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Reading- Discursive Passage, Case-Based Factual Passage
Writing- Formal Letter, Analytical Paragraph
Grammar- Integrated Grammar, Gap Filling, Editing, Omission,
Transformation of Sentences
First Flight (Prose)- A Letter to God, Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to
Freedom, Two Stories About Flying, From the Diary of Anne Frank,
Glimpses of India, Mijbil the Otter, Madam Rides the Bus
First Flight (Poetry)- Dust of Snow, Fire and Ice, A Tiger in the Zoo,
How to Tell Wild Animals, The Ball Poem, Amanda, The Trees, Fog
Footprints Without Feet- A Triumph of Surgery, The Thief’s Story,
The Midnight Visitor, A Question of Trust, Footprints Without Feet,
ENGLISH (Lit.& The Making of a Scientist
Reading- Reading Comprehension Passages
Writing- Email, Factual Description, Letter to the Editor, Article
Grammar- Sentence Reordering, Gap Filling, Editing, Omission
Literature- Mrs Packletide’s Tiger, Potol Babu- Film Star, A Shady
Plot, Virtually True, Ozymandias, Not Marble Nor the Gilded
Monuments, Rime of The Ancient Mariner, The Dear Departed, Julius
ENGLISH MCB- Unit 4, 5 &6
HINDI साहित्य- गद्य खंड- 1. डायरी का एक पन्ना 2. तीसरी कसम के शिल्पकार
िैलेंद्र 3. अब कहााँ दस
ू रे के दुःख से दुःखी होने वाले 4. पतझर में टूटी पत्तियााँ 5.
कारतूस काव्य खंड- 1. पद-मीराबाई 2. मनष्यता 3. पववत प्रदे ि में पावस 4. कर
चले हम फ़िदा 5. आत्मत्राण संचयन- 1. हररहर काका 2. टोपी िक्ला
व्याकरण- 1. पदबंध 2. वाक्य रूपांतरण 3. समास 4. महावरे लेखन- 1.
अनच्छे द लेखन 2. पत्र लेखन (औपचाररक) 3. सूचना लेखन 4. त्तवज्ञापन लेखन
5. लघकथा लेखन 6. ई- मेल लेखन अपहित गदयाांश
FRENCH Comprehension Ecrite; Production Ecrite (lettre, message, dialogue,
mots donnés) Grammaire ( temps convenable, subjonctif, direct/indirect,
Trouvez la question, negation, pronoms relatifs simples et composés,
pronoms personnels(COD,COI,tonique, y,en), adjectifs et pronoms
possessifs, adjectifs et pronoms demonstratifs); Culture et Civilisation
(Leçon 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10)
Light- Reflection and Refraction, Human Eye, Electricity
Life processes, Control and Coordination, How Organisms Reproduce,
Acids, Bases and Salts, Metals and Non- Metals, Carbon and its Compounds
SOCIAL History
SCIENCE Nationalism in Europe, India, Print Culture and the Modern World and
Making of the Global World
Political Science
Gender, Religion and Caste, Political Parties, Outcomes of Democracy
Resource & Development, Forest and Wildlife Resources, Water Resources
Development, Sectors of Economy, Money and Credit, Globalisation
MATHS Real Numbers, Polynomials, Pair of Linear Equations, Quadratic Equations,
Arithmetic Progressions, Triangles, Introduction to Trigonometry,
Application of Trigonometry, Coordinate Geometry, Circles, Areas Related
to Circle, Surface Area and Volume, Statistics, Probability
IT Employability Skills
Unit 1: Communication Skills- II
Unit 2: Self-Management Skills- II
Unit 3: ICT Skills- II
Unit 4: Entrepreneurial Skills- II
Unit 5: Green Skills- II
Subject Specific Skills
Unit 1: Digital Documentation (Advanced)
Unit 2: Electronic Spreadsheet (Advanced)
Unit 3: Database Management System
Unit 4: Web Applications and Security (Till Networking)
SANSKRIT पाि- िचचपयाववरणम ्, बद्चधबवलवती सदा, शििलालनम ्, जननी तल्यवत्सला,
सभात्तितानन, सौहादवम ् प्रकृतेुः िोभा, त्तवचचत्रुः साक्षी
अपहितावबोधनम ्
लेखन कायय- पत्र लेखनम ्, चचत्र वणवन, संस्कृत भािा में अनवाद
व्याकरण- संचध, समास, प्रत्यय, वाच्य पररवतवनम ्, समयुः, अव्ययपदम ्, अिद्चध
संिोधनम ्

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