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Ex — 3 In each of the following questions, some alternatives are suggested for the
idiom/phrase in italics in the sentence. Choose the one which best expresses the
meaning of the idiom/phrase in italics.
1.It was clearly a case of (the pot calling the kettle black) when Drub said that Ravi
was selfish.
a. both being guilty of the same mistake
b. a person accusing another of being black
c. a person blaming another for something he has not done
d. someone criticizing another for a fault which he himself has
2. He (fights shy of ) his young nephew, who is a crook.
a. quarrels bitterly with
b. is afraid of
c. avoids from a feeling of mistrust
d. is frightened by
3. He (threw cold water) over the project that the secretary had prepared.
a. Encouraged
b. Cleared
c. Discouraged
d. rejected
4. He does not like to be friendly with Serta; he always (gives her a cold shoulder)
a. pushes her with his shoulder whenever they meet
b. creates all sorts of troubles for her
c. insults her in the presence of others
d. tries to be unfriendly by taking no notice of her
e. argues with her on any issue
5. My friend (got the sack from) his first job.
a. got tired of
b. was demoted from
c. resigned
d. was dismissed from
6. With the existing management, the future of the company is in
(doldrums). (Translators’ Exam, 1994)
a. dull
b. bright
c. uncertain
d. secure
7. He (went out of his way) to support my candidature for the post of Manager.
a. took special trouble
b. was determined
c. agreed whole-heartedly
d. was hesitating
8. He has stolen a march on his rival.
a. Defeated
b. pushed back
c. gained an advantage
d. deceived
9. His visit to France proved a (damp squib).
a. a great success
b. an utter failure
c. a curtain raiser
d. a thaw
10. A man should, if possible, (steer clear) of money lenders.
a. Hate
b. Dislike
c. Avoid
d. run after
11. Though he has a lot of money, yet all his plans are (built upon sand). (Section
officers, 1993)
a. based on inexperience
b. resting on immature ideas
c. resting on cheap material
d. established on insecure foundations
12. The culprit was( brought to book).
a. made to swear
b. punished
c. arrested
d. beaten
13. He (stuck to his guns) even in the face of stiff opposition
a. clung to his weapon
b. kept arguing
c. followed the chosen path
d. held on against attack or argument
14. It was such a strange affair that I could not (make head or tail of it). (Bank P.O.
a. face it
b. tolerate it
c. remember it
d. understand it
e. believe it
15. In these days of rising prices, we are (paying through our nose).
a. paying dearly
b. reducing our purchases
c. buying on credit
d. paying in instalments
Ex—4 Choose the correct option :
1. John, put a ________ in it! Can you not see that I am listening to the radio?
a. Plug b. pin
c. Switch d. cork
2. She never missed even a single opportunity to put me _______ and that was
the reason we decided to part ways.
a. Down b. away
c. up d. out
3. I wish you would not put your __________ in where it is not wanted.
a. Mouth b. nose
c. arm d. toes
4. My neighbour likes to put _________ in front of me.
a. on the dog b. on the cat
c. on the horse d. on the ass
5. They put him __________ for fourteen years but that did not reform him.
a. Up b. on
c. away d. off
6. Do not believe what she says. She is just putting you __________ !
a. Up b. down
b. On
7. Feel free to call me if you cannot find a good hotel. I will put you
a. Up b. off
c. down d. in
8. I put ...................................................... on him but that did not help because
he was already broke.
a. the plug b. the bite
c. the nip d. the choice
9. During the identification parade, the girl put ..................................................
on the man who killed her mother.
a. the hand b. the thumb
c. the finger d. the arm
10. My girlfriend is putting ................................................... on me to buy her a
diamond necklace.
a. the screws b. the lid
c. the hammer d. the nails
11. He suspected that his business partner was putting
................................................. him, but he had nothing to prove it.
a. something over b. something on
c. something over on
12. The hostess really put ....................................................... to see that everyone
was comfortable.
a. herself in b. herself across
c. herself out

