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Daily sedation interruption and mechanical

ventilation weaning: a literature review
Dimitrios Vagionas1, Ioannis Vasileiadis1, Nikoletta Rovina1, Emmanouil Alevrakis2,
Antonia Koutsoukou1, Nikolaos Koulouris3

Intensive Care Unit, 1st Department Respiratory Medicine, “Sotiria” Hospital, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens,

4 Department of Respiratory Medicine, “Sotiria” Hospital, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
2 th

1 Department of Respiratory Medicine, “Sotiria” Hospital, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
3 st

Abstract Anaesthesiol Intensive Ther 2019; 51, 5: 380–389

Daily sedation interruption (DSI) is a method used since the beginning of the millennium to
streamline sedation in critically ill patients under mechanical ventilation and improve clinical out- Received: 12.11.2019, accepted: 22.11.2019
comes. The purpose was to assess whether there is a correlation between DSI and weaning from
mechanical ventilation. We designed a literature review via searching PubMed, UpToDate and
Google Scholar for relevant key terms from inception until March 2019. Literature retrieved in-
cluded nine randomized controlled trials. When compared to usual practice, it is superior in terms
of duration of mechanical ventilation, stay in the intensive care unit, hospitalization, adverse effect
occurrence and total cost of therapy. Comparison with other sedation protocols produces con-
flicting results. DSI, and protocolized sedation in general, are safe methods to perform to facilitate
earlier weaning and improved clinical outcomes. Future research should focus on minimizing bias
by conducting double-blinded studies and studying different patient subgroups. CORRESPONDING AUTHOR:
Ioannis Vasileiadis, Intensive Care Unit, 1st Department
Key words: sedation, daily interruption, protocolized sedation, mechanical venti-
of Respiratory Medicine, “Sotiria” Hospital, National
lation, weaning, intensive care unit. and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece,

Administration of sedatives is an integral part Intravenous (i.v.) administration of sedatives can

of intensive care unit (ICU) routine practice for be performed by continuous infusion or by intermit-
a plethora of reasons: reduction of patient discom- tent bolus injection; between the two methods, the
fort by providing anxiolysis, treating agitation but first provides more constant levels of sedation and
also facilitation of care, by increasing tolerance of higher levels of patient comfort. On first thought,
the ventilator and preventing accidental removal that would make it an optimal method of sedation,
of the endotracheal tube or other instrumentation but it has unfortunately been identified as an inde-
(e.g. catheters, monitors and intravenous lines). pendent predictor of prolonged mechanical ven-
Finally, sedation reduces metabolic demands during tilation (MV) [4], an observation primarily made as
cardiovascular and respiratory instability [1]. Agents soon as 1998 by Kollef et al. [4]. In order to prevent
mostly in use are benzodiazepines and other nonan- its associated complications, such as ventilator-asso-
algesic sedatives such as propofol. Since these have ciated pneumonia (VAP) [5], barotrauma, unplanned
no analgesic properties, they are often combined extubation and oxygen desaturation [6–9], the re-
with parallel administration of opioids. Analgesics, searchers suggested using in the future meticulous
at high doses, may also have a sedative effect [2]. sedation protocols that might, potentially, improve
However, because of the long half-life of the most clinical outcomes.
commonly used opiates and the potentially grave Such a sedation protocol was put to the test the
side effects, such as respiratory depression, hypo- following year by Brook et al. [10], who associated
tension, gastrointestinal complications, urine reten- the decrease of MV duration in patients under pro-
tion and histamine secretion, administration should tocol-directed sedation with the reduced duration
be rather judicious. In fact, as far as benzodiazepines of continuous i.v. sedation.
are concerned, the Society of Critical Care Medicine Moreover, all current sedatives are problematic
has recommended against their use in their latest in long-term sedation. Benzodiazepines and propo-
clinical practice guidelines [3]. fol accumulate unpredictably [11, 12]. High doses

