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Question 1 .

Find the suitable words to fill in the blanks

1. If you book a room with two beds, you book a twin room(2 giường cho 2 người)
2. To get 10 people into one room, two beds are usually placed on top of each other. They are
called bunk beds.(giường tầng)
3. For family there are usually special offers if they take a family room
4. If a guest house is fully booked, they usually have a sign in the window saying “No
5. A person whose job is carrying people’s bags and other loads, especially at a train station, an
airport or in a hotel, he is a porter.
Question 2 . Act out a dialogue to solve the problem of the guest in the following situation:
Guest (the teacher): I feel terrible. I’ve got a terrible headache and I feel sick. I think I’ve
got food poisoning.
The tour guide (the student): (Solve the problem) Oh no, I'm really sorry to hear that
you're not feeling well, madam. Let's try to figure out what we can do to make you feel
better. Have you had anything to eat or drink that might have caused this?
Guest: I'm not sure. I had the seafood at the restaurant last night, and now I'm regretting
it. My stomach is in knots.
Tour Guide: I see. I'm not a doctor, but it could be food poisoning. It's important to stay
hydrated. Would you like some water or maybe some ginger tea? It might help settle your
stomach a bit.
Guest: Water sounds good. And maybe some crackers if you have any. I just want this pain
to go away.
Tour Guide: Of course, madam. I'll get you some water right away, and I'll check if we
have any crackers on the bus. In the meantime, if your symptoms worsen, we should
consider seeking medical attention. There might be a clinic nearby.
Guest: Thank you, that would be great. I appreciate your help.
Tour Guide: Here you go, madam. Take small sips of water, and nibble on the crackers. If
you feel up to it, we can find the nearest medical facility. Your well-being is the top priority.
Guest: Thank you for taking care of me.
Tour Guide: Your health is important, and we're here to support you. Let's see how you
feel after a little rest, and if needed, we'll make arrangements for medical assistance.

Question 3 Give travelers who visit your town or city some safety tips or advices for safety
- In hotels
- On the road
- In the leisure centre
- In the tourism places

1. In Hotels:
o Secure Valuables:

Use the hotel safe to store valuables such as passports, money, and important documents. Avoid
leaving expensive items unattended in the room.
o Check Fire Exits:
Familiarize yourself with the location of fire exits and emergency evacuation procedures. Take a
moment to review the hotel's safety information upon check-in.
o Use Door Security Features:

Use all available door security features, such as deadbolts and chain locks, when inside your
hotel room. Verify the identity of anyone knocking on your door before opening it.
o Be Wary of Strangers:

Exercise caution when interacting with strangers, even if they claim to be hotel staff. Verify their
identity with the front desk if you have any doubts.
2. On the Road:
o Use Reliable Transportation:

Choose reputable transportation options, such as licensed taxis or recognized ride-sharing

services. Avoid unmarked or unofficial vehicles.
o Be Aware of Surroundings:

Stay alert to your surroundings, especially in unfamiliar areas. Be cautious when using electronic
devices in public, as it may attract unwanted attention.
o Follow Traffic Rules:

Adhere to local traffic rules and regulations. Use crosswalks and pedestrian crossings, and be
cautious when navigating busy streets.
o Secure Personal Belongings:

Keep your belongings secure, especially in crowded areas or public transportation. Use anti-theft
measures such as money belts or secure backpacks.
3. In Leisure Centers:
o Supervise Belongings:

Keep a close eye on your belongings when at leisure centers, such as parks, beaches, or pools.
Use lockers if available.
o Stay Hydrated:

Stay hydrated, especially in warm climates. Carry a reusable water bottle and be mindful of your
health in different weather conditions.
o Follow Safety Guidelines:

Adhere to safety guidelines and rules at leisure facilities. Pay attention to lifeguards, signage, and
any posted warnings.
4. In Tourism Places:
o Stay Informed About Local Customs:

Familiarize yourself with local customs and cultural norms to ensure respectful behavior and
avoid unintentional offense.
o Beware of Scams:

Be cautious of common tourist scams and avoid situations that seem suspicious. If in doubt, seek
assistance from local authorities or your accommodation.
o Protect Against Pickpocketing:
Keep an eye on your belongings in crowded tourist areas. Use money belts or secure pockets to
minimize the risk of pickpocketing.
o Use Reputable Tour Operators:

Choose reputable tour operators and guides when exploring tourist attractions. Read reviews, ask
for recommendations, and verify the legitimacy of the services.
Remember, being aware of your surroundings, following local guidelines, and taking
common-sense precautions contribute to a safer and more enjoyable travel experience.

Question 1
Find the suitable words to fill in the blanks to complete the sentences
1. Our hotel has good facilities, including a swimming pool, gym and coffee shop.
2. In a hotel, clients are called guests
3. If you are staying in Dili for a long time it is cheaper to rent an apartment than to
stay in a hotel.
4. Welcome to our five-star hotel
5. Every morning our hotel bus takes guests on a guided tour of a city
Question 2 Act out a dialogue to solve the problem of the guest in the following situation:
Guest (the teacher): I need to watch news at 7 p.m but now it’s 6.50 p.m there is nothing on my
TV screen after I turn it on.

The tour guide (the student): (Solve the problem) Oh, I understand how important it is for you to
catch the news at 7 p.m, madam. Let me help you with that. Have you checked if you're on
the right channel?

Guest: Yes, I made sure it's on the right channel, but there's just a blank screen.

Tour Guide: Okay, let me take a look. Sometimes, it might be a technical issue. Have you tried
turning it off and on again? It sounds weird, but it works more often than you'd think.

Guest: I haven't tried that. Let's give it a shot.

Tour Guide: Alright, let's see if that did the trick.

Guest: Oh, there we go! It's working now. Thank you for suggesting that.

Tour Guide: No problem at all, madam. Technology can be a bit complex sometimes. If you ever
encounter any more issues or need assistance, feel free to let me know.

Guest: I appreciate your help. Now, I can catch the news on time.
Tour Guide: I'm glad I could assist you. If there's anything else you need or if you have any more
questions, just let me know. Enjoy the news, and if we're ready to move on, we can
continue our tour.

Question 3 : Talk about the tip culture in America

- At the airport or train stations
For both airport and train porters, you should tip $2 for the first bag and $1 for each
additional bag; over-sized bags should be tipped at a rate of $2 per bag.

- At hotels
● If you arrive at a hotel by driving a car and use the services of valet parking, you
should tip $1-5 when your car is delivered.

● If you use a hotel shuttle to and from the airport or other local points, tipping $1-2
per person or $5 per party is appropriate. If the driver also handles your luggage,
you might add $1 per bag or round up to the next $5.

● Nicer hotels have Doormen stationed at the entrance. If they take your luggage
inside tip them according to the number and weight of your bags. If the Doorman
calls a taxi for you, $1-2 is enough.

● After you check-in, a Bellman may deliver your bags to your room. You should tip
$1-5 per bag, again depending on the amount of labor moving your luggage

● Many times, the bill already includes a room service charge, so verify before you tip.
If not, the recommended amount to tip the steward is 15-20 percent, just as in a

● The recommended amount for housekeeping tips in U.S. hotels is $1-5 per night.
And if you stay multiple nights, the tip should be left daily because a different
person might be on duty the next day.

