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ROSA: Hello girls how are you?

MIDORI: Hi Rosa, I’m really fine. Thank you

MARI: Hi, I'm fine and you?

ROSA: I’m Super ,girls!

MARI: Oh! That is fantastic.

ROSA:Well girls I have a question .

MIDORI: What is your question...?

ROSA: What will happen in the future? Have you ever thought about it?

MARI: I believe that in the future technology will advance and we will be surrounded by robots
that will attend to our basic needs. Since humans have progressed in science.What do you
think Midori?

MIDORI: well, I have been studying about the virtual reality, It's a very interesting topic and I
think in the future it's going to be more advanced. Probably we are going to grab some
materials like virtual reality glasses and with this probably we could smell the enviroment, we
could feel the textures and a lot of things in the virtual reality, sounds crazy! It will possible?
Amazing! And what do you think Rosa?

ROSA: I think there will also be cara with very advanced technology that can ve handled easily
or sometimes alone

MARI: that Is very interesting. I also believe that in the future decontamination will be reduced
since lately social awareness is being generated about the care of our planet, because we have
been reducing waste and taking care of our environment.

.ROSA: Ehmm, Today, we must face many environmental problems at the global level. It is up
to us to change habits and to raise awareness of others so that they change theirs. But before
that, it is essential to be fully aware of the problems of the present and of their possible
complications in the future.

MIDORI: I've been thinking about future environmental care. In the future probably we are
going to have a lot of help with the enviromental care, people and and even robots are going
to help with this. The people will finally become aware of the importance of conserving nature
and and they will collaborate with the care of the environment

MARI: I believe that in the future people will wear smart clothes that adapt to the
environment they are in and protect it. because many times it has affected our existence

MIDORI: The transport in the future is going to be very interesting, I mean, at this moment we
have had a lot of advances with the transport, but probably in the future we will have flying
cars, trains more compacts and more stuf

ROSA: Exactly, the medicine will already be very advanced, i have sometimes lost the faith of
being a nurse and i do not know why but good. my mum and i were talking about that subject
numerous opportunities, also sometimes i have studied a lot to be a great nurse but i think
that's not my goal . At medical college I had many very good friends who helped me too much

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