Daily sedation interruption and mechanical ventilation weaning

of propofol may lead to occurrence of propofol conducted to investigate a potential association

infusion syndrome (PRIS), associated with a mor- and constitute the main topic of this review.
tality rate as high as 80–85% [13]. Dexmedetomi-
dine, according to the latest publication of SPICE III METHODS
[14], when used as the sole or primary sedative in Searching strategy and study selection
patients undergoing MV, even though it does not We searched the PubMed (MEDLINE), SCOPUS
seem to negatively affect mortality rates, was associ- and ScienceDirect databases from inception to
ated with increased rates of bradycardia and hypo- March 2019. The search was conducted by the
tension and supplemental sedative requirements in use of the key terms “daily sedation interruption”
order to achieve the desired level of sedation. or “daily sedative interruption” combined with the
Other unfavorable effects of a continuous seda- key term “mechanical ventilation” via the “AND” op-
tive infusion include hypotension, bradycardia, erator. From any primary and review articles found,
respiratory depression, ileus, renal failure, venous we further searched for any citations for potential
stasis and immunosuppression [15], delirium [16], relevance. We excluded reviews, non-English stud-
presentation of delusional memories and post- ies, nonhuman studies, pediatric studies, protocols,
traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) [17, 18], increased guidelines, policy statements, surveys and confer-
overall mortality [19] and impaired cognitive func- ence abstracts. We exclusively included random-
tion [20]. Impaired cognition, however, is not exclu- ized controlled trials. To be included in our review,
sively a corollary of extended sedation. A change in studies had to demonstrate utilization of DSI in
mental status can very well be due to neurologic their sedation protocols and measurement of MV
injury, and for the differential diagnosis physicians duration as an endpoint. Screening of the articles
may be compelled to proceed with further diagnos- for review eligibility based on inclusion criteria was
tic studies when a patient does not wake up shortly conducted independently by two reviewers. In case
after discontinuation of sedative infusion, prob- of disagreement, it would be resolved by a third re-
ably also leading to an increase of treatment costs. viewer, which was unnecessary as group consen-
Finally, continuous sedative infusion has been asso- sus was reached. We primarily aimed to elucidate
ciated with a longer ICU and hospital stay [4], both whether an association between DSI and weaning
of which may further increase the cost of treatment of the ventilator has been established, according to
[4, 10, 21]. On the other hand, avoiding sedatives the findings of the research efforts we are quoting.
is not always feasible, because insufficient seda-
tion can also lead to unwanted situations, primarily Risk of bias assessment
hypertension, tachycardia, discomfort and dyssyn- Methodological quality assessment was con-
chrony with the ventilator [22]. ducted via the Cochrane tool of bias [28] which
Methods that may help physicians reduce the rates the included studies’ risk of bias for the fol-
complications of under-/over-sedation include seda- lowing domains: random sequence generation, al-
tion protocols [10, 21], spontaneous breathing trials location concealment, blinding of participants and
(SBTs) [19], early mobilization [23] or exclusive use of personnel, blinding of outcome assessment, incom-
opioids without co-administration of sedatives [24]. plete outcome data, selective outcome reporting,
Of note, regarding SBTs, newer data [25-27] support and other bias risk. With an overall moderate qual-
the use of decreased levels of pressure support ven- ity of evidence, the risk of bias assessment that re-
tilation, as inspiratory pressure augmentation of 5 to sulted from data extraction of the included studies
8 cm H2O (0.5–0.8 kPa), for instance. Use of low pres- for the aforementioned domains is summarized in
sure support values also provides the advantage of Table 1.
overcoming the added work of breathing imposed
by the resistance of the endotracheal tube. RESULTS
Another method is daily interruption of sedative Search strategy findings
infusions. By awakening the patients, clinicians can Two hundred fifty-nine articles were found
keep sedation at lighter levels, without causing dis- through the search; 81 were excluded because they
comfort. This is not necessarily an exclusive choice were duplicated, 49 did not meet inclusion criteria,
of sedation, but is often used as a complement to 30 were reviews, 24 were protocols, guidelines or
other methods, as sedation-scale-based protocol- policy statements, 16 were written in another lan-
directed sedation, for example, in order to achieve guage, 14 were surveys and 6 analyses and 5 articles
the targeted light sedation levels. There have also concerned the pediatric population. After primary
been questions on whether daily sedation interrup- exclusion, 34 potentially relevant articles remained
tion (DSI) could facilitate earlier weaning and de- which were further filtered after abstract observa-
crease the duration of MV. Several trials have been tion, leading to exclusion of another 25 articles.

