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1. Create a database called Hunters International

2. Create a table called Employees Details
3. Insert the following fields and appropriate Data Types according to the table given below
A. Emp No Text
B. Name Text
C. Department Lookup Wizard
D. Date of App Date/Time
E. Grade Lookup Wizard
F. Salary Currency
4. Change the field size of Employee Name into 20
5. Set the following to the Salary field
a. Validation Rule and Validation Text- Salaries should be between 1000 and 20000
b. Apply appropriate currency symbol with two decimal places
6. Apply Medium Date property to the Date of Appointment
7. Insert new Column called Address between Name and Department
8. Set the Default Address as London
9. Make the Primary Key as Emp_No
10. Index the Name of the Employees
11. Make the Department as Required
12. Save the changes
13. Enter the records given below to the table.

Emp NO Name Department Date of App Grade Salary

E0011 Shane Sky IT 01/02/07 Executive 12500
E0012 Dankan Knight Finance 03/05/02 Clerical 5500
E0014 Anne Finance 09/08/02 Executive 17500
E0016 Chin Production 3/12/05 Clerical 7400
E0013 Kevin IT 5/01/07 Executive 154000
E0015 Kamran Finance 06/09/02 Labor 3500
E0017 Jenifer Production 3/01/07 Clerical 68000
E0018 Kapil Production 02/02/05 Clerical 99000
E0019 Rickly IT 01/06/07 Executive 2550
E0020 Shilppa IT 03/02/02 Labor 16500
E0021 Jolie Finance 09/06/02 Clerical 3600
E0022 John Production 3/12/06 Clerical 14450
E0023 Nayar IT 5/01/03 Executive 9580
E0024 Jack Production 06/09/04 Labor 8580
E0025 Kate Production 3/12/04 Clerical 18000
E0026 Peter IT 5/01/04 Executive 9000
E0027 Jacki Production 06/09/08 Labor 8500

73 Vocational Training Authority of Sri Lanka - Jaffna


1. Create a new blank database called CDs.accdb

2. Add a table called catalogue as per the following table

3. Add the following data

 Sort the database in descending alphabetic order on the Artist field.

 Change the release date field to Long Date format
 Create a form based on the catalogue table, including all fields and accepting all the default options,
including the name of the form.
 Add a suitable image to the form.
 Save and close the database.

74 Vocational Training Authority of Sri Lanka - Jaffna


Open the Hunters International Database

1. Create the Following three tables
a. Invoice details
i. Set the Primary Key as Customer Code

Customer Code Item Code Date Of Purchased Quantity

C001 P010 02/03/2007 100
C002 P012 15/03/2007 50
C003 P012 16/03/2007 75
C004 P010 21/03/2007 60
C005 P011 23/03/2007 18

b. Customer Details
i. Set the Primary Key as Customer Code

Customer Code Customer Name Address

C001 Shane McCarthy London
C002 Steven Young Stafford
C003 Kathy Anderson Oxford
C004 Mark Love London
C005 Jennifer Lopez Oxford

c. Item Details
i. Set the Primary Key as Item Code

Item Code Description Unit Price

P010 Stationeries $ 1500.00
P011 Accessories $ 6450.00
P012 Food $ 1250.00

2. Create Relationships as given below

a. Invoice details Table, Customer Code and Customer Details Table, Customer Code.
b. Invoice Details Table, Item Code and Item Details Table, Item Code.

