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Computer Networking: Module-08

Introduction to data communication

Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place to another. Sender, receiver ,
medium are the basic requirement for successful communication.
Data communication is the process of transmitting data from one computer to another.
Today it is difficult to find a standalone computer in any office environment. Computers are connected
to other computer in one way or another. A connected set of computers is called a computer network. When we
connect computers we can share resources and information. Usually, the connections between computers in a
network are made using physical wires or cables. However, some connections are wireless, using radio waves
or infrared signals.
Computers can be connected in different ways. Topology is the name given to the way computers are
connected. E.g.: Ring topology and star topology.
Once computers are connected using the proper communication hardware devices and communication
software, we can transmit data, text, graphics, images, voices and video from one computer to another.
Computers process data that is represented by binary language (also called machine language). When
computers "talk" to one another across a network, they send data in this binary format. Binary language uses
just two digits--0 and 1--to represent all values.

The essential components of a communication system are as follows.

1. Computers to process information
2. Terminals or any input output devices that send or receive data.
3. Special communication processors or devices that perform error free. E.g. Modems, Multiplexes,
Hubs, Switches, Routers and Gateways.
4. Communication soft ware, which provides secure access to systems, help the devices or users to
communicate among them and manages all the affairs related to perfect communication.

Problems Associated with Standalone Computers

• Sharing Hardware devices such as printers, scanners and Hard Disks.

• Difficulties in sharing software.
• Difficulties in sharing data and Information.
• Storage problems.
• Difficulties of communication between computers.

Modes of Transmission / Communication types

1. Simplex- Transmission in one direction only
2. Half duplex- Transmission in both direction, but not Simultaneously
3. Duplex- Transmission in both direction simultaneously

Data Transmission
Data transmission means movement of the bits over a transmission medium connecting two devices.
Two types of Data transmission are
o Parallel transmission
▪ In this all the bits of a byte are transmitted simultaneously on separate wires.
▪ Practicable if two devices are close to each other e.g.: Computer to Printer,
Communication within the computer.
o Serial transmission
▪ Bits are transmitted one after the other
▪ Serial Transmission requires only one circuit interconnection two devices suitable for
Transmission over long distance.

Computer networks
What a network is
A computer network is developed by linking computer systems together.
The network includes the computer system, the connections and the hardware needed to allow the
Networks can be limited to a building/area (a local area Network or LAN) or Worldwide such as the internet (a
Wide area Network or WAN)

The Advantages of Networking

• Computers can communicate with each other easily
• Computers can share data and files
• Computing power and/or storage facilities can be shared.
• Hardware such as printers can be shared
• There is control over which programs, data and hardware a user has access to.
The Disadvantages of Networking
• A virus can spread more easily-If a virus gets into one computer, it is likely to spread quickly across the
network because they are linked.
• As data is shared there is greater need for security-User of the network have to have user ids and
• If the server fails, all the workstations are affected. Work stored on shared hard disk drives will not be
accessible and it will not be possible to use network printers either.
• The cost of installing the equipment is greater. - Cabling can be expensive to buy and to install.

Types of Networks

A. LANs- Local Area Networks

A LAN is a system whereby Individual PCs are connected together within a Company or organization or A
Local Area Network (LAN) is a collection of networking equipment located geographically close together
• A LAN is owned by the same company
• A LAN utilizes high-speed data transfer capabilities

Advantage of LANs
• Good quality printers can be shared
• All the users work can be stored in a central place
• Software can be shared
• Data can be shared
• Central back-up
• Local email

MAN- Metropolitan Area Network

A man usually interconnects a number of local area network using a high
capacity backbone technology, such as optical links.
Metropolitan-area network (MAN) The communication infrastructures that
have been developed in and around large cities. If a company has a few
offices in the same city, and the computers users to each location are able to
share data between the two offices, they are generally doing this over a MAN.
• Sharing recourses such as printers, hence host effective
• Can send local mail.

B. WANs- Wide Area Networks

A WAN (Wide Area Network) as the name implies allows you to
connect to other computers over a wider area (i.e. the whole world).
• External communication links such a satellites, micro waves or
telecommunication links will be used to connect the parts of a WAN.A
• Connection services, and possibly equipment, are leased from
telecommunications providers such as phone companies or ISPs
• Equipment runs at much slower speeds compared to LANs

Advantage of WAN
• Messages can be sent very quickly to anyone else on the network
• Everyone the network can use the same data
• Share information/files over a large area..etc

Network topology is the name given to the way in which the devices (called nodes) are connected in the
• Ring Topology
In the ring topology, the nodes are connected in a circle with all the devices having equal

• Bus topology
A network that uses the bus topology is one in which the computers are connected in a single line, with
each system cabled to the next system.
• Star topology
The star topology uses a central cabling nexus called hub or switch. In a star network, each computer is
connected to the hub using a separate cable.

