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1. Introduction

This project focuses on the design of a mechanical system integrated with a flywheel
to achieve an efficiency of 10%. Utilizing principles of mechanical engineering and dynamics,
this system is analyzed and designed to fulfill specific operational criteria set forth by the
mechanical engineering department.

2. System Design and Analysis

Using GIM techniques implemented in MATLAB, this section details the step-by-step
approach to calculate the velocities and accelerations of different components within the
mechanism. This involves breaking down the movement into understandable segments,
analyzing each for its contribution to the overall function of the system.

Dynamic System Analysis

A dynamic analysis is critical for understanding how forces and torques behave
through the motion cycle. This section delves into the methods used to evaluate these
dynamics, employing principles from physics and engineering to predict and optimize system
performance under real-world conditions.

Slider Trajectory Analysis

The trajectory of the slider is crucial for assessing the effective conversion of
rotational motion to linear motion. This analysis covers the path traced by the slider, detailing
how it relates to the operational constraints and aims of the mechanical design.

3. Flywheel Design
This section outlines the specifications and considerations necessary to design an
efficient flywheel, including material selection, dimensional accuracy, and the theoretical
framework used to align the design with the desired 10% efficiency.

Detailed calculations are presented to justify the design choices made for the flywheel.
This includes a discussion on the balance between weight, size, and material properties to
achieve the optimal energy storage and release needed to maintain system efficiency.
N=1000 rpm

2 π N 2 π 1000 rad
ω= = ≈ 104.72
60 60 s

P=100 hp=74570 Watt

With % 10 efficiency,

Peff =74570 Watt x 0.1=7457 Watt

P 7457
T= = ≈ 71.2 Nm
ω 104.72

Material selection; Steel.

Taking into account the density of each rod in the mechanism (7750 kg/m³) and the
diameter of the circular section (1 cm), we need to calculate the mass of the rods. In
calculations, masses can be found using the volume and density of the rods.

Cross section for 1 cm diameter:

2 −5 2
A=π (0.005) =7.854 x 10 m

Volume of each links;

Volume = Cross section x Length of links

DC = 0.3 m

BC = 0.5 m

AB = 0.7 m

OBB = 0.2 m

OAA = 0.4 m

Volume of DC = 7.854 x 10−5 x 0.3=2.3562 x 10−5 m3

Volume of BC = 7.854 x 10−5 x 0.5=3.927 x 10−5 m3

Volume of AB = 7.854 x 10−5 x 0.7=5.4978 x 10−5 m3

Volume of OBB = 7.854 x 10−5 x 0.2=1.5708 x 10−5 m3

Volume of OAA = 7.854 x 10−5 x 0.4=3.1416 x 10−5 m3

Mass of each link,

m=ρ x V

ρ=7750 kg/m

Mass of DC = 7750 x 2.3562 x 10−5=0.1821 kg

Mass of BC = 7750 x 3.927 x 10−5=0.3048 kg

Mass of AB = 7750 x 5.4978 x 10−5=0.4261 kg

Mass of OBB = 7750 x 1.5708 x 10−5=0.1217 kg

Mass of OAA = 7750 x 3.1416 x 10−5=0.2433 kg

Design of Flywheel,

1 2
E= I ω


E=7457 Joule

2 2
I= 2
7457=1.358 kg . m

Using this value we can determine the mass and radius. For example, if we take the
radius of the flywheel as 0.5 m (50 cm)

1 2
I= m r

1 2
1.358= m ( 0.5 )

m ≈10.87 kg
4. Results and Discussion
Here, the results from the kinematic and dynamic analyses are compiled, highlighting
how they inform the design and functionality of the flywheel.
This section evaluates the overall system performance, discussing how the designed
flywheel contributes to the system's efficiency and stability, supported by data from
simulations and theoretical calculations.

5. Conclusion

Summarize the achievements of the project, including how the design and analysis met
the project objectives.

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