Final Report for Capstone CIV 500

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College of Engineering and Computer Science

Department of Civil Engineering

Design of a Villa with Hollow Block Slabs


1. Dana Al-Abadla ID# 1069978

2. Nadia Urooj ID# 1065459

A Capstone Project Report submitted in the Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from the College of
Engineering and Computer Science, Abu Dhabi University

Spring Semester, 2020 - 2021

Faculty Committee members Date & Signature


© Copyright Dana Al-Abadla and Nadia Urooj

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, June 2021

Student Name ID Percentage Signature

Dana Al-Abadla 1069978 50%

Nadia Urooj 1065459 50%

Faculty Advisor Date

Department of Civil Engineering
Capstone (CIV 497) Proposal Approval Form
• Students ID# and Name:
Dana Al-Abadla 1069978
Nadia Urooj 1065459

• Capstone Supervisor Name: Dr. Nader Okasha

• Project title: [Design of a Villa with Hollow Block Slabs]
• Project Abstract:
In this project, the design of a villa with hollow block slabs will be carefully covered
with the assistance of related course lectures, notes and other resources. Manual
calculations will used be to evaluate the initial sizes of slabs and beams as well as the
loads in accordance with the ACI 318-19 code, ADIBC code, and the Egyptian code.
The AutoCAD software will be used to sketch the layout of the structural plan, as well
as to draw the strips of the slab and the beams. Furthermore, a thorough analysis of
the moments and shear of the slab and beams will be carried out using the ETABS
software. This software will also be used to find the reactions at the beam supports
and in turn find the axial loads on the columns.
• Main subdiscipline area: [Structural Engineering]
• Courses related to the design project: [Computer Aided Drawing, Reinforced
Concrete Design 1, Reinforced Concrete Design 2, Structural Systems, Structural
• Design problem: [Design of a Villa with Hollow Block Slabs]
• Design constraints to be addressed: [Code, Economy]
• Standards and codes: [ACI 318-19, ADIBC, Egyptian Code]
• Planned action(s) with reference to course learning outcomes listed below:
Course Learning Outcome Planned Action(s)
Apply engineering design to produce By analyzing and designing our structures
solutions that meet specified needs with using different codes and methods taking
consideration of public health, safety, and into consideration economic, public welfare
welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, and safety aspects.
environmental, and economic factors [2]
Communicate effectively with a range of We will present our project at the end in a
audiences [3] public manner, under the supervision of
professors and the capstone coordinator.
Function effectively on a team whose We will divide the work between team
members together provide leadership, create members also conduct meetings with the
a collaborative and inclusive environment, capstone coordinator every week to provide
establish goals, plan tasks, and meet us with guidance.
objectives [5].
An ability to apply knowledge of We will apply the knowledge of reinforced
mathematics, science, and engineering. [4]. concrete design courses as well as the
structural analysis and structural systems
concepts in our project to design our villa.
[including, initial sizing, loads, shear, and
moment diagrams]

An ability to use techniques, skills, or We will use the ETABS program for the
modern engineering tools necessary for main structural analysis of the beam, while
engineering practice. [5]. also using AutoCAD to draw the
architectural and structural floor plan and to
sketch the strips of slabs and beams.

Name of the Faculty Supervisor Signature

Signature of Program Chair Signature of Capstone Coordinator

Fact Sheet

Project title: Design of a Villa with Hollow Block Slabs

• Main subdiscipline area: [Structural Engineering]
• Additional subdiscipline areas: [none]
• Courses related to the design project: [Computer Aided Drawing, Reinforced
Concrete Design 1, Reinforced Concrete Design 2, Structural Systems, Structural
• Design problem: [Design of a Villa with Hollow Block Slabs]
• Design constraints to be addressed: [Cost, Economy]
• Standards used in the design: [ ACI 318, ADIBC, Egyptian Code]
• Pages in this report where each standard is cited: [14-19]
• Source of data used in the design: [Data obtained from an engineering firm in Al-
• Assumptions used in the design: [Height of walls = 3 m]
• Number of final design solutions: [One]
• Pages in this report where final design solutions are provided and discussed: [20-
• Contributions of team members: [list the exact tasks carried out by each
student (e.g., literature review, data collection, design, report writing, … etc.),
and the percentage of the work carried out by each student as compared to
the overall project]
Student Name ID Tasks Percentage
Data collection, AutoCAD drawings, 50%
Dana Al- 1069978 initial sizing, and load calculations,
Abadla ETABS analysis, report writing,
Power point presentation.

Nadia Data collection, AutoCAD drawings, 50%

1065459 initial sizing, and load calculations,
ETABS analysis, report writing,
Power point presentation.

Students’ signature
1. 1069978
2. 1065459

Name of Faculty Advisor: Signature:

Name of Committee Member 1: Signature:

Name of Committee Member 2: Signature:


We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our supervisor, Dr. Nader Okasha, for

recommending to us this topic for our capstone project. We are very grateful to him for

teaching us the courses related to our project with excellence, for the resources he had

provided us for reference, for his timely responses, and his extremely valuable advice and

insights. His wide knowledge and expertise in the field of Civil Engineering enabled us to

complete the first phase of our project in a satisfactory manner. Without his immense

contribution, this project would not have been possible to complete. We would also like to

extend our sincere gratitude to the Abu Dhabi University for giving us an opportunity to do

this project and to work with the wonderful faculty of the Civil Engineering Department. We

would like to thank the entire faculty of the Civil Engineering Department for making several

contributions in providing us with practical knowledge and the 21st century skills needed in

our field. Last but not the least, we would love to thank our family and friends for being a

pillar of support and strength throughout the course of the project.


In this project, the design of a villa with hollow block slabs was carefully covered with the

assistance of the related course lectures, notes and other resources. Manual calculations were

done to evaluate the initial sizes of slabs and beams as well as the loads in accordance with

the ACI 318-19 code, ADIBC code, and the Egyptian code. The AutoCAD software was used

to sketch the layout of the structural plan, as well as to draw the strips of the slab and the

beams. Additionally, the tributary areas for beams were drawn using AutoCAD. Furthermore,

a thorough analysis of the moments and shear of the slab and beams was carried out using the

ETABS software. This software was also used to find the reactions at the beam supports and

in turn find the axial loads on the columns.


Table 1. A sample of the minimum live load values on slabs issued by the ADIBC [2]. ......... 8

Table 2. ACI Table [5]. ............................................................................................... 15

Table 3. Egyptian code for cross-ribs [5]. ............................................................................... 15

Table 4. Deflection control method and limiting thickness of two-way slab [5]. ................... 16

Table 5. Initial sizing of beams. .............................................................................................. 22

Table 6. Summary of moment and shear analysis of slab and beams. .................................... 27

Table 7. Axial loads on columns. ............................................................................................ 28


Figure 1. Front-view of the proposed villa ............................................................................... 1

Figure 2. Architectural plan of the ground floor of the villa..................................................... 2

Figure 3. Construction of a reinforced concrete building (Google images). ............................ 3

Figure 4. The Pantheon of Rome (Google images). ................................................................. 6

Figure 5. Two-way and One-way Slabs [2]. ............................................................................. 9

Figure 6. Cross-sections of Rectangular, L-beam and T-beam [2]. ........................................ 10

Figure 7. Concentrically and eccentrically loaded columns [2].............................................. 10

Figure 8. An isolated footing [2]. ............................................................................................ 11

Figure 9. The load path of structural members [2]. ................................................................ 11

Figure 10. Hollow block slab (Google images). ..................................................................... 12

Figure 11. One-way, two-way, and mixed hollow block slabs [2]. ........................................ 12

Figure 12. Cross-section of a hollow block slab [2]. .............................................................. 13

Figure 13. Structural plan of the ground floor of the villa. ..................................................... 14

Figure 14. Initial sizing of beam [2]. ...................................................................................... 16

Figure 15. Tributary areas for beams. ..................................................................................... 18

Figure 16. Initial sizing of one-way panel. ............................................................................. 20

Figure 17. Initial sizing of two-way panels............................................................................. 20

Figure 18. One-meter square area for load calculation of one-way slabs. .............................. 24

Figure 19. 50cm x 50cm area for calculation of load on two-way slabs. ............................... 24

Figure 20. Load on strip 1 ....................................................................................................... 26

Figure 21. (a) load on the strip 2 (b) shear diagram of strip 2 (c) moment diagram of strip .. 26

Figure 22. (a) load on beam 1 (b) shear diagram of beam 1 (c) moment diagram of beam 1 27

Figure 23. ETABS analysis for reactions of supports for beam 9. ......................................... 28


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 1

CHAPTER 2: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND ................................................................... 3
2.1 Reinforced concrete ............................................................................................................. 3
2.2 Advantages of reinforced concrete ...................................................................................... 3
2.3 Disadvantages of reinforced concrete .................................................................................. 5
2.4 Historical background of reinforced concrete...................................................................... 5
2.5 Concrete and steel compatibility .......................................................................................... 7
2.6 Design codes ........................................................................................................................ 8
2.7 Members of a reinforced concrete structure ........................................................................ 9
2.8 Hollow block slabs ............................................................................................................. 11
CHAPTER 3: METHODS AND TECHNIQUES ................................................................... 14
3.1 Layout of the structural plan for the ground floor ........................................................... 14
3.2 Initial sizing ..................................................................................................................... 15
3.3 Load calculations ............................................................................................................. 17
3.4 Moment and shear analysis .............................................................................................. 18
3.5 Axial loads on columns .................................................................................................... 19
CHAPTER 4: CALCULATIONS AND DISCUSSIONS ....................................................... 20
4.1 Calculations and results of initial sizing ............................................................................ 20
4.2 Calculations and results for load on slab and beams ......................................................... 23
4.3 Results of moment and shear analysis ............................................................................... 26
4.4 Results of axial loads on columns ...................................................................................... 28
CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION ................................................................................................ 30
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................ 31
APPENDICES ......................................................................................................................... 32


A private villa with the typical contemporary architectural design implemented in the United

Arab Emirates was chosen to be worked on for our project. The villa is to be constructed in

Zakhir- Um Al Qtta district of Al Ain city and is owned by Abdulla AlAryani. It consists of

two stories, the ground floor, the first floor and a roof floor along with a boundary wall with

pedestrians and vehicle entrances as well as an electricity room. The villa is made of

reinforced concrete and was originally designed as a flat plate structure, which is very

common in the UAE due to its fast construction time and less cost. However, for this project

the villa was redesigned as a reinforced concrete structure with hollow block slabs as this

type of slab design is an emerging concept among designers in the modern Emirates. The

following figure depicts the architectural perspective of the front view of the proposed villa.