3. Take all details in to a query called Invoice.

4. Create a customized data entry form by using the query Invoice and save it as Invoice Form.

75 Vocational Training Authority of Sri Lanka - Jaffna


1. Design the following Table

Data Field Data Type
Student_No Text
Student_Name Text
Course Number
Course_Fees Currency
1st_Payment Currency
Balance Currency

1. Add the following details to the table

Student_No Student_Name Course Course_Fees 1st_Payment Balance
ST001 John MSO Rs.4300.00 Rs.2500.00 Rs.1800.00
ST002 Krishna DTP Rs.4900.00 Rs.3900.00 Rs.0.00
ST003 Peter DCP Rs.4900.00 Rs.3900.00 Rs.0.00
ST004 Mathan MSO Rs.4300.00 Rs.3000.00 Rs.1300.00
ST005 Julian MSO Rs.4300.00 Rs.2500.00 Rs.1800.00
ST006 Balan DCP Rs.4300.00 Rs.3000.00 Rs.1300.00
ST007 Pragash DTP Rs.4300.00 Rs.2500.00 Rs.1300.00

2. Design Query for the followings.

a. Display all the Details of the Students where their names in ascending order.

b. Display all the details of the students who have due more than 1500

c. Display the Student_No, Name and Balance in a query

d. Display the Student_No, Course and Balance where the balance should be in descending


e. Display the Details of student who where following “MSO” Course

f. Display the details of student who have completed the payments

3. Create a report for the above Table.

76 Vocational Training Authority of Sri Lanka - Jaffna


Task E-01,02,12

Sailors Boats
sid sname rating age sid bid day Reserves
22 Aswin 7 45 22 101 10/10/98 bid bname Color
29 Vimal 1 33 22 102 10/10/98 101 Interlake Blue
31 Rajan 8 55 22 103 10/08/98 102 Interlake Red
32 Suri 8 25 22 104 10/07/98 103 Clipper Green
58 Kabil 10 35 31 102 11/10/98 104 Marine red
64 Raman 7 16 31 103 11/06/98
71 Vasu 10 35 31 104 11/12/98
74 Antan 9 16 64 101 09/08/98
85 Visal 3 25 64 102 09/08/98
95 Ramu 3 63 74 103 09/08/98

1. Through ‘Relation ship’ method related these tables one with another.
2. Write SQL for the followings.
a. Find the names and ages of all sailors.
b. Find all sailors with rating above 7.
c. Find the names of sailors who have reserved boat number 103.
d. Find the sid of sailors who have reserved a red boat.
e. Find the colors of boats reserved by Raman.
f. Find the names of sailors who have reserved a red or green boat.
g. Find the average age of all sailors.
h. Find the average age of sailors with a rating of 10.
i. Count the number of sailors.

77 Vocational Training Authority of Sri Lanka - Jaffna


1. Create a Database as course

2. Create a following Tables with appropriate Data Types, formats and Primary Keys.
3. Give input mask to STUDNO field
Table Name: Student
ICT001 Anura Fernando 19/06/1992
ICT002 Malini de Silva 01/07/1994
ICT003 Ruwan Edirisinghe 25/09/1995

Table Name: Marks

ICT001 78 75
ICT002 50 56
ICT003 25 40

4. Create the relationship between two tables.

5. Create a query to display STUDNO, NAME, NETWORK who obtains marks greater than 75 for
6. Create a QUERY to find TOTAL MARKS of each student.
7. Create report to enter data both tables at once.
8. Create report to show STUDNO, NAME, NETWORK, HARDWARE and TOTAL MARKS and
get the TOTAL of each subject end of the report.

78 Vocational Training Authority of Sri Lanka - Jaffna


1. Create the database called “Cricket Academy”.

2. Create the following tables with appropriate data types & primary keys.

Table Name: PLAYER

PID Pname Address Age ClubID Points

P001 Nimal Kandy 21 CL02 785
P002 Kamal Kurluthara 20 CL04 654
P003 Anil Neliya 24 CL04 956
P004 Priyantha Kandy 23 CL01 654
P005 Saman Mathale 25 CL02 875
P006 Rajesh Kandy 24 CL01 984
P007 Ruwan Kurunegala 28 CL02 654
P008 Dinesh Badulla 23 CL03 547
P009 Kumara Mathale 21 CL03 352
P010 Nishantha Kandy 30 CL01 210

Table Name: COACH

CID CNAme CAddress Experience PID Salary
C01 Perera Colombo 5 P001 35000.00
C02 Silva Kandy 7 P002 38000.00
C03 Zoysa Kurunagela 8 P003 40000.00
C04 Alwis Gall 9 P002 39000.00
C05 Mendis Kandawatha 6 P003 36000.00

3. Create the appropriate Relationship between two tables.

4. Create a SELECT QUERY to view the following information of coach(CID, CName, CAddress) who

coached players that scored over 600 points.

