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1 Vocabulary
Match the vocabulary with the correct definition.

1. autonomy a. be uncertain of yourself and your abilities

2. inferiority b. something without change or movement
3. peers c. away from other people or places
4. industrious d. the freedom to control something yourself
5. self-doubt e. not as good as something or somebody else
6. conform f. people in the same social group as you
7. grumpy g. comply with follow rules
8. isolated h. in a bad mood
9. contentment i. a hard-working person
10. stagnation j. a feeling of happiness and satisfaction

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2 Grammar: prefix ’mis’

Underline the correct option in each sentence:

1. He had the fortune / misfortune to lose all his money on the stock market.

2. The politician was accused of deliberately leading / misleading the public by making false statements
about the new tax laws.

3. I know him but I can’t remember where from. I just can’t quite place / misplace his face.

4. I accidentally turned up to the meeting a day early. Obviously we must have had some kind of an
understanding / a misunderstanding along the way about the time.

5. The judge declared a trial / mistrial after a juror was found to have had a secret relationship with
the accused.

6. He often travelled to exotic places in search of adventure / misadventure and excitement.

3 Vocabulary

Match the vocabulary with the picture.

initiation maturity renowned ritual

sedate sting vows warriors

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

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4 Language point: grammar for talking about age

Mark the sentences that are NOT correct.

1. I am 18 years old.

2. I have 18 years.

3. I’m 18.

4. He is an 18-years-old man.

5. He is an 18-year-old man.

6. She turned 20 last week.

7. She’ll be turning 55 next year.

8. He was 18 years old when he started university.

9. He had 18 (years old) when he started university.

10. He is a 25 years old man.

11. He’ll have 18 on his next birthday.

12. In 2032 I will be 27 years old.

13. The man is 20 years old.

14. The man is 21 year old.

15. She’s turning 20 next year.

16. She’s being 15 this month.

17. I will be 25 by the time I finish university.

18. I’m going to turn 17 next month.

19. I’m going 17 next month.

20. I’m turning 15 this year.

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5 Vocabulary: adjectives to describe people

Look at the sentences and complete each gap using the scrambled word in brackets.

1. His decision to skateboard through the preschool play area was completely !

2. She is a very student. She always listens to what the teacher says,
does her homework and follows the rules. (SUENOISTCNOCI)

3. My grandfather is becoming more and more in his old age. He yells

at everybody. (TNRSCAUANEOK)

4. I’m very . I can never find anything and I often miss appointments.

5. He is a very child. He always remembers everyone’s birthdays and

brings them a little present. (FTGHUHOLTU)

6. Acting of the law is no excuse. If you break the law you’ll still have
to suffer the consequences. (OTGIRNAN)

7. Her bedroom is constantly . There’s always piles of clothes on the

floor and rubbish everywhere. (YSESM)

8. He’s incredibly . He doesn’t think before he acts. (LVPUMISEI)

9. She’s quite . She still acts like she’s five sometimes, but she’s already
twice that age. (EMTMUIRA)

10. I love how he is. The other day he suggested that we have lunch
in Paris. And we just did it! (POSANEUTOSN)

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6 Grammar: Third conditional

Create third conditional sentences using the sentences below.

For example:
Sentence: I missed the bus because I woke up late.

Possible answers:
If I hadn’t woken up late, I wouldn’t have missed the bus.
If I’d woken up early, I would have made the bus.

1. The old lady didn’t realise the cookies weren’t hers because she didn’t check her handbag first.

2. We missed the start of the movie because we missed the bus.

3. I ate the whole birthday cake and it made me vomit.

4. He got wet because he forgot to take an umbrella.

5. You got dumped by your girlfriend because you forgot her birthday.

6. I was only on time because I ran for the bus.

7. He bought a Porsche because he won a lot of money.

8. Anna didn’t tell him about the meeting so he didn’t go.

9. Cho didn’t know it was Tom’s birthday so she didn’t give him a present.

10. He didn’t go to the gym because he didn’t wake up in time.

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7 Language point: pronunciation of contractions

Practise reading the following sentences with the natural pronunciation of the contractions.

1. He mustn’t have recognised him.

2. Sara wouldn’t have noticed him if he hadn’t given her a wave.
3. He’d have gotten the job if he’d been more prepared.
4. We could’ve gone hiking if we’d remembered to bring the right shoes.
5. If he’d said something about the problem when he first noticed it they might’ve fixed it earlier.
6. It’d be amazing if we could go on holiday together.

8 Vocabulary

Match the two halves of the sentences.