● If you enjoy Spa and Salon Services at your hotel, tip about 15 percent (even at
all-inclusive resorts), just as you would outside the hotel.

● At hotel restaurants and bars, tip Servers 15-20 percent, as you would at any
full-service restaurant in the U.S. If a Wine Steward helps you choose a bottle of
wine, tip 10-20 percent of the cost of the wine, capped at $20. If you dine at a buffet
with drink service, you should leave $1-2 per person. Tip Bartenders 10-15 percent
or $1-2 per round.
- At restaurants
The appropriate amount to tip servers depends on your service. 15% is appropriate
for average service ; 20% if your server is above average. You should feel free to tip
above 20% if you received excellent service. If you received poor service, it is better
to talk to the manager than skip on the tip.
o Host - No tip is necessary unless a special service was performed, then tip
appropriately for the size of the favor.
o Bartenders – 15% of the tab or $1 for beer or wine
o Coat check steward - $1 per coat
o Sommelier (wine steward) – 15% of the bottle price
o Restroom attendants - $0.50 to $1
o Parking attendants - $1 to $3
- For tour guides
● For a short guided tour in the U.S.: Tip $5-$10 (or more) per person if your tour is
around two hours or less. This would be an appropriate amount for most walking
● For a full-day guided tour in the U.S: Tip $10-$20 per person if it’s a longer guided
tour (think six hours or more). A family of four might tip $40 for six-hour.

Question 1 (2 points): Choose the suitable words to fill in the blanks

package single itinerary insurance full luggage return

1. Will this be a one-way ticket, or a return ticket?

2. Are you interested in buying package travel?
3. We have a lot of insurance deals to Cuba and the Dominican Republic right now
4. A passenger’s itinerary is the proposed route of travel
5. That flight is full

Question 2 Handling the complaint

A guest staying in your hotel complains: “The attitudes and behavior of your staff are
unacceptable”. You are the manager of that hotel, handle this complaint.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I'm sorry to hear that you've had a negative
experience with our staff. I take such feedback seriously, and I'd like to address your
concerns. Could you please provide more details about the specific incidents or interactions
that you found unacceptable?

Question 3: Talk about the special dish

Choose a special dish in Vietnam or other countries that you know and explain how to make it to
a group of foreigners.

Vietnam is famous with its traditional and delicious dishes. All of them easily bring to
anyone’s mouth indeed, but as myself, I enjoy spring rolls best.
Spring rolls are lightly fried rice – paper rolls, smaller and crispier than Chinese egg rolls
but more flavorful. They are filled with highly seasonal ingredients of meat (crab, shrimp,
pork) chopped vegetables, onion, mushroom, vermicelli and eggs. To prepare them, place
the above-mentioned filling on a thin rice pancake, roll up then fry. Finally, spring rolls,
when fully prepared, are wrapped into some kinds of fresh vegetables, then doused in fish
My mother usually cooks spring rolls for me, especially on important days in year, such as
Tet holiday. When I eat them, I feel all of my mother’s love that she reserves for me. To me,
they’re the most special dish in this world.
Question 1 :Choose the suitable words to fill in the blanks

Trap relic arrange discount returning historic residence

1. We can arrange your entire trip.

2. I booked you a flight on October 1st, returning on October 15th
3. You also qualify for a 10% senior discount
4. A tourist residence is a place designed to attract travelers/ tourists. Three types of places
are usually more expensive than places where “locals” go.
5. This is a very modern city. There aren’t many historic building

Question 2: Act out a dialogue to solve the problem of the guest in the following situation:
Guest (the teacher): When I first arrived I was assured that a bottle of Chivas Regis would
always be in the min-bar. Well I’m here now and the bottle isn’t. What kind of hotel are
you running here anyway!

The staff member (the student): (Solve the problem) Good evening, madam. I'm truly sorry
to hear about the inconvenience you've experienced. I understand the importance of having
your preferences met during your stay. Let me look into this matter for you.

Guest: Well, I specifically mentioned this when I made the reservation, and I was assured
that there would always be a bottle of Chivas Regal in the minibar. It's disappointing to
arrive and not find it.

Staff Member: I apologize for any confusion, madam. Let me check our records and see
what might have happened. While I do that, may I offer you a complimentary drink at the
bar while we sort this out for you?

Guest: I appreciate the gesture, but I was looking forward to relaxing in my room with a
drink after a long day. Can you please expedite this and make sure it's in my room soon?

Staff Member: Absolutely, madam. I completely understand. I'll contact our housekeeping
team right away to ensure that a bottle of Chivas Regal is placed in your minibar promptly.
I'll also make a note in our system to ensure this doesn't happen again during your stay.

Guest: Thank you. I hope this gets resolved quickly. It's just frustrating when expectations
set during booking aren't met.

Staff Member: I completely understand, madam. We strive to provide the best experience
for our guests, and I sincerely apologize for any oversight. Rest assured, I'll personally
ensure that your minibar is stocked as requested. If there's anything else you need or if you
have further concerns, please don't hesitate to let me know.

Guest: I appreciate your assistance. I'll look forward to the minibar being sorted out.

Staff Member: Thank you for your understanding. We want to make sure your stay with
us is as comfortable as possible. If there's anything else you need, feel free to reach out to

Question 3: Imagine that you are a tour guide and you need to explain when and how much
to tip in Vietnam for foreign visitors.
- At restaurants
- At hotels
- For taxi drivers
- For members of staff

1. At Restaurants:
When: Tipping is not a traditional practice in Vietnam, but it has become more common in
tourist areas. In restaurants, if a service charge is not included, it's polite to leave a small
How Much: Around 5-10% of the total bill is generally appreciated. However, it's essential
to check if a service charge is already included.
2. At Hotels:
When: Tipping hotel staff is a common practice, especially if they go above and beyond to
assist you.
How Much:
● Porters: Give a small tip for carrying luggage to your room.
● Housekeeping: Leaving a small amount daily for housekeeping is appreciated.
● Concierge: Tipping for exceptional service is discretionary.
3. For Taxi Drivers:
When: Tipping taxi drivers is not common, but rounding up the fare to the nearest
convenient amount is appreciated.
How Much: For short rides, rounding up is sufficient. For longer rides or exceptional
service, you can offer a small additional amount.
4. For Members of Staff:
When: Tipping individual staff members, such as tour guides or drivers, is customary,
especially if they provide excellent service.
How Much:
● Tour Guides: $5-$10 per day per person is a common range.
● Drivers: $3-$5 per day per person is customary.
It's crucial to note that tipping practices can vary, and these are general guidelines. Always
consider the level of service received, and tipping is optional based on your satisfaction.
Remember to adapt your tipping habits based on your experiences and the local context,
and feel free to ask your tour guide for advice in specific situations.

