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Meaning : Modals are auxiliary verbs which help to express the possibility or
certainty of a thing, one’s duty or obligation, or the permission to do something.
The following are the modal auxiliaries — can, could, shall, should, will, would,
may, might, must.
• The modals are followed by the main verb and are generally not used alone.
• Modals may be used alone when they replace a verb group in a sentence.
• The main verb that follows a modal must remain in its base form.
can ability, informal request, possibility, suggestion
could polite request, past ability, future possibility, suggestion
will request, invitation, future action, assumption, prediction
would future possibility, future action
shall refer to future action, resolve
should duty, expected behaviour, advice
may polite request, formal permission, possibility in the present
might slight chance of possibility, suggestion
must strong obligation, present necessity, certainty, prohibition (must not)
dare warning, rebuke
need necessity
ought to obligation, duty, expected behaviour

Can Could Be able to
• indicates ability to do something— • suggests ability in the past • indicates ability to do something
it means to be able to, be capable of, Example : He could walk for which is more possible than 'can'
know how to a kilometre without a break. Example : He was able to write with
Example : Mahesh can drive the new (It is not clear whether he both hands. (It shows that he actually
racing car. (It also means that he has walked for a kilometre wrote with' both hands.)
the opportunity to drive the new without a break or not,)
racing car.)
Example : He can write with both
(ability to use both hands for writing.)
• suggests general ability
Example : In my childhood
I could climb trees.
(I knew how to climb trees.)

• suggests permission which is • suggests permission • suggests permission in the past
formal in nature and polite which is less formal than Example : He told me I could leave.
Examples : (a) May I drinkwater? 'may'. 'Can' is informal • more polite than 'may'
(b) You may come in. Example : Can I borrow Example : Sir, could you grant me
your pen? leave on Saturday?

Should Must Ought to

• used to make a suggestion or to give an advice • suggests strong obligation conveys a sense
Examples : (a) You should take the medicine Example : You must help of moral duty
twice daily. (advice) your friend in need. Example : You
(b) Should we call the police as someone is • suggests compulsion and ought to plant
hiding in the garden? the • It also suggests that trees to save the
(suggestion) itis the right desire of the environment.
(c) We should eat more vegetables and fruits. speaker (moral duty)

Examples : (a) You must Example : You

submit your medical report ought to avoid
at the head office before oily food as you
joining the company. have a heart
(b) You must complete problem. (It is the
your work now. right thing to do.)
• suggests necessity
Example : The government
must ensure that people
have access to drinking

• used to make a polite • used to make a request • used to make an • used to make a polite
request Example : Won't you informal request request but it is
have something to Example: Can I have uncertain whether it
It is more polite than drink? some ice cream? will be accepted
Example : Would you
open vindow, please? Example: Mother, could
you buy a watch for me,

