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Supplementary Exam

1. Match the adjectives to the pictures with these words below

Dangerous, scary, exciting, boring, fun, tiring

2. Choose the correct words according to their meaning.

 Today mañana
 Yesterday pasado mañana
 Tomorrow antes de ayer
 The day before yesterday hoy
 The day after tomorrow ayer

3. Complete this sentences with the right adjectives.

Hardly, patiently, carefully, slowly

 The dog’s waiting ………………………..

 He is walking ……………………………….
 Can you speak …………………………, please? I don’t understand.
 They aren’t working …………………………
4. Arrange words according to their meaning
 loudly/ is laughing/ The witch
 dwarfs/ The seven/ desperately/are crying
 peacefully/she/ is sleeping
 is riding/ the prince/ quickly
5. Write these verbs in Past Simple Tense
cry cried
decide ……………………………….
walk ………………………………
wash ………………………..
free ……………………….
6. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box.
playing , going , watching , drinking , reading , getting up

Does Steven like ……………… football?

No, he doesn’t, but he loves ……………………. It.
Does Lucy like ………………… in the morning.
No she doesn’t, but she likes ………….. to bed late.
What kind of book do you like ……………….. ?
Do cats like ……………… milk?
7. Write the days of the week.

…………………………. ………………………….

………………………….. ..………………………….

………………………….. …………………………..


8. Find the 12 months in the wordsearch

1. ………………………………….
2. ………………………………….
3. ………………………………….
4. ………………………………….
5. ………………………………….
6. …………………………………..
7. …………………………………..
8. ……………………………………
9. …………………………………..
10. ……………………………………
11. …………………………………….
12. ……………………………………
9. Arrange the words according to their meaning (seasons)
RIGNPS ……………………………
REMUMS .………………………….
TANUMU ……………………………
RINWET .……………………………
10. Write the verbs below the picture.

……………………… ……………………..

…………………………. …………………………..

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