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Information, Analysis and Hot Topics in Workplace Relations
In TT and globally from WorkPlaceINFO TT
28 December 2017

08 ……….The Public Service 11 ……….Service Commissions

The Public Service speaking of the salaried employees in the service of

the Government.
Strictly speaking, as a matter of legal and
Constitutional definition those terms are distinct.
The Public Service is a broader group which includes
the Civil Service. Apart from the Civil Service, the
Teaching, Fire, Police, Prisons and Judicial and Legal
Services all form the Public Service.
Historically, the Civil Service was created in the
transition from the rule of Monarchs to that of
Cabinets in Britain.
In 1854, a Commission of Inquiry set up to examine
the organisation of a permanent Civil Service
published its report and pointed to the rationale of the
foundations of the Service.
“It may safely be asserted that, as matters now stand,
the Government of the country could not be
carried on without the aid of an efficient body of
A series of recent headlines have once more focused permanent officers, occupying a position duly
attention on the public service and a variety of subordinate to that of the Ministers who are
industrial relations issues affecting public officers. directly responsible. to the Crown and to Parliament,
WorkPlaceBRIEFING notes that most attention in yet possessing sufficient independence, character,
the industrial relations arena, even in curricula at ability, and experience to be able to advise, assist,
various institutions and publications on workplace and, to some extent, influence, those who are from
relations tend to emphasise or exclusively examine time to time set over them.” - (p.3) The Northcote-
industrial relations theory and practice in the private Trevelyan Report.
sector. According to the Constitution, the public service
WPI will give due consideration to issues arising in means “the service of the Government …..or the
the workplace of the public service – the largest single Tobago House of Assembly…in a civil capacity”
group of employees in the country. In essence, the civil service is really the engine room
that drives the work of any government. It was
What is the Public Service? designed as a permanent professional organisation for
the turning of government policy and programmes
In Trinidad and Tobago, we use the terms ‘Public into real action.
Service’ and ‘Civil Service’ interchangeably when (Continued on page 2)