Question 1 (2 points): Choose the suitable words to fill in the blanks

banks sightseeing street festival climb banks light


1. Turn right at the next light and then go straight for about 1 kilometer
2. If you climb to the top of the tower you will get a beautiful view of the city.
3. Don’t buy anything from the street
4. The river divides the city into two banks
5. The street featival, which happen in July, is a great place to buy art and crafts from local

Question 2 (3 points): Act out a dialogue to solve the problem of the guest in the following
Guest (the teacher): My room is too noisy. The people in the next room have loud parties
night and I have not been able to sleep very well. Also, the hotel bed is very uncomfortable.
The manager (the student): (Solve the problem) Good evening, Madam. I'm truly sorry to
hear about the challenges you've faced during your stay. Your comfort is our top priority,
and I want to ensure we address these issues promptly. I appreciate you bringing this to our

Guest: Well, it's been quite frustrating, to be honest. I can't get a good night's sleep with all
the noise from the next room, and the bed is really uncomfortable.

Manager: I apologize for the inconvenience you've experienced. Rest assured, we'll do our
best to resolve these issues. First, regarding the noise, I'll speak to our security team and
address the matter with the guests in the neighboring room. We'll ensure that they are
considerate of the other guests.

Guest: Thank you. It's been really disruptive.

Manager: I apologize for the impact on your stay. To make up for the inconvenience, we'd
like to offer you a complimentary upgrade to a quieter room with a more comfortable bed.
Would that be acceptable for you?

Guest: Yes, that would be great. Thank you for addressing the issues promptly.

Manager: I'll make sure the new room is ready for you shortly. Additionally, please feel
free to reach out if you need anything else during your stay. We want to ensure the
remainder of your time with us is enjoyable.

Guest: I appreciate your assistance in resolving these issues. Thank you.

Manager: It's our pleasure, madam.

Question 3 (3 points): Talk about the tip culture in France

- At restaurant
- At café
- For taxi driver
- For bell man
1. At Restaurants:
Customary Tipping: In France, a service charge is typically included in the bill, so it's not
obligatory to leave an additional tip. However, it's common to round up the total or leave
some small change for good service.
How Much: If the service charge is not included, leaving around 5-10% is appreciated.
2. At Cafés:
Customary Tipping: Similar to restaurants, tipping at cafés is not mandatory, but rounding
up the bill or leaving some change is a polite gesture.
How Much: A few euros or small change is sufficient, and tipping is often more about
convenience than a set percentage.
3. For Taxi Drivers:
Customary Tipping: It's common to round up the fare to the nearest convenient amount.
For exceptional service or help with luggage, an additional euro or two is appreciated.
How Much: As a general rule, rounding up is sufficient, but a small additional tip is a nice
4. For Bellmen:
Customary Tipping: Tipping for bellmen or porters is customary, especially if they assist
with luggage.
How Much: Around 1-2 euros per bag is common. If the service is more involved, a slightly
larger tip is appropriate.
It's important to note that while tipping is appreciated, it's not as deeply ingrained in
French culture as it is in some other countries. Service charges are often included in bills,
so additional tipping is more about acknowledging good service rather than meeting an
expectation. Also, it's common to leave small change rather than a specific percentage.

Question 1 (2 points): Choose the suitable words to fill in the blanks

departs list boutiques residence marked information shown

1. This street is full of boutiques so it will be easy for tourists to choose the suitable souvenirs
for their family members.
2. This palace was the summer residence of the Emperor Franz Joseph
3. The walking tour departs from the tourist information office every hour till 7 p.m
4. All of the major sights are marked on the map
5. There is a list of hotels in the back of brochure
Question 2 (3 points): Handling the problem
Imagine that you are the security guard at the airport. When the passenger’s bag goes through
the x-ray screener, you see something strange. It looks like a boom! You want to check to see
what it is. You tell the passenger to open his or her bag but the passenger seems very angry.
How can you handle this problem?
● Remain Calm and Professional:
Stay calm and composed. Speak in a calm and authoritative tone to convey that checking
the passenger’s bag is one of the most important parts of the airline process.
● Explain the Situation:
Politely explain to the passenger that something unusual was detected in their bag during
the X-ray screening, and it needs to be further examined to ensure the safety of everyone
on the flight.
Question 3 (3 points): Give some DOs and DON’Ts for the receptionist when using the
phone to talk with the guests.

● Greet with a smile- Begin the ● Don't Interrupt- Avoid interrupting
conversation with a warm and the guest while they are speaking.
friendly greeting. Allow them to communicate their
● Speak clearly and slowly- speak at needs before responding.
a moderate pace to ensure the guest ● Don't Sound Rushed- Take the time
can understand you clearly. needed for each guest. Sounding
● Use polite and professional rushed can make guests feel
Language- maintain a professional unimportant.
and courteous tone throughout the ● Avoid Negative Language -Refrain
conversation. Use "please" and from using negative language or
"thank you” -> politeness. expressing frustration, even if the
● Provide Clear Instructions: guest is challenging.
If the guest needs directions or ● Don't Multitask- Focus on the call
instructions, provide clear and without engaging in distracting
concise information to help them activities. Multitasking may lead to
navigate easily. misunderstandings or oversights.
● Express Appreciation: ● Don't Guess Information- If unsure
Thank the guest for their call and about certain details, don't guess.
express gratitude for choosing your Instead, offer to find the accurate
establishment. information and get back to the
guest promptly.

Question 1 Choose the suitable words to fill in the blanks

admission stay lined bohemian tour park pass

1. The tour guide tells us about the two hour tour

2. The city has many beautiful tree-lined avenues.
3. Disneyland is an example of an amusement park
4. The admission fee is $10 (phi vao cua)
5. That’s the bohemian part of town

Question 2 (3 points): Act out a dialogue to solve the problem of the guest in the following
Guest (the teacher): I’ve lost my airline ticket. I’m booked to fly on the 11 a. m flight to
London. It’s already 9.30 and I still have to get to the airport.
The staff member (the student): (Solve the problem) I understand the urgency, Ms.
Johnson. Let's work together to resolve this. Firstly, could you confirm your name and
booking reference for me, please?

Guest: It's Anh Tran, and the booking reference is XYZ123.

Staff Member: Thank you, Ms. Tran . Let me check our system. While I do that, have you
retraced your steps or checked your belongings thoroughly to ensure the ticket isn't
Guest: I've looked through my bags, and I'm afraid it's nowhere to be found.

Staff Member: I appreciate your checking. I'll contact the airline immediately to see if we
can resolve this swiftly. In the meantime, I suggest heading to the airport as quickly as
possible. We'll do our best to sort out the ticket situation before your departure.

Guest: Thank you. I'm really worried about missing my flight.

Staff Member: I completely understand, Ms. Tran. As soon as I get confirmation from the
airline, I'll contact you. Additionally, if you have any digital confirmation or identification,
please bring it along; it might help expedite the process.

Guest: Okay, I have the email confirmation on my phone. I'll head to the airport now.

Staff Member: Perfect. Safe travels to the airport, Ms Tran . I'll be in touch with any
updates as soon as possible. If you encounter any issues or have questions on your way,
don't hesitate to call me.

Guest: Thank you for your help. I appreciate it.

Staff Member: It's our pleasure, madam. We'll do everything we can to assist you. Safe
travels, and I'll be in touch shortly.

