core cause of adult corruption. We must be vigilant and escape the control of the mind's six adversaries called Arishadvarga, present in everyone's body, which are: kama (desire), krodha (anger), lobha (greed), Mada (arrogance), moha (delusion), and motsarya (jealousy), the negative attributes of which prohibit man from obtaining moksha on our intuition. The first three, in particular, are thought to lead the route to damnation. 1 - KAMA (DESIRE)- The word Kama signifies "desire." Kama is wanting something without restraint, without regard for how one obtains that thing/situation. The word Kama signifies selfishness, or just caring about oneself. The highest goal is one's comfort, according to Kama. Kama is a difficult fire to extinguish. Kama is mainly used to describe a desire for emotional fulfilment from another person or an attraction to another person. 2 - KRODHA (ANGER)- Krodha signifies wrath, and it originates from desire's dissatisfaction. We need something. We are unable to obtain it. We become enraged. We crave something in any way, which is to hurt, hurt, destroy, destroy, and battle for it. 3- LOBHA (GREED): Lobha Greed. We only want what is best for ourselves. Everything should be available to us. Nobody else should have anything. Greed arises from desire and leads to rage. Nothing will be given to anyone. It causes your hand or mind to become stuck on something. The postures of big feathers or Sannyasins could conquer the desire for worldly things. They have overcome their need for material possessions. 4 — MOHA (ILLUSION or Wrong dreams)- Moha transports us to a fantasy world. | believe I will be content with first place. I'd be content to work for 50,000 rupees per month. All of these are delusions (Moha). We must learn to view reality for what its. To do this, you must be adaptable. Yogic folks have a clear vision of the world and are free of delusions. 5 - MADA (EXCESIVE EGOISM AND PRIDE)- The ego is incapable of loving or being loved. The ego is incapable of intelligence. The ego expands like a blowfish, bursting with self-worth and pride. To combat this, one must learn to surrender while also demonstrating reverence and thankfulness. The ego is so powerful that it expects everyone and everything to bend to its will. To counteract this, learn to bend in front of higher intelligence, resulting in a flexible spine. Respect, gratitude, and love may all be developed 6 — MATSARYA (JEALOUSY) - Jealousy is as vicious as a mouse, biting everyone and full of hatred. Jealousy is a dangerous serpent. Jealousy is a venomous scorpion. You can know that all beings are one if you open your mind. These six foes are not entirely independent of one another. But they're all united against us and want to completely destroy us! For example, a person cannot be both jealous and angry at the same moment, because jealousy eventually develops hatred toward our external "enemy." Another example is that excessive greed for money is motivated by excessive desire and, when a person is actually wealthy, can lead to pride or self-control. Asperthe Adi Shankaracharya's seript- wm: whee atte 38 Rea ET! HIATT AE TTA ATTA. Desire, anger, greed, attachment, pride, jealousy — these dacoits are residing within your own body. They are not outside. They are residing as fifth column enemies within you. And, why are they there? To loot you of the Jnana-Ratna, to rob you of the precious gem of wisdom or jnana, to loot you and deprive you of the precious gem of Self-awareness and make you forget your Self and weep and wail and be in ignorance. In order to deprive you of this jewel of jnana, they are there. Therefore, oh man, oh POWERGRID A Maharatna Enterprise / > je= ‘te Hee SF mines Sadhak, Jagrata, Jagrata, Beware, Beware. We must constantly self-inspect ourselves to verify that we are on the right track. If a person has a serious cancer in his leg, doctors treat him by removing the affected leg and soving his life. A similar altitude is required in our family, our town, our state, and our country. We must be tough and eliminate hazardous malignant elements such as corruption. We must remain firm and work tirelessly to fight corruption. No big fish should escape from the eyes of law. Corruption-free India cannot be imagined without acknowledging the impact that corruption has had on our sociely, Various frauds have made our country financially weak because the same money might have been used for the building of schools, roads, and many other projects that could have provided work to our country's youth. Furthermore, one of the causes of inequality in India is the misuse of power and resources for personal benefit. For many years, we have witnessed numerous