Dimitrios Vagionas, Ioannis Vasileiadis, Nikoletta Rovina, Emmanouil Alevrakis, Antonia Koutsoukou, Nikolaos Koulouris

TABLE 1. Risk of bias assessment for included studies

Selection bias: Selection bias: Performance Detection bias: Attrition bias: Reporting Other
Random Allocation bias: Blinding Blinding Incomplete bias: bias
sequence concealment of participants of outcome outcome data Selective
generation and personnel assessment reporting
Kress et al. [21], + + ? ? + + +
Girard et al. [19], + + – ? + + +
De Wit et al. [30], + + – ? + + +
Anifantaki et al. [32], + ? – ? + + +
Yilmaz et al. [34], + + – ? + + +
Strom et al. [24], + + – ? + + +
Weisbrodt et al. [43], + + + ? + + +
Mehta et al. [37], + + – ? + + +
Nassar et al. [39], + + – ? + + +
Kayir et al. [41], ? ? – ? + + +

Databases searched: PubMed, Scopus, ScienceDirect The remaining literature presented dates from May
259 articles identified from database search: 2000 to January 2018 and consists of 9 RCTs con-
- 122 PubMed ducted on adults, out of which 5 compare DSI with
- 90 Scopus usual practice and 4 compare DSI with another se-
- 47 ScienceDirect dation protocol. The selection process is schema-
219 excluded: tized in the flow chart (Figure 1).
- 81 duplicates
- 49 not meeting criteria Description of included studies
- 30 reviews In 2000, a landmark RCT was published by Kress
- 24 protocols, guidelines, et al. [21], implementing for the first time a DSI pro-
statement papers
tocol in the 68 patients of the intervention group.
- 16 non-English
- 14 surveys To be precise, sedative infusion was ceased until
- 5 pediatric patients were awake and could follow commands
- 6 analyses or became agitated/uncomfortable, at which point
infusion was resumed at half the previous rate.
34 potentially relevant articles selected for further review The 60 patients of the control group had sedatives
interrupted only at physician discretion. Both groups
22 excluded: were further divided into two arms, receiving either
- 5 not meeting criteria one of two non-analgesic sedatives, propofol or
- 1 systematic review
midazolam, and if analgesia was necessary, mor-
- 2 meta-analyses
phine was used in all the 128 patients constituting
- 14 alternative endpoints
- 3 retrospective studies the study sample.
Duration of MV was 2.4 days shorter in the
9 randomized controlled trials included intervention group (P = 0.004) and ICU LOS was
in literature review: shortened by 3.5 days (P = 0.02). When evaluation
- 5 comparing DSI with usual practice was conducted according to the sedative adminis-
- 4 comparing DSI with another sedation tered (propofol or midazolam), these primary end
points did not differ significantly. The investiga-
FIGURE 1. Flow chart of literature search and study selection tors suggested that DSI provides a simple means