Ex — 5 In each of the following questions a statement has been given with

highlighted text. You are required to replace the text with correct Idioms or
phrases given in the options.
1. A video call from my favourite film star on my birthday was a complete
a. A damp squib b. Bolt from the blue
c. A field day d. A mare’s nest
2. The article on the world population published in today’s journal is a
duplicate of what was published the other day.
a. On tenterhooks b. An Ananias
c. Dead Ringer d. A wee bit
3. Even though he is a learned person, he talks nonsense when it comes to morality
and integrity.
a. Talks through one’s hat b. Bark up the wrong tree
c. Like a cat on hot bricks d. Show a clean pair of heels
4. The world today is facing an unpleasant situation because of the pandemic
a. Thrown out of gear b. Harps on the same string
c. Like a fish out of water d. Swallowing a bitter pill
5. Students have to face the risk in order to attain success in the Civil Services
a. To bell the cat b. To nip in the bud
c. To take one to task d. A hard nut to crack
6. Due to the lack of professional knowledge, the tricks used in the marketing and
branding of the new product yielded no result.
a. Gained ground b. No Avail
c. Throwing cold water on anything d. Reaped the harvest
7. Mary had a bad experience in a relationship in the past, now, she is in a state of
confusion whether she should marry someone or not.
a. All at Sea b. Wrapped one’s brain around
c. Playing ducks and drakes d. At one’s beck and call
8. Being an atheist, he differs strongly with his parents’ teachings on principles
and the idea of the almighty.
a. Call a spade a spade b. Burn the midnight oil
c. At loggerheads d. Keep one at bay
9. She has to begin gaining experience if she wishes to join the media industry.
a. Cost an arm and a leg b. Get one’s feet wet
c. Cross one’s T’s and dots d. To sit on the fence
10. A large crowd was anticipated for the art exhibition by the organisers, but it
did not happen.
a. Break down b. A house of cards
c. On the cards d. Keep up with

Ex — 6 Given below are the sentences with Idioms and Phrases highlighted in
bold. You are required to choose the most correct meaning of the phrase from the
given options.
1. The government of the nations is not hard and fast with the lockdown rules
during pandemic disease.
a. Serious b. Cause of trouble
c. Facing the risk d. Strict
2. America and China own the lion’s share in the investment of the top companies
of the world.
a. Under its control b. Equal part
c. Biggest part d. The whole part
3. The bone of contention between the two brothers is the ancestral property of
their forefathers.
a. Reason of brotherhood b. Point of argument
c. Reason of quarrel d. Pretence of love
4. Currently, the economies of the world are biting the bullet as major companies
have affected its works due to the present situation amid the virus outbreak.
a. Having war with others b. Dwelling on the same page
c. Doing things in the wrong order d. Doing something unpleasant that one has
been putting off
5. Trust Ria’s mother to spill the beans as she sees no reason why she shouldn’t do
a. Reveal the secret b. Arrive at the wrong time
c. To make unkind statements about someone
d. To praise one’s own achievement
6. The Principal was up in arms when he heard that boys had fought over a room
sharing in the hostel.
a. Very hopeless b. Very nervous
c. Very tensed d. Very Angry
7. The nation must express the sincerest condolence to the soldiers who secured
our lives but died in harness at the border.
a. Died while fighting b. Died while in duty
c. Died without any reason d. Dying due to disease
8. She is on cloud nine since she heard the news of her destination engagement.
a. Lost in own world b. Free from anxiety
c. Extremely enthusiastic d. Extremely Happy
9. They decided to promote Nell to Manager post, do they not know that he is
still wet behind the ears.
a. Work on other directions b. Childlike
c. Inexperienced d. Accused of nepotism
10. Hellis is of the opinion that he can plough a lonely furrow for his new
business, it is more sensible for him to work as a whole with his partners.
a. Crack a deal b. Create a plan of action
c. Do without others help d. Work alone for profit

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