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1. Compute : (® sin 15° from the functions of 60° and 45°, _(ii) cos 345° from the functions of 30 iii) tan 105° from the functions of 45° and 60°, (iv) sin 135° from the functions of (¥) cos 195° from the functions of 150° and 45°, (vi) cosec (131/12) IND: 2. Simplify by reducing to a single term : (i sin 3c cos 201 + cos 30: sin 2a, Gi) cos 58 cos 20 — sin 50 sin 20. (iii) sin 22° cos 38° + cos 22° sin 38°. (iv) sin 80° cos 20° — cos 80° sin 20°, () sin 9) cosxcos(—y)sinx (i) o08(0++ a) 08 0a) sin @-+a) tan 69° + tan 66° tana —tan(a —B) 1) Tan éo°tange C1 (it) tan tan GEB)h sida 3. (sin a cos f+ cos ot sin BY? + (cos at cos B — sin «sin B) = 1. 4, sin (60° + 6) sin (60° — 0) = sin 9. 5. sin (8 + 30°) + cos (0+ 6. sin (240° + 8) + cos (330? + 6) =0. 7. sin (A458) = 8. cos (S41) = S84 wan, 9. (Oytan 45° + 9)= ERE, (i tan (45° 9) = ‘sin@+4) _ sin(@@=9) 10. (OF octs$a crane Oro sin (A-B) , sin (BC) * ‘sin'A sin B. sin BsinC nd and Multiple Angles cns-7 compou 14, Find the values of sin a ~B), cos (ct - B) and tan (or — B), given 8 (@sina= 75, tan B= —, cand B in Quadrant I 24 4 (incos a= 3 cot B=, ot in Quadrant I, B in Quadrant I 15, IfAand B are acute angles , find (A + B) given 1 = 1 5 1 inA=—=, sinB=—~, t 7 == osind= Je Wi G@) anA= 2, tn B= <. then what is the value of +B? [NDA April 2007] m I } iven that tana = ——, tanB= 16, Given tha mat 8 17. In the AABC, the foot of the perpendicular from A to BC is D. Given that tan B = :, 15 cos C “7 and that AB = 20 cm, calculate without using tables (i) the lengths of the sides AC and BC; (ii) the value of sin A. Isc] 18, Given that tan (A + B) = 1 and that tan (A - B) = 3, find without using tables the values of tan A and tan B. [sq] y If tan (A + B) =x and tan B= ; prove that tan A = a and obtain an expression for x tan (A—B ) in terms of x. If tan (A-B)= and A is acute, find A without using tables. [SC] 20. Ifsin(a + B) = =, sin (a —B) = 2. a+, a —f being acute angles prove that tan 20 = &. 21. Prove that 1 + tan 26 tan 0 = sec 20 . 22.4 sin (F -6) sin (F +0)=3-4sin°6. 23, 20817? +sin 17° 24, tan 3A — tan 2A —tanA = tan 3A tan 2A tan A. cos17°—sin 17° 2S, tan 75° — tan 30° — tan 75° tan30° = 1. %. cos 26 cos 26 + sin?(0 — ) ~ sin*(0 + 4) = cos(20 + 26). = tan 62°. 21. Ifsin (0 + &) = cos (0 + @), prove that tan 0 28. Given that A = B + C, prove that tan A —tan B—tan C = tan A tan B tan C. usc] 29 ITA+B = 45°, show that tan A + tan B+ tan A tan B= 1. Hence, or otherwise, express tan 22°30’ in surd form. [sc] 51. (0 Use the expansion of tan (A= B ) to find tan 15° without the use of ables, leaving your answer in surd form with an integral denominator. (ti) Prove that a =sin2A. lsc +tan? A it 31, 'TA+B=295°, prove that tan A+ tan B= | - tan A tan B SG ena ia i ‘a Ch 5-8 Isc Mathematics .y ANSWERS B-1 iar ka? (+1) Lote OF (i) -2+V3)— () mp) 0) (ee) (i) VE 5 { B 2. (i) sin Sa (ii) cos 78 (iii) B () ie (@)-siny (vi cos 20 (vi) 1 (iti) tan B 13.9 83,216 83 @ 2363336 65° 6516 325°325°323 2 = 14.9 ZL 220, 2h (an 2042283, =204 221" 221° 220 325° 325" 253, 15. (i) 45° or 135° (ii) 45° 16. z 17. (i) 34 comand 42cm (ii) 2 18, tan A= ; fan B= FortanA=-2, tn B= 3x-4 : 19. ——~, 45° . V2 1. ). - 3. aa 8 29, V2-1 30. (9 2- V3. HINTS TO SELECTED QUESTIONS | 17. (ii) To find sin A, use sin A= sin(4, +4.) where ZBAD= A, and Z CAD=A, (4x)? + Gx)? = 20? > x= 4 AD =16cm (16? + (15y)?