Daily sedation interruption and mechanical ventilation weaning

to facilitate a daily neurologic examination by the deserves to be pointed out, because either alcohol
clinicians, since the control group underwent 18% or drug abuse could lead to respiratory failure, mak-
more frequently (P = 0.02) diagnostic studies, mostly ing these patient groups more vulnerable and likely
fruitless, to rule out neurologic injury. Another sec- to require MV.
ondary result was the smaller total doses of benzo- In order to assess how a DSI protocol affects
diazepines administered to the patients of the in- time of breathing without assistance, Girard et al.
tervention group, further cementing the prospect [19] conducted a landmark multicenter RCT includ-
of this method’s cost-effectiveness. ing a sample of 336 heterogeneous patients, in
Consequently, the investigators concluded that which daily SBTs were either paired with spontane-
it was safe, practical and cost-effective to treat me- ous awakening trials (intervention group, n = 168)
chanically ventilated patients with a DSI treatment. or with usual sedation practice (control group,
The DSI protocol, in the form devised by Kress et al., n = 168). Their DSI protocol was the standard one
became the standard which almost all subsequent with the only exception that a 4-hour awakening
researchers implemented in their own trials and trial was applied, unless the patient was in pain, agi-
any adjustments they made were only minor devia- tated, uncomfortable or showed aggravating clini-
tions from this one. Therefore, whenever a standard cal signs, at which point sedatives were restarted at
DSI protocol is mentioned in the studies below, it is half the previous dose and medication was titrated
a reference to the present one. to achieve patient comfort.
In 2008, three studies were published, by Buck- Patients in the intervention group were found
nall et al. [29], De Wit et al. [30] and Girard et al. [19], to breathe unassisted for longer periods of time in
of which a DSI protocol was incorporated only in the comparison with patients of the control group. This
last two, whereas in the RCT by Bucknall and col- finding was combined with a 7% reduced absolute
leagues, a guideline-dictated sedation protocol was risk of tracheostomy (P = 0.06), but also with a 6%
compared with their ICU standard usual practice higher self-extubation rate (P = 0.03). ICU and hos-
and found no significant difference in all endpoints, pital LOS also favored the intervention group, be-
in contrast with other studies. ing decreased by 3.8 (P = 0.01) and 4.3 (P = 0.04)
De Wit et al. [30] conducted a randomized study days respectively. This group also showed a 14%
based on observations of previous investigators, i.e. lower mortality rate after one-year survival analysis
that MV duration is decreased by use of DSI or other (P = 0.01). The superiority of the intervention group’s
sedation algorithms, and in that context sought to results led the researchers to conclude that a “wake
compare the two methods, primarily in terms of to- up and breathe” protocol was safe and should be
tal MV duration and survival in the 28 days following implemented in routine practice.
successful weaning. On a side note, another issue concerning ICU-
The sedation algorithm was based on the one hospitalized patients is the impact on long-term
used by Brook et al. [10] and guidelines by the Soci- functional, cognitive and psychological status. Jack-
ety of Critical Care Medicine [31], aiming at minimiz- son et al. [20] compared these parameters amongst
ing continuous i.v. infusion and maximizing bolus 180 patients who were assessed in a planned sub-
injections instead and administering opioids for study conducted during the study mentioned
treatment of pain, whereas DSI was performed with above [19]. All outcomes, including cognitive im-
the method previously used by Kress et al. [21]. pairment, composite cognitive scores, symptoms
The results were in favor of the sedation algo- of depression/PTSD and quality of life status, were
rithm, as patients in that group had a 7-day shorter found to be similar, notwithstanding that the inter-
average ICU (P < 0.0001) and 9-day shorter hospi- vention group retained the physiological benefits of
tal LOS (P = 0.01) compared to patients in the DSI the aforementioned protocol.
group. Insisting more on results regarding MV, not In 2009, Anifantaki et al. [32] published an RCT
only was total duration shorter by 2.8 days in the in which they studied a sample of 97 mechanically
sedation algorithm group (P = 0.0003), but so was ventilated, including neurosurgical, patients, over
time to successful extubation, by 4 days. Mortality the course of almost 2 years in an ICU in Greece.
was also in favor of the same group (P = 0.04). The intervention group (n = 49) underwent DSI ac-
The researchers were led to the conclusion that cording to a nurse-implemented protocol mostly
the sedation algorithm was superior to DSI and also similar to previous ones. Contraindications exclud-
questioned the latter’s feasibility to be performed ing patients from the DSI procedure were severe
on some patient groups, such as alcohol and drug haemodynamic instability, positive end expiratory
abusers, deriving from the significant occurrence of pressure greater than 18 cm H2O (2 kPa), intracranial
said abuse in their patient sample. That observation pressure more than 18 mm Hg (2 kPa) and deteriora-

Dimitrios Vagionas, Ioannis Vasileiadis, Nikoletta Rovina, Emmanouil Alevrakis, Antonia Koutsoukou, Nikolaos Koulouris

