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Journal of Critical Care 48 (2018) 56–62

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Predictive factors of weaning from mechanical ventilation and

extubation outcome: A systematic review
Antuani Rafael Baptistella a,b,c,⁎, Fabio Junior Sarmento a, Karina Ribeiro da Silva a, Shaline Ferla Baptistella a,b,c,
Marcelo Taglietti d, Radamés Ádamo Zuquello e, João Rogério Nunes Filho a,c
Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina (UNOESC), Joaçaba, SC, Brazil
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biociências e Saúde/Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina, Brazil
Hospital Universitário Santa Terezinha, Joaçaba, SC, Brazil
Centro Universitário FAG, Cascavel, PR, Brazil
Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: Purpose: To identify, describe and discuss the parameters used to predict weaning from mechanical ventilation
Mechanical ventilation and extubation outcomes.
Weaning Methods: Systematic review of scientific articles using four electronic databases: PubMed, Embase, PEDro and
Extubation Cochrane Library. Search terms included “weaning”, “extubation”, “withdrawal” and “discontinuation”, com-
Predictive parameters, outcome bined with “mechanical ventilation” and “predictive factors”, “predictive parameters” and “predictors for suc-
cess”. In this study, we included original articles that presented predictive factors for weaning or extubation
outcomes in adult patients and not restricted to a single disease. Articles not written in English were excluded.
Results: A total of 43 articles were included, with a total of 7929 patients and 56 different parameters related to
weaning and extubation outcomes. Rapid Shallow Breathing Index (RSBI) was the most common predictor,
discussed in 15 studies (2159 patients), followed by Age and Maximum Inspiratory Pressure in seven studies.
The other 53 parameters were found in less than six studies.
Conclusion: There are several parameters used to predict weaning and extubation outcomes. RSBI was the most
frequently studied and seems to be an important measurement tool in deciding whether to wean/extubate a pa-
tient. Furthermore, the results demonstrated that weaning and extubation should be guided by several parame-
ters, and not only to respiratory ones.
© 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction less, e) patient's ability to initiate an inspiratory effort, f) a non-positive

fluid balance, and g) a normal acid-base equilibrium [6-8].
Although invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) is a cornerstone in Subsequently, patients undergo a spontaneous-breathing trial (SBT)
critical care medicine, shortening the duration of this support reduces for 30 min. During the SBT, patients who do not experience tachypnea
the risk of ventilator-associated complications, morbidity, mortality (N35 breaths per minute), tachycardia (N140 beats per minute),
and hospitalization costs [1-4]. As soon as the inciting factor causing desaturation (oxygen saturation of b90%), hypertension (systolic
the respiratory failure starts to improve, weaning from mechanical ven- blood pressure N 180 mmHg) or hypotension (b90 mmHg), diaphore-
tilation may be initiated. Weaning is the gradual process of transition sis, altered mental status or anxiety are candidates for extubation. Addi-
from full ventilatory support to spontaneous breathing, including, in tionally, it is necessary to evaluate the patients' ability to protect their
most patients, the removal of the endotracheal tube [5]. airway, the amount of airway secretions, the strength of the cough,
The identification of patients' readiness for IMV discontinuation is and their level of consciousness [5,9-11].
evaluated daily and includes numerous parameters: a) improvement Even with this algorithm being used worldwide, N10% of extubations
in the condition that caused the respiratory failure, b) a partial pressure fail, and IMV has to be reinitiated [12]. The Brazilian Recommendation
of arterial oxygen higher than 60 mmHg, c) fraction of inspired oxygen of Mechanical Ventilation [13] defines “weaning success” when a
lower than 0.4, d) positive end-expiratory pressure of 5 cm of water or patient successfully passes an SBT and “extubation success” when a pa-
tient is extubated after the SBT and is not reintubated during the next
⁎ Corresponding author at: Travessa Domingos Bonato, 37 – CEP, 89600-000 Joaçaba,
48 h. Patients who fail extubation are seven times more likely to die
Santa Catarina/SC, Brazil. and 31 times more likely to spend 14 days or more in the intensive
E-mail address: (A.R. Baptistella). care unit (ICU) compared to patients in whom discontinuation of IMV
0883-9441/© 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A.R. Baptistella et al. / Journal of Critical Care 48 (2018) 56–62 57