Question 3 (3 points): Organize a trip for 12 students to a place in Vietnam

Describe detailed information:
- Time: How many days? How many nights?
- Transportation
- Price
- Activities: What will the tourists visit/ play/ eat there

Trip to Hoi An, Vietnam

● Duration: 4 days, 3 nights
● Dates: May 22th to April 25th
● Flights: Round-trip flights from Hanoi to Da Nang International Airport.
● Ground Transportation: Private buses for airport transfers and local travel.
Hotel: A centrally located three-star hotel in Hoi An, providing a comfortable and
convenient stay.
Total Cost: $600 per student (inclusive of flights, accommodation, and local
Note: Prices are subject to change based on availability and group discounts.
Day 1: Arrival in Hoi An
Arrive in Da Nang and transfer to Hoi An.
Check into the hotel and freshen up.
Welcome dinner at a local restaurant in the Old Town.
Day 2: Exploring Hoi An
Morning visit to the Ancient Town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Walking tour to explore historical architecture, temples, and the iconic Japanese Covered
Afternoon boat trip on the Thu Bon River.
Evening lantern-making workshop.

Day 3: Cultural Immersion

Morning bicycle tour to Tra Que Vegetable Village for a hands-on experience in farming.
Cooking class to learn to prepare traditional Vietnamese dishes.
Afternoon free time for shopping or relaxation.
Farewell dinner featuring regional specialties.

Day 4: Departure
Morning visit to My Khe Beach for relaxation and beach activities.
Check-out from the hotel.
Transfer to Da Nang International Airport for departure.
Included in the Price:
● Round-trip flights.
● Accommodation with daily breakfast.
● Ground transportation.
● Guided tours and activities mentioned in the itinerary.
● Welcome and farewell dinners.
● Lunches and some dinners not mentioned in the itinerary.
● Personal expenses and optional activities.

A dedicated tour guide will accompany the group.

Special dietary requirements can be accommodated with prior notice.
Comprehensive travel insurance is recommended.
This itinerary is designed to provide students with a cultural and immersive experience,
combining historical exploration, hands-on activities, and relaxation. Adjustments can be
made based on the group's preferences and interests.

Question 1 (2 points): Choose the suitable words to fill in the blanks

Ultra public landmark ancient winter vibrant budget

1. Despite having lots of ancient architecture, Rome is one of Europe’s most fashionable cities.
2. Bora Bora is not for travelers on a landmark
3. Bangkok’s climate is tropical, so you won’t need to bring your winter clothes.
4. London has a very good public transportation system.
5. Tokyo is an ultra modern metropolis.

Question 2 (3 points): Act out a dialogue to solve the problem of the guest in the following
Guest (the teacher): I ordered a Creamy Vegetable Soup and there aren’t many vegetables
in it. It’s mainly just broth.
Waiter (the student): (Solve the complaint) Good evening, Madam. I hope you're enjoying
your dining experience with us. How is everything so far?

Guest: Well, to be honest, I ordered the Creamy Vegetable Soup, but there aren't many
vegetables in it. It's mostly just broth.

Waiter: I apologize for the inconvenience, madam. I appreciate you bringing this to my
attention. Let me address this immediately. Would you prefer more vegetables in your
soup, or would you like to choose another dish?

Guest: I was really looking forward to a hearty vegetable soup. If it's possible, I would
appreciate it if you could add more vegetables to it.

Waiter: Of course. I'll communicate your preference to the kitchen right away. In the
meantime, please enjoy the rest of your meal, and I'll ensure the revised soup is brought to
you promptly.

Guest: Thank you for taking care of that. I appreciate it.

Waiter: Here is your revised Creamy Vegetable Soup with extra vegetables. I hope it meets
your expectations now. If there's anything else you need or if you have any other
preferences, please don't hesitate to let me know.

Guest: This looks much better! Thank you for addressing it so quickly. I appreciate your
attention to detail.

Waiter: It's our pleasure, madam. We want to ensure you have a delightful dining
experience. If there's anything else I can assist you with or if you have any other requests,
feel free to inform me. Enjoy the rest of your meal!

Guest: Thank you. I'm sure I will.

Question 3 (3 points): What are advantages and disadvantages of travelling by train?

● Advantages:
o Reasonable price

Travelling by train is an economical option for everyone as it costs much lower than other
private vehicles.

o Luggage Space
Train travel is a better option than boarding a bus or plane, which allows passengers to bring
carry-on bags, suitcases a small fee or even free of charge.

o Views

Traveling by train affords passengers the chance to see sights and unspoiled beauty they would
never see from a plane window or on a busy road.

● Disadvantage
o Lack of Control

On a train, passengers don't have those options. You have to follow the fixed schedule of the
train like getting off and on at the train station, not getting to your private home or office.

o Close Quarters

Some trains have seats that face each other, which can be awkward when you're seated with
strangers. They might carry on loud phone calls during the trip.

For passengers who are accustomed to the privacy of a car – and the ability to listen to music
without wearing headphones – adjusting to a not-so-private train car can be tough.

Question 1 (2 points): Choose the suitable words to fill in the blanks

one way ticket counter service change refundable compartments


1. This train only has sleeping compartments

2. Would you like a one way ticket or a round trip ticket? Round trip= return ticket
3. I’m sorry, this ticket is non- refundable (ko duoc hoan lai)
4. You will have to change trains in Brussels.
5. All international tickets are sold at the ticket counter around the corner.

Question 2 Act out a dialogue to solve the problem of the guest in the following situation:
Guest (the teacher): I ordered a chicken parmigiana and the chicken is not well-cooked. I
don’t want to enjoy this dish.
Waiter (the student): (Solve the problem) I'm truly sorry to hear that, Madam. I apologize
for any inconvenience. Let me address this immediately. Would you prefer another dish, or
would you like us to prepare a new Chicken Parmigiana with properly cooked chicken for

Guest: I appreciate that. If possible, I'd like another Chicken Parmigiana with well-cooked

Waiter: Certainly. I'll inform the kitchen right away, and we'll make sure your new dish
meets your expectations. In the meantime, please feel free to enjoy your drinks, and I'll
ensure the revised dish is brought to you promptly.

Waiter: Here is your revised Chicken Parmigiana with properly cooked chicken. I sincerely
apologize for the inconvenience earlier. If there's anything else you need or if you have any
other preferences, please don't hesitate to let me know.

Guest: Thank you for addressing it so quickly. I appreciate your understanding. This looks
much better.

Waiter: It's our goal to ensure you have a pleasant dining experience, Madam. If there's
anything else I can assist you with or if you have any other requests, please inform me.
Enjoy the rest of your meal!

Guest: I will. Thanks again for your prompt attention to this matter.

Question 3 Talk about your favorite country (culture, people, transport, famous tourism
places, etc)

Question 1 (2 points): Choose the suitable words to fill in the blanks

service fee multicultural turbulence(su nhieu loan) class fold put


1. Toronto is a multicultural city. Many people from many different countries live there.
2. Las Vegas offers travelers many world- class attractions.
3. I can give you a refund, minus a $10 service fee/reservation
4. Passengers should fold up their meal tray prior before landing.
5. We are experiencing light turbulence. There is nothing to worry about.