TABLE 2. The Ramsay Sedation Scale [33] The primary endpoint was time of unassisted
Score Term breathing, found increased by 4.2 days in the in-
tervention group (P = 0.0191). Delirium was an ad-
1 Patient anxious and agitated or restless or both
verse effect observed more frequently in the inter-
2 Patient cooperative, oriented, and tranquil vention group. As far as respiratory complications
3 Patient responds to commands only are concerned, no significant difference was found
in accidental extubations or VAP between the two
4 Patient asleep, shows brisk response to light glabellar
tap or loud auditory stimulus
No sedation was mentioned to be the standard
5 Patient asleep, shows sluggish response to light practice in the author’s ICU and this study pioneered
glabellar tap or loud auditory stimulus
support of an even more judicious approach to
6 Patient asleep, shows no response to light glabellar sedative infusion, allowing administration only
tap or loud auditory stimulus when deemed necessary. Of note, the researchers
switched the sedative of choice from propofol to
midazolam, which has a slower clearance rate, even
tion of cerebral hemorrhage or edema. The control more so if renal and liver failure are present [35],
group (n = 48) received sedation per the ICU physi- identifying this as a possible bias factor. Interpreta-
cians’ prescriptions. tion of the study’s results led to the suggestion that
Primary outcome was duration of MV, demon- analgesics should be considered before infusion of
strating no significant difference between the two continuous sedation.
groups. Nor did the secondary outcomes differ, ICU Beginning from the context that protocolized
LOS and hospital LOS, overall mortality, total drug sedation and DSI are two methods to reduce se-
doses administered and Ramsay Sedation Scale dation, duration of MV and ICU-LOS, Mehta et al.
[33] (RSS, described in Table 2). The researchers con- [36] combined both in a pilot trial, attempting to
cluded that DSI was neither beneficial nor harmful, amplify these effects. They found that both proto-
but was also safe and feasible for the poorly studied colized sedation and DSI are safe and acceptable,
subgroup of neurosurgical patients. but more importantly, their pilot trial was used to
A Turkish study [34] on a smaller scale included 50 guide modifications in their protocol and served as
patients who were randomly allocated to two groups a footing to conduct afterwards a multicenter RCT
of similar demographic values. One group was [37]. Over a 3-year period, they collected data from
treated with DSI without any protocol (“Group P”); 430 patients hospitalized in 16 medical and surgical
instead, instructions to cease sedation were given ICUs. Patients in the control group (n = 209) received
by physicians, after assessing the patients’ hemody- protocolized sedation alone. The intervention group
namic values or blood gas analyses. The other group (n = 214) received sedation via the same protocol
received sedation according to a protocol prepared but also underwent DSI, according to the standard
by the ICU physicians (“Group N”) and was admin- protocol by Kress et al. [21]. Levels of sedation were
istered additional sedatives at their discretion, in ideally maintained to provide a comfortable, but
case of unachieved sedation levels. Sedative agents rousable state, or a score of -3 to 0 on the Richmond
of choice were diazepam, propofol, and dexmedeto- Agitation-Sedation Scale [38] (RASS, described in
midine for both groups. Table 3).
ICU LOS and mortality rates were found similar The time of successful extubation, the primary
between the two groups. However, the DSI group outcome, did not differ. Nor did ICU LOS, hospital
demonstrated significantly shorter MV duration LOS, unintentional endotracheal tube removal rates,
and also a 3.26-day shorter duration of sedation delirium rates or hospital mortality rates. Instead,
(P < 0.05). The researchers found a significant cor- there was a significant increase in the total dose
relation between duration of sedation and duration of drugs administered to the intervention group.
of MV and ICU LOS. The latter two were found to be The reason for this latter finding is not specified in
significantly correlated as well. the study; whether higher levels of sedation were
The effect of DSI on duration of MV was tested used because increased doses were required or in
against no sedation at all in 2010, in a RCT by Strom order to resume sedation after the daily pause is
et al. [24]. To clarify, even though no sedatives were not explained. Seeing that no clinical benefit was
used in the intervention group, some sedation may obtained to counterbalance the heavier nursing
have been caused by the boluses of morphine that workload and the increased sedation and analge-
were administered to both groups of the 140-patient sia, the authors did not recommend implemen-
sample enrolled in this study. Patients in the control tation of DSI in patients already receiving proto-
group underwent DSI per the usual protocol. colized sedation.

Daily sedation interruption and mechanical ventilation weaning

TABLE 3. The Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale [38]

Score Term Description
+4 Combative Overtly combative or violent and an immediate danger to staff
+3 Very agitated Pulls on or removes tube(s) or catheter(s) or has aggressive behavior toward staff
+2 Agitated Frequent non-purposeful movement or patient ventilator dyssynchrony
+1 Restless Anxious or apprehensive but movements not aggressive or vigorous
0 Alert and calm
–1 Drowsy Not fully alert but has sustained (> 10 seconds) awakenings, with eye contact, to voice
–2 Light sedation Briefly (< 10 seconds) awakens with eye contact to voice
–3 Moderate sedation Any movement (but no eye contact) to voice
–4 Deep sedation No response to voice, but any movement to physical stimuli
–5 Unarousable No response to voice or physical stimulation

