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EXCELLENCE Journal of English and English Education p-ISSN: 2807-6389

Volume 2 | Number 2 | December | 2022 e-ISSN: 2807-2103

English Education Study Program, FKIP UNIVA Medan



Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, FKIP, Universitas Alwashliyah, Medan

Wiki Tedi Rahmawati

Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, FKIP, Universitas Alwashliyah, Medan

Yunita Mutiara Harahap

Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, FKIP, Universitas Alwashliyah, Medan


The objective of this research was to find out the effect of QAR strategy towards reading comprehension
on descriptive text. Experimental design was applied in this research. The population and sample of this
research were the eighth grade students of SMP Swasta Dwi Tunggal Tanjung Morawa with total number
of students was 60. Class VIII-A was the experimental class and class VIII-B was the control class. Each
class consisted of 30 students. The cluster random sampling with lottery technique was applied to decide
the sample group. The instrument of collecting the data was multiple choice tests consisted of 30 items.
To obtain the reliability of the test, Kuder Richardson 21 (KR-21) formula was applied and Biserial Point
Correlation formula was used to calculate the validity. The t-test was used for the data analysis and it was
obtained that t-observed (8.601) was higher than t-table (2.001) with level of significance 0.05 and df =
58. The hypothesis testing proved that alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and null hypothesis (Ho)
was rejected. Thus, it was concluded that the Question Answer Relationship (QAR) Strategy significantly
affected the students’ reading comprehension on descriptive text.

Keywords: Question Answer Relationship (QAR) Strategy, reading comprehension, descriptive text


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh strategi QAR terhadap pemahaman membaca
teks deskriti. Peneltian ini menggunakan desain eksperimental. Populasi dan sampel penelitian ini adalah
siswa kelas delapan SMP Swasta Dwi Tunggal Tanjung Morawa dengan jumlah keseluruhan 60 siswa.
Kelas VIII-A adalah kelass eksperimen dan kelas VIII-B adalah kelas kontrol. Masing-masing kelas
terdiri dari 30 siswa. Sampel klaster acak dengan teknik lotre digunakan untuk memilih kelompok
sampel. Instrumen pengumpulan data adalah tes pilihan berganda berjumlah 30 butir. Reliabilitas tes
dihitung menggunakan rumus Kuder Richardson 21 (KR-21) dan rumus Biserial Point Correlation
formula digunakan untuk menghitung validitas tes. Uji-T digunakan untuk analisis data dan diperoleh
bahwa t-hitung (8.601) lebih tinggi dari t-tabel (2.001) dengan level signifikan 0.05 dan df = 58. Uji
hipotesis membuktikan bahwa hipotesis alternatif (Ha) diterima dan hipotesis null (Ho) ditolak. Dengan
demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa strategi Question Answer Relationship (QAR) secara signifikan
mempengaruhi pemahaman membaca teks deskriptif siswa.

Kata kunci : Strategi Question Answer Relationship (QAR), pemahaman membaca, teks deskriptif

EXCELLENCE Journal of English and English Education p-ISSN: 2807-6389
Volume 2 | Number 2 | December | 2022 e-ISSN: 2807-2103