is successful [14]. Several scores have been proposed that try to identify in these 43 articles with a mean weaning success rate of 63.9% and
patients who will be successful in weaning and extubating from IMV. mean extubation success rate of 73.4%.
However, disparities amongst studies are evident. Therefore, the objec- Table 1 presents the parameters reported as predictors of weaning
tive of this systematic review is to identify the most reliable parameters and extubation success listed according to the number of articles
for predicting weaning and extubation success, which is essential to re- reporting each parameter. The most cited parameter was the Rapid
duce the risk of death in these patients. Shallow Breathing Index (RSBI), defined as the ratio of respiratory rate
to tidal volume (f/VT), which showed to be a predictor for weaning or
2. Methods extubation in 15 studies, involving 2159 patients [17-31]. Age
[18,20,23,24,32-34] and Maximum Inspiratory Pressure (MIP)
This review was performed following the Cochrane Handbook for [18,23,27,30,34-36] were reported as predictors of weaning or
Systematic Reviews of Interventions (Version 5.1.0) [15], also registered extubation success in 7 articles each. Respiratory rate (RR) was found
and published at the International prospective register of systematic re- in 6 articles [20,24,26,31,34,37]. The Acute Physiology and Chronic
views (PROSPERO - n° CRD42018092338). Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) score [35,38-40] and days on mechan-
ical ventilation [22,23,34,35] were reported in 4 articles each. Cough
strength [28,38,41,42] and tidal volume [24,27,31,43] were reported in
2.1. Data sources and searching strategy
4 article each but only as predictors of extubation success. Hemoglobin
level [41,44,45], partial pressure of arterial CO2 (PaCO2) [19,44,45], and
Initially, three authors (ARB, FJS and KRS) performed the search in
the ratio of partial pressure of arterial oxygen to fractional inspired ox-
electronic databases (PubMed [1950-2018], EMBASE [1980-2018],
ygen (PaO2/FiO2) [20,24,35] were reported as predictors of weaning or
PEDro [2000-2018] and Cochrane Library[1999-2018]) to identify po-
extubation success in 3 articles each. Diaphragmatic thickness
tentially relevant articles, using a pre-planned systematic comprehen-
[39,46,47] was reported as a predictor only for extubation success.
sive and reproducible search strategy with the terms “weaning”,
Fig. 2 presents the 12 most discussed parameters used to predict
“extubation”, “withdrawal” and “discontinuation”, combined with “me-
weaning and/or extubation outcomes.
chanical ventilation” and “predictive factors”, “predictive parameters”
Some parameters were discussed in two articles: level of conscious-
and “predictors for success”. The searching period was from May to Sep-
ness [23,35], natriuretic peptide (BNP) [48,49], partial pressure of arte-
tember 2017.
rial oxygen (PaO2) [19,24], and heart failure [20,23]. Specific predictors
for weaning success include the CORE index [19,50] (calculated as [Cdyn
2.2. Study selection
x (PImax/P0.1) x (PaO2/PAO2)]/f), arterial pH [19,20], blood urea nitro-
gen (BUN) level [32,35], the Integrative Weaning Index (IWI) [51,52],
