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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
N a t i o n a l C a pi t a l Re g i o n
Sc h o o l s D i v i s i o n O f f i c e o f La s Pi ñ a s C i t y

NAME: ___________________________________________ Date: ______________

GRADE & SECTION ____________________________ Teacher: _____________



Cook poultry and game bird dishes TLE_HECK9- 12PGD-IIIf-h-26

• prepare poultry and game birds hygienically;
• cook various poultry and game bird dishes.


Directions: Select the letter that correspond to your answer. Write your answers
on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What type of knife is used in rough cutting for meat?

A. Cleaver
B. Boning Knife
C. Carving Knife
D. Chef Knife

2. Which type of knife is used for removing meat from bones?

A. Boning Knife
B. Chef Knife
C. Carving Knife
D. Paring Knife

3. When meat is cut into steaks, chops and escallops this refers to ________.
A. Cutting
B. Deboning
C. Slicing
D. Trimming

4. What is the temperature is suitable for storing poultry meat??

A. 100C to 300C
B.100C to 30C
C. 10C to 300C
D. 10C to 30C

5. The following factors are to be considered in storing poultry meats, EXCEPT?

A. Packed or cryovac poultry meats on lower shelves.
B. Different types of poultry meat should not be mixed.
C. Cooked poultry meats store on second shelf of cool room.
D. Poultry meat must be covered with plastic wrap and labelled

6. What type of cooking method is used to breakdown the tough connective

tissues of collagen and elastin that holds the muscle fibers together?
A. Braising
B. Frying
C. Poaching
D. Steaming

7. Which type of cooking method is used for tender meats?

A. Baking
B. Braising
C. Frying
D. Poaching

8. What is the factor to determine the flavor of the meat?

A. Sex
B. Quality
C. Type of Bird
D. Cut of the Meat

9. Method of cooking can be determined with the following factors, EXCEPT.

A. Sex of the Bird

B. Quantity of Meat
C. Muscle Cut
D. Type of food it was raised

10. What type of meat cut is needed in preparing sandwiches, canapés, salads,
appetizers or entrees?
A. Cutting
B. Deboning
C. Slicing
D. Trimming

Prepare Poultry and Game Birds

In preparing meats it is important to only prepare what is needed for

production. Safe storage is important to minimize meat becoming unfit for
human consumption.

Cleaning, Trimming, Slicing and Preparing Meat

Basic preparation of meat, be it beef, veal, lamb or pork, will include some
cleaning and trimming of excess fat cover, lymph nodes, connective tissue and
blood vessels.

In cleaning meat, a suitably sized, sharp knife should be used:

• Rough cutting with a cleaver
• General knife work with chef’s knife
• Removing meat from bones; boning knife.

Trimming is performed in most kitchens on a daily basis, and there are always
a number of off-cuts obtained as a by-product. These off-cuts, sometimes
referred to as trimmings, may or may not have some culinary use.

Slicing refers to cutting raw meats into steaks, chops and escalopes. It also
refers to cutting cooked meats and small goods into an appropriate presentation
slices for use in sandwiches, canapés, salads, appetizers or entrees. When slicing
meat always cut across the grain.



Place the chicken on the Spread the chicken open Cut off the backbone
cutting board breast up. and cut through the completely. Save for
Split the chicken down bones on one side of the stocks. (c)
the center of the breast backbone. (b)
with a heavy knife as
shown. (a)

Cut through the skin Pull the leg and cut off To cut into eights, cut
between the leg and the the entire leg section. the drumstick and thigh
breast. (d) Repeat with the other apart at the joint. (f)
half. The chicken is now
in quarters. (e)

Cut the breast and wing The chicken cut into eighths. Note that the first
quarte into two equal joint of each wing has been cut off. (h)
pieces. (Another method
is simply to cut off the
wing. (g)

Storage of Poultry Meat

Raw meat is a favorable medium for bacterial growth if they are not stored
and handled correctly. Poultry is very susceptible to bacterial growth. Always
follow proper hygiene and sanitation when working with all poultry meats.

Main Conditions for Storing Poultry Meat

a. Temperature 10C to 30C

b. Humidity 85 %
c. Do not store fresh poultry for more than 3 day

Other factors to be considered are:

• Place poultry meat pieces in single layers on trays, even if cryovac.
• Trays and containers must be changed regularly to prevent blood
pooling if not in cryovac.
• Poultry meat must be covered with plastic wrap and properly
• Do not mixed different types of poultry meat.
• Raw and cooked poultry meats should NOT be mixed on the same
• A sound stock rotation program should be maintained, FIFO.
• Cooked poultry meats stored on top shelf of cool room.
• Prepared poultry meat stored on second shelf of cool room.
• Packed or cryovac poultry meats on lower shelves.