More recently, in a Brazilian ICU with small nurs- in the number of ventilator-free days, but also in
ing staff, Nassar et al. [39] conducted an RCT includ- ICU and hospital mortality, accidental extubations,
ing comparison of DSI (per the usual protocol) to delirium occurrence and psychological stress in
intermittent sedation in order to detect which one is a 6-month follow-up.
superior in terms of providing more ventilator-free There is a finding of this study that should be
days. No significant difference was noted not only emphasized: the fact that lighter sedation was found

TABLE 4. Summary of findings from included studies

Study Sample description Compared Significant
strategies findings
Kress et al. [21], 2000 128 medical DSI vs. usual care DSI led to:
patients on MV – fewer days on MV
– fewer days in ICU
Girard et al. [19], 2008 336 patients DSI + daily SBT vs. usual DSI + SBT led to:
on MV practice + daily SBT – fewer days on MV
– fewer days in ICU
– fewer days in hospital
– lower mortality

De Wit et al. [30], 2008 74 medical DSI vs. protocol based Protocol led to:
patients on MV on RSS – fewer days on MV
(applied by – fewer days in ICU
Brook et al. [10]) – fewer days in hospital
Anifantaki et al. [32], 2009 97 medical and surgical patients on MV DSI vs. usual practice None
Yilmaz et al. [34], 2010 50 patients on MV DSI vs. protocol based DSI led to:
on RSS – fewer days on MV
– faster wake-up
Strom et al. [24], 2010 140 patients on MV DSI vs. no sedation No sedation led to:
– fewer days on MV
– fewer days in ICU
– fewer days in hospital
– more frequent delirium
Weisbrodt et al. [43], 2011 50 medical, surgical and trauma patients on MV DSI vs. usual practice None
Mehta et al. [37], 2012 430 medical and surgical DSI + protocol vs. Protocol led to:
patients on MV protocol – decreased medication
Nassar et al. [39], 2014 60 medical and surgical DSI + intermittent Intermittent led to:
patients on MV vs. intermittent – Decreased medication
Kayir et al. [41], 2018 100 patients on MV DSI vs. continuous DSI led to:
– fewer days on MV, in ICU and hospital
– faster first weaning attempt
– lower VAP, reintubation and mortality rates
DSI – daily sedation interruption, MV – mechanical ventilation, ICU – intensive care unit, RSS – Ramsay Sedation Scale, VAP – ventilator associated pneumonia, SBT – spontaneous breathing trial

Dimitrios Vagionas, Ioannis Vasileiadis, Nikoletta Rovina, Emmanouil Alevrakis, Antonia Koutsoukou, Nikolaos Koulouris

TABLE 5. Results of included studies regarding mechanical ventilation

Study Compared strategies Mean duration of MV (in days) P value
DSI group Compared group
Kayir et al. [41] DSI vs. continuous 4.02 8.1 < 0.001
Kress et al. [21] DSI vs. usual care 4.9 7.3 0.004
De Wit et al. [30] DSI vs. protocol based on RSS (applied by Brook et al. [10]) 6.7 3.9 0.0003
Yilmaz et al. [34] DSI vs. protocol based on RSS 6.66 9.52 < 0.05
Mehta et al. [37] DSI + protocol vs. protocol 7 7 0.52
Anifantaki et al. [32] DSI vs. usual practice 7.7 8.7 0.7
Weisbrodt et al. [43] DSI vs. usual practice 8 8.4 0.93
Ventilator-free days in 28 days
(mean duration)
Nassar et al. [39] DSI + intermittent vs. intermittent 24 25 0.16
Girard et al. [19] DSI + daily SBT vs. usual practice + daily SBT 14.7 11.6 0.02
Strom et al. [24] DSI vs. no sedation 13.8 9.6 0.0191
DSI – daily sedation interruption, MV – mechanical ventilation, RSS – Ramsay Sedation Scale, SBT – Spontaneous Breathing Trial