English Education Study Program, FKIP UNIVA Medan

A. Introduction mostly they do not understand the content,

although the teacher has given them time to
Although the reading purpose is very comprehend the text. Even, after the time
essential, students still have difficulty in given to read a passage has finished, some
comprehending a passage. According to students still ask the teacher about the text. It
Astuti (2021) wrote that reading is the means that students do not comprehend the
activity to obtain and understand the passage well. This situation leads the
information from written resources. While students achieve low score in English tests,
Nurhayati, Muslem, and Manan (2019), especially in reading comprehension tests.
reading can be said as an activity that aims Reading comprehension is the mental
to find, to see, and to understand the process by which readers take the word
contents of a reading or writing. She also encoded by a writer and use them to
added that reading is one of the basic skills construct an interpretation of what they
that must be taught to make students skillful think the writer intended convey. Reading
in decoding a message or information carries refers to the understanding the information
out. In line with the concept of decoding, presented in written form. Reading involves
Pratiwi (2020) also explained that reading students’ prior knowledge, experience and
text which presents letters, word, sentences, vocabulary. Astuti (2021) Some studies of
and paragraphs encodes meaning. In the reading prove that the important part of
reading process, the readers use knowledge, teaching reading is background knowledge
skills, and strategies to determine what the of the students, what is learned and recalled
meaning encrypted in the text. Thus, reading or what they have already known.
comprehension more relates to decode the The objective of this research was set
meaning of the text. up after identifying several problems in the
For Indonesian students who want to research location such as the students had
learn and speak English as a foreign difficulties in comprehending a passage,
language fluently, reading comprehension is students were lack in vocabulary, students
one important key they should achieve. In were not used to read an English passage,
line with this, if students do not comprehend students had difficulties in understanding the
what they read, it means they just only read content of reading text, and students had
or see word one by one without grasping the difficulty in finding answer of the questions
information or the content of the reading from the reading text. Their score is below
text. If students read the written text by 70, which is far from the KKM of English
catching and comprehending the meaning of subject that is 75.
the text being read, then it is called reading. Research conducted by Pratiwi (2020)
The aim of reading comprehension is to get tried to solve almost the same problems such
better understanding while reading a text as students unable to answer questions of
(Anggraini, 2021). reading text because they were unable to
As stated as well in Kurikulum 2013 comprehend where the information was.
in Indonesia, it is said that reading Besides that, students' reading ability was
comprehension is the main focus of reading low because of lacking vocabulary and most
activity in English. This means that reading students only looked up the meaning of the
comprehension is essential in education. In unfamiliar words in dictionary and lazy to
the eighth grade level, students have to memorize them. They also lack of interest to
comprehend some types of text, such as learn to read the correct English word. They
narrative, descriptive, recount, report, also felt not interested in reading the
procedure, etc. materials given because sometimes they
However, understanding a text can be were difficult to read. The method used also
difficult. Commonly the students are lack of added the problems. Teacher only gave
reading comprehension that causes the monotonous lessons and applied the same
students difficult to grasp and find important learning method every week. Students felt
information contained in a text. When lazy to pay attention what the teacher
students are given a passage to be read, explained. Nurhayati, Muslem, and Manan

EXCELLENCE Journal of English and English Education p-ISSN: 2807-6389
Volume 2 | Number 2 | December | 2022 e-ISSN: 2807-2103

English Education Study Program, FKIP UNIVA Medan

(2019) also emphasized that teacher’s and the relationship between questions and
teaching strategies are believed as the main answers. Quoting from NBSS website, QAR
factor in students’ failure in reading shows students the relationship between
comprehension. They described the way questions and answers, how to categorize
how the teachers commonly asked students different types and levels of questions (Right
to read individually, read aloud, translate There, Think and Search; the Author and
sentences one by one, or answered questions You and On My Own questions), as well as
based on reading texts. Those activities were how the text does not have all the answers.
considered unsuitable in the context of NBSS website also displays how to teach
learning reading. In the end, this way of using QAR which includes 4 steps.
teaching affected the students’ motivation.
Therefore, besides the technique or strategy STEP 1
or method used in teaching learning reading Introduce the strategy showing the
comprehension, appropriate texts given by relationship of the Questions to Answers. An
teachers are another factor which should be enlarged chart of this can be hung in the
taken into consideration. classroom where students can refer to it.
A certain strategy is needed to make
teaching process more effective in teaching STEP 2
reading comprehension. There is a need for Create QAR questions from small sections
teachers to teach comprehension strategy to of text (not longer than five sentences) for
help students read with understanding and each of the four levels. Using these
hope to choose appropriate techniques in questions, model how each level of the QAR
their teaching learning process. Because of questions can be identified and answered.
the importance of this skill, there are many Discuss the differences between questions
ways to improve the students’ reading and using the class textbook and subject exam
comprehend a passage. One of them is using papers.
Question Answer Relationship (QAR) • Right There: the answer is found in the
strategy. Related to this idea, it is supposed text, usually as a phrase contained within
that this strategy will help students to one sentence.
understand the different types of questions • Think and Search: while the answer is in
and know how to approach the text based on the text, the student is required to combine
the different question types effectively and separate sections or pieces of text to answer
efficiently. the question.
Question Answer Relationship (QAR) • Author and You: as the answer is not
is strategy developed by T.E Raphael directly stated in the text, the student draws
(1986). Quoting from internet website on prior knowledge as well as what the QAR is a questioning author has written to answer the question.
strategy emphasizes that a relationship exists • On Your Own: requires students to think
between the question, the text, and the about what is already known from their
background of the reader. In this strategy, reading and experience (prior knowledge) to
students are taught to use four formulate an answer.
question/answer relationships (QAR’s) to
find the information they need to answer the STEP 3
question. Nurhayati, Muslem, and Manan Give the students sample questions to
(2019) concluded that QAR strategy is a answer in small groups and identify which
teaching strategy that assists students relates of the QAR levels they used.
their prior knowledge to the information
provided in the text. Nadia (2014) wrote that STEP 4
QAR strategy refers to a series of Have students work individually on
instructional activities that help students questions from longer passages. Get students
figure out how to go about answering to examine the types of questions in their
questions based on a given text and textbooks.
understand different types of questioning