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Civil servants have two main roles – 1) to advise Public Service Employment
government and 2) to implement government policy.
In order to fulfil these roles the civil service must There are some features of the public service that
include a cadre of well-qualified and trained career makes employment in it a unique type of employment
officers with attributes of professionalism and in our workplace scenario.
dedication to service. These features distinguish public service employment
from employment in the private sector or other
Who is a Public Officer? aspects of employment in the wider public sector
A “public officer means the which includes public
holder of any public office” i.e. a “At pleasure" means that the Crown enterprises and statutory
salaried office in the public servant may lawfully be dismissed organisations.
service. (section 3(1) Ch. 1:01 – summarily without there being any need Two distinguishing elements
the Constitution). for the existence of some reasonable of public service employment
Section 3(4) goes on to say that a cause for doing so …. are:
person is “NOT be considered to would even enable a government, Public Officers are not
hold an office in the public composed of the leaders of the political employed by political
service” simply because he/she: party that happened to be in power, to officeholders. They are not
a) receives a pension dismiss all members of the public service appointed or dismissible at
who were not members of the ruling party pleasure.
b) holds the offices of Presi- and prepared to treat the proper Insulation from political
dent, Presiding Officers performance of their public duties as interference was guaranteed
or members in Parlia- subordinate to the furtherance of that in our Independence
party's political aims. Constitution with the
ment, Minister, Parlia-
“In the case of an armed police force,,,,the
mentary Secretary, introduction of the Public
power of summary dismissal opens up the
Ombudsman or member prospect of converting it into what in effect Service Commission and
of any Commission creat- might function as a private army of the other Service Commissions.
ed by the Constitution, political party that had obtained a majority In the landmark case of
Endell Thomas v The AG, the
member of the Judiciary, of the seats in Parliament at the last
Privy Council had cause to
other judicial tribunal or election.…” - Endel Thomas v AG 1981 remind Government of this
the Public Service Appeal 3WLR 601 vital principle of our
Board, member of any administrative law and governance.
board or committee established by an Act, Civil servants have two main roles – 1) to advise
member of the President’s personal staff or a government and 2) to implement government policy.
consultant or adviser or a person appointed on In order to fulfil these roles, the civil service must
contract for up to 5 years. include a cadre of well-qualified and trained career
officers with attributes of professionalism and
A Civil Servant is defined in the Civil Service Act as dedication to service.
a public officer whose holds a public office …deemed Civil services (and in our case public service
to be an office in the Civil Service (s. 3(2) Ch. 23:01). employment generally) is a special kind of
The offices in the Civil Service are “set out in the employment which provided for tenure of
First Schedule: of the Civil Service Act (s.3(1)). employment to ensure that a professional service was
So, in a nutshell, available to whichever government comes into office.
i. public officers are salaried holders of offices The particular nature of civil service and public
in the public service. service employment generally, referred to as
permanent and pensionable employment, was
ii. ALL public officers are appointed by a Service
recognised in our law in the 1973 case of John
Commission i.e. the Judicial and Legal
Reddick v Lalla, Kenneth and the Public Service
Service, the Public Service, the Police Service Commission applying the law in the McLelland case
or the Teaching Service Commission. out of Ireland.
We do not have any spoils system here like in the US,
where successive governments (Continued on page 3)
(Continued from page 2) have a right to bring in their Contract employees, often referred to as contract
own employees to a certain extent. officers, are NOT appointed to a public office by a
The human resource management function in the Service Commission.
public service is shared principally between 2 They are employed by the Permanent Secretaries or
institutions: Heads of Department in the particular Service.
A. The Service Commission supported by the According to a 1980 Cabinet decision (Cabinet Note
Service Commissions Department – respon- No. 1700) the principles of contract employment were
set out including:
sible for appointment, transfer, promotion, dis-
a) Regardless of age, persons may be employed
cipline and termination, and
for specialized work
B. The Chief Personnel Officer and Personnel b) Employment for a period of 1 to 3 years
Department – the employer in law, responsi- c) Contract gratuity to be paid at the end of the
ble for issues of job design and evaluation, in- period
dustrial relations conduct including negotiation d) Contracts may be renewed by mutual agree-
of terms and conditions of employment and ment
administration of the application of thereof.
e) Permanent employment may be offered at the
These 2 human resource agencies delegate some of expiration of contract and gratuity earned or
their powers to be exercised by officers at various service under contract may count for pension
levels of management in the public service structure. purposes under the Pensions Act.
Contract employees were intended to be engaged in
Public Officers vs Contract Employees
the public service in situations in which specialised
We have taken some time to point out, in detail, who a work could not be performed by public officers and
public officer is because there is a tendency to blur the not for permanent and pensionable employment.
lines between PUBLIC OFFICERS and CONTRACT In our employment law scenario, public officers’
EMPLOYEES in the Civil Service. matters are matters of public law.
Contract employees have even been deemed public They are resolved via the grievance procedure within
officers by one government. Ministries then the Chief Personnel Officer or the
Over the last three decades, various administrations Public Service Commission and the final stage is in
have increasingly used contract employment to the the Civil Court.
extent that as many as 80% of the persons one Contract employees are workers, within the meaning
encounters in a Ministry or Department may not be of the Industrial Relations Act and are more like
Civil Servants but contract employees. employees in the private sector.
The Constitution is explicit. A person “appointed on The grievances and disputes of the contract employee
contract for 5 years or less” does not hold a public are handled via grievance procedures within
Ministries, then the Ministry of Labour and the final
state is in the Industrial Court.
In other words, although persons may be employed on
What we encounter as the Government Service is,
contract in a Ministry, Division or Service, the fact therefore, 2 parallel employment arrangements
that they work in a public service function or operating within the largest employ within the
institution, DOES NOT MAKE THEM PUBLIC workforce of Trinidad and Tobago.