to be equally safe and feasible even in a smaller nurs- er trials have sometimes contradictory results, un-
ing staff ICU. Therefore adaptation of light sedation like larger ones. There is, however, unanimity on the
strategies is possible to decrease length of MV, as safety of this method. This has been evident even
dictated by international guidelines [40]. among patients at risk for coronary artery disease
The methods compared and significant findings [42], although the study is small and sympathetic
of all the RCTs implementing DSI protocols are sum- stimulation of unstable patients remains a concern.
marized in Table 4, and in Table 5 we present all their The conclusion that can be made is that not only
results regarding the duration of MV. DSI, but also algorithm-directed sedation, in other
words protocolized sedation in general, can lead
DISCUSSION to reduction of ICU LOS and hospital LOS and rates
Literature concerning blinded studies is unfor- of tracheostomy and mortality, when compared to
tunately unavailable. A probable explanation could usual practice. To put it more simply, sedation man-
be the difficulty in masking the agents administered agement is more efficient and shows clinical ben-
to the patients and the meticulous organization and efits when it is dictated by protocol rather than the
large staff required in order to blind the research clinicians’ discretion.
staff to the methods applied in the patients en- In a Cochrane review in 2014, by Burry et al. [45],
rolled in each study. The difficulty of implementing the authors were skeptical of the effect of DSI in
a blinding method has formerly been a concern on the course of MV, ICU LOS and hospital LOS, drug
various occasions. The first to make that observation dosages, complications, quality of life and overall
were Brook et al. [10], who mentioned that “it was mortality. Commenting on the narrow margin be-
obviously impossible to blind the staff to the pa- tween the confidence interval upper limit and the
tients’ group”. Girard et al. [19] later similarly stated no-effect line they observed in the 9 included RCTs,
that “blinding is not possible in a study of this kind”. they advised consideration of the results’ instabil-
Strom et al. [24] accounted the single-center and ity. Another review published in the same year by
unblinded design of their study as a limitation that Reade and Finfer [46] demonstrated an inverse rela-
held risk of bias. Finally, Mehta et al. [37] mentioned tionship between sedation and clinical benefit.
that it was not feasible to blind the caregivers. There DSI has also been the subject of two meta-analy-
have been, however, some distinguished studies ses, in 2011 by Augustes and Ho [47] and in 2015 by
that have been conducted in this field that applied Minhas et al. [48] for the Mayo Foundation. With their
some sort of blinding process, and for that reason, limited data, Augustes and Ho concluded that, even
we believe their separate presentation is in order. though safe, DSI was not yet to be recommended as
Therefore, in our supplementary material we de- routine practice.
scribe four studies [41–44] that, albeit noteworthy, In sharp contrast, Minhas et al. [48] strongly
did not meet the criteria for inclusion in our review. recommended the use of protocolized sedation
After gathering all the evidence provided by the (either DSI or algorithm-dictated). Their findings
studies included in our review, there seems to be contradicted the aforementioned meta-analysis
moderate heterogeneity among the findings. Small- and the findings of the Cochrane review, as they

