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Module 1-Introduction to Fashion Design

Example, Answers, Feedback, and Advice Section

Use this section to check your answers and see how well you have done.
Module 1: Activity 1
Practical Research

Module 1: Activity 2
An example paragraph from the early 1960s.

Fashion around the world was inspired by Jackie Kennedy, which brought an introduction of
well fitted tailored suits, white pearls, and large top buttons. The look was mass produced,
but after Kennedy’s assassination, women turned to 1960s fashion icon Bridget Bardot, and
a new look was created.

Module 1: Activity 3
Advice and Feedback
It might be surprising to learn that fashion did not always exist, but in the 19 th century, there
was no fashion design. Clothing was created by seamstresses and dressmakers, and the
standards were copied from royalty. The course of history and fashion as we know it
changed altogether when a man by the name of Charles Frederick Worth set up the first
fashion house and began to dictate style and design to customers.

Module 1: Activity 4
As you embark on a new career in fashion design, there are a few skills that will serve you
well in the industry. For starters, a designer must have excellent communication skills and a
knowledge of current fashion trends. It is also helpful for a fashion designer to enter the
field with drawing and sewing skills. Additionally, a knowledge of computers and the basic
materials you will be using in the field is crucial to success.

Module 1: Activity 5
1. Garde 2. Unorthodox 3. Represents 4. Unconventional 5. Designer 6. Fad
7. Trend 8. Classics 9. Acceptable 10. Pieces

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