Question 2 (3 points): Act out a dialogue to solve the problem of the guest in the following
Guest (the teacher): It’s been 20 minutes since I gave my order. We’ve haven’t received any
appetizers or even any drinks yet.
The staff member (the student): (Solve the complaint ) I apologize for the delay, Madam.
That's certainly not the level of service we aim to provide. Let me check on your order
immediately and ensure everything is on its way.

Staff Member: I appreciate your patience, Madam. It seems there was a delay in the
kitchen, and I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. Your appetizers and drinks will be
expedited, and I'll make sure they're brought to your table promptly.

Guest: Thank you for addressing it. We were just getting a bit hungry and worried about
the wait.

Staff Member: I completely understand, madam. Your satisfaction is our priority. To make
up for the delay, I'd like to offer you complimentary desserts for the inconvenience.
Additionally, I'll make sure the rest of your dining experience is smooth and enjoyable.

Guest: That's a thoughtful gesture. I appreciate it.

Staff Member: It's the least we can do to make up for the delay. Your appetizers and drinks
will be with you shortly, and I'll personally ensure the rest of your dining experience is
pleasant. If there's anything else you need or if you have any other preferences, please don't
hesitate to let me know.

Guest: Thank you for your attention to this matter. I'll look forward to the rest of our meal.

Staff Member: You're very welcome, Madam. If you have any further concerns or requests,
I'm here to assist. Enjoy the rest of your evening.

Question 3 (3 points): Talk about the tip culture in France

- At restaurant
- At café
- For taxi driver

1. At Restaurants:
Service Charge: In many restaurants in France, a service charge (service compris) is included in
the bill, which covers the service provided by the staff. If a service charge is included, it's not
obligatory to leave an additional tip.
Additional Tipping: While it's not mandatory, it's common to round up the bill or leave some
small change as a gesture of appreciation for good service. If the service charge is not included,
leaving around 5-10% is appreciated.

2. At Cafés:
Service Charge: Similar to restaurants, some cafés include a service charge in the bill.
Additional Tipping: It's customary to round up the bill or leave small change as a token of
appreciation, especially if you've received good service.

3. For Taxi Drivers:

Rounding Up: Tipping taxi drivers is not as common as in some other countries. However, it's
customary to round up the fare to the nearest convenient amount. For example, if the fare is 9.50
euros, you might round up to 10 euros.
General Tips:
Cash Tipping: While card payments are widely accepted, tipping in cash is preferred in France.
Politeness Matters: Saying "merci" (thank you) when handing over the tip is considered polite.
It's important to note that tipping in France is more about showing appreciation for good service
rather than meeting an expectation. Service charges are often included in bills, and tipping is
seen as a discretionary and personal choice. While tipping is appreciated, it's not as deeply
ingrained in French culture as it is in some other countries, so there's less pressure to tip a
specific percentage.

Question 1 (2 points): Choose the suitable words to fill in the blanks

sickness overhead fill out remain fail to serving

1. If you start to feel nauseous, there are air- sickness bags in the seat pocket in front of you.
2. Sir, please remain your seat until the plane comes to a complete stop.
3. Since this is a short flight, we will only be serving a light snack.
4. Make sure your bags are stored in the overhead compartment.
5. Every passenger has to fill out a customs form.

Question 2 (3 points): Act out a dialogue to solve the problem of the guest in the following
Guest (the teacher): I had reserved a tennis court, but it has been taken over by someone
else. I don’t know why and where I can play tennis now.
The staff member (the student): (Solve the problem) I apologize for the inconvenience,
Madam. Let me check the reservation system and find out what happened. I appreciate
your patience.

Staff Member: I see what might have occurred. It seems there was a scheduling error, and I
sincerely apologize for that. I understand the importance of having the court as reserved.
To make it right, I'll arrange for another available court for you immediately.

Guest: Thank you. I was really looking forward to playing, and it's disappointing that the
court I reserved isn't available.

Staff Member: I completely understand, Madam. I'll ensure you have a court to play on
shortly. In the meantime, may I offer you a complimentary refreshment at our lounge while
we sort this out?

Guest: That's a nice gesture. Thank you. I'll appreciate that.

Staff Member: Thanks for your patience. I've secured another tennis court for you. It's
Court 3, and it's available for your use now. Additionally, your refreshment is ready at the

Guest: I appreciate your quick response to the situation. Thank you for arranging another
court for me.

Staff Member: It's our goal to ensure you have a positive experience here. If there's
anything else you need or if you encounter any further issues, please don't hesitate to
inform me. I hope you enjoy your game and your time at our facility.

Guest: Thank you for your assistance. I'm looking forward to it.

Question 3 (3 points): What are advantages and disadvantages of travelling by air?

❖ Advantages:
o Speed:
Air travel is significantly faster than most other modes of transportation. It allows
passengers to cover long distances in a relatively short amount of time.
o Accessibility:
Airports are located in major cities and regions, providing greater accessibility to various
destinations. This is especially beneficial for international travel.
o Global Connectivity:
Air travel facilitates global connectivity, allowing people to reach almost any corner of the
world with ease.
o Safety:
Air travel is generally considered one of the safest modes of transportation, with rigorous
safety standards and regulations in place.
o Reduced Travel Time:
Air travel reduces travel time, making it possible for individuals to undertake trips that
might be impractical by other means.
❖ Disadvantages
o Cost:
Air travel can be relatively expensive compared to other modes of transportation, making
it less accessible for budget-conscious travelers.
o Environmental Impact:
Air travel contributes to carbon emissions and has an environmental impact. The aviation
industry is exploring ways to reduce its carbon footprint.
o Limited Luggage:
Airlines often have restrictions on luggage weight and size, and excess baggage fees can add
to the overall cost of the journey.
o Airport Delays:
Flights may be subject to delays or cancellations due to weather conditions, air traffic
congestion, or other operational issues.
o Health Considerations:
Long flights can contribute to issues such as jet lag, dehydration, and discomfort, affecting
the overall well-being of passengers.

Question 4 (2 points): Answer the teacher’s questions

Question 1 (2 points): Here are some questions that might be asked at a travel agent’s.
Match the replies a - f to the client’s questions 1 – 6.
1. Do I have to change planes anywhere? a. Your check-in time is 05.30 and your departure
2. Is it best to fly from Paris to Lyon? time is 06.30. Do you want me to book you a taxi?
3. I’m booked on a flight to New York b. No, It’s a direct flight.
tomorrow, but can’t travel then. What c. No, it’s a non-stop flight.
should I do? d. Not really, it’s better to take a train.
4. What time do I have to be at the airport? e. Would you like me to cancel your reservation?
5. Does the flight stop anywhere in route?
1b , 2d , 3e , 4a , 5c

Question 2 (3 points): Act out a dialogue to solve the problem of the guest in the following
Guest (the teacher): The room smells like smoke, we can’t stay here, especially my kids.
The receptionist (the student): (Solve the problem) I apologize for the inconvenience,
Madam. I understand the importance of a comfortable stay, especially with children. Let
me check our availability and find a solution for you right away.

Receptionist: I appreciate your patience, madam. To make up for the inconvenience, I can
offer you a room upgrade to a smoke-free room on a higher floor. I'll ensure it's ready for
you within the next 30 minutes.