• Hybrid topology
A hybrid is a combination of two or more basic network topologies, such as a star-bus, star-ring

Devices used in Networks

• Network Interface Card (NIC)
In computer networking, a NIC provides the hardware interface between a computer and a

• Clients/Server
Networks are often arranged in a hierarchical way. This means that one or more computers in more powerful
than the rest and is known as a server. Servers look after all the printing, file maintenance and other peripherals
and other, less powerful computers called clients are connected to the network. This is known as a client-server

• Communication devices
❖ Modem
Modem stands for modulator / demodulator. A modulator converts a digital signal into
an analog signal. A demodulator converts an analog signal into a digital signal.

❖ Hub
A Hub or concentrator is a device used to connect all of the computers on a star or ring
network. A common connection point for devices in a network. Hubs are commonly used
to connect segments of a LAN. A hub contains multiple ports. When a packet arrives at
one port, it is copied to the other ports so that all segments of the LAN can see all packets.
❖ Switch

A network switch (also called switching hub, bridging hub, officially MAC Bridge) is a
computer networking device that connects devices together on a computer network, by
using packet switching to receive, process and forward data to the destination device.

❖ Router
A router has a lot more capabilities than other network devices, such as a hub or
a switch that are only able to perform basic network functions. For example, a
hub is often used to transfer data between computers or network devices, but
does not analyze or do anything with the data it is transferring. By contrast,
routers can analyze the data being sent over a network, change how it is
packaged, and send it to another network or over a different network. For
example, routers are commonly used in home networks to share a single Internet
connection between multiple computers.

Transmission Media
The transmission medium is the physical path between transmitter and receiver in a data transmission system.
Transmission media are divided into two categories. They are as follows:
I. Guided transmission media
II. Unguided transmission media
A guided media is contained within physical boundaries, while an unguided medium is boundless.
Three major classes of guided media.
a. Twisted – pair cable.
b. Coaxial cable.
c. Fiber – optic cable.

 Coaxial Cable
In early days of networking these types of cables were heavily used. A type of cable used for computer network
as well as cable television. The name arises from the structure in which a metal shield surrounds a center wire.
The shield protects the signal on the inner wire from electrical interference.
 Twisted-pair cable
• Pairs of insulated copper wires twisted together
For the reduce to Electro Magnetic Interference
• Covered with an outer insulating jacket
• Two Types
Shield Twisted-pair (STP)
Unshielded twisted-pair (UTP)
• One or more pairs of wire
• Twisted around one another

 Fiber-optic cable
• Bundle of glass or plastic fibers
• Sends signals on pulses of light
• Immune to Electro Magnetic & other interferences
• High bandwidth, speed, long distance

Components of a fiber System

Light Source-Converts electrical signals to optical
Transmission Medium- Transmits the light signal from one point to another.
Detector- Detects the light signals & converts it back to electrical signals

Client /Server Networks

On the client/server network, every computer has a distant role, that of either a client or a server. A server is
designed to share its recourses among the client computers on the network. Typically, servers are located in
secured areas, such as locked closets and data centers because they hold the organization’s most valuable data
and do not have to be accessed by operators on a continuous basis. The rest of the computers on the network
function as clients.

Communication Protocol
A communications protocol is a system of digital message formats and rules for exchanging those messages in
or between computing systems and in telecommunications. A protocol may have a formal description. Protocols
may include signaling, authentication and error detection and correction capabilities.

A protocol is a standard used to define a method of exchanging data over a computer network such as local area
network, Internet, Intranet, etc. Each protocol has its own method of how data is formatted when sent and what
to do with it once received, how that data is compressed or how to check for errors in data.
Common Internet protocols that enable you to access the Internet are Hypertext Transfer Protocol
(HTTP), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), and Network News Transfer
Protocol (NNTP).
HTTP-One of the most common and known protocols is HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), which is a
protocol used to transmit data over the World Wide Web (Internet).
FTP-FTP enables you to transfer files between two computers on a network.
SMTP-SMTP enables you to send e-mail over the Internet.
NNTP-NNTP enables you to post, distribute, and retrieve messages on Internet and intranet newsgroups.

TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)

TCP/IP is the basic communication language or protocol of the Internet. It can also be used as a
communications protocol in a private network (either an intranet or an extranet).
– A LAN that uses the Internet technologies within an organization
– Open only those inside the organization
– Example: insurance related information provided to employees over an intranet
– A LAN that uses the Internet technologies across an organization including some
external constituents
– Open only those invited users outside the organization
– Accessible through the Internet
– Example: Suppliers and customers accessing inventory information in a company over an

Mobile communication technology

Mobile communication technology is a term that is basically given to the technology used as the communication
mode for the portable devices such as cellular phones, laptops, palmtops, digital assistants, global positioning
systems, wireless card payment systems etc.