Figure 1. Front-view of the proposed villa

Figure 2. Architectural plan of the ground floor of the villa.


2.1 Reinforced concrete

Concrete is a rocklike mass made up of sand, gravel, crushed rock, or other aggregates bound

together by a cement and water paste. One or more mixes are sometimes used to alter the

workability, durability, and hardening time of concrete. Concrete comprises of large

compressive strength and a low tensile strength, similar to most rocklike material. Reinforced

concrete is made of concrete and steel reinforcement, which gives the tensile strength that the

concrete lacks. Steel reinforcement can also withstand compression forces and is utilized in

columns and other applications [1].

Figure 3. Construction of a reinforced concrete building (Google images).

2.2 Advantages of reinforced concrete

Reinforced concrete is the most important material that should be available for construction

of buildings, bridges, pavements, dams, retaining walls, tunnels, drainage and irrigation

systems, tanks, and so on. It is employed in some form or another for practically all

constructions, be it large and small. When the multiple benefits of this ubiquitous building

material are evaluated, it is easy to see why it has been such a huge success. The following

are some of them:

• When contrasted to most of the other materials, it offers a high compressive strength

per cost unit.

• Reinforced concrete is very resistant to the effects of fire and water, and it is the

greatest construction material available in wet environments.

• Reinforced concrete constructions have a high degree of rigidity.

• It is a low-maintenance product.

• It has a very lengthy service life when compared to other materials. Reinforced

concrete constructions can be utilized eternally under the right conditions without

losing their load-bearing capacity. It can be attributed to the fact that, due to the long

procedure of cement paste solidification, the strength of the concrete does not really

decline with time, but rather grows over a long period of time estimated in years.

• For footings, floor slabs, basement walls, piers, and other comparable purposes it is

frequently the sole cost-effective option.

• Concrete's resilience allows it to be formed into an amazing range of shapes, ranging

from basic slabs, beams, and columns to large arches and shells.

• Concrete uses low-cost natural materials (sand, gravel, and water) and only needs a

modest quantity of cement and reinforcing steel, that will have to be brought from

other regions of the country in most cases.

• When compared to other components like structural steel, erections of reinforced

concrete structures demand a lower level of expertise [1].

2.3 Disadvantages of reinforced concrete

For using concrete effectively, the designer should be intimately conversant with both its

strong and weak areas. The following are some of its drawbacks:

• Because concrete has a weak tensile strength, tensile reinforcement is required.

• To maintain the shapes in position for roofs, walls, floors, and other buildings,

formwork must be used till the concrete members achieve the adequate capacity to

sustain themselves. Formwork is a costly investment.

• Concrete has a low strength-to-weight ratio, which results in heavy members. This is

especially true for long-span constructions, where the substantial deadweight of

concrete has a significant impact on bending moments. Concrete can be made lighter

by using lightweight aggregates, but the price of the concrete will rise.

• Similarly, because concrete has a weak strength per unit volume, components would

be fairly large which is important for towering buildings and long-span constructions.

• Because of differences in blending and mixing, the characteristics of concrete vary

greatly. Moreover, unlike the manufacturing of many other components such as

structural steel and laminated wood, the placement and mixing of concrete is not as

tightly controlled [1].

2.4 Historical background of reinforced concrete

Majority of people think that concrete was in widespread use for centuries, yet this is not true.

Before the birth of Christ, the Romans did employ a cement called pozzolana. Large amounts

of sandy volcanic ash were discovered near Mountain Vesuvius, as well as other locations

throughout Italy. This substance formed into a rocklike solid once combined with quicklime

and water, as well as sand and gravel, and was utilized as a construction material. Although

one might imagine a lower quality of concrete than today 's standards, numerous Roman

concrete structures are still standing today. The Pantheon (a building devoted to all deities) in

Rome, which has been built in 126 CE, is one example as such [1].

Figure 4. The Pantheon of Rome (Google images).

The Englishmen William Fairbairn and William B. were among the first Europeans to test

with reinforced concrete. In 1875, William E. Ward constructed the first reinforced concrete

structure in the United States, in Port Chester, New York. He stated in a presentation

submitted to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers in 1883 that he received the

concept for reinforced concrete after observing English workers attempting to remove

hardened cement from their iron tools in 1867. An Overview of Some Tests with Portland

Cement Concrete, Mixed with Iron as a Building Material, by Thaddeus Hyatt, an American,

was possibly the first scientist to accurately evaluate the stresses in a reinforced concrete

beam, and he produced a 28-page book on the subject in 1877. He lauded the usage of

reinforced concrete in this book and stated that “rolled beams (steel) must be taken primarily

on belief” [1]. Concrete's superior fire resilience was emphasized heavily by Hyatt. In the

early 1870s, E. L. Ransome of San Francisco is said to have employed reinforced concrete

and was the inventor of deformed (or twisted) bars, in which he got a patent in 1884.

Ransome founded the Leland Stanford Jr. Museum in San Francisco in 1890. It is a

reinforced concrete structure that is 312 feet long and two floors tall, with tensile reinforcing

made from abandoned cable-car wire rope. The 1906 earthquake and subsequent fire caused

little harm to this structure. Because of the minor harm to this structure and other concrete

structures that survived the big 1906 fire, this type of construction became widely accepted

on the West Coast. The development, design, and implementation of reinforced concrete in

the United States has been extremely quick since the early 1900s [1].

2.5 Concrete and steel compatibility

In reinforced concrete constructions, concrete and steel reinforcements complement one other

well. Each material's advantages appear to outweigh the downsides of the other. For example,

one of the major disadvantages of concrete is its loss of tensile strength, whereas one of the

major advantages of steel is its tensile strength. The tensile strength of reinforcing bars is

about 100 times that of typical concretes. The two materials are extremely securely bonded,

so there is little danger of sliding; as a result, they will sustain forces as a single unit. The

chemical stickiness between both the two materials, the organic roughness of the bars, and

the tightly packed rib-shaped deformations formed onto the bars' surfaces, all contribute to

the good bond formed. Although reinforcing bars are susceptible to rusting, the concrete that

surrounds them offers great protection. The toughness of bare steel exposed to the

temperatures attained in ordinary intense fires is negligible; however, encasing the

reinforcing steel in concrete results in very good fire classifications. Finally, because their

indices of temperature increases are so similar, concrete and steel perform well together when

it comes to temperature variations. The value for steel is 0.0000065 per unit length per degree

Fahrenheit, while it fluctuates between 0.000004 and 0.000007 for concrete. (0.0000055 is

the average value) [1].

2.6 Design codes

The chief code that is used in the United States for the design of reinforced concrete

structures is the American Concrete Institute’s Building Code Requirements for Structural

Concrete (ACI 318-19). This code discusses about the various design specifications required

for different types of reinforced concrete elements. It also gives essential commentary,

clarifications, recommendations, and extra information regarding the design needs [1].

The Abu Dhabi International Building Code (ADIBC) is the building code that issues the

standards that must be met in order to design a building in the emirate of Abu Dhabi, UAE. It

specifies the minimum structural loading requirements that will be needed for the design and

construction of buildings and structures. It has provisions for the minimum design loads such

as the dead loads, live loads, wind loads, earthquake loads and so on. It is important for

engineers to adhere to these codes in order to ensure the safety and well-being of the end-

users of their products and the public in general [2].

Table 1. A sample of the minimum live load values on slabs issued by the ADIBC [2].

2.7 Members of a reinforced concrete structure


Slabs are the structural elements that have thicknesses smaller than their widths and lengths.

Slabs are used for the transmission of loads from floors and roofs to beams in a building.

They can be either solid or ribbed and are further divided into one-way or two-way slabs.

One-way slabs bend under the subjected loads in one direction only and are classified as one-

way if the ratio of the longer side to the shorter side of the slab is equal to or greater than 2.

In one-way slabs the main reinforcement is placed along the shorter side and shrinkage

reinforcement is provided in the longer direction.