Two authors (ARB and FJS) screened title, abstract and full-text arti-
and the Oxygen Cost of Breathing (OCOB) [37,53]. Specific predictors
cles in a standardized manner to assess the eligibility of the articles. Dis-
of extubation success include the Occlusion Pressure (PO.1) [18,34],
agreement was defined by consensus with a third author (JRNF) when
fluid balance [22,44], chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
needed. Original articles published in English were included. These arti-
[22,23], and lung compliance [23,31].
cles presented predictive factors for weaning or extubation outcomes
Parameters cited in only one article as specific predictors of weaning
amongst adult patients and were not restricted to a single disease.
success include: Tension Time Index (TTI) [17], gastric intramural pH
[54], female gender [32], the alveolar-arterial gradient of oxygen [P
2.3. Data extraction (A-a)] [32], Burns Wean Assessment Program (BWAP) [33], creatinine
[35], albumin [35], Power of the Respiratory Flow Signal (Pi) [55], ener-
Data extraction was performed by an author (FJS) and cross-checked gy expenditure (EE) [37], Creatinine Height Index [45] and total protein
by a second author (ARB). Data items included author details, year pub- [45].
lished, aims, study design, methods, participants' characteristics, the Parameters cited in only one article as specific predictors of
predictive parameters, and results. A meta-analysis was not possible be- extubation success include: Vital Capacity [18], Venous oxygen satura-
cause of the heterogeneity in methods, design, and measurements of tion (SvO2) [56], PO.1/MIP [18], neuroventilatory efficiency [57], the
the studies. The studies were grouped by the predictive parameter pre- type and amount of endotracheal secretion [41], HCO3 [44], absence of
sented. Discrepancies were discussed between authors (FJS and ARB), need of vasopressor support and hemodialysis [58], the Charlson Co-
and a consensus was achieved on all occasions. A third author (JRNF) Morbidity Index [39], the modified Burns Wean Assessment Program
cross-checked the data to ensure the relevant parameter was accurately (m-BWAP) [23], the absence of interstitial lung diseases [23], endotra-
captured and integrated into the appropriate group. cheal tube size [24], SatO2 [24], CROP Index [24] (which integrates com-
In the Supplementary Table 1 we present a list of all articles included pliance, respiratory rate, oxygenation, and maximum inspiratory
in this review, showing the predictive parameters found, the study de- pressure ([CD x (PaO2/PAO2) x PImax]/F)), heart rate [24], the mea-
sign, the number of patients included, outcome, success rate, statistical surement of the liver and spleen displacement [27], the length of stay
analyses and p value, and the definition of weaning and extubation suc- in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU days) [28], Weaning Index, calculated
cess used in the article. as RSBI x Elastance Index x VDI (Elastance Index = peak pressure/neg-
ative inspiratory force; and VDI = minute ventilation/10) [59], and in-
3. Results spiratory time and expiratory time [31].

