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A salvia

1.Are the following are anting presenting cell APC except:

a) T cell (lymphocyte)

b) Macrophage

c) Dendritic cell

d) B cell

2.Which initiator caspases play a central a roll in the intrinsic pathway?

a) Caspase 3

b) Caspase 10

c)Caspase 9

d)Caspase 8

3.What is the most likely mutation that occurred in the gene of the mutant?

a) Silent

b) Dilation

d) Frameshift

d) Missense

4. Tumors develop according to a specify order off cellar changes. What is most likely order of
these cellular changes in tumor development?

a) Normal-Hiperplasia-Displasia-neoplasia-metástases

b) Normal-neoplasia-displasia-hiperplasia-metástases


d) Normal-displasia-hiperplasia- neoplasia-metástases

5.Of some gens both alleles need to be affected in order to play a role in oncogeneses. One off
these gene is:

a) Transcription factor genes

b) Oncogenes

c) Tumor suppressor genes

d) Growth factor gene

6. Sickle cell anemia is caused by:

a) Frameshift mutation

b) point mutation

d) deletion mutation
c) insertion mutation

7.Risk factor for breast cancer include:

a) young age at menarche

b) young age at first birth

c) young age

d) young age at menopause

8.What is the rule off pRB during the cell cicle

a) Non off above

b) it has non effect on the cell cycle

c) it inhibits the cell cycle when it becomes phosphorylated

d) it stimulates the cell cycle when it became phosphorylated

9. A malign tumor from smooth muscles belongs to a particular group. This is the group off the:

a) Sarcoma

b) Lymphoma

c) Melanoma

d) Carcinoma

10. The model off functioning off tumor suppressor genes, this is the (two hypothesis)

Of Knudson is based on:

a) A mutation in both allele is required

b) Development off rare tumors in both eyes of breast

c) Chance of e benign tumor in a malignant tumor after the second hit

d) The two new mutations as first step in tumor development

11.Dna consists of two DNA strands, which are named the lagging and leading strand. Which of
the following distinguishes lagging strand from leading strand syntheses during repletion

A (Requirement for DNA polymerase

b) 5 to 3 directions

c) Okazaki fragment

d) requirement for DNA helicase

12. An off the following substances is at regulated by p53

a) p21

b) p15

d) Cdk 4

13. Absence telomerase expression prevent cells from doing wich of the following?

a) Diving indefinity

b) incorrect sinteses of the leading strand of dna

c) incorrect reguatio off the cell cic

d) Mismatch mutation

14. The translocation t (9;22) is associated with a certain form o leukemia

a) Acute myeloid leukemia

b) Chronic myeloid leukemia

c) chronic lymphatic leukemia

d) Acute lymphatic leukemia

15. Which tumor is most likely to have mesenchymal origin;

a) lymphoma

b) Adenocarcinoma

c) leukemia

d) Carcinoma

16.Malign tumor from smooth muscle cells belongs to a particular group. This is the group of

a) Sarcoma

b) carcinoma

c) lymphoma

d) Melanoma

17. Transcription factors play a role in the gene transcription process; they regulate

A) Binding of RNA polymerase to DNA

b) An accelerated degradation of proteins

c) the velocity of duplication of DNA

d) An accelerated production of proteins

18. A síndrome de Down e causada por uma anomalia cromossómica em que o portador
apresenta celuas com três cromossomos do número 21. O afetado apresenta geralmente baixa
pescoço relativamente curto, olhos oblíquos, mãos curtos largos, entre outras características,
essa síndrome e um exemplo de
a) duplicação

b) Deleção

c) euploidia

d) Anapleodia

19. which of the following HPV types is more likely to find in cervical cancers.

a) HPV-31

b) HPV- 16

c) HPV- 18

d) HPV-18, e 31

20. Which of following statement about extra cellular signaling is wrong?

a) the signal is called the ligand

b) the ligand-receptor interaction induces a conformational or shape-change in the receptor

c) the ligand binds to its specific receptor on a target cell

d) it never produces a specific response

21. Fibroblasts are:

a) Bone cells

b) connective tissue cells

c) Glandular cells

d) muscular cells

22. Regulatory T-cells

a) Activate T-cell

b) Stimulate auto- immunity

c) Activate B-cells

d) Protect against auto -immunity

23. About the promotor is true to say that:

a) it’s a sequence of ribonucleotides that indicates where to start DA replication

b) the DNA polymerase recognize this DNA sequence by making specific contacts with the
portions so the basis

c) it’s a sequence of ribonucleotides that indicates where to start RNA transcription

d) special sequence of nucleotides indicating the point of RNA synthesis

24.what is the right answer about process of angiogenesis?

a) it’s induced by p53

b) it’s inhibited by bcl-2

c) it’s induced by VFGF (Vascular Endothelial growth factor)

d) it’s inhibited by p53

25. DNA transcription in eucaryotic calls take place in a determinate place. This is

a) in the cytoplasm

b) In the rough endoplasmic reticulum

c) in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum

d) in the nucleus

26. Most of the cancerous cells develop an auto-sufficient development through

a) Escaping apoptosis

b) Autocrie signaling

c) Paracrine signaling

d) Endocrine signaling

27. All of the following are 2nd messenger Except:

a) Raf1

b) Phospholipase

c) Ras family protein

d) Epidermal Growth Factor

28. OF number of genes, it is known that they are suppressor genes. Wich on of the following
is not a suppressor gene?

a) p53

b) TGF- beta (Transforming growth factor-beta)

c) p16

d) Erb-B2

29. THE RNA Messenger( RNAm)

A. carry the genetic code to the cytoplasm

b) carry the activated amino acids to the ribosomes

c) it’s a molecule of RNA of simple strand with 21-31 nucleotides which can regulate the

d) form the ribosomes

30. The cri du chat syndrome is caused by:

a) deletion of 4p

b) insertion of 5p

c) insertion of 4p

d) deletion of 5p

31. Inactivation of one the following genes is seen as one of the first steps in colon carcinoma

a) APC

b) p27

c) p53

d) BRCA-1

32. No aleli Is:

a) A specific member of a gene family

b) A mutated form a gene

c) A mutated form a gene family

d) A specific form of a gene

33. Steroid hormones can influence DNA transcription in direct way. They do this via

a) interaction with an intracellular receptor

b) interaction with the cell membrane receptor

c) binding to cyclic AMP

d) binding directly to DNA

34. the RNA and protein synthesis occurs in

a) G1 Phase

b) G2 Phase

c) S Phase

d) M Phase

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