Guest: That would be great. Thank you for addressing this so promptly.

Receptionist: Of course. I'll also inform our housekeeping team to address the issue in the
current room. Your comfort is our priority, and I want to make sure the rest of your stay is
enjoyable, madam.

Guest: I appreciate your help with this. We were really looking forward to a pleasant stay.

Receptionist: Thank you for your understanding. Your upgraded room will be on the 5th
floor. In the meantime, if there's anything else you need or if you have any other concerns,
please don't hesitate to let me know.

Guest: Thank you. I'll let you know if we need anything else.

Receptionist: Here are the keys to your upgraded room, Madam. I hope you and your
family have a much more comfortable and enjoyable stay.

Guest: Thank you for your assistance. We're looking forward to it.

Receptionist: It's our pleasure. If you need anything else, feel free to contact the front desk.
Enjoy the rest of your evening!

Question 3 (3 points): Describe the check in procedure in the hotel

1. Arrival at the Hotel:
Upon arriving at the hotel, proceed to the front desk or reception area.

2. Reservation Confirmation:
Provide the receptionist with your name and, if applicable, your reservation details.
Hand over any confirmation documents you may have, such as a reservation email or
booking reference.

3. Identification and Personal Information:

Present a valid form of identification (usually a government-issued ID or passport).
Provide personal information such as contact details, address, and a method of payment
for incidental expenses.

4. Payment Authorization:
If you haven't pre-paid, the hotel may request a credit card for payment authorization.
They might also ask for a security deposit to cover any potential charges during your stay.

5. Room Assignment:
The receptionist will assign you a room based on availability and your preferences if
You may be offered choices if the hotel has multiple room types available.

6. Key Card Issuance:

You'll receive a key card or key to access your room. The key card may also be used for
other amenities like gym access or the elevator.

7. Information Sharing:
The receptionist will provide information about hotel facilities, such as dining options,
Wi-Fi details, gym hours, and any other relevant services.
They may explain the hotel's policies, including check-out times and any specific rules.

8. Assistance and Special Requests:

If you have any special requests or need assistance, such as extra pillows, a crib, or
information about local attractions, this is the time to ask.

9. Confirmation of Stay:
Review the details provided by the receptionist to ensure accuracy. If everything is in order,
you'll be directed to your room.

10. Enjoy Your Stay:

Once you've completed the check-in procedure, head to your room, relax, and enjoy your

Question 1 (2 points): Find the suitable words to fill in the blanks to complete the
conversation between the waiter and the customer in a restaurant to book a table
Waiter: Good afternoon, how can I help you?
Customer: I’d like to have a table for one, please.
Waiter: Right this way. Here you are.
Customer: Thank you. Can I have a menu 2
Waiter: Here you are. Would you like to hear today’s specials?
Customer: Certainly
Waiter: Well, our today’s 3 starter is chicken soup and today’s main 4 dish is salmon and
Customer: Alright, I’d like the salmon and chips.
Waiter: Yes. Would you like something to drink?
Customer: I’d like a pineapple juice, please.
Waiter: Thank you, 5 enjoy your lunch.
Question 2 (3 points): Act out a dialogue to solve the problem of the guest in the following
Guest (the teacher): The sink is leaking in the bathroom. I feel uncomfortable to have a
The staff member (the student): (Solve the problem)
Question 3 (3 points): Organize a trip for 12 foreign teenagers to a place in Vietnam
Describe detailed information:
- Time: How many days? How many nights?
- Transportation
- Price
- Activities: What will the tourists visit/ play/ eat there?
Trip to Da Nang and Hội An, Vietnam
● Time:
Duration: 6 days, 5 nights
Dates: March 20th to March 25th

● Transportation:
Flight: Round-trip flights from Hanoi to Da Nang International Airport.
Ground Transportation: Private buses for airport transfers and local travel.

● Accommodation:
Hotels: Comfortable accommodations in Da Nang and Hội An.

● Price:
Total Cost: $1,000 per teenager (inclusive of flights, accommodation, and local

● Activities:
Day 1: Arrival in Da Nang
Arrive in Da Nang and transfer to the hotel.
Check into the hotel and have a welcome Vietnamese dinner.

Day 2: Adventure and Exploration

Morning visit to Marble Mountains for hiking and panoramic views.
Afternoon at My Khe Beach for relaxation and water activities.
Evening visit to Dragon Bridge and Han River.

Day 3: Cultural Day in Hội An

Morning transfer to Hội An, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Guided walking tour of Hội An Ancient Town's historic architecture.
Afternoon lantern-making workshop.
Evening river cruise with floating lanterns.

Day 4: Culinary Delights

Morning bicycle tour to Tra Que Vegetable Village for a hands-on farming experience.
Cooking class to learn traditional Vietnamese dishes.
Afternoon free time for shopping or relaxation.
Group dinner at a local eatery featuring specialties like Cao Lau and White Rose

Day 5: Beach Day and Farewell

Full day at An Bang Beach for sun and sea activities.
Explore the vibrant street art scene in Hội An.
Farewell dinner featuring regional seafood dishes.

Day 6: Departure
Morning visit to the Japanese Covered Bridge in Hội An.
Check-out from the hotel.
Transfer to Da Nang International Airport for departure.

Included in the Price:

Round-trip flights.
Accommodation with daily breakfast.
Ground transportation.
Guided tours and activities mentioned in the itinerary.
Welcome and farewell dinners.

Lunches and some dinners not mentioned in the itinerary.
Personal expenses and optional activities.

Question 4 (2 points): Answer the teacher’s questions

Question 1 (2 points): Choose the suitable words to fill in the blanks

for alone missed pieces fault stay


1. How many pieces of luggage do you have?

2. The check-in doesn’t start for another two hours.
3. So, you missed your connecting flight because of the delay.
4. Since it was the airline’s fault ,we will pay for your hotel and rebook your flight for
5. Are you travelling alone?

Question 2 (3 points): Act out a dialogue to solve the problem of the guest in the following
Guest (the teacher): There is a bug in the salad. I am disappointed with your service.
The staff member (the student): (Solve the problem)

Question 3 (3 points): What are advantages and disadvantages of travelling by air?

❖ Advantages:

o Speed:
Air travel is significantly faster than most other modes of transportation. It allows
passengers to cover long distances in a relatively short amount of time.
o Accessibility:
Airports are located in major cities and regions, providing greater accessibility to various
destinations. This is especially beneficial for international travel.
o Global Connectivity:
Air travel facilitates global connectivity, allowing people to reach almost any corner of the
world with ease.
o Safety:
Air travel is generally considered one of the safest modes of transportation, with rigorous
safety standards and regulations in place.
o Reduced Travel Time:
Air travel reduces travel time, making it possible for individuals to undertake trips that
might be impractical by other means.
❖ Disadvantages
o Cost:
Air travel can be relatively expensive compared to other modes of transportation, making
it less accessible for budget-conscious travelers.
o Environmental Impact:
Air travel contributes to carbon emissions and has an environmental impact. The aviation
industry is exploring ways to reduce its carbon footprint.
o Limited Luggage:
Airlines often have restrictions on luggage weight and size, and excess baggage fees can add
to the overall cost of the journey.
o Airport Delays:
Flights may be subject to delays or cancellations due to weather conditions, air traffic
congestion, or other operational issues.
o Health Considerations:
Long flights can contribute to issues such as jet lag, dehydration, and discomfort, affecting
the overall well-being of passengers.

