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2.4.3 ALLOWABLE STRESS RANGE The failure modes that the piping code addresses are excessive plastic deformation or bursting; plastic instability or incremental collapse due to cycling in the plastic range and fatigue which may be developed in a system as its temperature is raised from the lowest to the highest that it will experience in service or when it is shut down. Each of this failure, modes is caused by a different type of stress and loading. However ‘Fatigue failure’ is recognized by the code as the most likely mode of failure of the component and place the limit on the maximum stress which may be developed in a system as temperature is raised from lowest to highest that will experience in service or when it is shut down. aterials below the creep ranges, the allowable 9 of the yield stress, so that a conservative e-of the limit of the bending stress at which plastic Starts at an elevated temperature is 1.6 (100/62.5) times the allowable stress and by the same reasoning, 1.6 Sc will ~ be the stress at which flow would take place at the minimum temperature. Hence the sum of these stresses represents the MAXIMUM STRESS RANGE to which the system would be subjected to, without the flow occurring in either hot or cold condition. Therefore, Snax = 1.6 Sc + 1.6 Sh = 1.6 (Sc + Sh) But the American design codes ASME B 31.1 and B 31.3 limit the stress range to 78% of the yield stress which gives a total stress range of S stowabte = 1-6x 0.78 (Sc + Sh) = 1.25 (Se + Sh) S atowable = 1-25 Sc + 0.25 Sh The above value doesnot consider the excessive cyl conditions. The code allows it by multiplying by a stress range reduction factor. Accordingly, ASME B 31.1 in clause 102.3.2(c) and ASME 31.3 in clause 302.3.5 specify the Allowable Expansion Stress Range as : [The value of S, and S, are available in Table A1 of the Code] Ene (UIs Spe Ore SL f= Stress range reduction factor for displacement cycle conditions for the total number of cycles over the expected life + The factor ‘f? has a value of 1.0 for situation where total number of cycles is 7000 or less. This represents one cycle per day for nearly 20 years, which is a common design parameter. Further, if we look at endurance curve for carbon steel and low alloy steel available in the ASME Section VIII Division 2, Pressure Vessel Code, it can be seen that at some point in the vicinity of 7000 cycles, the Sc + Sh limitation intersects the fatigue curve. The code gives the value of ‘f’ in the table 302.3.5 (B 31.3) and 102.3.2 (c) (B 31.1) as follows: Stress Range Reduction Factor f ‘Cycles N | Factor f 7,000 or less 1.0 ‘over 7,000 to 14,000 Hae O | ‘over 14,000 to 22,000 . 08 ‘over 22,000 10 45,000 07 ‘over 45,000 to 1,00,000 06 over 1,00,000 t0 2,00,000 05 | ‘over 2,00,000 to 7,00,000 04 ‘over 7,00,000 to 20,00,000 03 BIS This applies essentially to non corroded piping. Corrosion can decrease the cycle life. Therefore, corrosion resistant material should be considered where large number of stress cycle is anticipated. A pipe supplies Dowtherm to the limpet of a reactor, which is operated on a batch process with a 4 hour cycle every 24 hours. The Dowtherm temperature is 315 °C (600°F) and pipe material is ASTM A 106 Gr. B. Design life of plant considered 20 years. A llowable stress at ambient S. = 20,000 _ psi Allowable stress at Max. metal temp. S$, = 17,300 psi Number of cycles = a 365 x 20 = 43,800 (total) The stress range reduction factor = 0.7 hence, S, = f (125 8S, +025 S,) = 07 (1.25 * 20,000 + 0.25 ° 17,300) = 20527. psi (1443 Kg/em 7)

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