Two-way slabs bend under the subjected loads in both directions and are classified as two-

way if the ratio of the longer side to the shorter side of the slab is less than 2. Consequently,

main reinforcement is provided in both the directions in a two-way slab [2].

Figure 5. Two-way and One-way Slabs [2].


A beam is an element of the structure that supports the loads coming from the slabs and

transmits loads to the columns. It resists the internal moments and shear that develop inside a

building. Beams can be embedded or projected depending on their depths [2].

Figure 6. Cross-sections of Rectangular, L-beam and T-beam [2].

Columns are vertical elements in a structure that support beams and transmit loads to

footings. According to the slenderness of columns they can be classified into short columns

and slender columns. Moreover, columns can either be concentrically loaded or eccentrically

loaded [2].

Figure 7. Concentrically and eccentrically loaded columns [2].


Footings are members of the reinforced concrete structure that support the loads coming

from columns and walls and transmit loads to the soil or foundation below in accordance

with the bearing capacity. In the design of footings, the combined knowledge of structural

and geotechnical engineering must be implemented [2].

Figure 8. An isolated footing [2].

Figure 9. The load path of structural members [2].

2.8 Hollow block slabs

Hollow blocks are rectangular and standard sized blocks that are composed from cast

concrete of high or low density. Portland cement and aggregate such as sand and fine gravel

are used as the raw materials for making high-density blocks. Meanwhile, industrial refuse

such as fly ash is used for low-density blocks [3]. Hollow block is one of the light materials

that is used to fill the voids in a ribbed slab. The hollow blocks are placed in the empty and

even spaces of the ribbed slab that are monolithically built with a topping slab.

Figure 10. Hollow block slab (Google images).

Hollow block slabs can be one-way or two-way. In a one-way hollow block slab, the ribs are

placed in one direction only and does not depend on the L/S ratio of the slab. Similarly, two-

way hollow block slabs have ribs provided in both directions. It is typical for one-way slabs

to span in the shorter direction while two-way slabs are used for larger spans such as 6 - 6.5

m. Hollow block slabs can also be constructed as mixed slabs that consist of both one-way

and two-way panels. This is economical as it reduces the thickness of the slab.

Figure 11. One-way, two-way, and mixed hollow block slabs [2].

Advantages of hollow blocks

• Hollow blocks provide ease of construction and help to create a sustainable

environment in the construction industry [4].

• High-strength hollow blocks require low maintenance and provide insulation for

sound and heat. They also provide good fire resistance [4].

• The use of hollow blocks fastens the construction process as they require less cement

mortar in the joints and do not need much plastering [4].

• Hollow blocks are the ideal material for construction of load-bearing structures as

they provide high strength, precision in shape, and consistency in finishing [4].

• Hollow blocks are lightweight and can also be used for building houses in areas that

are prone to earthquakes [4].

• Hollow blocks are economical as they require lesser concrete for construction and are

also eco-friendly as they utilize industrial waste for their production [4].

• They also make it feasible to have a smooth ceiling according to most architectural

requirements for buildings [2].

Figure 12. Cross-section of a hollow block slab [2].

Disadvantages of hollow blocks

• Structures such as walls made with hollow blocks have decreased load-bearing

capacity [4].

• If no additional interior reinforcement is provided, houses built with hollow blocks

can undergo substantial damage during earthquakes [3].


3.1 Layout of the structural plan for the ground floor

The layout of the structural plan for the ground floor of the villa was drawn using the

AutoCAD software. It consists of the beams, columns, and the panels for the slab structure.

The slab is a mixed hollow block slab and consists of both one-way and two-way panels.

One-way panels were chosen for spans which were 5 meters and less while two-way panels

were allocated to spans more than 5 meters. There are 18 beams in total with their thicknesses

ranging from 60 cm to 120 cm and 30 columns of which 28 are 60cm x 20cm and 2 are 80cm

x 40cm. The dimensions of the boundary walls were taken from the original structural plan

provided by the firm.

Figure 13. Structural plan of the ground floor of the villa.

3.2 Initial sizing


The thickness of slabs was selected in accordance with the ACI code. For one-way slabs, the

ribs are arranged in the short direction of the panel and a rib is selected from the panel to

determine the initial thickness of the slab. The thickness was measured using the ACI Table

Table 2. ACI Table [5].

Furthermore, using the Egyptian code, it was determined whether cross-ribs were required for

the panels or not.

Table 3. Egyptian code for cross-ribs [5].

For two-way slabs, the thickness of the slab was determined using the deflection control

method of ACI. The following ACI codes were used for two-way slab thickness


Table 4. Deflection control method and limiting thickness of two-way slab [5].

Equation 1. ACI [5].


The initial sizing of the beams was done in accordance with the ACI Table as shown

in Table 2. The following figure depicts the initial sizing of the beam using ACI codes.

Figure 14. Initial sizing of beam [2].

3.3 Load calculations


The load calculations of one-way and two-way panels were done separately. For one-way

panels, the load was calculated by selected an area of 1m2 and calculating the total dead load

comprised in that area. The equivalent partition load was calculated by assuming the height

of the walls as 3m and calculating the weight of 10 cm and 20 cm thick walls. Finally, the

weight of the covering materials was calculated and added to the former loads to obtain the

total dead load for one-way slabs.

For two-way slabs, a 50cm x 50cm area of the panel was taken and the dead load for this area

was calculated. The live load was taken as 1.9 kN/m2 from the ADIBC. Finally, the ultimate

loads for both one-way and two-way slabs was estimated using the load combination for dead

and live loads consideration from the ACI Table 5.3.1.

Equation 2. ACI 5.3


The load on the beams from the slab was calculated using the tributary area method.

Furthermore, the self-weight of the beams, and the loads of the partition walls carried by the

beams were added as uniform loads to the beam. The following figure shows the tributary

areas for all the beams in the layout.

Figure 15. Tributary areas for beams.

3.4 Moment and shear analysis

For the moment and shear analysis of the slab, several strips of 1000 mm widths and the

calculated thickness of the slab were taken and analysed as beams in the ETABS software.

Similarly, the beams were analysed for moment and shear in the software. The diagrams for

loads on beams due to the slab were drawn using the AutoCAD software. Some of the strips

of the slab were simply supported hence the maximum moment and shear of such strips was

calculated by using the following equations:

Equation 3. Maximum shear of a simply supported beam under a

uniform load

Equation 4. Maximum moment of a simply supported beam
under a uniform load.

Furthermore, after the moment and shear analysis of the slab and beams was conducted, the

negative end moment was calculated using the following equation:

Equation 5. Negative end moment for slab and beams.

3.5 Axial loads on columns

The axial loads on the columns were analysed using the ETABS software through the

analysis of the reactions at the beam supports.


4.1 Calculations and results of initial sizing

Initial sizing for one-way panels

Figure 16. Initial sizing of one-way panel.

Blue rib
Largest hmin = 500/16 = 31.25 cm = 32 cm
From ADIBC, L.L = 1.9 kN/m2 < 3.3 kN/m2 (Egyptian code) and L = 5m (No cross-ribs

Initial sizing for two-way panels

Figure 17. Initial sizing of two-way panels.

Assume thickness of slab = 32 cm

For B10
Largest hmin = 32.14 cm, Take h=40 cm

𝑏ℎ3 110∗403
Ib = 12 = 12 = 586666.67cm4
For B12
Largest hmin = 23.4 cm, Take h=32 cm
𝑏ℎ3 110∗323
Ib = = = 300373.33
12 12
For B14
Largest hmin= 39.1 cm, Take h= 50 cm
𝑏ℎ3 75∗503
Ib = 12 = 12 = 781250 cm4
For B7
Largest hmin=30.4 cm, Take h=32 cm
𝑏ℎ3 60∗323
Ib = = = 163840 cm4
12 12

Moment of inertia for rib

yc= (50∗9)+(24∗10) = 22 cm
Irib= (10*243/12)+(10*24*(22-12)2)+( 50*83/12)+(50*8*(28-22)2)
= 52053.33 cm4
Moment of inertia for slab
Side 1 (B10, interior beam, bw=110cm)
𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑓𝑡 𝑙𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡
450 340
𝐼𝑟𝑖𝑏 .( + +𝑏𝑤 ) 52053.33 .( + +110)
2 2
Is= 𝑏𝑓
= 2
= 525738.67 𝑐𝑚4

Side 2 (B12, interior beam, bw=110cm)

𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑓𝑡 𝑙𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡
540 540
𝐼𝑟𝑖𝑏 .( + +𝑏𝑤 ) 52053.33 .( + +110)
2 2
Is= = 2 2
= 676693.33 𝑐𝑚4
𝑏𝑓 50
Side 3 (B14, exterior beam, bw=75cm)
𝑙 340
𝐼𝑟𝑖𝑏 .( 𝑛 +𝑏𝑤 ) 52053.33 .( +75)
Is= 2
= 2
= 255061.32 𝑐𝑚4
𝑏𝑓 50

Side 4 (B7, interior beam, bw=60cm)

𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑓𝑡 𝑙𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡
120 540
𝐼𝑟𝑖𝑏 .( + +𝑏𝑤 ) 52053.33 .( + +60)
2 2
Is= 𝑏𝑓
= 2
= 406016 𝑐𝑚4
αf =
αf1 = 525738.67 = 1.12

αf2 = = 0.44

αf3 = = 3.1

αf4 = = 0.4
1.12+0.44+3.1+0.4 𝑙𝑛,𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔 5.4
αfm = = 1.3 < 2.0 , β= = = 1.57
4 𝑙𝑛,𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑡 3.45
𝑓𝑦 420
𝑙𝑛 (0.8 + 1400) 5400(0.8 + 1400)
ℎ= = = 133.08 𝑚𝑚 > 125 𝑚𝑚 (𝑂𝐾)
36 + 5β(α𝑓𝑚 − 0.2) 36 + 5(1.57)(1.3 − 0.2)
Assumed h= 320 mm > 133.08 mm (OK)
Therefore, h =32 cm


After the calculation of initial sizes for all the panels in the layout, the following results were

obtained for both one-way and two-way panels:

• h = 32 cm (Largest value)

• bw of ribs = 10cm

• Size of hollow block:

• 40cm x 20cm x 24 cm

• Topping slab thickness, t = 32-24= 8 cm > l/12= 40/12= 3.3 cm

8 cm > 5 cm (OK)

Initial sizing for beams

The table summarizes the initial sizing for all the beams in the layout.