The initial search in four electronic databases identified 132 studies.

Nineteen were found to be duplicates and were excluded. From the 113 4. Discussion
studies remaining, 44 were excluded after an abstract conference, nine
of which were not published in English. From the 60 remaining articles, In this review, we included 43 articles which reported 56 parameters
five were excluded because were restricted to a single patient popula- or scores assessing ideal conditions to wean and extubate patients. We
tion and twelve were excluded because were restricted to a single dis- found different definitions for weaning and extubation success in the ar-
ease, resulting in the final inclusion of 43 studies into our analysis ticles evaluated. Furthermore, the pathogenesis of weaning failure may
(Fig. 1) [16]. Most of the studies were performed with a prospective co- differ significantly from that of extubation failure [41]. Thus, parameters
hort of patients (n = 37). Four articles used a retrospective cohort and were separated between those that predict weaning success from those
two studies were clinical trials. A total of 7929 patients were included that predict extubation success.
58 A.R. Baptistella et al. / Journal of Critical Care 48 (2018) 56–62

Fig. 1. PRISMA flow diagram of study selection process ((Moher, Liberati, Tetzlaff, Altman, & PRISMA Group, 2009).

RSBI is the most extensively studied index and seems to be the most and failure group: 72 ± 36; p = .002) and after 30 min of an SBT
important single parameter to predict weaning and extubation success (success group: 63 ± 36; and failure group: 82 ± 47; p = 0
[60]. Even when measured independently, the respiratory frequency 0.000004) can predict the extubation outcome [24]. Another study
[20,24,26,31,34,37] and the tidal volume [24,27,31,43] were reported showed that the RSBI at the first minute of SBT in the success
to be different in patients who have weaning success from those who group was statistically lower (60 [30–161]) than in the failure
do not. It has been reported that an RSBI b105 breathes per minute group (116 [68–277], p = 0.005) [31], corroborating the hypothesis
per liter (breaths min-1L-1) is a good predictor for weaning [6]. Howev- that the RSBI value at the beginning of the SBT can be useful to pre-
er, other studies have shown that patients who are successfully dict extubation outcome. Even with many articles showing the im-
extubated have an RSBI around 50 breaths min-1 l-1, while those who portance of RSBI as a predictor for weaning and extubation
failed in the extubation process have the RSBI around 80 breaths min- outcome, this parameter alone does not have the power to predict
1 l-1 [22,24], which points a discrepancy in the ideal RSBI score to pre- them in all cases.
dict weaning or extubation success. Weaning parameters conventionally used may not be applicable in
Most of the studies measured RSBI during the SBT but do not specify deciding when to discontinue the MV in elderly patients [61]. Some
the most appropriate moment to extubate. A study with 100 patients studies presented an important difference between the age of those pa-
showed that the RSBI measured at the beginning of the SBT did not cor- tients successfully weaned (SW) and those that failed (FW) (SW =
relate with the outcome, but the RSBI measured at 30 to 60 min of SBT 48.4 ± 20.2 x FW = 69.8 ± 7.7 [18]; SW = 43.2 x FW = 59.6 [20];
predicted the weaning outcome more effectively (92.2 ± 24.7 and SW = 43 ± 13 x FW = 73 ± 13 [34]; SW = 56 ± 19 x FW = 62 ± 19
132.0 ± 57.4 for weaning success and weaning failure group respective- [24]), which is justified by physiological changes caused by aging. An-
ly; p b 0.05) [21]. A similar result was observed by Kuo et al. (2006), other study showed a small but statistically significant difference be-
where there were no differences in RSBI between success and failure tween these groups of patients (SW = 68.2 ± 0.9 x FW = 71.4 ± 0.9),
group at 1 min SBT, but RSBI at 120 min was significantly higher in pa- despite the small biological difference between ages 68 and 71 years
tients with extubation failure (95.9 ± 20.6) and trial failure (98.0 ± [32]. A study, with age split into quartiles (≤42, 43–54, 55–62, and
50.0) than in patients with weaning success (64.6 ± 26.3) [25]. In an- 63+ years), demonstrated that the percentages of successful attempts
other study, RSBI was measured every 30 min during 2 h of SBT. Initial decrease with increasing age (91%, 91%, 87%, and 84%, respectively)
RSBI was similar in extubation success and extubation failure groups [33]. Considering these results, several authors have recommended
(77.0 ± 4.8 and 77.0 ± 4.8). Nevertheless, RSBI remained unchanged that age N65 [23,24] or 70 [32] years is a negative predictor of weaning
or decreased in the extubation success group, while it increased in the and extubation success. It has also been reported that in patients with
extubation failure group [26]. an age of 80 years or older, if the age is added to days of mechanical ven-
On the other hand, a study with 500 patients demonstrated that tilation, a sum of 100 or more predicted a poor outcome [62]. Moreover,
both, RSBI at the first minute of an SBT (success group: 59 ± 32; different studies [23,34,35] have demonstrated that the longer the
A.R. Baptistella et al. / Journal of Critical Care 48 (2018) 56–62 59

Table 1
Predictors of weaning or extubation success.