Question 4 (2 points): Answer the teacher’s questions

Question 1 (2 points): Choose the suitable words to fill in the blanks

Book time overnight excess boarding consult stay

1. There’s an overnight flight that arrives in Vancouver at 8 p.m.

2. Baggage that’s over the allowed limit excess baggage.
3. The train will be leaving on time
4. I’m going to have to stay with my manager.
5. You will have to show the border guard your ticket and your boarding pass

Question 2 (3 points): Act out a dialogue to solve the complaint of the guest in the
following situation:
Guest (the teacher): As I see in the bill, I am charged for 2 bottles of champagne but I did
not drink any champagne.
The receptionist (the student): (Reply to the complaint) I apologize for the inconvenience,
Madam. Let me review the bill and address this issue for you. Thank you for bringing it to
my attention.

Receptionist: Thank you for your patience, madam. It appears there might be a mistake in
our billing system. I sincerely apologize for any confusion. Let me rectify this immediately.

Receptionist: I've corrected the error, and your bill now accurately reflects only the items
you've consumed. I appreciate your understanding, and I apologize for any inconvenience

Guest: Thank you for addressing it promptly. I just wanted to make sure I'm only paying
for what I actually had.

Receptionist: Absolutely, Madam. I completely understand. If there's anything else you'd

like to clarify or if you have any other concerns, please feel free to let me know. We want to
ensure you have a pleasant experience during your stay.

Guest: I appreciate your assistance. It looks fine now. Thank you.

Receptionist: You're very welcome, madam. If there's anything else you need or if you have
any other requests, please don't hesitate to inform me. Enjoy the rest of your evening.

Question 3 (3 points): Distinguish the among these types of tourists and give examples:
Health or Medical tourist, Eco tourist, Sport and recreation tourist.

a. Health or Medical Tourist:

● Description: Health or medical tourists travel with the primary purpose of seeking
medical treatment, wellness services, or health-related procedures.
● Examples:
Someone traveling to Thailand for a dental procedure due to the country's reputation for
affordable and high-quality dental care.
A person visiting India for Ayurvedic treatments and holistic wellness programs.
● Focus: Primary focus on health and medical services.
● Activities: Seeking medical treatments, wellness programs, or elective procedures.
● Locations: Often travel to countries with renowned medical facilities and
cost-effective healthcare.

b. Eco Tourist:
● Description: Eco tourists are individuals who travel with a focus on experiencing
and preserving natural environments and wildlife. They are environmentally
conscious and seek sustainable and responsible travel options.
● Examples:
A group traveling to the Galápagos Islands to observe unique wildlife while adhering to
strict environmental regulations.
Tourists exploring the Amazon rainforest with eco-friendly lodges that prioritize
conservation efforts.

● Focus: Primary focus on nature, conservation, and sustainable practices.

● Activities: Exploring natural habitats, observing wildlife, and participating in
eco-friendly initiatives.
● Locations: Choose destinations with diverse ecosystems and a commitment to
environmental preservation.

c. Sport and Recreation Tourist:

● Description: Sport and recreation tourists travel to engage in or witness sports
events, outdoor activities, and recreational pursuits.
● Examples:
Fans traveling to another city or country to attend a major sporting event, such as the
Olympics or a World Cup.
Individuals going on a skiing trip to the Swiss Alps for recreational purposes.

● Focus: Primary focus on sports, outdoor activities, and recreational pursuits.

● Activities: Attending sports events, engaging in outdoor adventures, and
participating in recreational activities.
● Locations: Select destinations known for specific sports events, adventure
opportunities, or recreational facilities.

Question 1 (2 points): Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence.

1. The country from which the tourist comes is called the _______ country.

a. destination b. origin c. vacation d. native

2. A _______is a person or business whose job is to make arrangements for people wanting to
travel, for example buying tickets or arranging hotel rooms

a. representative b. tour packager c. tourism information d. travel agent

3. A _______ is a printed pamphlet about a place, product, or company that is used for

a. media b. passport c. visa d. brochure

4. A _______is an official document that identifies you as a citizen of a particular country, and
that you may have to show when you enter or leave a country.

a. visa b. driving license c. passport d. insurance card

5. A _______ is a person whose job is carrying people’s bags and other loads, especially at a
train station, an airport or in a hotel

a. porter b. bellman c. flight attendant d. waiter

Question 2 (3 points): Handling the problem: Imagine that you are the security guard at the
airport. When the passenger’s bag goes through the x-ray screener, you see something strange.
It looks like a boom! You want to check to see what it is. You tell the passenger to open his or
her bag but the passenger seems very angry. How can you handle this problem?
Security Guard: Good afternoon, sir/madam. I hope you're having a safe journey. I noticed
something unusual on the x-ray screen, and as part of our routine checks, I'd like to take a closer
look inside your bag. It appears to be a necessary procedure.

Passenger: What? Why do you need to check my bag? This is ridiculous!

Security Guard: I understand your concern, and I appreciate your cooperation. Our priority is the
safety of all passengers and staff. Sometimes, items in bags may look suspicious on the x-ray,
and we need to ensure everything is in order. It's a standard procedure.

Passenger: This is an invasion of privacy! I demand to know why my bag is being singled out.

Security Guard: I completely understand your concern for privacy, and I assure you that our
intention is not to intrude but to ensure the safety and security of everyone on this flight. It could
be a simple misunderstanding or an item triggering a false positive on the x-ray.

Passenger: I'm running late for my flight! This is unacceptable.

Security Guard: I apologize for any inconvenience that may cause to your schedule. Rest
assured, we aim to perform the check as quickly and efficiently as possible. If you have any
concerns about missing your flight, please let me know, and we'll do our best to expedite the
Passenger: This is so frustrating!

Security Guard: I understand your frustration, and I appreciate your patience. Once we've
completed the check, I'll make sure you're assisted to expedite your way through security. If you
have any specific concerns or questions about the process, feel free to ask.

Question 3 (3 points): Imagine you are a manager of a new restaurant, give a speech to
introduce your restaurant to attract guests.

Question 1 (2 points): Choose the suitable words to fill in the blanks (giong)

admission stay lined bohemian tour park pass

1. The tour guide tells us about the two hour …………….

2. The city has many beautiful tree-………..avenues.
3. Disneyland is an example of an amusement …….
4. The……. fee is $10
5. That’s the ………… part of town

Question 2 (3 points): Act out a dialogue to solve the problem of the guest in the following
Guest (the teacher): I ordered a chicken parmigiana and the chicken is not well-cooked.
Waiter (the student): (Solve the problem)

Question 3 (3 points): What are advantages and disadvantages of travelling by sea?