Table 5. Initial sizing of beams.

Beams bw (cm) hmin (cm) Largest

B1 60 29.7 cm, Take h= 32 cm
B2 60 31.25 cm, Take h=32 cm
B3 80 31.25 cm, Take h=32 cm
B4 80 31.25 cm, Take h=32 cm
B5 110 27.03 cm, Take h=32 cm

B6 80 36.9 cm, Take h= 40 cm
B7 60 30.4 cm, Take h=32 cm
B8 120 35.3 cm, Take h= 40 cm
B9 80 36.5 cm, Take h= 40 cm
B10 110 32.14 cm, Take h=40 cm
B11 85 35.3 cm, Take h= 40 cm
B12 110 23.4 cm, Take h=32 cm
B13 65 44.9 cm, Take h= 50 cm
B14 75 39.1 cm, Take h= 50 cm
B15 110 33.75 cm, Take h=40 cm
B16 80 27.03 cm, Take h=32 cm
B17 80 33.75 cm, Take h= 40 cm
B18 60 29.7 cm, Take h= 32 cm

• 9 beams embedded (h=32 cm)

• 9 beams projected (h= 40 cm and 50 cm)

4.2 Calculations and results for load on slab and beams

One-way Slabs

Partition load
20 cm thick walls: 4.4+4.4+0.15+0.45+1.2+2.2+0.9+4.3+4.1+0.1+0.7+0.3+4+4.4
+0.5+4.4+0.9+1.2+5.7+2.4+0.9+4.55+3.6+7.9+4.1= 67.75 m
10cm thick walls:
1.6+ 0.7+1.2952+0.1+1+0.5+4.3+0.6 = 10.1 m
Area of Slab= (25.391*5.6) + (13.491*1.2) + (10.85*5.2) + (13.15*7.491) + (14.8*6) =
402.11 m2
Ultimate partition load= 1.2* (67.75*9.3) + (10.1*5.6)/402.11 = 2.05 KN/m2

Total volume in 1 m2surface
= 1 x 1 x 0.32 = 0.32 m3
Volume of hollow blocks in 1 m2
= 10 x 0.4 x 0.20 x 0.24= 0.192 m3
Net concrete volume in 1 m2
= 0.32-0.192 = 0.128 m3
Weight of concrete in 1 m2
= 0.128 x 25 = 3.2 KN/m2
Weight of hollow blocks in 1 m2
= 10 x 0.4 x 0.2 x 0.24 x 9 = 1.728 KN/m2

Figure 18. One-meter square area for load

calculation of one-way slabs.

Material Quality Density KN\m3 W= ƴ.h (KN/m2)

Tiles 22 22x0.03 = 0.66
Mortar 22 22x0.02 = 0.44
Sand 16 16x0.07 = 1.12
Plaster 22 22x0.02 = 0.44
Total covering materials 2.66

Total dead load/ m2 = 1.728 + 3.2 + 2.05 + 2.66 = 9.638 KN/m2

LL = 1.9 KN/m2

qu= 1.2(9.638) + 1.6(1.9) = 14.61 KN/m2

Two-way slabs

Figure 19. 50cm x 50cm area for calculation of load on two-

way slabs.

Material Quality Density KN\m3 W= ƴ. V
Tiles 22 22 x 0.03 x 0.5 x 0.5 = 0.165
Mortar 22 22 x 0.02 x 0.5 x 0.5 = 0.11
Sand 16 16 x 0.07 x 0.5 x 0.5 = 0.28
Reinforced Concrete 25 25 x 0.08 x 0.5 x 0.5 = 0.5
Reinforced Concrete Rib 25 25 x 0.24 x 0.1 x (0.5+0.4) =
Concrete Block 9 9 x 0.24 x 0.4 x 0.4 = 0.346
Plaster 22 22 x 0.02 x 0.5 x 0.5 = 0.11
Partitions 2.05 KN/m2 2.05 x 0.5 x 0.5 = 0.513
Total Dead load 2.564

DL = 2.564/(0.5 x 0.5) = 10.256 KN/m2

LL = 1.9 KN/m2

qu= 1.2(10.256) + 1.6(1.9) = 15.35 KN/m2

Load calculation of beams

B1 bw (cm) = 60 hmin= 29.7 cm, Take h= 32

cm (embedded)
• Ultimate weight of load from slab

• Ultimate own weight of brick wall (20 cm) = 1.2×9.3 = 11.16 kN/m

4.3 Results of moment and shear analysis

Slab Strip 1

Figure 20. Load on strip 1

𝑤𝑙 14.61∗5
Maximum Shear = = = 36.525 𝑘𝑁
2 2

𝑤𝑙2 14.61∗52
Maximum Moment = 8
= 8
= 45.656 𝑘𝑁𝑚
𝑤𝑙 2 14.61 ∗ 52
Negative end moment = = = 15.219 𝑘𝑁𝑚
24 24

Strip 2



𝑤𝑙 2 14.61 ∗ 3.52 𝑤𝑙 2 15.35 ∗ 6.752

= 7.457 𝑘𝑁𝑚 (c) 24
= 29.141 𝑘𝑁𝑚

Figure 21. (a) load on the strip 2 (b) shear diagram of strip 2 (c) moment diagram of strip


Beam 1

Load from partition walls: 11.16 kN/m

Load from partition walls: 11.16 kN/m





𝑤𝑙 2 47.69 ∗ 5.32 (c) 𝑤𝑙 2 53.37 ∗ 5.512

= = 55.817 𝑘𝑁𝑚 = = 67.513 𝑘𝑁𝑚
24 24 24 24

Figure 22. (a) load on beam 1 (b) shear diagram of beam 1 (c) moment diagram of beam 1

Summary of moments and shears of slab and beams

Table 6. Summary of moment and shear analysis of slab and beams.

Strips/Beams Max shear (kN) Max positive Max negative

moment (kNm) moment (kNm)
Strip 1 36.525 45.656
Strip 2 61.437 57.7786 -65.0975
Strip 3 63.648 46.1315 -85.7539
Strip 4 56.4248 39.3294 -63.9187
Strip 5 60.0021 47.62 -69.6453
Strip 6 49.4417 37.4492 -46.1518
Strip 7 45.2757 31.9246 -37.9066
Strip 8 41 54.714
Strip 9 42.289 58.253
Strip 10 39.91 51.883
Strip 11 67.5739 66.6911 -82.0458
B1 150.7111 108.1008 -128.963

B2 29.016 37.721
B3 17.472 22.714
B4 80.899 126.2585
B5 98.4175 84.8512 -91.096
B6 160.9251 99.652 -116.2683
B7 153.911 123.7384 -159.6086
B8 166.6468 264.2784
B9 100.0417 178.5113 -167.1184
B10 228.8648 176.9502 -216.6562
B11 94.4115 162.2461
B12 143.555 85.0214 -87.223
B13 149.9161 326.1589
B14 70.3741 137.8644
B15 81.9865 127.0854
B16 155.0731 160.1259 -199.0038
B17 87.75 142.1669
B18 156.6364 125.0863 -159.0788

4.4 Results of axial loads on columns

Figure 23. ETABS analysis for reactions of supports for beam 9.

The summary of all the axial loads on the columns is given in the table below.

Table 7. Axial loads on columns.

Columns Loads (kN) Total Load

C1 102.05+29.02 131.07
C2 275.26+17.47 292.73
C3 176.42+80.9 257.32
C4 209.93+63.38 273.31
C5 245.92+64.74 310.66
C6 66.03+64.43 130.46

C7 29.02+103.29 132.31
C8 17.47+260.16 277.63
C9 80.9+181.22 262.12
C10 159.07+261.32 420.39
C11 156.77+310.86 467.63
C12 16.58+96.47 113.05
C13 85.44-27.27 58.17
C14 189.36+21.16 210.52
C15 146.93-40.56 106.37
C16 5.17+272.58 277.75
C17 95.87+245.46 341.33
C18 166.65+217.78 384.43
C19 166.65-5.17 161.48
C20 183.83 183.83
C21 219.1+70.37 289.47
C22 254.48+81.99 336.47
C23 81.99+275.56 357.55
C24 100.04+94.41 194.45
C25 94.41+305.1 399.51
C26 149.9-52.06 97.84
C27 253.78+149.9 403.68
C28 127.62 127.62
C29 87.75-45.44 42.31
C30 87.75-2.83 84.92


In conclusion, the project was helpful in acquainting us with the concept of designing a villa

with hollow block slabs through the implementation of the related course lectures, notes and

other resources. It also aided us to become well-versed with manual calculations for the

evaluation of the initial sizes of slabs and beams as well as the loads in accordance with the

ACI 318-19 code and ADIBC code. We were also able to master the AutoCAD software to

sketch the layouts of the structural plans, as well as to draw the strips of the slab and the

beams. Additionally, we used the tributary area method for load calculation of beams which

increased us in the understanding of this concept. Furthermore, upon carrying a thorough

analysis of the moments and shear of the slab and beams, we became competent in using the

ETABS software. Working on this project made us aware of the practical knowledge and the

21st century skills needed in the field of Civil Engineering.


