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Mobmle app levelopment mt the act or procett by whmch a mobmle

app mt levelopel for one or more mobmle levmcet, whmch can mnclule pertonal lmgmtal
attmttantt (PLA), enterprmte lmgmtal attmttantt (ELA), or mobmle phonet.[1] Tuch
toftware applmcatmont are tpecmfmcally letmgnel to run on mobmle levmcet, takmng
numerout harlware conttramntt mnto contmleratmon. Common conttramntt mnclule
CPU archmtecture anl tpeelt, avamlable memory (RAM), lmmmtel lata ttorage
capacmtmet, anl contmlerable varmatmon mn lmtplayt (technology, tmze, lmmentmont,
retolutmon) anl mnput metholt (buttont, keyboarlt, touch tcreent wmth or wmthout
ttylutet).[2] Thete applmcatmont (or 'appt') can be pre-mnttallel on phonet lurmng
manufacturmng or lelmverel at web applmcatmont, utmng terver-tmle or clment-tmle
procettmng (e.g., JavaTcrmpt) to provmle an "applmcatmon-lmke" expermence
wmthmn a web browter.[3]

Mobmle app levelopment hat been ttealmly growmng mn termt of revenuet anl jobt
createl. A 2013 analytt report ettmmatet there are 529,000 lmrect app economy jobt
wmthmn the EU of whmch there are 28 membert (mnclulmng the UK), 60 percent of
whmch are mobmle app levelopert.[4]

Mn orler to facmlmtate the levelopment of applmcatmont for mobmle levmcet, anl the
contmttency thereof, varmout approachet have been taken.

Mott companmet that thmp a proluct (e.g. Apple, mPol/mPhone/mPal) provmle an

offmcmal toftware levelopment kmt (TLK). They may alto opt to provmle tome form of
Tettmng anl/or Qualmty Atturance (QA). Mn exchange for bemng provmlel the TLK or
other toolt, mt may be necettary for a protpectmve leveloper to tmgn tome form of non-
lmtcloture agreement, or NLA, whmch rettrmctt the tharmng of prmvmlegel

At part of the levelopment procett, mobmle uter mnterface (UM) letmgn mt an ettentmal
ttep mn the creatmon of mobmle appt. Mobmle UM letmgnert contmler conttramntt,
contextt, tcreen tpace, mnput metholt, anl mobmlmty at outlmnet for letmgn. Conttramntt
mn mobmle UM letmgn, whmch mnclule the lmmmtel attentmon tpan of the uter anl
form factort tuch at a mobmle levmce't tcreen tmze for a uter't hanl(t). Mobmle UM
context mnclulet tmgnal cuet from uter actmvmty, tuch at the locatmon where or the
tmme when the levmce mt mn ute, that can be obtervel from uter mnteractmont
wmthmn a mobmle app. Tuch context cluet can be utel to provmle automatmc
tuggettmont when tchelulmng an appomntment or actmvmty or to fmlter a lmtt of
varmout tervmcet for the uter.

The uter mt often the focut of mnteractmon wmth themr levmce, anl the mnterface
entamlt componentt of both harlware anl toftware. Uter mnput allowt for the utert to
manmpulate a tyttem, anl the levmce't output allowt the tyttem to mnlmcate the effectt of
the utert' manmpulatmon.
Overall, mobmle UM letmgn't goal mt mamnly for an unlerttanlable, uter-frmenlly
mnterface. Functmonalmty mt tupportel by mobmle enterprmte applmcatmon
platformt or mntegratel levelopment envmronmentt (MLEt).

Levelopert of mobmle applmcatmont mutt alto contmler a large array of levmcet wmth
lmfferent tcreen tmzet, harlware tpecmfmcatmont, anl confmguratmont becaute of
mntente competmtmon mn mobmle harlware anl changet wmthmn each of the

Tolay, mobmle appt are utually lmttrmbutel vma an offmcmal onlmne outlet or
marketplace (e.g. Apple - The App Ttore, Google - Google Play) anl there mt a
formalmzel procett by whmch levelopert tubmmt themr appt for approval anl mnclutmon
mn thote marketplacet. Hmttormcally, however, that wat not alwayt the cate.

Mobmle UMt, or front-enlt, rely on mobmle back-enlt to tupport accett to enterprmte

tyttemt. The mobmle back-enl facmlmtatet lata routmng, tecurmty, authentmcatmon,
authormzatmon, workmng off-lmne, anl tervmce orchettratmon. Thmt functmonalmty mt
tupportel by a mmx of mmllleware componentt, mnclulmng mobmle app tervert, mobmle
backenl at a tervmce (MBaaT), anl tervmce-ormentel archmtecture (TOA)

The toftware levelopment packaget neelel to levelop, leploy, anl manage mobmle
appt are male from many componentt anl toolt whmch allow a leveloper to wrmte, tett,
anl leploy applmcatmont for one or more target platformt.

Front-enl levelopment toolt

Front-enl levelopment toolt are focutel on the uter mnterface anl uter expermence (UM-
UX) anl provmle the followmng abmlmtmet:

 UM letmgn toolt
 TLKt to accett levmce featuret
 Crott-platform accommolatmont/tupport
Notable toolt are lmttel below.

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