Daily sedation interruption and mechanical ventilation weaning

found a significant improvement in terms of ICU example, such was the case for the trial by Yilmaz et
LOS, hospital LOS and mortality; according to the al. [34] that was excluded in the meta-analysis by
authors, that contradiction was due to the previous the Mayo Foundation because the control groups
researchers’ inclusion of RCTs in which the control underwent protocolized sedation instead of being
groups did not receive sedation at the discretion of sedated at the physicians’ discretion. Another point
physicians, but according to the protocol. Similarly is inclusion of a recent trial by Nassar et al. [39]
to Augustes and Ho, they found a lower percentage (similarly excluded from the Mayo meta-analysis),
of tracheostomy and no significant decrease in time who demonstrated the safety of application of DSI
spent under MV. However, a heterogeneous sum- even in ICUs of low nurse staffing. Trials that have
mary estimate was found in the findings regarding shown the efficacy of light sedation have been con-
MV duration; by excluding the trial by Bucknall et al. ducted in developed countries, superior to develop-
[29] from their sensitivity analysis, the heterogeneity ing countries in terms of nurse staffing [51]. In this
of the results was resolved and then MV duration setting, adverse patient outcomes tend to be less
was found to be significantly reduced. frequent [52]. Therefore, mechanically ventilated pa-
At this point, having presented the relevant lit- tients who are treated in ICUs of lower nurse staffing
erature published, we attempt to investigate how may be more prone to care-associated risks, such
much DSI is integrated in routine practice. For as unplanned extubation. This is an important is-
that reason we cite two relevant surveys. In 2010, sue because it questions whether lighter sedation
O’Connor et al. [49] explored the practices of man- strategies, DSI included, are applicable in these ICUs.
agement in Australian and New Zealand ICUs and Greek ICUs fall into that category and that unfortu-
reported a 62% compliance rate regarding the ap- nate reality further cements the importance of the
plication of this method, characterizing it as com- findings by Nassar et al.
mon practice for the treatment of the mechanically The present review also has some limitations.
ventilated patient. Interestingly, in some participat- As far as the primary endpoint of this review is
ing ICUs, DSI was performed in more than 75% of concerned, there is no concrete consensus on the
patients. In 2012 Miller et al. [50] conducted a survey reduction of MV duration and data concerning
in the form of participation in 5 focus groups; over the way in which weaning is facilitated by the use
a two-month period, they interviewed ICU physi- of DSI, the method’s effect on SBTs, times of first
cians, pulmonary/critical care fellows, nurses and weaning attempts and weaning success rates are
respiratory therapists in a 20-bed medical ICU in sadly limited. However, for the latter statement we
Chicago. Contradictory to O’Connor and colleagues’ need to take into account the fact that bias cannot
statistics, this intervention was mentioned not to be safely excluded. First of all, patient sample size is
be performed on a satisfactory scale. Five reasons still inadequate; all the gathered trials are relatively
stood out as to why ICU staff used this method of small, so the findings may be susceptible to pub-
sedation: minimization of sedative dosages, con- lication bias. Secondly, not all studies conducted
duct of a reliable neurological examination, com- a daily screening test to ensure patients’ eligibil-
mencing ventilator weaning, pain assessment and ity to undergo interrupted sedation. In the case of
reduction of ICU stay duration. However, despite the oxygenation derangement or hemodynamic insta-
evidence, application remained sub-optimal, mostly bility, this method’s risk of failure is increased, thus
due to a lack of consensus as to why DSI should be making initiation of DSI inappropriate. Thirdly, as
performed, according to the researchers. hypothesized by de Wit et al. [30], DSI may not be
This question was answered in the following well tolerated by drug or alcohol addicted patients
year, when Barr et al. [40] provided in 2013 interna- suffering from withdrawal syndrome. That raises the
tional guidelines for pain, agitation, sedation and suspicion whether high prevalence of these disor-
delirium management for critically ill adults. In or- ders is responsible for outcome discrepancies in
der to improve clinical outcomes and to avoid the the studies included in this review and also raises
complications of oversedation, they recommended the question whether this method of sedation is
application of DSI or targeting lighter levels of seda- applicable in certain patient groups [30]. Finally, in
tion as routine practice for mechanically ventilated the Mayo meta-analysis [48], exclusion of the RCT
patients (+1B level of evidence). by Bucknall et al. [29] resulted in demonstration of
Our study has a strong point that derives from significant reduction of MV duration.
the inclusion of 2 trials [34, 41] that incorporated Another limitation is that we cannot provide
dexmedetomidine into the DSI protocol and, to the enough evidence to resolve whether these results
best of our knowledge, have never been formerly are reproducible in children, due to the little ma-
reviewed or were intentionally excluded because terial available in the current literature. Of course,
they did not fit the study’s criteria for inclusion. For extrapolation of adult studies’ findings is inappropri-

Dimitrios Vagionas, Ioannis Vasileiadis, Nikoletta Rovina, Emmanouil Alevrakis, Antonia Koutsoukou, Nikolaos Koulouris

ate because of the children’s different physiologic since there are formal tools to direct the sedation
parameters and increased difficulty to restrain and management. More blinded trials should follow
nurse. To the best of our knowledge, only two RCTs and future research should also focus on different
applying DSI in mechanically ventilated children patient subgroups and on meticulous observation
have been published, in 2012 by Gupta et al. [53] of how weaning parameters (such as tidal volume,
and by Verlaat et al. [54], in 2013. In the first, 102 maximum inspiratory pressure, PaO2/FiO2, respira-
patients were allocated to two groups, receiving tory rate, vital capacity and minute ventilation) are
sedatives either continuously or daily interrupted affected by implementation of DSI protocols.
until awake or agitated/uncomfortable. The results
favored the intervention group in terms of MV, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
PICU LOS, total dose of midazolam administered, 1. Financial support and sponsorship: none.
and hence also in terms of cost. Occurrence of ad- 2. Conflicts of interest: none.
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