[1] J. C. McCormac and R. H. Brown, Design of Reinforced Concrete, Wiley, 2016.

[2] N. Okasha, “Reinforced Concrete Design I Lecture Notes,” 24 February 2020. [Online].

[Accessed 16 June 2021].

[3] H. Patel, “GharPedia,” 202. [Online]. Available:

concrete-blocks-basic-information/. [Accessed 16 June 2021].

[4] K. Rajput, “CivilJungle,” 2021. [Online]. Available:

block/. [Accessed 16 June 2021].

[5] N. Okasha, “Reinforced Concrete Design II Lecture Notes,” February 2021. [Online].

[Accessed March 2021].


Initial sizing of slab
Initial sizing of the slab:
One-way Slabs

Blue rib
Largest hmin = 500/16 = 31.25 cm = 32 cm
From ADIBC, L.L = 1.9 kN/m2 < 3.3 kN/m2 (Egyptian code) and L = 5m (No cross-ribs required)


Blue rib
Largest hmin = 500/18.5 = 27.03 cm
From ADIBC, L.L = 1.9 kN/m2 < 3.3 kN/m2 (Egyptian code) and L = 5m (No cross-ribs required)

Yellow rib
Largest hmin = 500/18.5=27.03 cm
From ADIBC, L.L = 1.9 kN/m2 < 3.3 kN/m2 (Egyptian code) and L= 1.8 m < 5m (No cross rib required)
Orange and green rib are lying in two way slabs


Black rib
Largest hmin =350/18.5= 19 cm
From ADIBC, L.L = 1.9 kN/m2 < 3.3 kN/m2 (Egyptian code) and L= 3.5 m < 5m (No cross ribs required)

Therefore, For one-way slabs, h = 32 cm (Largest value)

bw of ribs = 10cm
Size of hollow block:
40cm x 20cm x 24 cm
Topping slab thickness, t = 32-24= 8 cm > l/12= 40/12= 3.3 cm
8 cm > 5 cm (OK)

Two-way slabs
B7 (60 cm)

Side 4
Side 1 Side 3
B10 B14 (75
(110 cm)

Side 2
Assume thickness of slab = 32 cm B12 (110 cm)
For B10
Largest hmin = 32.14 cm, Take h=40 cm
𝑏𝑏ℎ3 110∗403
Ib = = = 586666.67cm4
12 12
For B12
Largest hmin = 23.4 cm, Take h=32 cm
𝑏𝑏ℎ3 110∗323
Ib = = = 300373.33 cm4
12 12
For B14
Largest hmin= 39.1 cm, Take h= 50 cm
𝑏𝑏ℎ3 75∗503
Ib = = = 781250 cm4
12 12
For B7
Largest hmin=30.4 cm, Take h=32 cm
𝑏𝑏ℎ3 60∗323
Ib = = = 163840 cm4
12 12
50 cm
Moment of inertia for rib
yc= = 22 cm
(50∗9)+(24∗10) 8 cm
Irib= (10*24 /12)+(10*24*(22-12)2)+( 50*83/12)+(50*8*(28-22)2)

= 52053.33 cm4 24 cm
32 cm
Moment of inertia for slab
Side 1 (B10, interior beam, bw=110cm)
. + +𝑏𝑏 52053.33 . + +110
4 10 cm
Is= = = 525738.67
𝑏𝑏 50

Side 2 (B12, interior beam, bw=110cm)

. + +𝑏𝑏 52053.33 . + +110
Is= = = 676693.33
𝑏𝑏 50
Side 3 (B14, exterior beam, bw=75cm)
. +𝑏𝑏 52053.33 . +75
Is= = = 255061.32
𝑏𝑏 50

Side 4 (B7, interior beam, bw=60cm)

. + +𝑏𝑏 52053.33 . + +60
Is= = = 406016
𝑏𝑏 50

αf =
αf1 = = 1.12

αf2 = = 0.44

αf3 = = 3.1

αf4 = = 0.4
1.12+0.44+3.1+0.4 , 5.4
αfm = = 1.3 < 2.0 , β= = = 1.57
4 , 3.45
(0.8 +
) 5400(0.8 + )
= 1400 = 1400 = 133.08 > 125 ( )
36 + 5 ( 0.2) 36 + 5(1.57)(1.3 0.2)
Assumed h= 320 mm > 133.08 mm (OK)
Therefore, h =32 cm

Side 4

cm) Side 1 Side 3

Side 2

Assume thickness of slab = 32 cm

Moment of inertia for Beams
For B10
Largest hmin = 32.14 cm, Take h=40 cm
𝑏𝑏ℎ3 110∗403
Ib = = = 586666.67 cm4
12 12
For B13
Largest hmin = 44.9 cm, Take h= 50 cm
𝑏𝑏ℎ3 65∗503
Ib = = = 677083.33 cm4
12 12
For B6
Largest hmin = 36.9 cm, Take h= 40 cm
𝑏𝑏ℎ3 80∗403
Ib = = = 426666.67 cm4
12 12
For B12
Largest hmin = 23.4 cm, Take h=32 cm
𝑏𝑏ℎ3 110∗323
Ib = = = 300373.33 cm4
12 12

Moment of inertia for rib 50 cm

yc= (50∗9)+(24∗10)
= 22 cm
8 cm
Irib= (10*243/12)+(10*24*(22-12)2)+( 50*83/12)+(50*8*(28-22)2)
= 52053.33 cm4 32 cm 24 cm
Moment of inertia for slab
Side 1 (B10, interior beam, bw=110cm)
. + +𝑏𝑏 52053.33 . + +110 10 cm
Is= = = 681898.67
𝑏𝑏 50

Side 2 (B13, exterior beam, bw=65cm)

. +𝑏𝑏 52053.33 . +65
Is= = = 348757.33
𝑏𝑏 50
Side 3 (B6, interior beam, bw=80cm)
. + +𝑏𝑏 52053.33 . + +80
Is= = = 645461.33
𝑏𝑏 50

Side 4 (B12, interior beam, bw=110cm)

. + +𝑏𝑏 52053.33 . + +110
Is= = = 676693.33
𝑏𝑏 50

αf =
αf1 = = 0.86

αf2 = = 1.94

αf3 = = 0.67

αf4 = = 0.44
0.86+1.94+0.67+0.44 , 7.35
αfm = = 0.98 < 2.0 , β= = = 1.17
4 , 6.275
(0.8 +
) 5400(0.8 + )
= 1400 = 1400 = 146.44 > 125 ( )
36 + 5 ( 0.2) 36 + 5(1.17)(0.98 0.2)

Assumed h= 320 mm >146.44 mm (OK)

Therefore, h= 32 cm

Side 4

Side 1 Side 3

Side 2

Assume thickness of slab = 32 cm

Moment of inertia for Beams
For B4
Largest hmin = 31.25 cm, Take h=32 cm
𝑏𝑏ℎ3 80∗323
Ib = = = 218453.33 cm4
12 12
For B18
Largest hmin =29.7 cm, Take h= 32 cm
𝑏𝑏ℎ3 60∗323
Ib = = = 163840 cm4
12 12
For B5
Largest hmin= 27.03 cm, Take h=32 cm
𝑏𝑏ℎ3 110∗323
Ib = = = 300373.33 cm4
12 12
For B1
Largest hmin=29.7 cm, Take h= 32 cm
𝑏𝑏ℎ3 60∗323
Ib = = = 163840 cm4
12 12
50 cm
Moment of inertia for rib
yc= = 22 cm
(50∗9)+(24∗10) 8 cm
Irib= (10*24 /12)+(10*24*(22-12)2)+( 50*83/12)+(50*8*(28-22)2)

= 52053.33 cm4 24 cm
Moment of inertia for slab 32 cm
Side 1 (B4, interior beam, bw=80cm)
. + +𝑏𝑏 52053.33 . + +80
4 10 cm
Is= = = 489301.33
𝑏𝑏 50

Side 2 (B18, exterior beam, bw=60cm)

. +𝑏𝑏 52053.33 . +60
Is= = = 291498.67
𝑏𝑏 50
Side 3 (B5, interior beam, bw=110cm)
. + +𝑏𝑏 52053.33 . +110
Is= = = 546560
𝑏𝑏 50

Side 4 (B1, exterior beam, bw=60cm)