5. Create a MAKE TABLE QUERY to display the following fields”CID, CName” and a New Filed called


Note: ETF= Salary * 12%

6. Create the report as follows.

79 Vocational Training Authority of Sri Lanka - Jaffna

6. Create the form as follows.

7. Create the report as follows.

80 Vocational Training Authority of Sri Lanka - Jaffna

[Total Marks 50] Time: 30 Mins

1. Create a database called EMPmanagement. [02 Marks]

2. Create the following tables and add 5 records for each
a. Create table [05 Marks]
b. Appropriate data types [05 Marks]
c. Entering records [as shown below]
d. Applying Primary keys [02 Marks]




3. Create proper relationships among the table. [05 Marks]

4. Create the following form using working and Project Table. [05 Marks]

81 Vocational Training Authority of Sri Lanka - Jaffna


5. Update the salary by 200 of the employee, who gets the salary less than 8000.00 and save the query as “SALUP”
[08 Marks]
6. Create the report as follows and find the grand total of the salary [10 Marks]
Net Salary= [BASICSAL] + [Sum of OT_HOURS]*750
Note: - Manual Calculation not allowed.

82 Vocational Training Authority of Sri Lanka - Jaffna


Design the following Tables and name as “EMPLOYEES” and “WORKING”.



E001 745656522V Kumari Female 8500
E002 748455644V Maneri Male 7500
E003 814654665V Nuwan Male 7800
E004 814649895V Nishantha Female 15000



E001 P001 8 8 01/01/2005
E001 P002 8 3 01/02/2005
E002 P001 8 2 01/03/2005
E002 P001 5 3 01/02/2005

1. Create a database called EMPLOYEE MANAGEMENT

2. Create the following tables and add records for each.
a. Creating tables
b. Appropriate data Types
c. Entering Records
d. Applying Primary keys
3. Create proper relationships among the tables.
4. Write the SQL to get the full details of EMPLOYEE and WORKING_HOURS & OT_HOURS.
5. Write the SQL to count the number of employee
6. Write the SQL to Sum the salary of all Employees
7. Write the SQL to display full details of Employees and salary greater than 8000
8. Write the SQL to Update the salary of all employees by 500
9. Create the following form using Employees and working Table(with sub form)
10. Create a report for the related Tables.

83 Vocational Training Authority of Sri Lanka - Jaffna

1. Create a Database called ‘Students Info’ by using MS Access.
2. Within the database create the following table objects and set the given formatting
Table Name – ‘Student’

Field Name Field Type Formatting

St_ID Text 4 Characters
St_Name Text 10 Characters
Address Text 20 Characters
Sex Text 1 Character – Set to enter “M” or “F” and
Otherwise suitable error message
Married Yes/No
Course_No Text 5Charactors
sStudents Table

St_ID St-Name Address Sex Married DOB Course_No

A001 Perera Colombo M Yes 19-Jun-1981 CS001
A003 Silva Kandy M No 12-May-1983 CS001
A004 Fernando Matara F No 05-Sep-1978 CS002
A002 Gamage Galle M Yes 07-Oct-1984 CS001
A005 Taraka Kurunegala F No 08-Feb-1979 CS003
A008 Nuwan Gampola M Yes 10-Nov-1982 CS004
Table Name – ‘Course’
Field Name Field Type Formatting
Course_No Text 5 Characters
Course_Fee Currency Rs. and 2 Decimal places
Course_Name Text 20 Characters
Duration Number Integer
Course Table