Identify Appropriate Cooking Method for Poultry and Game Birds

The method of cooking will be identified based on the quality, type of bird
and cut of the meat. The flavor of the meat is determined by the sex of the bird
and the type of food on which it was raised.
Chicken tends to be female and castrated male birds. Older male animals
tend to have a stronger flavor, but these are sorted at the time of slaughter and
will be sent the specific markets: human or animal consumption. Different
muscle cut and quality of the meat determines the method of cookery.

For Tender cuts you can use:

• Poaching or Steaming; both wet methods, gently cooking methods for
tender meats
• Fried, grilled and roasted; quick dry methods, add defined flavor to tender
meats when cooked.

Tougher cuts will need to be:
• braised or stewed; slow wet methods: to breakdown the tough connective
tissues of collagen and elastin that holds the muscle fibers together.
Aromatics can also be added to improve flavor of meats.

Offal (liver and kidneys) are best if it is cooked to order as they dry very quickly.

Poultry meats are not to be as tough as other meats like beef and goat.
Braising or Stewing for the dark meat portion of the birds from the leg. Cooking
style is needed to be modified.



Directions: Draw ☺ if the statement is TRUE and  if the statement is FALSE.

Write your answer in a separate sheet.

____ 1.
Cleaning meat should be performed with a suitably sized sharp knife.
____ 2.
Boning knife is used to remove meat from bones.
____ 3.
Slicing refers to cutting raw meats into steaks, chops and escalopes.
____ 4.
The temperature suitable for storing poultry meat is 10C to 300C.
____ 5.
Chef knife is used for rough cutting for meat.
____ 6.
Cooked poultry meats are stored on the top shelf of cool room.
____ 7.Braising is a cooking method used to breakdown the tough connective
tissues of collagen and elastin that holds the muscle fibers together.
____ 8. In preparing meats it is important to only prepare what is needed for
____ 9. Sliced meat is for use in sandwiches, canapés, salads, appetizers or
____10. Poultry meat must be covered with plastic wrap and labelled.

NAME: ___________________________________________ Date: ______________
GRADE & SECTION ____________________________ Teacher: _____________

Fourth Quarter
Week 6


• Plate/present poultry and game bird dishes. TLE_HECK9- 12PGD-IIIi-27
• Store poultry and game bird. TLE_HECK9- 12PGD-IIIj-28

1. Present plated poultry and game bird dishes with appropriate sauces,
garnishes and accompaniments.

2. Store and maintain poultry and game bird according to standards.


Instructions: Choose the best answer to the following questions. Write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which refers to an act of arranging the meal on the individual plate

immediately before its serving?
A. Cooking C. Plating
B. Garnishing D. Serving

2. In plating, if the food is the masterpiece, what is then the plate?

A. Accessories C. Body
B. Base D. Frame

3. Which of the following means to enhance in appearance by adding

decorative touches?
A. Garnishing C. Presenting
B. Plating D. Serving

4. How many days a whole dressed chicken refrigerate?

A. 1 day C. 2 to 4 days
B. 1 to 2 days D. 3 to 4 days
5. Which of the following sauce made with onions and white wine vinegar?
A. Allemande sauce C. Lyonnaise sauce
B. Mushroom sauce D. Poulette sauce

6. Which of the following is the guidelines in plating and garnishing?

A. Garnish the plate before you plate the food.
B. Presentation should look natural.
C. Try to integrate a variety of shapes in each dish.
D. All of the above.

7. What is the first thing to do to the poultry after buying from the market?
A. Unwrapped C. Wiped-off with a damp cloth.
B. Place in a shallow container D. All of the above

8. How to prepare poultry properly for freezing?

A. Frozen at -170oC C. Wrapped tightly
B. Use moisture- proof film D. All of the above

9. What do fresh chicken and poultry indicate?

A. Has never been colder than 26°F. C. Has never been colder.
B. Has been colder than 26°F. D. Has been colder than 170°F.

10. What is the right freezing temperature for chicken and poultry?
A. -170oC C. 120oC
B. 170oC D. 100oC


Plating is the act of arranging the meal on the individual plate immediately
before serving. The presentation should look natural.
After you have put the food on the plate, check it to see if it is clean. Plate
edges should be immaculate. Clean spills or sauces away with a moistened clean
sponge or paper towel
If the food is the masterpiece, then the plate is its frame. Adapt artistic
framing strategies to your cooking for a quick way to improve your food
presentation. Choose bowls and dishes in a variety of shapes and colors. You
can also decorate the rim of the plate just as you decorate a frame.