Parameter Number Predictor of weaning success Predictor of extubation success

of studies

RSBI 15 Vassilakopoulos et al., 1998;Mabrouk et al., Capdevila et al., 1995; Chatila et al., 1996; Upadya et al., 2005; Jiang
2015; Papanikolaou et al., 2011; Kuo et al., et al.,2014; Savi et al., 2012; Segal et al., 2009; Jiang et al., 2004; Smina et al.,
2006; Bien et al., 2015 2003; Cohen et al., 2002; Wysocki et al., 2006
Age 7 Scheinhorn et al., 1994; Papanikolaou et al., Capdevila et al., 1995; Montgomery et al. 1987; Jiang et al., 2014; Savi et al.,
2011; Burns et al., 2010 2012
pressure (MIP)
Maximum inspiratory 7 Wu et al., 2009; Bien et al., 2015 Capdevila et al., 1995; Montgomery et al., 1987; Jiang et al., 2014; Jiang et al.,
2004; Bruton et al., 2002
Respiratory rate (RR) 6 Papanikolaou et al., 2011; Miwa et al., 2004 Montgomery et al., 1987; Savi et al., 2012; Segal et al. 2009; Wysocki et al.,
Cough strength 4 Khamiees et al., 2001; Beuret et al., 2009; Su el at, 2010; Smina et al., 2003
APACHE II 4 Wu et al., 2009; Islam, 2013 Su el at, 2010; Farghaly and Hasan, 2016
Days on mechanical ventilation 4 Wu et al., 2009 Montgomery et al. 1987; Upadya et al., 2005; Jiang et al., 2014
Tidal volume 4 Savi et al., 2012; Jiang et al., 2004; Martinez et al. 2003; Wysocki et al., 2006
Hemoglobin 3 Datta et al., 2016 Khamiees et al., 2001; Boniatti et al., 2013
PaCO2 3 Mabrouk et al., 2017; Farghaly et al., 2015 Boniatti et al., 2013
PaO2/FiO2 3 Papanikolaou et al., 2011; Wu et al., 2009 Savi et al., 2012
Diaphragmatic thickness 3 Blumhof et al., 2016; Farghaly and Hasan, 2016; Dinino et al., 2014
Consciousness 2 Wu et al., 2009 Jiang et al., 2014
Natriuretic peptide (BNP)s 2 Farghaly et al., 2015 Chien et al., 2008
Occlusion pressure (PO.1) 2 Capdevila et al., 1995; Montgomery et al., 1987
CORE 2 Mabrouk et al., 2015; Delisle et al., 2011
PaO2 2 Mabrouk et al., 2015 Savi et al., 2012
Arterial pH 2 Mabrouk et al., 2016; Papanikolaou et al., 2011
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) 2 Scheinhorn et al., 1994; Wu et al., 2009
Integrative weaning index (IWI) 2 Nemer et al., 2009; El-Baradey et al., 2015
Heart failure 2 Papanikolaou et al., 2011 Jiang et al., 2014
Fluid balance 2 Boniatti et al., 2013; Upadya et al., 2005
COPD 2 Upadya et al., 2005; Jiang et al., 2014
Lung compliance 2 Jiang et al., 2014; Wysocki et al., 2006
Oxygen cost of breathing (OCOB) 2 Miwa et al., 2004; Shikora et al., 1994
Vital capacity 1 Capdevila et al., 1995
Tension time index (TTI) 1 Vassilakopoulos et al., 1998
Gastric intramural pH 1 Mohsenifar et al., 1993
Venous oxygen saturation (SvO2) 1 Jubran et al., 1998
Gender 1 Scheinhorn et al., 1994
PO.1/MIP 1 Capdevila et al., 1995
Neuroventilatory efficiency 1 Liu et al., 2012
P (A-a) 1 Scheinhorn et al., 1994
Endotracheal secretion 1 Khamiees et al., 2001
Burns wean assessment program 1 Burns et al., 2010
HCO3 1 Boniatti et al., 2013
Creatinine 1 Wu et al., 2009
Albumin 1 Wu et al., 2009
Vasopressor support 1 Muzaffar et al., 2017
Hemodialysis 1 Muzaffar et al., 2017
Charlson co-morbidity index 1 Farghaly and Hasan, 2016
Power of the respiratory flow 1 Chaparro et al., 2014
signal (Pi)
m-BWAP 1 Jiang et al., 2014
Interstitial lung diseases 1 Jiang et al., 2014
Endotracheal tube size 1 Savi et al., 2012
SatO2 (%) 1 Savi et al., 2012
CROP 1 Savi et al., 2012
Heart rate 1 Savi et al., 2012
Liver and spleen displacement 1 Jiang et al., 2004
Energy expenditure (EE) 1 Miwa et al., 2004
ICU days 1 Smina et al., 2003
Creatinine height index 1 Datta et al., 2016
Total protein 1 Datta et al., 2016
WI (RSBI x EI x VDI) 1 Huaringa et al., 2013
Inspiratory time 1 Wysocki et al., 2006
Expiratory time 1 Wysocki et al., 2006