= (19)? > y= 2 sin A= sin (A, + 4,)=sin A, cos A, + c0s 4, sin 4,. tand+tanB_, tand—tanB 1 , tends tan B _ Aan As tan =F Let tan 4=s,tan B=, 18. TetanAunBe 2i¢mndun Ties ae eee Then, x+y = 1 —xy, 7 (x-y)= 1 +29 Solve. 20. tan20=tan (G+P+a-f). 23. tan 62°=tan (45° + 17°), tan B + tan’ 28. Type solved Ex. 6, A= B+ C= tan A= tan (B + Q)= rype sol x. (B+O) Saw PRODUCT FORMULAE 5.02. Converting products into sums or differences By formula (1), sin (A + B) = sin A cos B + cos A sin B By formula (5), sin (A- B) = sin A cos B ~ cos Asin B By addition, 2 sin A cos B= sin (A+B) + sin (A-B) and by subtraction, 2.cos A sin B= sin (A+B) — sin (A—B) By formula (2), cos (A + B) = cos A cos B -sin A sin B By formula (6), cos (A- B) = cos A cos B + sin A sin B < Scanner lens. . |i. - 1. Convert the followin; ig products into sum or difference. If, ea Rom mbes nce. If angles are given in degrees, evaluate (i) 2 sin 48° cos 12° (ii) 2 sin 54° sin 66° (iii) 2 cos 50.cos 30 (iv) 2 cos 72° sin 56° (¥) cos (& + B) cos (a.— 8) (% sin 4“ 2 <& Scanner ISC Mathematics Ch 5-12 “4 2. Convert the following sums or differences into products: oy:v / (i) sin 12A + sin 4A (ii) sin 37° + sin 21° (iii) sin 12A- sin 4A, (iv) cos 79° + cos 1° —_(v) cos 120+ cos 80. (vi) cos 25° - cos 37° (vii) sin 61° — cos 39° (vii) sin Ax + cos 2x ; Prove that 3, SNA+sinB (a2) sin 75° - sin 15° 1 * cosAteosB C2 * cos 75° + cos 15° V3 sin Tx + sin 3x cos 2B — cos 2A 5s ——_——. . = tan (A - B). cos 7x +eos 3x sin2Atsin2B "AB sin (4A ~ 2B)+sin (4B-2A) cosa +2c0s3a+cosSa _ a. =tan (AB) 8. = cos3a 0s (4A —2B)+e0s (4B= 2A) " A*B) 8 O30 ¢ Des 5a+-c0s 7a SeeSa, in Ati 7 - : . sin A + sin 3A + sin SA + sin 7A. =tan4A. 10. cos 20° + cos 100° + cos 140°=0. cos A + cos 3A + cos SA + cos 7A. 11. sin 10° + sin 20° + sin 40° + sin 50° = sin 70° + sin 80°. 12. (i) cos 15°—sin 15° = ¥ (ii) sin 36° + cos 36° = V2 cos 9°. 13. cos 20° cos 40° cos 80° = - 14, sin 10° sin 50° sin 70° = i 15, 4 cos 12° cos 48° cos 72° = cos 36° 16, tan 20° tan 40° tan 80° = tan 60° & on 3n Sn : 17. 2cos — cos = + cos = = cos 7 cos TF + 0s 7 + eos (A + 30°) + cot (A- 30°) = ——_—__—__. 18. tan( Dt 908 (A= 30) a Seo 19. cos A + cos (120° A) + cos (120° +A) =0 20. cos (A + B) + sin (A—B) = 2 sin (45° + A) cos (45° + B), 21. Ifcos A+ cos B= ; and sin A+ sin B = ; prove that tan ; (A+B)= > cos 10° + sin 20°, cos 20° - sin 10°” What is the value of 1, Evaluate: (i) 2 sin 15° cos 15° (ii) 1-2 sin?22.5° (iii) 2 00s? 157.5°=1 (iv) cos? aa 4 sin? (vi) cos Fin = 2tan 222 7 (vii) ie (viii) 8 cos = - 6 cos= I~ tan? 22— 9 9 2 2. Find the vas of sin 20, cos 20, and tan 26, given : @ sin= 2 = , @ in Quadrant I. (i) sin = 2 0 in Quadrant II . ii) sin ©9=——, @ in Quadrant IV. (iv) tan @=- =, in Quadrant II. va ABC is an acute-angled triangle inscribed in a circle of radius 5 cm and centre O. The sine of angle A is equal to 3 Calculate without using tables: () the length of BC (i) sin OBC. (iif) sin BOC (iv) cos BOC. [sc] 4. Derive functions of 120° from functions of 60° and check, by using relations between functions of supplementary angles. 