Try to integrate a variety of shapes in each dish. Combine foods with
different shapes, colors, and textures on the same plate.
In a plate that will hold hot food, be aware, the food may still be hot after
garnishing. In some cases, you can do garnishing the food before plating. If this
is impossible, work quickly and have all your garnishes prepared.

The key to selecting a garnish is picking a garnish that will improve the
dish. Garnishes add color and continue a theme.
Garnishes can provide complementary flavor, like peanuts in pad Thai, or
contrasting flavor, like a lemon wedge with seafood. An entrée ‘s sauce also
makes a delicious garnish. Swirl it around or atop the plate for visual and
gustatory interest. Several kitchen tools are available that will help you
transform nearly any fruit into an attractive garnish.


Sauces and accompaniments are additions to the main ingredients of a dish.
They used to enhance the flavor, color, aroma, and overall presentation of the

Sauce is a term used in cookery to describe a wide range of flavored liquids that
are serve as part of the dish.

Mushroom sauces- This creamy mushroom sauce is made by adding sautéed

mushrooms to a basic supreme sauce or allemande sauce.

Diana Miller / Getty Images Diana Miller / Getty Images
Mushroom Sauce Supreme Sauce Allemande Sauce

1. Supreme sauce- Suprême sauce is a finished sauce made by enriching a

chicken velouté sauce with heavy cream.

2. Allemande sauce -is a finished sauce made by thickening a velouté with a
mixture of egg yolks and heavy cream called a liaison.
3. Lyonnaise Sauce- is a demi glaze-based sauce made with onions and white
wine vinegar. It pairs well with grilled and roasted poultry dishes.
4. puamelia / Flickr / CC BY-SA 2.0

Philippe Desnerck / Getty Images

Lyonnaise Sauce Aurora Sauce Poulette Sauce

5. Aurora sauce - made by adding tomato purée to a basic suprême sauce or
allemande sauce.
6. Poulette sauce -The word “poulette is from the French word for “pullet”
which refers to a young made by adding sautéed mushrooms,
chopped parsley and lemon juice to a basic allemande sauce.

Accompaniments are complementary additions to the main ingredient of a dish.

Sometimes the accompaniment also comes with a garnish of its own. Here are
side dishes to serve with roast chicken:

1.Vegetable Side Dishes- Something green like cooked broccoli, spinach,

cucumber, carrots, and green beans. They used to add flavor and color to the
poultry dishes.

2. Potato Side Dishes- Whether it is regular spuds or sweet potatoes, it is a well-

loved match for roast chicken.

3. Rice and Grain Side Dishes- Buttered garlic rice, steamed rice or brown rice,
and antipasto grain salad are the best side dishes for roast chicken.


Techniques in Storing Poultry

Poultry may be frozen whole, in halves, cut into pieces, or parts after
dressed. The poultry parts should be pack separately, ready to cook, or for easy
meal preparation and thawing.
Handling and Storage of Poultry.
Poultry spoils very quickly unless rightly handled and stored. After buying
from the market, it should be unwrapped immediately as possible and wiped off
with a damp cloth. Then it should be cover with waxed paper, placed in a shallow
container, and stored in a cold part of the refrigerator near the freezing unit or
Freezing and Thawing Poultry

It is not good to refreeze poultry after it has thawed. Freezing and thawing
release fluids called drip which the chances of bacterial spoilage increased. The
water holding capacity of meat is affected by subsequent thawing.
When thawing, it is advisable to thaw slowly inside the refrigerator to give
tissues a better chance to rehydrate. Immediately cook the thawed meat since
bacterial growth is rapid upon thawing. Slow thawing affects placing the frozen
chicken in the refrigerator for 12 to 24 hours or under running tap water for ½
to 1 hour in their original wrap. In the same cases, however, frozen poultry or
any other market form of poultry should not allow to thaw or soak in a bowl of
water because of the possible bacterial build.
Poultry should be wrap in a tightly moisture-vapor proof film, foil, or paper
and then frozen at -170oC (0o F) or lower. Although there are no abrupt changes
in quality during the first few months of poultry storage, it has always been a
good practice to use these chickens first that have been in storage longest and
those with a torn wrapper.
Storage Time for Poultry and Game.
Product Refrigerator (35-40o F) Freezer (0o F)
Chicken and turkey 1 – 2 days 12 months
Chicken (pieces) 1 – 2 days 9 months
Turkey (pieces) 1 – 2 days 6 months
Duck and Goose (whole) 1 – 2 days 6 months
Giblets 1 – 2 days 3 – 4 months
Wild duck, pheasant. 1 – 2 days 6 months
Goose (whole) 2 – 4 days 4 – 6 months
1 day NR