EXCELLENCE Journal of English and English Education p-ISSN: 2807-6389
Volume 2 | Number 2 | December | 2022 e-ISSN: 2807-2103

English Education Study Program, FKIP UNIVA Medan

Quoting from Baqi (2019), here is the B. Research Method

simple diagram of the steps conducting
QAR strategy. In this diagram, it is clearly The research was conducted by using
seen that there are two separate parts when experimental research design. This research
using this strategy. In part ”In The Book” used two different classes to collect the data
there are two steps carried out by the and these classes were used to arrange the
students while in part ”In Your Head” there sample group. They were control group and
are also two steps carried out the students as experimental group. QAR Strategy was
well. This diagram shows that there is applied in the experimental group. On the
difference source of information processed other hand, in control group, the
by the students using QAR strategy. conventional teaching strategy was given in
which the students were taught in the same
Figure 1 Diagram of QAR Strategy way as they were usually taught. The
research design is illustrated in the following

Table 1 Research Design

Group Pre- Treat- Post-

test ment test
Question Answer Relationship (QAR) Experiment QAR
strategy helps the students to clarify and Control -
comprehend what they are reading in the
text encourages students to learn how to From the table, it can be seen that
answer questions better. QAR strategy also both group were given pre-test as a
gives the advantages that help students to preliminary test to gather information about
understand how to differ types of students’ background knowledge in reading
information from the text and from their comprehension. Then, the treatment was
own knowledge. This strategy is expected to conducted for each group. The post-test was
be able to organize the students’ motivation administered to both groups after conducting
to be more interested in reading. It is also the treatment.
expected can improve their reading The population of this research was
comprehension. the eighth grade students of Perguruan SMP
Considering through many references Swasta Dwi Tunggal Tanjung Morawa,
about strategy applied for reading Medan with the total number of students was
comprehension, Question Answer 60 students. It consisted of VIII-A class with
Relationship (QAR) Strategy appears to be 30 students and VIII-B class with 30
one of the suitable strategy. Therefore, based students. According to Arikunto (2006) if
on the problems of this current research the subject is less than one hundred it is
elaborated above, it was decided to conduct better to take the entire subject; if the subject
a research using Question Answer is more than hundred it can be taken
Relationship (QAR) Strategy on students’ between 10-15% or 20-25% or more than
reading comprehension. It was aimed to find will be taken. The following table showed
out the effectiveness of Question Answer the population and sample taken.
Relationship (QAR) strategy for students
reading comprehension. This research Table 2 Population and Sample
hypothesis was formulated as follows:
Ha : The QAR Strategy is effective in No. Class Population Sample
the teaching reading comprehension 1 VIII-A 30 30
Ho : The QAR strategy is not effective
2 VIII-B 30 30
in the teaching reading comprehension
Total 60 60

EXCELLENCE Journal of English and English Education p-ISSN: 2807-6389
Volume 2 | Number 2 | December | 2022 e-ISSN: 2807-2103

English Education Study Program, FKIP UNIVA Medan

The cluster random sampling with a

lottery technique was used to determine the
group division whether it was experimental
group or control group. The two classes
were selected out randomly by using lottery
technique. The names of the two classes The research procedures were
were written on a piece of lottery paper for conducted in three steps namely pre-test,
each, and then the papers were taken treatment, and post-test.
randomly. The first class taken was 1. Pre-test
experimental group and the second one Pre-test was given with the intention to find
taken was control group. out whether there were students who already
The instrument for collecting data in know about the material to be taught. Pre-
this research was reading text completed test can also be interpreted as an activity to
with question as test. The test consisted of test the level of students' knowledge of the
some reading passage and 30 multiple material to be delivered. Pre-test activity
choice questions. The same test was was carried out before giving the teaching
administered to both groups in pre-test and activities. The questions asked were the
post-test. Before giving the test to the groups material that was taught that day (new
as research instruments, the test already has material). The questions were usually done
been validated through validity and by the teacher at the beginning of the
reliability test. According to Best and Khan opening lesson. The benefit of holding a pre-
(2002) validity is the ability of the test to test was to find out the students' initial
measure what it is supposed to measure. abilities regarding the lessons delivered. By
This research used content validity to knowing the students' initial abilities, the
measure the test. Content validity is a matter researcher as the teacher was able to
of determining whether the sample is determine how to deliver the lessons that
representative of the large universe and was taken later.
supposed to present. Biserial Point 2. Treatment
Correlation was applied to calculate the Treatment was conducted for both
validity of the test. Below is the formula of experimental group and control group. Both
Biserial Point Correlation. groups were administered in two meetings
for the treatment. The experimental group
was taught by using Question Answer
Relationship (QAR) strategy while the
control group was taught by applying
The reliability of the test concerns conventional strategy.
with its precession as a measuring 3. Post-test
instruments or it can be said the reliability Post-test was conducted for both groups
refers to the consistency of the after the treatment. The post-test was exactly
measurement. To obtain the reliability of the the same as the pre-test. It was intended to
test, Kuder-Richardason 21 formula (KR-21) find out the mean scores of experimental and
was used in this research. Below shall be the control group.
C. Result and Discussion