There are many technologies that are used in communication of these devices such as wireless fidelity
(Wi-Fi), GSM services (2G ,3G & 4G ), GPRS, Bluetooth, Virtual Private Networks, Dial up Modems etc.
Using these technologies, one can easily communicate from office, home, car & even while traveling. Using the
web or WAP services to access internet either on phone or laptops is known as mobile computing which is also
considered as a part of Mobile Communication Technology.
Some of the foremost technologies that are used in the field of Mobile Communication can be listed as:

1. GPRS: General Packet Radio System is a mobile technology that uses GSM services for data communication.
It is mainly used for providing the data services on cellular devices. One of the drawback of GPRS service was
its slow connectivity, but with the coming up of 3rd Generation of GSM, the speed limit has been increased and
the data transmission has become quite fast. GPRS holds a unique feature by which a user can very easily
transmit the data while making calls.

2. EDGE: Enhanced data rates for GSM Evolution or EGPRS is a technology having the faster data
transmission rate as compared to GPRS. If the EDGE network is not available in some places, then there GPRS
service is used as a replacement of EDGE.

3. Wi-Fi: Wireless fidelity is the technology that uses wireless technology communication for the data
transmission; previously Wi-Fi was only used with laptops and palmtops but now-a-days it is also used with
modern cellular phones that have Wi-Fi services. The benefit of using Wi-Fi technology is transmission speed
as it can support up-to 100 Mbps.

4. Bluetooth: Bluetooth is a technology that is used for the transmission of data between devices in a small
range of 100 meter. The Bluetooth technology can be used to create connections between multiple devices
resulting in machine to machine communication. At one time, seven devices can communicate via Bluetooth.

5. GSM: Global System for Mobile communications is a technology used for digital cellular networks used for
second generation technology but later it is succeeded by 4G to increase the speed of circuit switched network.
GSM network works on different frequencies for 2G and 3G.
2G GSM network operate in 850 MHz or 1900 MHz frequencies.
3G GSM network operate in 2100 MHz frequency
Key features of 3G are: Video calling, Video download, transfer the large amount of data at a very high speed.
The benefit of mobile technologies is that it makes our life very easy as we can access data resources and
services from any part of the world.
Firewall: A machine and its software that serve as a special gateway to a network, protecting it from
inappropriate access

– Filters the network traffic that comes in, checking the validity of the messages as much as
possible and perhaps denying some messages altogether
Enforces an organization’s access control policy
The information listed here is to assist Network Administrators in the color coding of Ethernet cables. Please be
aware that modifying Ethernet cables improperly may cause loss of network connectivity. Use this information at
your own risk, and
held liable for the use of this information in whole or in part.


TheT-568A standard is supposed to be used in new network installations. Most off-the-shelf Ethernet cables are
still of theT-568B standard; however,it makes absolutely no function al difference in which you choose.


BoththeT-568A and theT-568B standard Straight-Through cables are used most often as patch cords for your
Ethernet connections. If you require a cable to connect two Ethernet devices directly together without a hub or
when you connect two hubs together, you will need to use a Crossover cable instead

A good way of remembering how to wire a Cross over Ethernet cable is to wire one end using theT-568A
standard and the other end using the T-568B standard. Another way of remembering the color coding is to
simply switch the Green set of wires in place with the Orange set of wires. Specifically, switch the solid
Green(G) with the solid Orange, and switch the green/white with the orange/white.


By looking at a T-568A UTP Ethernet straight-thru cable and an Ethernet crossover cable with a T-568B end, we
see that the TX(transmitter) pins are connected to the corresponding RX(receiver) pins, plus to plus and minus to
minus. You can also see that both the blue and brown wire pairs on pins4,5,7, and 8 are not used in either
standard. What you may not realize

is that,thesesamepins4,5,7,and8 are not used or required in 100BASE-TXaswell.Sowhybotherusingthesewires,

well for one thing its simply easier to make
How to Get a New IP Address


1Navigate to the "Start" menu and select "Run." The Run dialog appears.
2Type "cmd" (without quotes) and press the "Enter" key.
3Type the following line exactly as it appears:
ipconfig /release
Then press "Enter." Note that this command may not be recognizable to some versions of Microsoft
Windows. If this is the case, type: winipcfg /release

4Enter the following text exactly as it appears:

ipconfig /renew
Then press "Enter."

5 Restart your computer.

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