Cooked poultry dishes
Canned poultry, opened

Fresh chicken and poultry -If the label on a raw poultry product bears the term
"fresh," that indicates that it has never been colder than 26°F.
Frozen chicken and poultry-Poultry that has at any time kept at 0°F colder
must have a label indicating that it is "frozen" or "previously frozen," whatever
the case may be.

Instructions: Choose the best answer to the following questions. Write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What is the right freezing temperature for chicken and poultry?

A. -170oC (0o F) C. 120oC
B. 170oC D. 100oC
2. Which refers to an act of arranging the meal on the individual plate
immediately before its serving?
A. Cooking C. Plating
B. Garnishing D. Serving
3. Which of the following means to enhance in appearance by adding
decorative touches?
A. Garnishing C. Presenting
B. Plating D. Serving
4. In plating, if the food is the masterpiece, what is then the plate?
A. Accessories C. Body
B. Base D. Frame
5. Which of the following is the guidelines in plating and garnishing?
A. Garnish the plate before you plate the food.
B. Presentation should look natural.
C. Try to integrate a variety of shapes in each dish.
D. All of the above.
6. Which of the following sauce made with onions and white wine vinegar?
A. Allemande sauce C. Lyonnaise sauce
B. Mushroom sauce D. Poulette sauce
7. How many days a whole dressed chicken refrigerate?
A. 1 day C. 2 to 4 days
B. 1 to 2 days D. 3 to 4 days
8. How to prepare poultry properly for freezing?
A. Wrapped tightly
B. Frozen at -170oC
C. Use moisture- proof film
D. All of the above
9. What do fresh chicken and poultry indicate?
A. Has never been colder.
B. Has been colder than 26°F.
C. Has been colder than 170°F.
D. Has never been colder than 26°F.
10. What is the first thing to do to the poultry after buying from the
A. Unwrapped
B. Wiped-off with a damp cloth.
C. Place in a shallow container
D. All of the above

NAME: ___________________________________________ Date: ______________
GRADE & SECTION ____________________________ Teacher: _____________

Fourth Quarter
Week 7


●Perform mise en place TLE_HECK9-12PCM-Iva-30

At the end of the module, the students are expected to:
1. Identify the different kinds and sources, market forms and cuts of meat
and the different types of knives used in meat preparation
2. Demonstrate an understanding of the composition, structure and
principles in meat preparation

Directions: Read the following questions carefully and choose the letter with the
correct answer. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper..
1. Which of the following meat cut do internal organs belong?
A. less tender cuts
B. tender cuts
C. tough cuts
D. variety cuts

2. Which of the following market forms of meat does not undergo chilling?
A. cured meat
B. fresh meat
C. frozen meat
D. processed meat

3. What part of the meat helps you identify the less tender cuts?
A. bone
B. fat
C. flesh
D. ligament

4. When buying meat, what should you consider first?
A. brand
B. price
C. quality
D. round cut

5. Which knife is used for cutting through bones?

A. butcher knife
B. chef knife
C. cleaver
D. utility knife

6. Which of the following tools is used for carving?

A. cleaver knife
B. fork
C. razor knife
D. slicer

7. Which of the following is the source of veal meat?

A. cattle over 1 year old
B. goat
C. sheep
D. young calf

8. Which of the following is the most tender cut of beef?

A. chuck
B. round cut
C. sirloin
D. tenderloin

9. What knife is used in cutting and trimming raw meats?

A. butcher knife
B. chef knife
C. cleaver
D. utility knife

10. What do you call the meat of sheep?
A. lamb
B. carabeef
C. pork
D. Chevon


Meat is a term for the flesh of cattle (beef and veal), sheep (lamb) and pigs
(pork). Meat comprises water, protein, fat, and various amounts of minerals and
Beef is very popular and is used across the globe. This meat is obtained
from cow and is one of the much sought-after types of red meat.
Pork is another choice, as far as meat types are concerned. Pork is derived
from pig and is classified as red meat. However, this meat is less fatty than beef.
Sheep meat is also a staple food in some parts of the world and is consumed
in many regions. Sheep meat is otherwise known as mutton (meat of mature
sheep) or lamb (immature sheep) also classified as red meat.