Based on the detail scores of pre-test

and post-test obtained for experimental
To analyze the data in order to find group with total number of 30 students, it
out the difference means of scores of both was achieved the lowest score of the pre-test
experimental and control group, the T-test was 43 and the highest score was 73 while
formula used is written below. the lowest score of post-test was 80 and the
highest score was 96. The average score
then was calculated and it was obtained that

EXCELLENCE Journal of English and English Education p-ISSN: 2807-6389
Volume 2 | Number 2 | December | 2022 e-ISSN: 2807-2103

English Education Study Program, FKIP UNIVA Medan

the average score of pre-test was 54.36 and higher than the t-table (2.690> 1.76). The
the average score of post-test was 86.73 for hypothesis testing proved that null
experimental group. hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and the
While in control group, with total alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted.
number of 30 students, it was achieved the Another research by Anggun (2017)
lowest score of pre-test was 30 and the concluded that this strategy was effective to
highest score was 70 while the lowest score teach reading. There was significant
of post-test was 60 and the highest score was different between experimental and control
83. The average score was calculated and group seeing from the hypothesis result. She
obtained 53.06 for pre-test and 70.73 for concluded that QAR strategy could improve
post-test. students’ reading comprehension. Besides,
In order to complete the data needed students could learn by working in groups
for T-test, then the mean score of both and more active in discussion when they
groups was calculated along with the used QAR strategy. Anggraini (2020) also
deviation. It was obtained the mean score of revealed the same result. She compared the
experimental group was 32.36 with value of t-table and t-test and obtained that t-
deviation value was 1730.97 while the mean test was higher than the t-table (2.690>
score of control group was 17.66 and the 1.76). Thus, the null hypothesis (Ho) was
deviation value was 1092.67 respectively. rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha)
Obtaining those values, the calculation of T- was accepted.
test was conducted thoroughly. The value of In conclusion, all the research
T-observed was 8.601 and this value was mentioned above resulted that Question
compared to the value of T-table by Answer Relationship Strategy was effective
conducting the hypothesis testing. in teaching reading comprehension.
The hypothesis testing aimed to show
the result of the analysis. In this research, D. Conclusion and Suggestion
the T-table value was obtained from the
standard value of t-distribution table under Based on the data obtained, it was
the level of significance 0.05 and degree of concluded that the Question Answer
freedom (df) 58. The T-observed and T-table Relationship (QAR) strategy significantly
then were compered as shown below. affected the students’ reading
T-observed > T-table comprehension on descriptive text. There
8.601 > 2.001 was a significant difference of mean score
The value of T-observed was higher obtained by experimental group (32.36) and
than the value of T-table. Therefore, it can control group (17.66). The result of
be concluded that there was a significant calculation by employing T-test formula
effect on students’ reading comprehension showed that T-observed value was higher
of descriptive text by using QAR strategy. than T-table value (8.601 > 2.001) at level of
This meant that the alternative hypothesis significance 0.05 with degree freedom (df)
(Ha) which stated that QAR strategy 58. It was concluded that alternative
significantly affected the students’ reading hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and null
comprehension in descriptive text was hypothesis (Ho) was rejected.
accepted and the null Hypothesis (Ho) In line with the conclusion, here are
stating that QAR Strategy did not some suggestions to be offered from this
significantly affect students’ reading research. First, the English teacher should
comprehension in descriptive text was give more attention to students’ motivation
successfully rejected. and stimulate the students to make the
Others previous research with the activity of reading as a pleasure time
same topics also concluded the same result. while applying QAR. Second, students will
A research conducted by Anggrain, Afriani, be more active in the class when they are
and Riswanto (2020) described the data taught by QAR Strategy because it relates
analysis by using t-test obtained that t-test with their prior knowledge while they are
was 2.690 and t-table was 1.76; thus, t-test is obtaining information by reading.

EXCELLENCE Journal of English and English Education p-ISSN: 2807-6389
Volume 2 | Number 2 | December | 2022 e-ISSN: 2807-2103

English Education Study Program, FKIP UNIVA Medan

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