1. The husband and wife sat

2. Fish need clean healthy water to

3. Research has shown that

4. Don’t worry, you will get an end-of-year bonus payment

5. Make sure you have the form signed

6. The country’s wealth grew as the economy moved away from

7. The unexpected firing of the CEO caused

8. The artist thought outside the box

a. adolescents need to sleep longer than adults.

b. ripples of anxiety throughout the organisation. Who would be next?

c. alongside each other in silent harmony.

d. and used innovative methods and materials in his works that no-one else had even considered.

e. by a parent or legal guardian.

f. rural farming and towards industrialisation.

g. regardless of your sales results.

h. reproduce. If not the population will die off.

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9 Vocabulary: phrases: gap fill

Complete the phrases from the box into the gaps in the text below.

a far cry a raw deal cash in glimpse mass-hero worship

outlandish splendid thrive throw off the tyranny with a capital

Teens in the ’50s

Teenage culture began to in the 1950s. Teens created their own subculture
which helped foster new trends in music and fashion. Sometimes, the fashions were rather wild and
compared to the boring and drab lounge suits which were more common
at the time. They seemed to want to of conformity. Businesses really
took notice of the new teen culture. They saw that they could really
on their desire for new trends. They began to market to them more and more. Music in particular was
marketed to teens. This sometimes led to of new teen idols like Frankie
Vaughan. Sometimes, it would only take a of their favourite star for an
audience to scream with excitement. It was excitement E. Although
some people were not impressed by this enthusiasm, aristocrat Lady Lewisham certainly was, despite
her style of clothing and speaking being from the teenagers she so
admired. In an interview she described the teens of her day as and stated
how she really appreciated their enthusiasm for life. She thought that they didn’t get fair treatment. In
fact, she believed that they were judged unfairly and given by the

10 Language point: use of "let’s"

Answer the following questions about the use of "let’s".

1. Circle which one of the following is correct.

a. Let’s talk about how to take a good photo.

b. Let’s talks about how to take a good photo.

2. Which one is correct for the meaning "give us permission to talk"?

a. Lets talk.

b. Let’s talk.

c. Let us talk.

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In the following text place "let’s" in the appropriate places. There are seven instances.

let’s get let’s go let’s have let’s put let’s remove let’s see let’s take

So, we’re going to do a simple experiment today. We’re going to see what will happen if we add Mentos
1 2
to this bottle of cola. Okay, so started. First, a look at what we
have here. An ordinary packet of Mentos sweets and a normal bottle of fizzy drink. Okay, so I’ll go
ahead and pour the cola out into this glass. Now, you can see the bubbles. So first a
straw into the glass to see what happens. Ah, there it is. Do you see the bubbles forming around the
straw? And what happens if we wait just a moment. There, the straw starts to rise
up. So, now the straw and we’ll pop in a Mentos mint. Here, we go. Now, do see that
bubbles are forming here. Now this experiment outside onto the grass away from
everybody. Now we’re going to use a whole tube of Mentos in a large bottle. Okay, very carefully now.
One, two, three and ..... wow! Did you see that?! Wasn’t that great? Now, back into
the classroom to write up the experiment.

11 Vocabulary

Look at the following situations and use the appropriate term from the box to label them.

adolescent coercive conversely hypocrisy maturity

Pandora’s box poll puberty the jury is out

1. Although the employee was not required to work overtime, his manager told
him if he didn’t work overtime he would be fired.
2. The company hired the controversial rock star to advertise their products.
Nobody was sure yet if their gamble would work out and the campaign would
3. After moving out of home and getting a job she became more than capable
of looking after herself. She knew how to take care of the house, her finances
and her wellbeing.
4. One day we might make contact with aliens. Not everyone thinks it is a good
5. The politician was actively campaigning for harsher penalties for drug-users
but was later charged with possession of drugs himself.
6. He was no longer a small child, but also not yet an adult.

7. The boy has just started shaving and his voice has started to sound deeper.

8. The company sent an email to all employees and asked them if they preferred
a Christmas party or a cash bonus at the end of the year.
9. There had been a drought in the area, but then it rained so much there was

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12 Speaking (optional)

Part 1: Answer the following questions.

1. In your opinion, what age is the right age to get a smartphone?

2. What are some coming-of-age ceremonies you know about?
3. What’s the age of maturity in your country? Are you looking forward to
4. What are some stereotypes of people your age? Are they fair?
5. What are some of the different stages of life?

Part 2: Answer the following questions.

1. What are some tips for taking good photos with your smartphone?
2. How old will you be turning on your next birthday?
3. What does a typical birthday party look like in your country?
4. Would you say you are conscientious?
5. Are you generally organised or disorganised? Messy or tidy?