1. Pork – meat from domesticated pigs, typically high in fat, commonly

slaughtered one year or less of age to ensure tender cuts.
2. Beef -meat from cattle over one year old.
3. Lamb – meats of domesticated sheep. Its texture is a direct result of what it
consumes and the age at which it is slaughtered.
4. Carabeef – meat from carabao.
5. Chevon – meat from deer/goat
6. Veal – flesh of a young calf, 4-5 months old. Because of its age, it is considered
by some to be the finest meat.


1. Fresh meat – meat that is recently slaughtered, has not been preserved
2. Chilled meat – meat that is placed in chiller or slightly cold
3. Cured meat – meat preserved by salting, smoking or aging
4. Processed meat –meat preserved by chemical process


1. French knife or chef’s knife – for general purpose chopping, slicing, and
2. Utility knife – used for carving roast chicken and duck.
3. Boning knife – used for boning raw meats and poultry.
4. Slicer – used for carving and slicing cooked meats.
5. Butcher knife – used for cutting, sectioning, and trimming raw meats
in the butcher shop.
6. Scimitar or steak knife - used for accurate cutting of steaks.
7. Cleaver – used for cutting through bones.

1. Water – 70% of muscle tissue.

Water Content of Meat and Poultry

Product Name Percentage Water
Raw Cooked
Chicken fryer, whole 66% 60%
White meat chicken, with skin 69% 61%
Dark meat chicken, with skin 66% 59%
Ground beef, 85% lean 64% 60%
Ground beef, 73% lean 56% 55%
Beef, eye of round 73% 65%
Beef, whole brisket 71% 56%

2. Protein – 20% of muscle tissue. Protein coagulates when it is heated. It

becomes firmer and loses moisture. When protein has coagulated to the desired
degree, the meat is said to be done.
3. Fat – 5% of the muscle tissue. The fat in meat contributes to:

A. Juiciness
Marbling is fat that is deposited within the muscle tissue. Surface fats
protect the meat from drying out during cooking. Adding surface fat is
called barding.
B. Tenderness
Marbling separates muscle fibers, making meat easier to chew.
C. Flavor
Fat is the main source of flavor in meat.

4. Carbohydrates – it plays a necessary partin the complex reaction, called the
maillard reaction, which takes place when meats are browned by roasting,
broiling or sautéing. Without carbohydrates, desirable flavor appearance
of browned meats would not beachieved.


1. Muscle fibers
Lean meat is composed of long, thin muscle fibers bound together in bundles.
These determine the texture or grain of a piece of meat.
• Fine – grained meat is composed of small fibers
bound in small fibers.
• Course – textured meat has large fibers.
2. Connective tissue
These are network of proteins that bind the muscle fibers together. Connective
tissue is tough. Meats are high in connective tissue if the muscles are more
exercised like meat from legs and the meat comes from older animals.

Two Kinds of Connective Tissue

1. Collagen
• white connective tissue that dissolves or breaks down by long, slow
cooking with liquid. Moist-heat cooking methods at low temperature are
not effective for
turning a meat high in connective tissue into a tender, juicy finished
product. Acid helps dissolve collagen.
2. Elastin
• yellow connective tissue and is not broken down in cooking. Tenderizing
can be accomplished only by removing the elastin, by pounding and by
slicing and


Generally, the only occasion in which you will have to wash meat is when it
comes into contact with blood during preparation. After washing, dry the food
thoroughly with absorbent kitchen paper.

1. Skinning
Most of the meat you dealt with has been already skinned by the supplier.
2. Dicing
Meat are diced when it is cut into cubes for various types of casseroles, stems,
curries, and dishes such as steak, kidney pie and pudding.
3. Trimming
Reasons for trimming:
a. Improve the appearance of the cut or joint
b. Leave as much of the meat intact as possible.
c. Leave an even thickness of fat (where fat is to be left). How much
fat you trim off will depend on the type of meat, preference, and the
cooking process to be used.
d. Remove as much gristles and sinews as possible.
4. Slicing
It is the cutting of meat by determining the direction of the grain (the
fibers), and cut across the grain. This is particularly important with tougher cuts
such as steak, in which the grain is also quite obvious.You slice meat
with―instead of against―the grain.
5. Seasoning
It is the addition of salt and white or black pepper to improve the flavor of
a. Use white pepper or cayenne pepper on food which you want to keep
attractive with white color.
b. Add salt to roast and grill after the meat has browned. Adding salt
before cooking will extract the juices of the meat to the surface, and
slows down the browning reactions (which need high temperature and
dry heat).
6. Coating
The two basic coatings are:
a. Flour – coat the meat before cooking, otherwise the flour becomes
sticky and unpleasant.
b. Bread crumbs – coat the meat in flour, then egg wash (egg wash is
made of lightly beaten whole egg with a little water/milk) and finally with
the bread crumbs.


