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Mechanical digestion

function of saliva

purpose of taste buds

teeth breaking food into smaller pieces

keep mouth moist, lubricates food, contains salivary amylase

which breaks down starch into maltose

forage for nutritional food, help avoid spoiled food, stimulates

brain to start digestive process
purpose of tongue

function of pharynx

name of chewed food in esophagus

pushes back food into throat

organ that food and air travel down. Connects to esophagus

and larynx

name of folds in stomach walls that can stretch to increase

what does bolus turn into

name and function of stomach lining


chyme after being mechanically and chemically broken down

by the stomach

mucosa, contains gastric pits which secrete mucous, HCl, and

pepsinogen process

purpose of mucous in the stomach

Purpose of stomach acid

stomach acid turns pepsinogen into pepsin which breaks down
proteins into smaller peptides

prevents stomach walls being broken down by stomach acid

and pepsin, also lubricates food to help its movement within
the stomach.

protect against growth of bacteria and aid in breakdown of

food - both directly by breaking connective tissue and
activating pepsinogen
three parts of small intestine in the order they appear

part of small intestine where most chemical digestion occur

and where most absorption occur

function of villi and lacteals

duodenum - jejenum - ileum

most chemical digestion in duodenum and jejenum. Most

absorption in ileum

villi and microvilli increase surface area of small intestine to

absorb nutrients. Lacteals and blood vessels inside the villi
absorb nutrients into the bloodstream
function of the large intestine

parts of large intestine

cecum function
absorb water, salt and vitamins, store indigestible material until
elimination as feces.

cecum, colon, rectum, anal canal

where undigested food gathers and mixes with bacteria and

mucus to form feces, triggers muscle contractions when full to
move waste along the colon
colon function

defecation process

lipase function
dehydrate chyme into feces. is filled with bacteria that break
down indigestible material

stretching of rectal wall causes defecation reflex - nervous

impulses sent to spinal cord and back cause anal sphincters to
relax, dispelling feces

enzyme that works with bile from the liver to break down fats
into fatty acids and glycerol
pancreatic amylase function

maltase function

trypsin function
further breaks down remaining starch into disaccharides such
as maltose

completes breakdown of starch, breaks down maltose into


further breaks down proteins into peptides

peptidases function

nuclease and nucleosidases

function of the pancreas

complete protein digestion by converting peptides to amino

nuclease converts RNA and DNA into nucleotides,

nucleosidases break down nucleotides into sugars, bases, and

detects blood glucose concentrations and secrete hormones

directly into bloodstream to adjust blood glucose levels
function of insulin

function of glucagon

6 function of liver
insulin instructs liver and muscle cells to absorb glucose in
blood to lower blood glucose levels

glucagon targets adipose(fat) tissue, causing liver to break

down stored glycogen into glucose. This causes blood glucose
levels to rise

detoxify blood, abosrd and store vitamins, maintain blood

glucose, make plasma proteins, produce urea, regulate blood
Function of gastrin hormone

function of secretin hormone

Function of cholecystokinin (CCK) hormone

produced in gastric pits, triggered by presence of protein in
stomach and stretching of stomach walls. Causes stomach to
churn more and increase secretions

triggered by acidic pH of chyme - causes pancreas to increase

pancreatic juice production (NaHCO3 to buffer pH of chyme
and deactivate pepsin) also causes liver and gall bladder to
produce bile

triggered by presence of partially digested proteins and fats in

duodenum - works with secretin to cause liver/gallbladder to
release pancreatic juice and bile
Gastric inhibitory peptide hormone

ghrelin function hormone

stomach ulcers cause

triggered by absence of protein in the stomach - blocks
secretion of stomach acid

"hunger hormone" stimulated by empty stomach, increases

appetite, and increase fat storage. Stimulates stomach

when pepsin and acid attack stomach wall causing open sore,
caused by mucous lining being broken down
lactose intolerance cause

type 1 diabetes cause

type 2 diabetes cause

inability to produce enzyme lactase. cause cramping or
diarrhea when undigested lactose draws water into colon
through osmosis

hereditary diabetes, immune system attacks pancreatic beta

cells - can no longer produce insulin. Causes blood sugar levels
to remain high as blood glucose is not metabolized by cells or
taken into liver as glycogen . treated with insulin needle or

learned insulin-resistance caused by fat tissue blocking insulin

receptors. developed through obesity, inactivity, or excess
sugar intake
complications of diabetes

enzymes secreted by the pancreas into the duodenum (4)

small intestinal villi enzyme secretions (3)

kidney disease, reduced circulation, loss of eyesight,
cardiovascular disease, and pregnancy complications.

lipase, pancreatic amylase, trypsin, nuclease

maltase, peptidases, nucleosidases

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