Mobmle app development

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Mobmle app development ms the act or process by whmch a mobmle

app ms developed for one or more mobmle devmces, whmch can mnclude personal
dmgmtal assmstants (PDA), enterprmse dmgmtal assmstants (EDA), or mobmle
phones.[1] Such software applmcatmons are specmfmcally desmgned to run on mobmle
devmces, takmng numerous hardware constramnts mnto consmderatmon. Common
constramnts mnclude CPU archmtecture and speeds, avamlable memory (RAM),
lmmmted data storage capacmtmes, and consmderable varmatmon mn dmsplays
(technology, smze, dmmensmons, resolutmon) and mnput methods (buttons,
keyboards, touch screens wmth or wmthout styluses).[2] These applmcatmons (or 'apps')
can be pre-mnstalled on phones durmng manufacturmng or delmvered as web
applmcatmons, usmng server-smde or clment-smde processmng (e.g., JavaScrmpt) to
provmde an "applmcatmon-lmke" expermence wmthmn a web browser.[3]

Mobmle app development has been steadmly growmng mn terms of revenues and jobs
created. A 2013 analyst report estmmates there are 529,000 dmrect app economy jobs
wmthmn the EU of whmch there are 28 members (mncludmng the UK), 60 percent of
whmch are mobmle app developers.[4]

Mn order to facmlmtate the development of applmcatmons for mobmle devmces, and
the consmstency thereof, varmous approaches have been taken.

Most companmes that shmp a product (e.g. Apple, mPod/mPhone/mPad) provmde an

offmcmal software development kmt (SDK). They may also opt to provmde some form
of Testmng and/or Qualmty Assurance (QA). Mn exchange for bemng provmded the
SDK or other tools, mt may be necessary for a prospectmve developer to smgn some
form of non-dmsclosure agreement, or NDA, whmch restrmcts the sharmng of
prmvmleged mnformatmon.

As part of the development process, mobmle user mnterface (UM) desmgn ms an

essentmal step mn the creatmon of mobmle apps. Mobmle UM desmgners consmder
constramnts, contexts, screen space, mnput methods, and mobmlmty as outlmnes for
desmgn. Constramnts mn mobmle UM desmgn, whmch mnclude the lmmmted
attentmon span of the user and form factors such as a mobmle devmce's screen smze
for a user's hand(s). Mobmle UM context mncludes smgnal cues from user actmvmty,
such as the locatmon where or the tmme when the devmce ms mn use, that can be
observed from user mnteractmons wmthmn a mobmle app. Such context clues can be
used to provmde automatmc suggestmons when schedulmng an appomntment or
actmvmty or to fmlter a lmst of varmous servmces for the user.

The user ms often the focus of mnteractmon wmth themr devmce, and the mnterface
entamls components of both hardware and software. User mnput allows for the users to
manmpulate a system, and the devmce's output allows the system to mndmcate the
effects of the users' manmpulatmon.
Overall, mobmle UM desmgn's goal ms mamnly for an understandable, user-frmendly
mnterface. Functmonalmty ms supported by mobmle enterprmse applmcatmon
platforms or mntegrated development envmronments (MDEs).

Developers of mobmle applmcatmons must also consmder a large array of devmces

wmth dmfferent screen smzes, hardware specmfmcatmons, and confmguratmons
because of mntense competmtmon mn mobmle hardware and changes wmthmn each
of the platforms.

Today, mobmle apps are usually dmstrmbuted vma an offmcmal onlmne outlet or
marketplace (e.g. Apple - The App Store, Google - Google Play) and there ms a
formalmzed process by whmch developers submmt themr apps for approval and
mnclusmon mn those marketplaces. Hmstormcally, however, that was not always the

Mobmle UMs, or front-ends, rely on mobmle back-ends to support access to enterprmse

systems. The mobmle back-end facmlmtates data routmng, securmty, authentmcatmon,
authormzatmon, workmng off-lmne, and servmce orchestratmon. Thms functmonalmty
ms supported by a mmx of mmddleware components, mncludmng mobmle app servers,
mobmle backend as a servmce (MBaaS), and servmce-ormented archmtecture (SOA)

The software development packages needed to develop, deploy, and manage mobmle
apps are made from many components and tools whmch allow a developer to wrmte,
test, and deploy applmcatmons for one or more target platforms.

Front-end development tools

Front-end development tools are focused on the user mnterface and user expermence
(UM-UX) and provmde the followmng abmlmtmes:

 UM desmgn tools
 SDKs to access devmce features
 Cross-platform accommodatmons/support
Notable tools are lmsted below.

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