Beef is divided into large sections called primal cuts. These beef primal

cuts or “primal” are then broken down further into individual steak and other
retail cuts. A “side” of beef is literally one side of the beef carcass that is split
throughthe backbone. Each side is then halved between the 12th and 13th ribs
into sectionscalled the forequarter and hindquarter.

Pork is divided into large sections called primal cuts. These primal cuts
are then broken down further into individual retail cuts.

Offal, also referred to as variety meats, is the name for internal organs and
entrails of a butchered animal which excludes muscle and bone except for oxtail.


Directions: Read the following statements/questions carefully and choose the
letter with the correct answer. Write your answers in your test notebook.

1. What do you call the meat of sheep?

A. lamb C. pork
B. carabeef D. chevon
2. Which of the following is the most tender cut of beef?
A. chuck C. sirloin
B. round cut D. tenderloin
3. What part of the meat helps you identify the less tender cuts?
A. bone C. flesh
B. fat D. ligament
4. Which of the following market forms of meat does not undergo chilling?
A. cured meat C. frozen meat
B. fresh meat D. processed meat
5. When buying meat, what should you consider first?
A. brand C. quality
B. price D. round cut
6. Which of the following is the source of veal meat?
A. cattle over 1 year old C. sheep
B. goat D. young calf
7. Which of the following tools is used for carving?
A. cleaver knife C. razor knife
B. fork D. slicer
8. Which knife is used for cutting through bones?
A. butcher knife C. cleaver
B. chef knife D. utility knife
9. Which knife is used in cutting and trimming raw meats?
A. butcher knife C. cleaver
B. chef knife D. utility knife
10. Which of the following meat cut do internal organs belong?
A. less tender cuts C. tough cuts
B. tender cuts D. variety cuts

NAME: ___________________________________________ Date: ______________
GRADE & SECTION ____________________________ Teacher: _____________

Fourth Quarter
Week 8


• Cook meat cuts. TLE_HECK9- 12PCM-IVb-g-31

3. Prepare and use suitable marinades for a variety of meat cuts.

4. Identify appropriate cooking methods for meat cuts.
5. Apply the different techniques in meat preparation.

Directions: Choose the best answer to the following questions. Write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What is an oil-acid mixture used to enhance the flavor of the meat?

A. Brine solution C. Soy sauce and vinegar
B. Marinade D. Salt and calamansi

2. Which of the following marinades called a simple marinade?

A. Acidic C. Oil-based
B. Enzymatic D. Seasoning

3. How many hours a pork loin marinated?

A. 2 hours C. 4 to 8 hours
B. 2 to 4 hours D. 24 hours

4. What is the main objective of using marinade in cooking meat?

A. Enhance the flavor C. Preserves the food
B. To make the meat tender D. All of the above

5. Which of the following type of marinade base on vinegar or citrus juices?

E. Acidic C. Oil-based
F. Enzymatic D. Dairy based

6. Lydia plans to cook grilled steaks. What is the amount of marinade
needed in marinating?
C. 2 oz. C. 4 oz.
D. 3 oz. D. 5 oz.
7. What is the ratio of acid and oil in making marinade?
C. 2 parts acid to 1 part oil C. 3 parts acid to 1 part oil
D. 2 parts acid to 2 parts oil D. 3 parts acid to 2 parts oil
8. Which of the following are the components of marinade?
B. Acid, oil, herbs C. Oil, herbs, seasonings
B. Herbs, seasonings D. Seasonings, Oil
9. What component of the marinade gives a unique flavor and zest to the
cooked meat?
C. Acid C. Salt
D. Herbs D. Oil
10. Which of the following ingredients has more quantity in making a
A. Acid C. Salt
B. Herbs D. Oil


Marinades are mixtures of oil, herbs, and often acidic ingredients,

like vinegar, wine, or citrus juice. Use to enhance the flavor of foods.
Marinades will add flavor to your favorite meat and make it more tender
and juicier. The three basics components in making a marinade are acid, such
as lemon juice, vinegar, yogurt, or wine for tenderization. The second is oil which
protects and preserves the food while marinated and when it is cook. Last is herb
or spices, which give a marinade its unique flavor and zest.
Basic Marinade Recipe (Yield 6-12 oz./170-340 ml.)

