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11+ English Practice Paper

Read the following carefully:

You should spend 70 minutes answering the questions in this paper

All sections are worth equal marks

Once you have finished a section you should immediately begin the next

Section A assesses persuasive writing

Section B assesses creative writing

Section C assesses comprehension skills

Respond to all tasks in the lined space provided

You will be assessed on your ability to write using accurate sentences, spelling
and punctuation. Try to write as engagingly as possible and use challenging
vocabulary where possible. Quality over quantity is preferred

Work as quickly and as carefully as you can.

© Atom Learning 2023



Argue against one of the following statements

Luck does not exist

Adults and children are different

There is a difference between right and wrong.

Spend 5 minutes planning your writing in the box below

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Write a short story on ONLY ONE of the following topics

A secret door to another worl

A best frien

A mysterious map

Spend 5 minutes planning your writing in the box below

Tip: Concentrate more on description and characterisation than fitting in a

complicated plot. It’s fine if only one thing happens, as long as you describe it, and

how it makes your character feel, in an interesting way!

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In your own words, summarise the following extract.

In the 15th century, the world was on the brink of an era known as the Age of

Exploration. Explorers like Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan and Vasco da

Gama were setting sail on daring journeys to discover new lands and trade routes.

These adventures would change the course of history.

One of the most famous voyages was that of Columbus in 1492. He believed he could

reach Asia by sailing west from Europe, but instead, he discovered the islands of the

Caribbean. This marked the beginning of European exploration and colonisation of the

Americas. Columbus's journey had a profound impact on the world, as it initiated a

period of contact and exchange between the ‘Old World’ (Europe, Africa, and Asia)

and the ‘New World’ (the Americas).

Ferdinand Magellan's expedition, which set sail in 1519, was another significant

moment in history. He embarked on a voyage to find a western route to the Spice

Islands in Indonesia, and although Magellan died before reaching the destination, his

fleet circumnavigated the globe. This groundbreaking achievement revealed the true

size and shape of the Earth, and it revolutionised our understanding of geography.

Vasco da Gama's journey in 1497 was equally groundbreaking. He successfully sailed

around the southern tip of Africa, opening up access via sea to India and the riches of

the East. This newfound route was essential for European traders and had a major

influence on global trade.

These early explorers laid the foundation for a new era of global interconnectedness,

leading to the exchange of ideas, cultures and goods. Their voyages are crucial in

understanding the historical forces that shaped our modern world.

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11+ English Practice Paper

Parents’ Guide

About this test

This is a paper designed to familiarise your child with the types of questions they will see in an
11+ English exam.

There are 3 writing sections in this paper.

What you’ll need

Printed question bookle

How to prepare
Your child should take the test at a time when they feel alert. Choose a quiet area where they
can work comfortably without distractions.

Talk with your child about the reasons for taking the practice test. Explain that this paper looks
similar to the one they will see in the real 11 plus exam. The questions will help them know what
to expect on exam day.

They should work as quickly and carefully as possible.

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11+ English Practice Paper

Parents’ Guide

Taking the test

Your child should write their answers in the test booklet in the lined spaces provided.

It’s helpful for children to get comfortable with taking tests under timed conditions. You should
allow them 70 minutes to take the test. Only start timing when they have finished reading the
instructions. Make sure your child sticks to roughly five minutes of planning and knows how to
structure their plans to write in a structured and cohesive way.

If they haven’t finished the test after 70 minutes, circle the question they got to, then let them
carry on. This will show you whether your child needs to work on their speed, accuracy, or

Refer to the mark scheme on the following page.

Take time to discuss your child’s results in a positive and encouraging way. Work through the
corrections, what they would do differently next time, and pick out key areas to revise next.

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11+ English Practice Paper

Parents’ Guide

Marking Sections A, B, C
Each section is worth 25 marks. When marking creative writing, examiners look at the whole
text and assess the following four areas:

Sentence structure and punctuation ~25% of total mark

Are sentences easy to read and follow? How does punctuation and grammar help the

Text structure and organisation ~25% of total mark

Is the text structured in a clear and effective way
Do paragraphs present one idea? Are paragraphs connected in a cohesive way

Composition, vocabulary and effect ~ 45% of total mark

Is the main idea of the text expressed effectively?
Is the text enjoyable and interesting to read? How do word choices and idea
development help with this?
Is the text appropriate for its purpose, audience and form

Spelling ~ 5% of total mark

Is spelling accurate throughout the text?

The goal is for students to write a text that is easy (containing not too many errors) and
enjoyable to read. 

Understanding the level of your child’s writing can be difficult. Knowing what they need to work
on next can be even more challenging! 

11 plus mark schemes are often filled with technical terms. To help, we’ve put together a
glossary of English technical terms. To learn more, head to your parent portal to check out our
English learning resources.

Visit for your tailored exam preparation programme,

with interactive questions, progress tracking and unlimited practice papers.

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