duration (in days) of IMV, the lower the chance of success in weaning was likely if MIP values were b −30 cm H2O and a weaning failure was
and extubating. likely if MIP values were N −20 cm H2O [65]. However, some authors
It is known that mechanical ventilation causes rapid diaphragmatic point out the wide range of normal values that have been reported,
wasting, weakening the very muscle strength required to generate an ad- which can be closely related to the voluntary effort. This score is therefore
equate tidal volume to supply the physiological needs of the body [63,64]. difficult to use in uncooperative patients. Furthermore, the MIP is more
The maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP) is a good parameter to deter- reflective of diaphragmatic contractile strength in deep rather than
mine respiratory muscular capacity, a predictive factor for weaning suc- quiet respiration [27], resulting in an unsatisfactory ability to predict out-
cess [30]. A previous study reported that a successful weaning outcome come since it generally has a high sensitivity but low specificity [36].
60 A.R. Baptistella et al. / Journal of Critical Care 48 (2018) 56–62

the GCS cannot be completely assessed in intubated patients, and the

modified-GCS considers the verbal score to be equal 1 for all such pa-
tients. An important tool to evaluate consciousness in a more reliable
way is to use the estimated-GCS, where the verbal score is calculated
based on motor and eye responses.
Beyond respiratory status, researchers have shown that weaning can
be influenced by general conditions such as the degree of physiologic
derangement, nutrition, and consciousness [35,40]. The APACHE II scor-
ing system was originally designed for use in the ICU to assess the sever-
ity of disease/relative morbidity and provide a guide for treatment
intervention. However, in the last decade, it has been shown to be a
good predictor of weaning outcome, since different studies [35,38-40]
demonstrated that the APACHE II scores were statistically higher in
the weaning/extubation failure group compared to the success groups.
However, this score may not always reflect the current state of a patient,
as the score is applied within 24 h of patient's admission to the ICU, and
weaning can start several days later, resulting in an inaccurate score.
Fig. 2. Predictors of weaning and extubation success ordered by the number of articles.
The Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) is an important score
developed to quantify the severity of a patient's illness based on the de-
In Trying to improve the capacity of MIP to predict weaning out- gree of organ dysfunction calculated from data on six organ failures [66].
comes, a study demonstrated that the ratio of occlusion pressure Different from APACHE II, the SOFA score is normally used continuously
(P0.1)/MIP was a better predictor of extubation success compared to during patients' ICU stay, which accounts for the severity of a patient's
standard weaning indices [18]. Yet, another study showed that illness at the moment of weaning or extubation, suggesting that SOFA
sustained maximal inspiratory pressures (SMIP) has higher sensitivity can be studied as a more reliable predictor of weaning outcome [67].
and specificity than the MIP to predict weaning success [36]. As the di- Nutrition is another factor that can affect weaning capacity, as
aphragm is the major contributor to unassisted breathing, assessment of malnutrition can result in increased fatigue, decreased inspiratory and
diaphragmatic function should theoretically predict extubation out- expiratory muscle strength, decreased endurance, depletion of dia-
comes [46]. Different articles have demonstrated that ultrasound (US) phragmatic muscle mass, and impairment in respiratory function [68].
evaluation of the diaphragm can be a marker for diaphragmatic function In this review, this relation between nutrition and weaning has been
and directly affect weaning and extubation outcomes [39,46,47]. The demonstrated through undirected measurements, as total protein
percent change in diaphragm thickness (TDI) ≥ 30%, between end- [45], creatinine height index [45] and albumin [35] correlated with the
expiration and end-inspiration (Δtdi%), evaluated in the zone of apposi- weaning outcome. Moreover, anemia, measured through the hemoglo-
tion, has a sensitivity and specificity for extubation success of 88% and bin level, demonstrated to be a predictor of weaning [44,45], with he-