people killed in car accidents. Many people focus solely on the driver's fault and fail to address the underlying source of the problem. Corruption is a problem here as well. Many people obtain their four- wheeler or two-wheeler driver's licence through an agency without taking any tests. They merely have to pay the agent and a government official to obiain the license. This same motorist does not know how to observe the regulations of the road and drives recklessly, killing numerous innocent individuals. This is how corruption affects our community. Corruption has consumed the entire country in this manner over the years. Our administration and the country are working hard to eliminate corruption in our country. The government has passed numerous laws and is enforcing them on short notice. Corruption has also decreased over time, benefiting the economy and making people's lives easier. Itis unrealistic to believe that we can eradicate corruption in India in two or three years. Eliminating or lowering corruption will undoubtedly take time, as we must be more patient and alert against corruption. Finally, we, the people of India, must accept responsibility for ridding our country of corruption. Ifwe fight corruption together, this is not a distance dream. We must mould ourselves and our children. This will shape our country's future. CORRUPTION Shri MSR Pavan Kumar had an experience of 14 years in POWERGRID and worked in various segments including HVDC & HVAC Substation construction & O&M activities. He POWERGRID in the year 2008. He had worked with the pr had completed his M.Tech from IIT Roorkee and joined in restigious Champa- Kurukshetra HVDC Project. Presently, he is working as Chief Manager at Khammam Substation. The author is enthusiastic in learning new technologies, and he is very interested in studying ancient scripts, texts and sculptures. ry Gore Rr PR POWERGRID A Maharatna Enterprise & Candour=2 side esa ORT UN LSC RENE U IOC Oates a ce ene eT NEC SECC UT a Psa 2-2 deine. ak See fee ee POWERGRID A Maharatna Enterprise bse 3 Candour 2, csi POWERGRID A Maharatna Enterprise POWERGRID A Maharatna Enterprise 6 Sse Corruption is not a recent phenomenon. Itis all — pervading phenomena. Ii has prevailed in all the periods of history i.e. ancient, medieval and modern. There are several references to the prevalence of official corruption in ancient India. It can be said that history of corruption is os old as the history of mankind, Cand Our 2 ccstiehtitaat eon Teena Manager (NOFN&HR), SR., Visakhapatnam Tana Today, entire world is going through the problem of corruption. It is so obvious, and yet so mysterious. It is very difficult to precisely define the corruption due to its wider dimensions, various forms and different shapes. Kautilya in his book had discussed on corruption which conveys the sense of corruption better. He describes it as failed, J) Bo See ee y POWERGRID A Maharatna Enterprise > <= ‘te Hee SF mines strayed or deviated from, separoted from, deprived of, expelled or turned out from, decayed, lost, victim and depraved. It can be concisely said that a person is corrupt when he is dishonest in his intensions and actions. So corruption means dishonesty in thinking and action. Corruption primarily concerns with the moral depravity, and abuse of trust in the interest of private gain at public expense. It promotes unethicalism, illegolity, injustice, inequality, inconsistency, subjectivity and waste of efficiency. It poses a serious threat to administrative conduct and behaviour. It destroys the moral fabric of society and erodes the faith of the common man in the legitimacy of the politico-administrative set up. It also negatively affecis economic growth, democracy, governance and rule of law. Corruption is so obvious, and yet so mysterious. Empirical studies shows that the countries which are top in corruption index are lesser peaceful and their human development index is also low, whereas the countries those are least corrupt are more peaceful and have high human development index. In order to combat corruption across countries, Digital technology is recognised as an important tool .It provides society with the capacity to effectively prevent and detect different forms of corruption. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is that technology which is very relevant to the issue of curbing corruption, The need to combat various kinds of corruption is growing, and the application of ICTs offer a big step forward. Itis an umbrella term that includes any communication device or application, encompassing: radio, television, Cellular phones, CCTV, Computer and network hardware and software. The introduction of ICT can reduce corruption by improving the enforcement of rules, lessening the discretion of LL officials and increasing transparency. Faster communication, exchange of information, and improved recording and monitoring of information makes it excellent for monitoring and control of corruption. ICT can reduce face face interactions where most requests for bribe take place. ICT such as mobile phones, effectively empowers citizens by allowing people to report, colloborately gather and share evidence of corrupt practice. Apart from it, Block chain technology, artificial intelligence, big data analytics are among the emerging technologies assisting governments ond citizens with new tools to detect prevent, investigate and reduce corruption. Technology innovations such as websites, SMS and social media can enhance government's capacity to fight corruption in the following ways: Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and other social media platforms have become an effective way to reach large audiences in real time. They have created interactive platform for debate thus enabling citizens, professions and political affiliation to engage in discussion on the issue of corruption. Social media can be utilised as a podium for reporting and publicising corruption cases. In addition, data is a critical asset today, which can be used to enhance innovation that boost integrity systems. According to world economic forum study, data can make it possible to detect and deter fraud risks, complex networks and corrupt practices by way of cross-referencing public databases. Technology can also cut red POWERGRID A Maharatna Enterprise Sse Candourz tape through automation of bureaucratic processes. Some of the examples of the classic examples technologies employed in the government's scheme that has greatly implemented the technologies in its execution making the process transparent and thus curbing the corruption such as Direct Benefit Transfer(DBT) Scheme which has significantly eliminated the intermediaries, made it easier to detect and deter fraud risks. Introducing digital processes in tax filing has also helped reduce tax evasion. Various Electronic services like effective e- governance, e-health, e- education, e- commerce and e-banking, e-tendering, e- auction and e-procurement are also proving major deterrent to corruption. The purpose of introducing all the electronic services is just to make it human free and transparent. Employment of advanced technologies can curb and reduce the corruption to the desired level but it is also true that it cannot be completely eliminated. Corruption is a disease of soul. It cannot be cured permanently. Corruption arises inthe human soul but dies with o human body. ANALYSIS OF COURT'S REASONING The Supreme Court has rightly ruled that mere delay in the grant of sanction must not result in the discharge of the accused from the clutches of the law or result in the quashing of the proceedings. In the realm of ordinary criminal law, if a charge sheet is not filed by the investigating authorities for any of the offences under the Indian Penal Code within a span of 60 or 90 days as may be stipulated, then the consequence is not that proceedings become amenable to be quashed. Rather under S. 167 POWERGRID A Maharatna Enterprise Manager (Law) Corporate Centre, Gurugram Deputy Manager (Law) Corporate Centre, Gurugram| ROLE OF SANCTIONING AUTHORITIES IN COMBATING CORRUPTION ‘But when the law of punishment is kept in abeyance, it gives rise to such disorder as is implied in the proverb of fishes (matsyanyayamudbhavayati); the absence of a magistrate (dandadharabhave), the strong will for i swallow the weak; but under his protection, the weak resist the strong. Ad Corruption is a worldwide problem. In one form or the other it has always existed. In primitive and medieval times, the interaction of the common populace with the public authorities was not as significant as it is in the current modern times. Coupled with the assumption of new responsibilities upon the government and its instrumentalities in the economic sphere, the scope for indulging in corrupt activities has also increased. For the society to thrive, integrity in public life is of utmost importance. The fight against corruption has to be fought with all guns blazing from all quorters. While there ore several ways in which the malaise of corruption can be tackled, the authors will specifically delve into the role that sanctioning authorities play in creating a deterrence and bringing down corruption levels. This aspect will be examined in the light of the recent decision of the Hon'ble ' 2022 LiveLew (SC) 832

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