Advantages of Traveling by Sea:
Scenic Views:

Advantage: Sea travel offers breathtaking and panoramic views of the ocean and coastline.
It allows passengers to enjoy unique perspectives of landscapes and seascapes.
Relaxation and Leisure:

Advantage: Cruises and sea voyages often provide a leisurely and relaxed travel
experience. Passengers can unwind, enjoy amenities on board, and take part in various
entertainment options.
Reduced Stress:

Advantage: Sea travel can be less stressful than air travel, especially in terms of security
procedures and boarding processes. There's often more space and freedom to move
Access to Remote Destinations:

Advantage: Certain destinations are only accessible by sea, providing an opportunity to

explore remote islands, coastal areas, and less-traveled regions.
More Space for Baggage:

Advantage: Unlike air travel, sea travel often allows for more luggage without strict weight
restrictions, providing travelers with more flexibility in packing.
Environmental Impact:

Advantage: Some modern cruise ships and ferries are designed to be more environmentally
friendly, utilizing advanced technologies to minimize their ecological footprint.
Disadvantages of Traveling by Sea:
Duration of Travel:

Disadvantage: Sea travel, especially for long distances, can be time-consuming compared to
air travel. This might not be suitable for those with limited vacation time.
Motion Sickness:

Disadvantage: Some passengers may experience motion sickness, particularly during rough
seas. This can be a significant drawback for those prone to seasickness.
Limited Accessibility:

Disadvantage: While sea travel offers access to many destinations, it might not be practical
for certain inland locations or places without navigable waterways.
Weather Dependence:

Disadvantage: Sea travel is often subject to weather conditions. Storms, rough seas, or
adverse weather can lead to itinerary changes or disruptions.
Limited Amenities:

Disadvantage: While cruise ships offer various amenities, smaller vessels or ferries might
have limited facilities. Passengers may need to bring their own entertainment for longer

Disadvantage: Cruises, in particular, can be more expensive compared to other modes of

travel. Additional costs for excursions, onboard activities, and gratuities can add up.
Port Accessibility:

Disadvantage: Not all destinations have accessible ports, limiting the choice of places that
can be reached by sea.
Potential for Delays:

Sea travel may experience delays due to factors like weather, mechanical issues, or port
congestion. This can disrupt travel plans and schedules.

Question 1 (2 points): Choose the suitable words to fill in the blanks (GIONG)

Ultra public landmark ancient winter vibrant budget

1. Despite having lots of …… architecture, Rome is one of Europe’s most fashionable cities.
2. Bora Bora is not for travelers on a……
3. Bangkok’s climate is tropical, so you won’t need to bring your……clothes.
4. London has a very good……..transportation system.
5. Tokyo is an……….modern metropolis.
Question 2 (3 points): Act out a dialogue to solve the problem of the guest in the following
Guest (the teacher): I ordered a Creamy Vegetable Soup and there aren’t many vegetables
in it. It’s mainly just broth.
Waiter (the student): (Solve the complaint)

Question 3 (3 points): Give travelers who visit your town or city some safety tips or advices
for safety
- In hotels
- On the road
- In the leisure centre
- In the tourism places

Question 1 (2 points): Choose the suitable words to fill in the blanks (giog)

for alone missed pieces fault stay


1. How many …… of luggage do you have?

2. The check-in doesn’t start… another two hours.
3. So, you ……your connecting flight because of the delay.
4. Since it was the airline’s …………., we will pay for your hotel and rebook your flight for
5. Are you travelling………..?

Question 2 (3 points): Handling the complaint

A guest staying in your hotel complains: “The attitudes and behavior of your staff are
unacceptable”. You are the manager of that hotel, handle this complaint.

Question 3 (3 points): Talk about your favorite country (culture, people, transport, famous
tourism places, etc)

Question 1 (2 points): Choose the suitable words to fill in the blanks

(giong bai tren)
Trap relic arrange discount returning historic residence

1. We can …..your entire trip.

2. I booked you a flight on October 1st, …………..on October 15th
3. You also qualify for a 10% senior………
4. A tourist …….is a place designed to attract travelers/ tourists. Three types of places are
usually more expensive than places where “locals” go.
5. This is a very modern city. There aren’t many ……building

Question 2 (3 points): Act out a dialogue to solve the problem of the guest in the following
Guest (the teacher): When I first arrived I was assured that a bottle of Chivas Regis would
always be in the min-bar. Well I’m here now and the bottle isn’t. What kind of hotel are
you running here anyway!
The staff member (the student): (Solve the problem) I sincerely apologize, sir/madam. I
understand why you are upset. We are going to solve this as quickly as possible to gibve you
the best service of our restaurant. I’m reallty sorry again for the inconvience.

Question 3 (3 points): Talk about the tip culture in America.

- At the airport or train stations
- At hotels
- At restaurants
- For tour guides
- At the airport or train stations
For both airport and train porters, you should tip $2 for the first bag and $1 for each
additional bag; over-sized bags should be tipped at a rate of $2 per bag.

- At hotels
● If you arrive at a hotel by driving a car and use the services of valet parking, you
should tip $1-5 when your car is delivered.

● If you use a hotel shuttle to and from the airport or other local points, tipping $1-2
per person or $5 per party is appropriate. If the driver also handles your luggage,
you might add $1 per bag or round up to the next $5.

● Nicer hotels have Doormen stationed at the entrance. If they take your luggage
inside tip them according to the number and weight of your bags. If the Doorman
calls a taxi for you, $1-2 is enough.

● After you check-in, a Bellman may deliver your bags to your room. You should tip
$1-5 per bag, again depending on the amount of labor moving your luggage

● Many times, the bill already includes a room service charge, so verify before you tip.
If not, the recommended amount to tip the steward is 15-20 percent, just as in a

● The recommended amount for housekeeping tips in U.S. hotels is $1-5 per night.
And if you stay multiple nights, the tip should be left daily because a different
person might be on duty the next day.

● If you enjoy Spa and Salon Services at your hotel, tip about 15 percent (even at
all-inclusive resorts), just as you would outside the hotel.

● At hotel restaurants and bars, tip Servers 15-20 percent, as you would at any
full-service restaurant in the U.S. If a Wine Steward helps you choose a bottle of
wine, tip 10-20 percent of the cost of the wine, capped at $20. If you dine at a buffet
with drink service, you should leave $1-2 per person. Tip Bartenders 10-15 percent
or $1-2 per round.
- At restaurants
The appropriate amount to tip servers depends on your service. 15% is appropriate
for average service ; 20% if your server is above average. You should feel free to tip
above 20% if you received excellent service. If you received poor service, it is better
to talk to the manager than skip on the tip.
o Host - No tip is necessary unless a special service was performed, then tip
appropriately for the size of the favor.
o Bartenders – 15% of the tab or $1 for beer or wine
o Coat check steward - $1 per coat
o Sommelier (wine steward) – 15% of the bottle price
o Restroom attendants - $0.50 to $1
o Parking attendants - $1 to $3
- For tour guides
● For a short guided tour in the U.S.: Tip $5-$10 (or more) per person if your tour is
around two hours or less. This would be an appropriate amount for most walking
● For a full-day guided tour in the U.S: Tip $10-$20 per person if it’s a longer guided
tour (think six hours or more). A family of four might tip $40 for six-hour.

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