Practice exercises :
Ex.-1 Fill in the blanks using ‘can', 'could' or 'be able’ :
1. ________ you play the piano? (ability to do something)
2. When I was young I _________ climb stairs easily. (ability in the past)
3. We _________ buy the movie CD rather than stand in the queue for the movie
tickets. (general ability)
4. Even though our car broke down, we ________ reach home on time. (general
5. As a child she _______ paint well. (ability in the past)
6. She will _________ to write with a fountain pen. (ability which is more possible
than can)
7. She said that she ________ dance even when she was two years old. (ability in
the past)
8. As a young man my grandfather __________ swim really fast. (ability in the
9. His right leg is fractured and he will ________ to walk without support only
after three months (ability which is more possible than can)
Ex.-2 Complete the sentences using the correct options :
1. During spring, one ________ see butterflies in the park. (should, can)
2. Sir, _________ you please give your approval for this project? (could, can)
3 We _________ work as a team to make this mission a success. (ought to, must)
4. Ashish _________ not play in the final match since he has injured harm. (might,
5. You __________ improve your writing skills if you want to excel in English
(might should)
6. Sachin __________ speak French very fluently (may/can)
7. My father said that I _________ use his bike whenever I wanted. (would/could)
8 We _________ be grateful to our parents for our upbringing (ought tonight)
9. You must be hungry. __________ I give you something to eat? (would shall)
10. ________ you live happily ever after! (may/might)
11. I _________ you to challenge me in a car race (dare/must)
12. The Mayor __________ get the road repaired as early as possible (ought to,
13. My mother is very punctual. She ________ be here any time now (may/could)
14. Madam, __________ we submit our forms tomorrow (could/can)
15. __________ all you dreams be fulfilled! (may, could)
16. It is my moral duty to save the environment. Hence, I __________ plant more
trees. (ought to/must)
Ex.-3 Rewrite the following sentences using the modals given in brackets.
1. Does she have permission to go home now? (may)
2. The examiner told Sunil that he was allowed to leave the hall if he liked. (could)
3. The mother blessed her son and wished he would prosper. (might)
4. Even though I die, I am determined not to fail. (will)
5. You have an obligation to take care of your health. (should)
6. He will be permitted to go home tomorrow. (may, can)
7. It is possible that I leave early. (would, could)
8. It is possible that you knew the consequences of your actions. (might)
9. We have an obligation to respect their parents. (should, must)
Ex.-4 Answer the following questions, using appropriate modals.
1. What would you say to your friend if you wanted to use his pen?
2. What would you say to your teacher if you wanted to go to the library after you
had completed your class work?
3. What would you say to the Principal's secretary if you wanted to meet the
4. What would the Principal's secretary say to you if you were to be permitted to
meet the Principal?
5. What would you write in a notice saying that all quiz participants were to hand
over their forms to the class monitor?
6. What would the doctor tell you if he wanted you to stay indoors for a few days?
7. What could be written in a notice forbidding students from carrying their lunch
to school in plastic bags?
8. What would your teacher say to you if she found you in the cafeteria when you
should have been in class?
9. What would you say to your friend if you wanted her to come with you to the
school infirmary?
10. What would you say to the nurse in the infirmary if you wanted her to check
your temperature?
11. What would you say to your classmate if you wanted to help him to do his
12. What would you say to a salesman if you wanted her see a particular brand of
(1) When need = stand in need of, require, it has Third Person, Singular, Present
Examples: I need to work harder. He doesn't need to work so hard, does he?
(II) The anomalous finite need is not used in the affirmative. It is used only in the
negative and interrogative. It forms its Third Person Singular, Present Tense,
without ‘a’, and takes as its Object and Infinitive without to; as,
Examples: He need not copy out the whole page.
He needn't work so hard, need he?
Note :
• The regular verb can be used in the Past Tense with a 'to-infinitive.
Example: They didn't need to hurry.


Used is anomalous. In tag questions and responses, however 'did' often replaces
used. The Past tense used expresses what was repeatedly seen or done during a
period of time in the past.
Eg. - There used to be a building here before the war.
Used to be accustomed to; as,
He's not used to hard manual labour.
I'm not used to drinking tea without any sugar in it.


Have to is used to indicate obligation; as, Examples:
He has to be there at ten.
We don't have to go to school on Saturdays and Sundays.
They had to work hard for a living.

Note the following uses of the verb 'dare'
1. Present Tense:
Example: I dare to declare that what she says is not true.
II. The verb ‘dare’ has the form dare for the third person singular, present tense,
when it is followed by a negative; as,
Example: He dare not take such a foolish step.
III. Past Tense:
Example: They dared not say such things again.
IV. Interrogative Sentences:
Example: How dare you ride a cycle without breaks?

Ex.-5 Rewrite each of these sentences, using 'used to' in place of the highlighted
phrases :
1. He was in the habit of drinking too much coffee,
2. She was in the habit of visiting the temple on Sundays.
3. They were in the habit of swimming in the lake every day.
4. The pupils were in the habit of going to the cinema on Saturdays.
5. The officers were in the habit of arriving late at the office.
6. His mother was in the habit of watching the television soaps every evening.
Ex.-6 Rewrite each of these sentences, as directed:
1. It is not necessary for you to answer all the questions. (using 'need')
2. She was in the habit of visiting us regularly in those days. (using 'used to)
3. We are not accustomed to that kind of work. (using 'used to")
4. It is not necessary for you to attend the meeting. (using "need")
Ex.-7 Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals:
1. You _________ succeed, if your try.
2. I __________ be obliged to dismiss him.
3. You __________ come to school in time.
4. He __________ not do it unless you order him to do it.
5. He _________ not worry at all about us.
6. Little children __________ be careful when crossing the road.
7. You __________ take exercise daily.
8. __________ God bless you!
9. He _________ be mad to do this.
10. They __________ do their homework every day.
11. We __________ go shopping next week. We _________ need a lot of things
for the holidays.
12. We _________ not waste time in idle gossip.

Ex.-8 Complete the sentences using needn’t have or didn’t need to and verbs
given in the brackets:
1. The hotel provides a decent bed. You ________ your own bedding. (bring)
2. He knew our programme was confirmed. I __________ him. (remind)
3. All the lessons were at my tips. You ________ them again. (revise)
4. These books are available in the library. You ________ them. (buy)
5. Uncle had sent his driver to receive us. We __________ for a cab. (look)

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