4-8 oz./70-140 ml Wine, citrus, vinegar, yogurt or
2-4 oz./60-120 ml Oil
½ tsp.- 2 Tb. Herbs and spices
½ - 2 Tb Salt

Guidelines in Marinating

o Use 4 oz. of marinade per pound of meat.

o Tumbling, injection and vacuum packaging infuse marinades
o Discard marinade after each use, or heat to use as part of the
cooking medium.

Marinade Times
Marinades only penetrate about ¼ inch/1 cm of the surface.
Marinade Times

Cut of Meat Time

Steaks, Chops 2 hours

Flank 2-4 hours

Lamb, Beef
Loins 4-8 hours
Venison, Bison
Round 24 hours


Types of Marinades

1. Oil-based Marinades- simple marinades of oil, herbs, and spices.

1. Enzymatic Marinades- Enzymes found in certain fruits help in the

tenderization of tough cuts of meat more palatable. Papain from papaya
juice, contain protein enzymes (proteases).

2. Acidic marinades- Acid like vinegar, wine vinegar, wine, and citrus juices
help to tenderize meats.


1. Dry heat cooking method – these are suitable for tender cuts of meat or
less tender cuts which have marinated.
A meat thermometer is the most accurate guide to the doneness of
roasts. The thermometer should be inserted into the roast surface a slight

angle or through the end of the roast. The tip of the thermometer is in the
thickest portion of the cuts but not resting in fat, against the bone, or on
the rotisserie rod. When using the rotisserie, the thermometer must clear
the cooking unit and drip pan while the meat is turning.
Roasting—this is recommended for larger cuts of beef, veal, pork, and
lamb. For cuts suitable for roasting and other cooking methods.
Broiling—Broiling is suitable for tender beef steaks; beef and lamb
kabobs; veal, pork, and lamb chops; pork ribs; sliced ham; bacon;
butterflied lamb leg and ground beef, pork, and lamb.
Grilling (Barbecuing)— is often used in cooking kabobs. Kabobs are
pieces of meat, or a combination of meat and vegetables, or meat and
fruit pieces, alternated on a skewer.
Pan-broiling—Pan-broiling is a faster and more convenient method than
oven broiling for thinner cooking steaks or chops.
Stir-frying—Stir-frying is like panfrying except that the food is
stirred almost continuously. Cooking is done with high heat, using small
or thin pieces of meat.
Deep-fat frying— This method is used only with very tender meat. Meat
to be deep-fat fried is coated with egg and crumbs or a batter or
dredged in flour or cornmeal (breaded).
Pan-frying— is a method suitable for ground meat, small or thin cuts of
meat, strips, and pounded, scored, or otherwise tenderized cuts that do
not require prolonged heating for tenderization.

2. Moist Heat—Moist-heat methods of cooking are suitable for less tender

cuts of meat. Moist-heat cooking helps to reduce surface drying in those
cuts requiring prolonged cooking times. Unless a pressure cooker is used
in cooking, the temperature is usually low, but heat penetration is faster
than in dry-heat methods because steam and water conduct heat rapidly.
With moist-heat cookery, meat may lose some water—soluble
nutrients into the cooking liquid. However, if the cooking liquids are
consumed, as in stews or soups, nutrients are transferred and not lost.
Methods of cooking meat include dry heat (roasting, broiling, pan-
broiling, pan-frying, stir-frying, and outdoor grilling) or moist heat
(braising and cooking in liquid). Methods should be selected based on the
initial tenderness of the cut, desired quality characteristics of the resulting
product, available cooking facilities and equipment, and the amount of
time available for preparation.
Cooking in Liquids—the less tender cuts of meat can be covered with
liquids and gently simmered until tender. Do not let the temperature of
the liquids exceed 195°F, because boiling (212°F) toughens meat protein.
When the liquid is used as a base for the soup it is called meat stock (also
called broth or bouillon). Meat that is partially cooked in liquid before
cooking by another method is called “parboiled.”
The three ways to cook in liquid are simmering, stewing, and
Simmering is a method of cooking food in hot liquids kept just
below the boiling point of water at a temperature ranging from 180 F to
205 F but higher than poaching temperature.
Simmering and stewing are used for less tender cuts of meat while
poaching is used for tender cuts. The difference between simmering and
stewing is that simmering is used with whole cuts of meat while stewing
is used with small pieces of meat.
Poaching is only appropriate for beef while any type of meat (beef,
veal, pork, or lamb) can be simmered. Beef roasts can also be successfully
poached if they come from tender cuts. Appropriate roasts for poaching
are beef eye round, rib eye, and tenderloin.
After an initial browning period, the poaching liquid is added and the roast
is then gently simmered until it reaches 130°F. A combination of beef broth
or consommé, red wine, and herbs makes a flavorful poaching liquid. After
cooking, the liquids can be used in making a simple sauce for the roast or
it can be strained and frozen for later use as a soup base or stewing liquid.
Stewing is a combination cooking method that uses small,
uniform pieces of meat that are immersed in liquid and cooked at relatively
low temperatures. Water and stock can be used as the stew-cooking liquid.
A small amount of red wine, seasoning, and flavorings are added for
Poaching has been a traditional way of cooking poultry and fish.
However, beef roasts can also be successfully poached if they come from
tender cuts. Appropriate roasts for poaching are beef eye round, rib eye,
and tenderloin. After an initial browning period, the poaching liquid is
added and gently simmered until it reaches 130°F. A combination of beef
broth or consommé, red wine, and herbs makes a flavorful poaching liquid.
After cooking, the liquid can be used in making a simple sauce for the
roasts, or it can be strained and frozen for later use as a soup base or
stewing liquid.