Course_No Course_Fee Course_Name Duration

CS001 Rs.50000.00 Programming 12
CS003 Rs.25000.00 Computer Networking 6
CS002 Rs.50000.00 Computer Architecture 6
CS007 Rs.100000.00 Parallel Computing 12
CS006 Rs.50000.00 Digital Image Processing 6
CS005 Rs.100000.00 Computer Graphic 12
CS004 Rs.100000.00 Graph Theory 6
CS008 Rs.50000.00 Software Engineering 12
3. Set appropriate Primary Keys for the above Tables.
4. Create Relationship between two tables using Suitable fields.
5. Write a query to display the St_id, St_name, and Course name where Course fees >75000 and save it as Q1.
6. Create another Query to extract male(M) students St_id, St_name, Address, DOB and Course Name, where
DOB>1980 and save it as Q2
7. Create and update query to add 5% Course_Fee for 12Months Duration courses.
8. Create a Query to display the following fields St_ID, St_Name, Course_Fee, Duration and a New Field called
“Discount” ( Discount = Course Fee x 25%).
9. Create a Query to display the following fields St_ID, St_Name, Course_Fee, Duration, Discount and a new field
called “Net_Amt”. (Net_Amt = Course fee – Discount).
84 Vocational Training Authority of Sri Lanka - Jaffna

1. Design the following table and Name it as “Stock Details”.

2. Give the primary key when saving the documents.


PDGD Graphic
UNT1 Unit 1
UNT2 Unit 2

3. Design the following Table and name it as “Center Details”


1 MSOs Col-13 UNT1 200

2 DCSE Col-06 UNT1 175
3 MSO Col-15 UNT1 100
4 DCSE Watala UNT2 200
5 Doe Jaffna UNT2 100
6 MSO Col-13 UNT2 152
7 DCSE Col-06 VBB1 75
8 DCSE Col-15 VBB1 50
9 Designing Col-13 PDGD 48
Auto No

4. Through “Relationship” Method relate these two table one with another.

5. Try to do design a report for the related tables.

6. Create a form for the related tables.

85 Vocational Training Authority of Sri Lanka - Jaffna


1. Create a database called “TECHNICAL EDUCATION” by using MS Access

2. This database is used to keep data about students, Courses and groups in the institute
Table 1: Student
Filed Name Data Types Field Size
Student NO Text 10
Group ID Text 15
Full Name Text 50
Address Text 60
NIC NO Text 15
Contact NO Text 15
Table 2: Courses

Field Name Data Type Field Size

Course ID Text 10
Description Text 20
Duration Number Integer
Table 3: Group
Field Name Data Type Field Size
Group ID Text 15
Course ID Text 10
Starting Date Date & Time Short date
Ending Date Date & Time Medium date
Admission Fee Currency
Monthly Fee Currency
Terminated Yes/No

3. Apply the primary keys are appropriate for the above tables.
4. Create the relationship using the three tables using suitable fields.
5. Add following records for each table.

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6. Create the following query to view the following information (Student_No, Group_ID, Full_Name,
Duration, Monthly_Fee) find the course Fee and save the query as “AMOUNT”.
(Formula: Duration * Monthly_Fee).

7. Create the following report using the above Query, Group the report using Group ID and find the
Grand total.

87 Vocational Training Authority of Sri Lanka - Jaffna


1. Create the database called “Customer_Details” by using MS Access.

2. Within the created database, create the following table objects with the given properties.
3. Set relevant Primary keys for the above tables.
4. Create a relationship among three tables using suitable fields.
5. Add four records for each table.

88 Vocational Training Authority of Sri Lanka - Jaffna


6. Create the following Form using “Customer” table.

7. Create the following select Query to calculate the Total_Price and filter the customers whose

Total_price greater than 30,000.

Formula: Total_price=Unit_price*Quality

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