. +𝑏𝑏 52053.33 . +60
Is= = = 291498.67
𝑏𝑏 50

αf =
αf1 = = 0.45

αf2 = = 0.56

αf3 = = 0.55

αf4 = = 0.56
0.45+0.56+0.55+0.56 , 4.4
αfm = = 0.53 < 2.0 , β= = =1
4 , 4.4
(0.8 +
) 5400(0.8 + )
= 1400 = 1400 = 157.77 > 125 ( )
36 + 5 ( 0.2) 36 + 5(1)(0.53 0.2)
Assumed h= 320 mm > 157.77 mm (OK)
Therefore, h =32 cm
B1 (60cm)

Side 4
Side 1 Side 3

B18 (60cm) Side 2

Assume thickness of slab = 32 cm

Moment of inertia for Beams
For B6
Largest hmin = 36.9 cm, Take h= 40 cm
𝑏𝑏ℎ3 80∗403
Ib = = = 426666.67 cm4
12 12
For B18
Largest hmin =29.7 cm, Take h= 32 cm
𝑏𝑏ℎ3 60∗323
Ib = = = 163840 cm4
12 12
For B16
Largest hmin= 27.03 cm, Take h=32 cm
𝑏𝑏ℎ3 80∗323
Ib = = = 218453.33 cm4
12 12
For B1
Largest hmin=29.7 cm, Take h= 32 cm
𝑏𝑏ℎ3 60∗323
Ib = = = 163840 cm4
12 12
50 cm
Moment of inertia for rib
yc= = 22 cm
(50∗9)+(24∗10) 8 cm
Irib= (10*24 /12)+(10*24*(22-12)2)+( 50*83/12)+(50*8*(28-22)2)

= 52053.33 cm4 24 cm
Moment of inertia for slab 32 cm
Side 1 (B6, interior beam, bw=80cm)
. + +𝑏𝑏 52053.33 . + +80
4 10 cm
Is= = = 515328
𝑏𝑏 50

Side 2 (B18, interior beam, bw=60cm)

. + +𝑏𝑏 52053.33 . +60
Is= = = 353962.67
𝑏𝑏 50
Side 3 (B16, exterior beam, bw=80cm)
. +𝑏𝑏 52053.33 . +80
Is= = = 312320
𝑏𝑏 50
Side 4 (B1, exterior beam, bw=60cm)
. +𝑏𝑏 52053.33 . +60
Is= = = 291498.67
𝑏𝑏 50

αf =
αf1 = = 0.83

αf2 = = 0.46

αf3 = = 0.67

αf4 = = 0.56
0.83+0.46+0.67+0.56 , 4.4
αfm = = 0.63 < 2.0 , β= = =1
4 , 4.4
(0.8 +
) 5400(0.8 + )
= 1400 = 1400 = 155.7 > 125 ( )
36 + 5 ( 0.2) 36 + 5(1)(0.63 0.2)
Assumed h= 320 mm > 155.7 mm (OK)
Therefore, h =32 cm

(120 cm) (120 cm)

Side 4

B9 (80 cm) B9 (80 cm)

Side 1 Side 3

Side 2

Assume thickness of slab = 32 cm

Moment of inertia for Beams
For B9
Largest hmin = 36.5 cm, Take h= 40 cm
𝑏𝑏ℎ3 70∗403
Ib = = = 373333.33 cm4
12 12
For B11
Largest hmin =35.3 cm, Take h= 40 cm
𝑏𝑏ℎ3 85∗403
Ib = = = 453333.33 cm4
12 12
For B10
Largest hmin= 32.14 cm, Take h=33 cm
𝑏𝑏ℎ3 110∗333
Ib = = = 329422.5 cm4
12 12
For B8
Largest hmin=35.3 cm, Take h= 40 cm
𝑏𝑏ℎ3 110∗403
Ib = = = 586666.67 cm4
12 12
50 cm
Moment of inertia for rib
yc= = 22 cm
(50∗9)+(24∗10) 8 cm
Irib= (10*24 /12)+(10*24*(22-12)2)+( 50*83/12)+(50*8*(28-22)2)

= 52053.33 cm4 24 cm
Moment of inertia for slab 32 cm
Side 1 (B9, exterior beam, bw=80cm)
. +𝑏𝑏 52053.33 . +80
Is= = = 312319.98 4 10 cm
𝑏𝑏 50

Side 2 (B11, exterior beam, bw=85cm)

. +𝑏𝑏 52053.33 . +85
Is= = = 369578.67
𝑏𝑏 50
Side 3 (B10, interior beam, bw=110cm)
. + +𝑏𝑏 52053.33 . +110
Is= = = 676693.33
𝑏𝑏 50

Side 4 (B8, interior beam, bw=120cm)

. + +𝑏𝑏 52053.33 . +120
Is= = = 556970.63
𝑏𝑏 50

αf =
αf1 = = 1.2

αf2 = = 1.23

αf3 = = 0.49

αf4 = = 1.05
1.2+1.23+0.49+1.05 , 5.4
αfm = = 1 < 2.0 , β= = = 1.23
4 , 4.4
(0.8 + ) 5400(0.8 + )
= 1400 = 1400 = 145.16 > 125 ( )
36 + 5 ( 0.2) 36 + 5(1.23)(1 0.2)
Assumed h= 320 mm > 145.16 mm (OK)
Therefore, h =32 cm

Side 4

B6 (80cm)
B16 Side 3
(80cm) Side 1

Side 2

Assume thickness of slab = 32 cm

Moment of inertia for Beams
For B6
Largest hmin = 36.9 cm, Take h= 40 cm
𝑏𝑏ℎ3 80∗403
Ib = = = 426666.67 cm4
12 12
For B17
Largest hmin =33.75 cm, Take h= 40 cm
𝑏𝑏ℎ3 80∗403
Ib = = = 426666.67cm4
12 12
For B16
Largest hmin= 27.03 cm, Take h=32 cm
𝑏𝑏ℎ3 80∗323
Ib = = = 218453.33 cm4
12 12
For B15
Largest hmin=33.75 cm, Take h=40 cm
𝑏𝑏ℎ3 110∗403
Ib = = = 586666.67 cm4
12 12
50 cm
Moment of inertia for rib
yc= = 22 cm
(50∗9)+(24∗10) 8 cm
Irib= (10*24 /12)+(10*24*(22-12)2)+( 50*83/12)+(50*8*(28-22)2)

= 52053.33 cm4 24 cm
Moment of inertia for slab 32 cm
Side 1 (B6, interior beam, bw=80cm)
. + +𝑏𝑏 52053.33 . + +80
4 10 cm
Is= = = 645461.33
𝑏𝑏 50

Side 2 (B17, exterior beam, bw=80cm)

. +𝑏𝑏 52053.33 . +80
Is= = = 364373.33
𝑏𝑏 50
Side 3 (B16, exterior beam, bw=80cm)
. +𝑏𝑏 52053.33 . +80
Is= = = 312320
𝑏𝑏 50

Side 4 (B15, interior beam, bw=110cm)

. + +𝑏𝑏 52053.33 . +110
Is= = = 754773.33
𝑏𝑏 50

αf =
αf1 = = 0.66

αf2 = = 1.17

αf3 = = 0.7

αf4 = = 0.78
0.66+1.17+0.7+0.78 , 5.4
αfm = = 0.83 < 2.0 , β= = = 1.23
4 , 4.4
(0.8 +
) 5400(0.8 + )
= 1400 = 1400 = 148.97 > 125 ( )
36 + 5 ( 0.2) 36 + 5(1.23)(0.83 0.2)
Assumed h= 320 mm > 148.97 mm (OK)
Therefore, h =32 cm
B7 (60 cm)

Side 4
B6 (80 cm)

Side 1 Side 3

Side 2

Assume thickness of slab = 32 cm

Moment of inertia for Beams
For B6
Largest hmin = 36.9 cm, Take h= 40 cm
𝑏𝑏ℎ3 80∗403
Ib = = = 426666.67 cm4
12 12
For B15
Largest hmin=33.75 cm, Take h=40 cm
𝑏𝑏ℎ3 110∗403
Ib = = = 586666.67 cm4
12 12
For B16
Largest hmin= 27.03 cm, Take h=32 cm
𝑏𝑏ℎ3 80∗323
Ib = = = 218453.33 cm4
12 12
For B7
Largest hmin=30.4 cm, Take h=32 cm
𝑏𝑏ℎ3 60∗323
Ib = = = 163840 cm4
12 12
50 cm
Moment of inertia for rib
yc= = 22 cm
(50∗9)+(24∗10) 8 cm
Irib= (10*24 /12)+(10*24*(22-12)2)+( 50*83/12)+(50*8*(28-22)2)

= 52053.33 cm4 24 cm
Moment of inertia for slab 32 cm
Side 1 (B6, interior beam, bw=80cm)
. + +𝑏𝑏 52053.33 . + +80
4 10 cm
Is= = = 645461.33
𝑏𝑏 50

Side 2 (B15, interior beam, bw=110cm)

. + +𝑏𝑏 52053.33 . +110
Is= = = 754773.33
𝑏𝑏 50
Side 3 (B16, exterior beam, bw=80cm)
. +𝑏𝑏 52053.33 . +80
Is= = = 312320
𝑏𝑏 50

Side 4 (B7, interior beam, bw=60cm)

