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School - Bright start international academy

Name – Kshitij Krishnan

Class – 12 A

Age- 16

Father’s Name – Mr. Om Prakash Singh

Topic – The Earth doesn’t belong to us, we belong to the Earth

The ancient Native American proverb, "The Earth does not belong to us; we belong to Earth,"
encapsulates a profound truth that transcends cultural boundaries and resonates with the very essence
of our existence. It reminds us that our relationship with the planet is not one of ownership but
stewardship, a concept of shared responsibility for the well-being of our only home in the vast universe.
Throughout human history, our species has often behaved as though the Earth were a limitless resource,
a boundless reservoir of riches to be exploited without consequence. This anthropocentric view, which
places humanity at the center of the universe, has led to ecological degradation, climate change, and the
loss of countless species. It's a perspective that has disconnected us from the reality that we are an
integral part of a delicate web of life on this planet. The Earth, a complex and interconnected ecosystem,
has been nurturing life for billions of years. From the tiniest microorganisms to the grandest forests and
oceans, every component plays a crucial role in sustaining life. Human beings, despite our remarkable
intelligence and technological prowess, are not exceptions to this rule. We depend on clean air, fresh
water, fertile soil, and a balanced climate to survive. All of these are gifts of the Earth. Yet, our actions
have often demonstrated a disregard for this interdependence. The depletion of natural resources,
deforestation, pollution, and the emission of greenhouse gases have disrupted the delicate balance of
the environment. Climate change, a result of our unsustainable practices, now poses a global crisis
affecting every corner of the Earth.The theme of 2021, Earth Day is ‘Restore our Earth’ and students at
Navsrijan explained the true meaning through their drawings and compositions. Some of them came in
front of the cameras and were vocal about this topic. The spirit of sustainable development was
portrayed by students very well by being at home, during these grave times.

Our individual efforts and actions will help us restoring the Earth, by bidding adieu to plastic, welcoming
greenery by planting trees and conserving resources.
Students at Navsrijan decided to take a pledge to make a lifestyle change that would impact not only
those within the school but also the community outside the school to restore our biggest treasure
Mother Eart.

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