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Grade 5-SEWA I- Term I

16th May 2024

Topic-Cultivating Happiness Habits

"If you are going to achieve excellence in big things,

you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception; it is a
prevailing attitude."
Experiencing happiness begins with the understanding that happiness is not a gift
you receive; rather, it is an emotion you create and cultivate in your life. The
Pursuit of Happiness organization has identified Seven Habits of Happy People
that will cultivate greater well-being in your everyday life.
To cultivate happiness, you can:
 Engage in a healthy, active lifestyle that promotes physical vitality.
 Find spiritual engagement and meaning through meditation, prayer, or
spiritual exploration.
 Practice mindfulness and positive thinking like optimism and gratitude in
your daily life.
 Find an activity or hobby that you can become deeply involved in regularly.
 Identify your unique strengths and use them for a purpose that is greater
than yourself.

Driving question- How can daily practices, habits, and routines foster long-term
happiness and well-being?
Daily practices and routines serve as the building blocks for long-term happiness and
well-being by promoting health, managing stress, enhancing productivity, cultivating
gratitude, facilitating continuous learning, and prioritizing self-care. By incorporating
intentional habits into daily life, individuals can cultivate a fulfilling and balanced
lifestyle conducive to overall happiness and well-being.

 What does it mean to cultivate happiness habits?

 Can you name three habits that can help make you feel happier every day?
 How do daily routines contribute to our overall happiness?
 How can helping others make us feel happier?
 How does spending time with friends and family impact our happiness?
 Why is it important to take care of our physical health for our happiness?
 What are some activities or hobbies that make you feel joyful and fulfilled?

Home Task (Choose anyone)

How can real-life examples and practical demonstrations be utilized to illustrate
the positive changes when we actively engage in cultivating habits that promote
happiness and well-being?
You may present your work in ANY ONE of the following formats.

 Discovering Everyday Happiness: “10 Things That Bring Joy to Your Life":

Share with everyone the simple joys that brighten and make
your days happy every single day no matter how big or small
they may seem. Create a blog listing at least 10 things that
bring happiness to your life daily and describe how you
practice this happiness habit in your daily life.
This activity can be done using A4 sheet paper or
 Connecting with Nature:
Spend time outdoors and connect with nature. Spending
time in nature can promote happiness, peace, and well-
being. Whether it's going for a hike, gardening, or simply
taking a walk in the park being in nature has been seen as
habits that help to improve mood, reduce stress, and make
you happy.
As you connect to nature create a poem to express its beauty and influence on our lives.
This activity can be done using an A4 sheet or digitally.

 Seven Happy Habits Exploration:

Imagine there are seven special things we can do every
day that can make us feel happy which are called the
"Seven Happy Habits." These habits are not only
beneficial for individual happiness but can also
contribute to building resilient communities and
fostering positive relationships.
Create an infographic/ poster for your classroom on
‘Seven Happy Habits’. This activity can be done
using A4 sheets or any other medium of art.

In class on 16.05.24
Students should present the same through a JAM activity in the class by
expressing their views in a few sentences along with their prepared work.

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