Part 3: Choose two of the following pictures and discuss how the situation could have been different
(use the third conditional).

For example:

If he hadn’t committed a crime, he wouldn’t have been arrested.

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picture 1 picture 2

picture 3 picture 4

picture 5 picture 6

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Part 4. Choose two of the following pictures and compare them. Remember to use the language of
comparison, there is/are, present continuous, and language of speculation.

picture 1 picture 2

picture 3 picture 4

picture 5 picture 6

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1. Vocabulary

10 points

1. → d. 2. → e. 3. → f. 4. → i. 5. → a.
6. → g. 7. → h. 8. → c. 9. → j. 10. → b.

2. Grammar: prefix ’mis’

6 points

1. misfortune 2. misleading 3. place

4. a misunderstanding 5. mistrial 6. adventure

3. Vocabulary

8 points

1. sting 2. warriors 3. sedate 4. ritual

5. vows 6. initiation 7. maturity 8. renowned

4. Language point: grammar for talking about age

8 points
(there are eight incorrect sentences)

2. ✓ I have 18 years. 4. ✓ He is an 18-years-old man.

9. ✓ He had 18 (years old) when he started university. 10. ✓ He is a 25 years old man.
11. ✓ He’ll have 18 on his next birthday. 14. ✓ The man is 21 year old.
16. ✓ She’s being 15 this month. 19. ✓ I’m going 17 next month.

5. Vocabulary: adjectives to describe people

10 points

1. reckless 2. conscientious 3. cantankerous 4. disorganised 5. thoughtful

6. ignorant 7. messy 8. impulsive 9. immature 10. spontaneous

6. Grammar: Third conditional

10 points
Note: There are likely to be multiple possible answers. Mark it correct if it logically makes sense and is in third
conditional form.

1. eg: If she had checked her handbag first, she would have realised the cookies weren’t hers.
2. eg: If we hadn’t missed the bus, we wouldn’t have missed the start of the movie.
3. eg: If I hadn’t eaten the whole birthday cake, it wouldn’t have made me vomit.
4. eg: If he hadn’t forgotten to take an umbrella, he wouldn’t have got wet.
5. eg: If you hadn’t forgotten your girlfriend’s birthday, she wouldn’t have dumped you.

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6. eg: If I hadn’t run for the bus, I would have been late.
7. eg: If he hadn’t won a lot of money, he wouldn’t have bought a Porsche.
8. eg: If Anna had told him about the meeting, he would have gone.
9. eg: If Cho had known it was Tom’s birthday, she would have given him a present.
10. eg: If he had woken up in time, he would have gone to the gym.

7. Language point: pronunciation of contractions

12 points (two points per sentence)

You can mark this based on your personal assessment of how well they pronounced these.
Having two points per sentence will allow you to give half marks in case they say only part of the sentence well.
If you have a larger class you could ask them to do an assessment of each other in pairs.

8. Vocabulary

8 points

1. → c. 2. → h.
3. → a. 4. → g.
5. → e. 6. → f.
7. → b. 8. → d.

9. Vocabulary: phrases: gap fill

1. thrive 2. outlandish
3. throw off the tyranny 4. cash in
5. mass-hero worship 6. glimpse
7. with a capital 8. a far cry
9. splendid 10. a raw deal

10. Language point: use of "let’s"

9 points

1. a. 2. c.
There are seven instances of "let’s":

1. let’s get 2. let’s have

3. let’s put 4. let’s see
5. let’s remove 6. let’s take
7. let’s go

11. Vocabulary

9 points

1. coercive 2. the jury is out 3. maturity

4. Pandora’s box 5. hypocrisy 6. adolescent
7. puberty 8. poll 9. conversely

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12. Speaking (optional)

There are 100 points in sections 1-11.

Depending on the number of students you have, you can do the speaking section with each student individually
or you can ask them to speak in pairs and you can monitor and give a score based on their performance.
You can score according to your own criteria or as a guide you can choose to give an overall mark according to
the following descriptions.
Excellent: Is able to speak fluently and confidently on the topics with few hesitations. Has a strong grasp of the
language covered in the lessons.
Very Good: Is able to speak fluently on the topics but with some hesitations. Has a pretty good grasp of the
language covered in the lessons.
Good: Is able to communicate on the topics with some hesitations. Has some grasp of the language covered in
the lessons.
Fair: Is able to communicate on the topics but with many hesitations and mistakes. Has remembered only some
of the language covered in the lessons.
Needs Improvement: Is not able to communicate on the topics in a meaningful way. Very hesitant with many
mistakes. Shows little to no knowledge of the language covered in the units.

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