71%, respectively [47]. Another study showed that Δtdi% N 20 is a robust moglobin levels b10 g/dL more than five times as likely to have
predictor of extubation success within 48 h of US [46]. A more recent unsuccessful extubations as those with hemoglobin levels N10 g/dL
work presented that a Δtdi% N 34.2 is a cutoff value associated with suc- [41]. The mechanism by which a low concentration of hemoglobin in-
cessful extubation [39]. creased the risk of extubation failure is not clear, but anemia can exac-
Another parameter of respiratory mechanics presented as a predic- erbate the insufficient global oxygen delivery and myocardial
tor of extubation outcome is the lung compliance [23,31], which reflects ischemia, both observed in patients who fail weaning [56,69].
the required pressure to produce the appropriate volume for the phys- The arterial blood gas test (ABG) is widely used to monitor patients'
iological needs. arterial pH, gases, and bicarbonate concentration, and is essential in
Airway parameters, such as cough strength and endotracheal secre- evaluating ventilator settings. In addition, it has been demonstrated
tions can reflect the patient's ability to generate an effective cough to ex- that PaCO2 [19,44,48], PaO2 [19,24], the ratio of PaO2/FiO2 [20,24,35],
pectorate endotracheal secretions and maintain a patent airway, which the pH [19,20], HCO3 [44] and oxygen saturation [24] can be helpful
is related to weaning and extubation success [28,41]. Different methods to predict the weaning/extubation outcome.
were used to show the relationship of cough strength with weaning/ One possible side effect of IMV is hypotension, caused by a reduction
extubation outcomes. A study with 150 patients measured the involun- in venous return and commonly treated with fluid administration. Fluid
tary cough peak flow (CPFi) induced by 2 mL of normal saline solution balance, often a treatment for many critical illnesses, has an impact on
at the end of inspiration and found that cough reflex has the potential extubation success. A study showed that positive fluid balance in the
to predict successful extubation in patients who pass an SBT [38]. 24 h prior to extubation can predict the extubation failure [44]. Another
These results showed a moderate correlation with a cough strength study demonstrated that positive fluid balance not only from the last 24
scale (0 = no cough response, 1 = audible movement of air through h but also from the last 48 h, 72 h and even in accumulation since hos-
the endotracheal tube but no audible cough, 2 = strong cough with pital admission is a significantly greater predictor of weaning failures
phlegm under the end of endotracheal tube, 3 = strong cough with [22].
phlegm coming out of the end of endotracheal tube) which, together It is important to consider renal function as well, since authors have
with the amount of endotracheal secretions, demonstrated to be impor- demonstrated that parameters linked to renal function, such as BUN
tant predictors of extubation outcomes [41]. However, there is no scale [32,35], creatinine [35] and the patients' need for hemodialysis [58],
that considers the type and amount of secretion and categorizes it in a can also predict the weaning and extubation outcome.
reproducible score. Two other studies [28,42] demonstrated that the Trying to improve the predictive capacity of many single parameters,
trough in the peak cough expiratory flow can be a useful parameter to some researchers have proposed scores that consider several parame-
predict the weaning and extubation outcome. ters systematically joined. Initially, Monganroth [70] created a score
In addition to cough ability and the amount of endotracheal secre- composed of two tables: the first table evaluated ventilator parameters
tion, consciousness is another parameter relating to a patient's capacity totaling 27 points, while the second table evaluated adverse factors to-
to protect the airway, thus ensuring safe extubation. Level of conscious- taling 48 points. In 1996, Gluck proposed the Gluck and Corgian Scoring
ness is evaluated using the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) [23] and the System [71], composed of 5 respiratory parameters, scored from 0 to 2,
modified-GCS [35]. Despite these results, is important to mention that with a lower score more indicative of weaning success. Yang and Tobin
A.R. Baptistella et al. / Journal of Critical Care 48 (2018) 56–62 61

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