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TiME 45min

SECTION- A (4 x5 5)
Sound waves cannot pass throvgh
(a) a solid liquid mixture
Cb an ideal gas
(e) a perfect vaceu

d a liquid 9as mixhure

2. The frequency of a wave is 5 Ha T t refevs to
Ultro sound (b) mievowaves e) lofrasonics (ds kRadio w a v e s
3.When we pluck the sire of a sitav, the waves Produced io
air ave
longitudioal Cb) ansvevse lcboth (o)and Cb) (d> Elechomagnehc
4Tf he freqvency Of a wave eloubled,its uwaveleng h
Ca) be comes doubleed Cc) becomes half
(c Temains Same d None of this
5. A We hear To l l i c g o f hunder

R Tt is due to mu1hple reflechon of sound from many

efleehng STfaces like clovds and the land.

SECTION- B 2x 2 4)
.Differeniate between Compvession and Tarefachon
2. Give any 2 applicahons of moliple 7e Hlechon in our day
to day life
SFCTION-C 3 x 2 6)
1 So Sound waves pass through a point io O.1sec If the
distance between a commpYession and Tarefach on is
O. 34m. Cal culate
(a) freqveny C Waveleng h C) Wave veloci y
2 A stone is
dropped fromn the top of a tower 125m bigh.
tOto a pond of waler a& the b o t o of tbe touer.

When is the heard at the

Splash top7 9 :lOmls*, V-340m]

SECTION-D 5x1 5)
1 (a) Di ffeveniae Trans vevSe and longitodioal uw aveg
Cb De-fioe i ) hWayelength Ch) Amplitode
Cc) Give Reason
) Roofs and walls of the avditoTio ave covered uith>
TOUgh Plaster
OD Ordioary 6oUnd of longer avelength cannot deectflauas
o metal blocks

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