. + +𝑏𝑏 52053.33 . + +60
Is= = = 406016
𝑏𝑏 50

αf =
αf1 = = 0.66

αf2 = = 0.78

αf3 = = 0.7

αf4 = = = 0.4
0.66+0.4+0.7+0.78 , 6.9
αfm = = 0.64 < 2.0 , β= = = 1.57
4 , 4.4
(0.8 +
) 5400(0.8 + )
= 1400 = 1400 = 150.56 > 125 ( )
36 + 5 ( 0.2) 36 + 5(1.57)(0.64 0.2)
Assumed h= 320 mm > 150.56 mm (OK)
Therefore, h =32 cm

Therefore, For two-way slabs, h = 32 cm

bw of ribs = 10cm
Size of hollow block:
40cm x 20cm x 24 cm
Topping slab thickness, t = 32-24= 8 cm > l/12= 40/12= 3.3 cm
8 cm > 5 cm (OK)
Load calculations of beams
Load Calculations of Beams

B1 bw (cm) = 60 hmin= 29.7 cm, Take h= 32 cm

Ultimate weight of load from slab

Ultimate own weight of brick wall (20 cm) = 1.2×9.3 = 11.16 kN/m

B2 bw (cm) = 60 hmin= 31.25 cm, Take h=32 cm

No ultimate weight of load from slab

Ultimate own weight of brick wall (20 cm) = 1.2×9.3 = 11.16 kN/m

B3 bw (cm) = 80 hmin=31.25 cm, Take h=32 cm


No ultimate weight of load from slab

Ultimate own weight of brick wall (10 cm) = 1.2×5.6 = 6.72 kN/m
B4 bw (cm) = 80 hmin=31.25 cm, Take h=32 cm
Ultimate weight of load from slab

Ultimate own weight of brick wall (20 cm) = 1.2×9.3 = 11.16 kN/m

B5 bw (cm) = 110 hmin= 27.03 cm, Take h=32 cm

Ultimate weight of load from slab

Ultimate own weight of brick wall (20 cm) = 1.2×9.3 = 11.16 kN/m

B6 bw (cm) = 80 hmin= 36.9 cm, Take h= 40 cm

Ultimate own weight of beam stem below the slab = 1.2×(0.4 – 0.32)×0.2×25 = 0.48 kN/m
Ultimate weight of plaster on sides of beam = 1.2×(0.4-0.32)×0.015×2×21=0.06 kN/m
Ultimate weight of load from slab
Ultimate own weight of brick wall (20 cm) = 1.2×9.3 = 11.16 kN/m

B7 bw (cm) = 60 hmin= 30.4 cm, Take h=32 cm

Ultimate weight of load from slab

Ultimate own weight of brick wall (20 cm) = 1.2×9.3 = 11.16 kN/m

B8 bw (cm) = 120 hmin= 35.3 cm, Take h= 40 cm

Ultimate own weight of beam stem below the slab = 1.2×(0.4 – 0.32)×0.2×25 = 0.48 kN/m
Ultimate weight of plaster on sides of beam = 1.2×(0.4-0.32)×0.015×2×21=0.06 kN/m
Ultimate weight of load from slab
Ultimate own weight of brick wall (20 cm) = 1.2×9.3 = 11.16 kN/m

B9 bw (cm) = 80 hmin= 36.5 cm, Take h= 40 cm

Ultimate own weight of beam stem below the slab = 1.2×(0.4 – 0.32)×0.2×25 = 0.48 kN/m
Ultimate weight of plaster on sides of beam = 1.2×(0.4-0.32)×0.015×2×21=0.06 kN/m
Ultimate weight of load from slab

Ultimate own weight of brick wall (20 cm) = 1.2×9.3 = 11.16 kN/m

B10 bw (cm) =110 hmin=32.14 cm, Take h=40 cm

Ultimate own weight of beam stem below the slab = 1.2×(0.4 – 0.32)×0.2×25 = 0.48 kN/m
Ultimate weight of plaster on sides of beam = 1.2×(0.4-0.32)×0.015×2×21=0.06 kN/m
Ultimate weight of load from slab
Ultimate own weight of brick wall (20 cm) = 1.2×9.3 = 11.16 kN/m

B11 bw (cm) =85 hmin=35.3 cm, Take h= 40 cm

Ultimate own weight of beam stem below the slab = 1.2×(0.4 – 0.32)×0.2×25 = 0.48 kN/m
Ultimate weight of plaster on sides of beam = 1.2×(0.4-0.32)×0.015×2×21=0.06 kN/m
Ultimate weight of load from slab

Ultimate own weight of brick wall (20 cm) = 1.2×9.3 = 11.16 kN/m

B12 bw (cm) =110 hmin=23.4 cm, Take h=32 cm

Ultimate weight of load from slab

No partition wall under the beam

B13 bw (cm) =65 hmin =44.9 cm, Take h= 50 cm
Ultimate own weight of beam stem below the slab = 1.2×(0.5 – 0.32)×0.2×25 = 1.08 kN/m
Ultimate weight of plaster on sides of beam = 1.2×(0.5-0.32)×0.015×2×21=0.136 kN/m
Ultimate weight of load from slab

Ultimate own weight of brick wall (20 cm) = 1.2×9.3 = 11.16 kN/m

B14 bw (cm) =75 hmin =39.1 cm, Take h= 50 cm

Ultimate own weight of beam stem below the slab = 1.2×(0.5 – 0.32)×0.2×25 = 1.08 kN/m
Ultimate weight of plaster on sides of beam = 1.2×(0.5-0.32)×0.015×2×21=0.136 kN/m
Ultimate weight of load from slab

No partition wall under the beam

B15 bw (cm) =110 hmin =33.75 cm, Take h=40 cm

Ultimate own weight of beam stem below the slab = 1.2× (0.4 – 0.32)×0.2×25 = 0.48 kN/m
Ultimate weight of plaster on sides of beam = 1.2× (0.4-0.32)×0.015×2×21=0.06 kN/m
Ultimate weight of load from slab
Ultimate own weight of brick wall (20 cm) = 1.2×9.3 = 11.16 kN/m

B16 bw (cm) =80 hmin =27.03 cm, Take h=32 cm

Ultimate weight of load from slab

Ultimate own weight of brick wall (20 cm) =1.2×9.3 = 11.16 kN/m

B17 bw (cm) = 80 hmin =33.75 cm, Take h= 40 cm

Ultimate own weight of beam stem below the slab = 1.2× (0.4 – 0.32)×0.2×25 = 0.48 kN/m
Ultimate weight of plaster on sides of beam = 1.2× (0.4-0.32)×0.015×2×21=0.06 kN/m
Ultimate weight of load from slab

Ultimate own weight of brick wall (20 cm) = 1.2×9.3 = 11.16 kN/m

B18 bw (cm) = 60 hmin =29.7 cm, Take h= 32 cm

Ultimate weight of load from slab

Ultimate own weight of brick wall (20 cm) = 1.2×9.3 = 11.16 kN/m
Moment and Shear Analysis of Slab and Beams
Moment and Shear Analysis of Slab and Beams
Strip 1

Figure 1: Load on strip 1

𝑤𝑙 14.61∗5
Maximum Shear = 2
= 2
= 36.525 𝑘𝑁

𝑤𝑙 2 14.61∗52
Maximum Moment = = = 45.656 𝑘𝑁𝑚
8 8
2 2
Negative end moment = 𝑤𝑙 = 14.61 ∗ 5 = 15.219 𝑘𝑁𝑚
24 24

Strip 2



𝑤𝑙2 14.61 ∗ 3.52 (c) 𝑤𝑙2 15.35 ∗ 6.752

= = 7.457 𝑘𝑁𝑚 = = 29.141 𝑘𝑁𝑚
24 24 24 24

Figure 2:(a) load on the strip 2 (b) shear diagram of strip 2 (c) moment diagram of strip 2
Strip 3



𝑤𝑙2 15.35 ∗ 5.22 𝑤𝑙2 15.35 ∗ 6.62

= = 17.294 𝑘𝑁𝑚 (c) = = 27.86 𝑘𝑁𝑚
24 24 24 24
Figure 3:(a) load on the strip 3 (b) shear diagram of strip 3 (c) moment diagram of strip 3

Strip 4



𝑤𝑙2 15.35 ∗ 5.652 𝑤𝑙2 15.35 ∗ 5.22

= = 20.417 𝑘𝑁𝑚 = = 17.294 𝑘𝑁𝑚
24 24 24 24
Figure 4: (a) load on the strip 4 (b) shear diagram of strip 4 (c) moment diagram of strip 4
Strip 5



𝑤𝑙2 15.35 ∗ 5.22 𝑤𝑙2 15.35 ∗ 6.62

= 17.294 𝑘𝑁𝑚 (c) = = 27.86 𝑘𝑁𝑚
24 24
Figure 5: (a) load on the strip 5 (b) shear diagram of strip 5 (c) moment diagram of strip 5

Strip 6



𝑤𝑙2 14.61 ∗ 5.352

(c) 𝑤𝑙2 15.35 ∗ 4.332
= = 17.424 𝑘𝑁𝑚 = = 11.991 𝑘𝑁𝑚
24 24 24 24
Figure 6: (a) load on the strip 6 (b) shear diagram of strip 6 (c) moment diagram of strip 6
Strip 7