Factors Affecting Choice of Cooking Methods in Meat

1. Cuts of meat
• Tender cuts like ribs and loin cuts are for roasting, broiling, and grilling.
• Less tender cuts from the leg or round used for braising and cuts from
shanks, breasts, brisket, and flank cooked by moist heat.
• Tougher cuts from chuck or shoulder are cook in braising.
• Ground meat and cubed made from trimmings can be cook by dry heat or
moist -heat.
Ribeye Tenderloin T-bone (Porterhouse)

2. Fat content
• Meats high in fat should be cook without added fat, such as roasting or
• Meats low in fat are often cooked with added fat to prevent dryness, like
sautéing, pan-frying, or braising.

3. Desired quality
• To develop flavor and appearance is also one of the objectives to get the
desired quality.

Directions: Choose the best answer to the following questions. Write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What component of the marinade gives a unique flavor and zest to the
cooked meat?
A. Acid C. Salt
B. Herbs D. Oil
2. Which of the following marinades called a simple marinade?
A. Acidic C. Oil-based
B. Enzymatic D. Seasoning
3. How many hours a pork loin marinated?
A. 2 hours C. 4 to 8 hours
B. 2 to 4 hours D. 24 hours
4. What is the main objective of using marinade in cooking meat?
A. Enhance the flavor C. Preserves the food
B. Make the meat tender D. All of the above
5. Lydia plans to cook grilled steaks. What is the amount of marinade
needed in marinating?
A. 2 oz. C. 4 oz.
B. 3 oz. D. 5 oz.
6. What is an oil-acid mixture which used to enhance the flavor of the meat?
A. Brine solution C. Soy sauce and vinegar
B. Marinade D. Salt and calamansi
7. Which of the following type of marinade base on vinegar or citrus juices?
A. Acidic C. Oil-based
B. Enzymatic D. Dairy-based
8. What is the ratio of acid and oil in making marinade?
A. 2 parts acid to 1 part oil C. 3 parts acid to 1 part oil
B. 2 parts acid to 2 parts oil D. 3 parts acid to 2 parts oil
9. Which of the following are the components of marinade?
A. Acid, oil, herbs C. Oil, herbs, seasonings
B. Herbs, seasonings D. Seasonings, Oil
10. Which of the following ingredients has more quantity in making a
A. Acid C. Salt
B. Herbs D. Oil

1. C 6. D 1. A 6. C
2. D 7. A 2. C 7. B
3. A 8. D 3. A 8. D
4. B 9. A 4. D 9. A
5. C 10. A 5. A 10. D

10. A C 5. 10. D C 5.
9. A C 4. 9. A B 4.
8. D A 3. 8. C A 3.
7. D B 2. 7. D D 2.
6. D D 1. 6. D A 1.



5. C 10. A 10. A 5. A
4. D 9. A 9. B 4. D
3. C 8. A 8. A 3. C
2. C 7. A 7. A 2. C
1. D 6. B 6. C 1. B


Kong, Aniceta S., et al., 2016, Cookery Manual, Department of Education

Technical Vocational Livelihood Education, First Edition 2016


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