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Very Short Type Questions :

1. What is the Sl unit frequency?

2. Which quantum number determines the orientation of the orbital?
3. What are isoelectronic species?
4. Out of manganese and iron, which has higher number of unpaired electrons?
5. What are the possible value of ‘m1’for 2 ρ – orbitals?
6. Atomic spectra is a line spectra. What does this mean?
7. How many angular nodes are present in 3dxy orbitals?
8. Name the series of lines obtained when electrons in hydrogen atoms fall from higher energy level to first
energy level?
9. Which scientist discovered nucleus?
10. What is the formula for calculating the orbit angular momentum of an electron in a stationary state?

Short Type Questions :

11. Define atomic number. Give the atomic number of zinc.

12. Write the three main observations made by Rutherford from his α -scattering experiment.
13. Write down the important feature of plum pudding model of atom.
14. Write Fe3+ ion is more stable than Fe2+ ion?
15. If the atomic number of an element ‘X’ is 27, then deduce the possible values of four quantum numbers the 20 th
electron of element ‘X’.
16. What are orbits? Why Bohr’s orbits are called stationary states?
17. give the explanation behind following the Hund’s Rule of maximum multiplicity along with an example.
18. Calculate the energy associated with the first orbit of Li 2+ ion.
19. Write two points of difference between cathode rays and canal rays.
20. Who discovered neutron and how?
21. Find the number of protons, electrons and neutrons in Sc3+ ion having mass number 45.
22. Write a short note on Plank’s quantum theory.
23. Write down the main postulates of Bohr’s model for hydrogen atom.
24. Calculate the wavelength of moving object ‘X’ so that its momentum is four times that of the moving object
‘Z’ having wavelength 2.6 x 10−10 m.
25. What is meant by
(i) Stark effect? (ii) Zeeman effect?
26. Show how the wavelength of a moving particle is related to its kinetic energy (KE).
27. Write the complete symbol of the element with the given information
(i) Z=24, A=52 (ii) Z=20, A=40 (iii) Z=4, A=9
28. Write a short note on Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. Is it applicable to macroscopic objects?
29. Which of the following sets of quantum numbers are not possible and why?
1 1
(i) n = 3, l = 2, ml = 0, ms = + (ii) n = 4, l = 4, ml = +3, ms = +
2 2
−1 1
(iii) n = 3, l = 1, ml = −2, ms = (iv) n = 2, l = 0, ml = 0, ms = +
2 2
30. State (n +l ) rule. Illustrate with the help of example.

Long Type Questions :

31. The wave number of a radiation is 500 cm—1 . Find out its
(i) Wavelength (ii) Frequency (iii) Time period
(iv) Energy in terms of joule per photon (v) Energy in terms of kcal per mol of photon
32. Discuss photoelectric effect in detail.
33. What is the charge, mass and ratio of electron? Write few properties of cathode rays.
34. (i) Discuss the line spectrum of hydrogen.
(ii) Find out the longest wavelength of absorption line for hydrogen gas containing atoms in ground state.
35. What is the ground state electronic configuration of copper and Cu+ ion? Why fully- orbitals are more stable?
36. Define the four properties used to characterize the electromagnetic radiation along with their Sl units.
37. (i) Define isotopes and isobars.
(ii) How many protons, electrons and neutrons are present in 2.4 g of 16 S?
38. (i) What is the wavelength associated with 200 eV electron?
(ii) What are the shapes of s and p orbitals?
39. If the sodium metal is irradiated with a wavelength 450 nm, calculate the kinetic energy and the velocity of the
ejected photoelectron. ( Given wo ( work function ) = 2.3 eV )
40. State and explain Pauli’s exclusion principle along with its applications.
41. A proton is accelerated to one-tenth of the velocity of light. Suppose velocity can be measured with precision
of ± 2%. What can be the uncertainty in its position?
42. (i) What are
(a) Atomic orbitals (b) quantum numbers (c) Orbits?
43. Write down the conclusion made from α -scattering experiment and the defects of the Rutherford model of
44. (a) What are electromagnetic radiations?
(b) What is electromagnetic spectrum?
(c) Arrange the different regions of electromagnetic spectrum in the increasing order of wavelength.
(d) What does l and L designate with respect to the structure of atom?
45. (a) Write the two limitations of Bohr’s model.
(b) Name the various subshells associated with (i) n = 4, l = 2, (ii) n = 3, l = 1.
(c) Arrange the subshells in 3rd shell in the order of increasing energy incase of (i) Hydrogen atom and (ii)
Iron atom.


Very Short Type Questions :

1. What is the approximate radius of nucleus?

2. Define an orbital.
3. Who discovered neutron?
4. What is the shape of p-orbitals?
5. Which series of hydrogen spectrum lies in the visible spectrum?
6. What is the atomic number of element which as 7 protons and 8 neutron in the nucleus of its atom?
7. What are isobars?
8. Which quantum number signify the energy of the shell?

Short Type Questions :

9. Write the central idea of Planck’s quantum theory.

10. What is work function?
11. Describe briefly about azimuthal quantum number.
12. Why the effect of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle insignificant for macroscopic moving objects?
13. Describe Thomson’s model of atom.
14. What is electromagnetic spectrum?
15. Name the rules which are followed during the filling of electron in orbitals in atom.

Short Type Questions :

16. Write down the drawbacks of Rutherford’s model of atom.

17. Write down the electronic configuration of Nickel, Copper and Chromium.
18. Calculate the wavelength in nm associated with a radiation of frequency 3.4 x 10 12 Hz and also find out its
19. Explain Hund’s rule of maximum spin multiplicity.
20. Write some properties of anode rays.
21. What do we mean by the dual nature of electromagnetic radiations?

Long Type Questions :

22. Discuss in detail the shape of s-orbital.

23. Define wavelength and wave number. Calculate the wave number of longest wavelength transition in the
Paschen of hydrogen atom.

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