𝑤𝑙2 14.61 ∗ 5.22 𝑤𝑙2 14.61 ∗ 1.82

= = 16.461 𝑘𝑁𝑚 = = 1.972 𝑘𝑁𝑚
24 24 (c) 24 24

Figure 7: (a) load on the strip 7 (b) shear diagram of strip 7 (c) moment diagram of strip 7

Strip 8

Figure 8: Load on strip 8

𝑤𝑙 15.35∗5.34
Maximum Shear = 2
= 2
= 41 𝑘𝑁

𝑤𝑙 2 15.35∗5.342
Maximum Moment = 8
= 8
= 54.714 𝑘𝑁𝑚

𝑤𝑙2 15.35 ∗ 5.342

Negative end moment = = = 18.238 𝑘𝑁𝑚
24 24
Strip 9

Figure 9: Load on strip 9

𝑤𝑙 15.35∗5.51
Maximum Shear = 2
= 2
= 42.289 𝑘𝑁

𝑤𝑙 2 15.35∗5.512
Maximum Moment = 8
= 8
= 58.253 𝑘𝑁𝑚

𝑤𝑙2 15.35 ∗ 5.512

Negative end moment = = = 19.418 𝑘𝑁𝑚
24 24

Strip 10

Figure 10: Load on strip 10

𝑤𝑙 15.35∗5.2
Maximum Shear = 2
= 2
= 39.91 𝑘𝑁

𝑤𝑙 2 15.35∗5.22
Maximum Moment = 8
= 8
= 51.883 𝑘𝑁𝑚

𝑤𝑙2 15.35 ∗ 5.22

Negative end moment = = = 17.294 𝑘𝑁𝑚
24 24
Strip 11



𝑤𝑙2 15.35 ∗ 7.352 (c) 𝑤𝑙2 15.35 ∗ 5.22

= = 34.552 𝑘𝑁𝑚 = = 17.294 𝑘𝑁𝑚
24 24 24 24
Figure 11: (a) load on the strip 11 (b) shear diagram of strip 11 (c) moment diagram of strip 11
Beam 1

Load from partition walls: 11.16 kN/m



𝑤𝑙2 53.37 ∗ 5.512

𝑤𝑙2 47.69 ∗ 5.32 (c) = = 67.513 𝑘𝑁𝑚
= = 55.817 𝑘𝑁𝑚 24 24
24 24
Figure 12: (a) load on beam 1 (b) shear diagram of beam 1 (c) moment diagram of beam 1

Beam 2

Load from partition walls: 11.16 kN/m

Figure 13: Load on beam 2

𝑤𝑙 11.16∗5.2
Maximum Shear = 2
= 2
= 29.016 𝑘𝑁

𝑤𝑙 2 11.16∗5.22
Maximum Moment = = = 37.721 𝑘𝑁𝑚
8 8

𝑤𝑙2 11.16 ∗ 5.22

Negative end moment = = = 12.574 𝑘𝑁𝑚
24 24
Beam 3

Load from partition walls: 6.72 kN/m

Figure 14: Load on beam 3

𝑤𝑙 6.72∗5.2
Maximum Shear = 2
= 2
= 17.472 𝑘𝑁

𝑤𝑙 2 6.72∗5.22
Maximum Moment = 8
= 8
= 22.714 𝑘𝑁𝑚
𝑤𝑙2 6.72 ∗ 5.22
Negative end moment = = = 7.571 𝑘𝑁𝑚
24 24

Beam 4

Load from partition walls: 11.16 kN/m



Figure 15: (a) load on beam 4 (b) shear diagram of beam 4 (c) moment diagram of beam 4

𝑤𝑙2 51.07 × 5.22

Negative end moment = = = 57.538 𝑘𝑁𝑚
24 24
Beam 5

Load from partition walls: 11.16 kN/m



𝑤𝑙2 51.07 × 5.22 𝑤𝑙2 11.16 × 1.82

= = 57.538 𝑘𝑁𝑚 = = 1.5066 𝑘𝑁𝑚
24 24 24 24
Figure 16: (a) load on beam 5 (b) shear diagram of beam 5 (c) moment diagram of beam 5

Beam 6

Load from partition walls: 11.16 kN/m

Self-weight of beam: 0.48 kN/m

Weight of plaster: 0.06 kN/m



𝑤𝑙2 51.55 ∗ 1.762

𝑤𝑙2 51.55 ∗ 5.22 = = 6.653 𝑘𝑁𝑚
= = 58.08 𝑘𝑁𝑚 (c) 24 24
24 24
Figure 17: (a) load on beam 6 (b) shear diagram of beam 6 (c) moment diagram of beam 6
Beam 7
Load from partition walls: 11.16 kN/m



𝑤𝑙2 36.73 ∗ 5.652 𝑤𝑙2 66.52 ∗ 5.52

= = 48.855 𝑘𝑁𝑚 (c) = = 83.843 𝑘𝑁𝑚
24 24 24 24
Figure 18: (a) load on beam 7 (b) shear diagram of beam 7 (c) moment diagram of beam 7

Beam 8

Load from partition walls: 11.16 kN/m

Self-weight of beam: 0.48 kN/m

Weight of plaster: 0.06 kN/m



Figure 19: (a) load on beam 8 (b) shear diagram of beam 8 (c) moment diagram of beam 8
𝑤𝑙2 80.71 × 5.52
Negative end moment = = = 101.728 𝑘𝑁𝑚
24 24
Beam 9

Load from partition walls: 11.16 kN/m

Self-weight of beam: 0.48 kN/m

Weight of plaster: 0.06 kN/m



𝑤𝑙2 11.7 × 3.52 𝑤𝑙2 55.45 × 6.752

= = 5.971 𝑘𝑁𝑚 = = 105.268 𝑘𝑁𝑚
24 24 (c) 24 24

Figure 20: (a) load on beam 9 (b) shear diagram of beam 9 (c) moment diagram of beam 9

Beam 10
Load from partition walls: 11.16 kN/m

Self-weight of beam: 0.48 kN/m

Weight of plaster: 0.06 kN/m



𝑤𝑙2 11.64 ∗ 1.82 𝑤𝑙2 60.76 ∗ 2.42

= = 1.571 𝑘𝑁𝑚 (c) = = 14.582 𝑘𝑁𝑚
24 24 24 24
Figure 21: (a) load on beam 10 (b) shear diagram of beam 10 (c) moment diagram of beam 10
Beam 11

Load from partition walls: 11.16 kN/m

Self-weight of beam: 0.48 kN/m

Weight of plaster: 0.06 kN/m



Figure 22: (a) load on beam 11 (b) shear diagram of beam 11 (c) moment diagram of beam 11

2 2
Negative end moment = 𝑤𝑙 = 55.14 × 5.65 = 73.341 𝑘𝑁𝑚
24 24
Beam 12



𝑤𝑙2 49.89 ∗ 3.022

𝑤𝑙2 83.2 ∗ 4.332 = = 18.959 𝑘𝑁𝑚
= = 64.996 𝑘𝑁𝑚 (c) 24 24
24 24

Figure 23: (a) load on beam 12 (b) shear diagram of beam 12 (c) moment diagram of beam 12
Beam 13

Load from partition walls: 11.16 kN/m

Self-weight of beam: 1.08 kN/m

Weight of plaster: 0.136 kN/m



Figure 24: (a) load on beam 13 (b) shear diagram of beam 13 (c) moment diagram of beam 13

2 2
Negative end moment = 𝑤𝑙 = 49.587 × 7.19 = 106.81 𝑘𝑁𝑚
24 24
Beam 14

Self-weight of beam: 1.08 kN/m

Weight of plaster: 0.136 kN/m




Figure 25: (a) load on beam 14 (b) shear diagram of beam 14 (c) moment diagram of beam 14

𝑤𝑙2 33.146 ∗ 6.252

Negative end moment = = = 53.949 𝑘𝑁𝑚
24 24
Beam 15

Load from partition walls: 11.16 kN/m

Self-weight of beam: 0.48 kN/m

Weight of plaster: 0.06 kN/m



Figure 26: (a) load on beam 15 (b) shear diagram of beam 15 (c) moment diagram of beam 15

𝑤𝑙2 51.61 × 5.182

Negative end moment = = = 57.700 𝑘𝑁𝑚
24 24
Beam 16
Load from partition walls: 11.16 kN/m



𝑤𝑙2 49.54 ∗ 52 𝑤𝑙2 51.07 ∗ 1.652

= = 51.604 𝑘𝑁𝑚 = = 5.793 𝑘𝑁𝑚
24 24 24 24
Figure 27:(a) load on beam 16 (b) shear diagram of beam 16 (c) moment diagram of beam 16

Beam 17
Load from partition walls: 11.16 kN/m

Self-weight of beam: 0.48 kN/m

Weight of plaster: 0.06 kN/m



Figure 28: (a) load on beam 17 (b) shear diagram of beam 17 (c) moment diagram of beam 17

𝑤𝑙2 53.3 × 5.42

Negative end moment = = = 64.7595 𝑘𝑁𝑚
24 24
Beam 18

Load from partition walls: 11.16 kN/m



𝑤𝑙2 47.69 ∗ 5.32 𝑤𝑙2 66.68 ∗ 5.512
= = 55.817 𝑘𝑁𝑚 = = 84.35 𝑘𝑁𝑚
24 24 24 24
Figure 29: (a) load on beam 18 (b) shear diagram of beam 18 (c) moment diagram of beam 18

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