3 Members of the Police Service Commission sworn in

The Service Commissions The inclusion of Service Commissions in the
Independence Constitution was a further step in the
Service Commissions are the bodies established in guaranteeing of an impartial Service with Public
the Constitution of Trinidad and Tobago with specific Officers no longer dismissible at the “pleasure” of
powers in relation to the Public Officers in the various political officials.
Services within the Public Service.
This provided a measure of security of employment
Last September, former Head of the Government for Public Officers as well as the capability of a
Economic Advisory Board, Dr. Terrence Farrell,
professional Service to advise and implement the
added his voice to others, when he suggested that
policies of whichever Government is in office.
“Service Commissions need to be removed from the
Constitution…” and called for “an end to “career This is a different arrangement of the “spoils system”
public servants”…”. – Newsday, 28 September 2017. in the US governance structure where each new President and his administration has the ‘right’ to
commissions-with-hr-depts/. appoint the most senior officials of the Government
At Independence in 1962, Mr. Service.
James Manswell, then leader of the
Public Services Association, The Tension in the Public
argued for the inclusion of Service Service
Commissions in our Constitution Ever since, there has been a
to guard against “political tension in the Public Service in
interference” in the management of which politicians have, in various
the Public Service. ways, attempted to restore to
The objective of their inclusion themselves, the old Crown and
remains to ensure impartiality and Governor’s powers of appointment
integrity of the Public Service in and dismissal at “pleasure” over
the service of the Government Public Officers.
whoever may form it. Over the years since 1962, many,
The importance of this insulation like Mr. Farrell, have argued that it
against political interference has is time to get rid of the Service
been reinforced the Endel Thomas case and many Commissions.
other Court decisions since. Some have made that call outright.
Introduction of Service Commissions Others have sought to whittle away at the powers and
scope of the jurisdiction of the Commissions.
The Public Service Commission was introduced in
1950 as an advisory body which, according to From amendments to the Constitution, to the
Kenneth Lalla was a “mechanism allowing the people widescale replacement of Public Officers with
and not politicians….involved in ….selection ….for Contract Employees in the Civil Service, to the
appointment in the Civil Service….”. – The Public creation of Statutory Bodies, Special Purpose
Service and Service Commissions, Commonwealth Companies, etc. performing the functions of the Civil
Caribbean, Kenneth R. Lalla, 2013, Universal Service like the RHA.s, TTPOST, and others –
Printers (T&T). various ways have been sought by subsequent
Before 1950, recruitment and appointment was the Governments to weaken, if not eliminate, the Service
sole purview of the Governor. Local members of the Commissions and their Constitutional role.
Colonial Service were appointed and dismissible at A particular case in 2006, was the amendment of the
the “pleasure” of the Governor and Secretary of State. Constitution, to remove thousands of Police Officers
The value of the introduction of the Public Service from the jurisdiction of the Police Service
Commission in providing some possibilities of Commission and give all the powers that the
advancement in the Civil Service cannot be Commission had to a single officeholder – the
overstated. Commissioner of Police.
of an independent Commission with Constitutional
The Commission was only left with 2 offices –
Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner under its
purview and even stripped of the power to transfer. The call for the removal of the Commissions and
This was the single biggest move by politicians (via their replacement by “HR departments” proposed by
Parliament) to emasculate a Service Commission. Farrell, who will be appointed by politicians as all
Contract Employees are will surely mean that the
Both the appointment of the Commissioners and their
desire of the politicians to have the ‘right’ to hire and
appointments of the Commissioner and Deputy are
fire – to appoint and dismiss at “pleasure” as the
now subject to approval of the House of
Governor of old – would be accomplished.
The security of public officers and the integrity and
While some may see the transfer of the veto power of
impartiality of the Public Service would all be eroded,
the Commission’s nominations for appointment to the
if not erased, by such a development. impartiality of
2 Offices in the Service from the Prime Minister to the
the Public Service would all be eroded, if not erased,
House as a positive development, it is still a veto
by such a development. by such a development.
power by politicians in a function that should be that

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