5, Ifsin 0 = a and sin 20 = 6, find an expression for cos @ in terms of@ and b. Hence find a relation between a and b not involving 8. [sc] 6. (i) Given that tan A= : find the values of tan 2A, tan 4A and tan (45° — 4A). [sc] [Sao 7 n 3 (i) IFAis an obtuse angle whose sine is — and B is an acute angle whose tangentis z. without using tables find the values of (a) sin 2B, (6) tan (A-B). [sc] 7, Express e & (i) cos 6c in terms of cos 30 ; (ii) sin 100 in terms of functions of 5 0 ; (iii) tan 80. in terms of tan 40; —_ (iv) cos 20 in terms of cos 40 ; 2 450) (y) tan 49 in terms of cos 89 ; (vi) sin z in terms of cos 50 ; (vii) cos 20 @ in terms of sin 58. [Hint, 20 0 is double of 10 8 and 10 is double of 58. Hence apply double angle formulas). 8. Using the half angle formulas, find the exact value of (i) sin 15° (ii) sin 292 + <& Scanner Len: Ch 5-26 ISC Mathematics 9 In the triangle ABC, in which C is the right angle, prove that : le—b - A_ |et+b 267 TV 20” a-B 10, If cos a= 3, cos B= 3. find the value of cos —~, assuming 0. and B to be acute angles, 11. Given that cos 4 = 2 calculate without the use of tables, the values of sin A, c05 A ang. a7 tan A. Usq, 12, Given that tan x = 2, cosy= >, and the angles x and y are in the-same quadrants, calculate : cone without the use of tables the value of (i) sin(x + y), (ii) 855% Us, : © 13. Given that sin? B = sin o cos a, show that cos 2B = 2 cos? (+a) Use 1991) 14, Derive formulas for the following in terms of functions of 26 and then of 8. (i) sin 48 ii) cos 48, (if) tan 48 15, Ifsin = 2 find the value of (i) sin 3 cr, (ii) cos 30, (ii) tan 3c. 1 16. If2.cos =x + 4, prove that 2 cos 36 =? + a x 17. Calculate without using tables tan 20° tan 40° tan 80°. [Hint. Given exp. = tan 20°, tan (60° — 20°). tan (60° + 20°) 2 60° — tan? 20° ere tan 20° | 8 SF — 8 20") tango] Stan 20" 1—tan* 60°.tan* 20° 1—3tan* 20° tan? 20° * = 28020 — an 20° 00) = nso = VE : 1—3tan* 20° — Compound and Multiple Angles ch 180°-24 (i) ZOBC= Tyo =90°-A = sin OBC = sin (90° - A) =cos A sin A cos A 2 sin? A sin 12 p= 8, cos 120° = feta 120°= ~ 3. (ii) sin BOC (iv) cos BO cosec 120° = 2, sec 120° =~ 2, cot 120° = “i. 5120 12°19" 239° cos0= 2, 4d + B= 4a. 6.(i) = J. (i) 2 cos* 30-1 (ii) 2 sin 50 cos 50. @ q fi cost} [i=cos50 ees i : ©) 4 ceeas @) £ = (vii) 1 = 8 sin? 50 + 8 sin 50 0) + 2-3 (i) ae 10. = 120 9 120 56 =i £ , sin A= +72 cos d=" tan d= 8 (eee < a sin ep 0084 = Tea ptan A =k ROE wz . (i) 2 sin 20 cos 26, 4 sin @ cos 0 (cos* 0 — sin’ 0) 2tan26 _4tan0(1— tan?) (il) 2.cos? 20-1, 8 cos'@-8 cos +1 (iii) - 1=tan? 201 6tan?0 + tan*@ @ = (i) Z if cis in Quadrant I; x if isin Quadrant Il, (iii) wf if @ is in Quadrant I; a if o is in Quadrant II. ve that in (ene 8 nas ON oe - (i) (sin } — cos )? = 1 — sin 2. Gi {cos5+sin) =1+sin6. oe sin x tan 20 1 ‘ 2 ee cin? — . 3, =cos'@-sin'@. 4, ———— =]-tan’a. 2 oe 2 90028. cot a tan 20 sin2A sin2A sin30 _ cos30 a 6. ———— = tan'A . = = T-cos2A "A * Ty c0582A sind cos0 3 aol in] cos*A-sin®A _ 2+sin2A : 1~cos 20 = 9, ——— = tan0. [st cosA—sinA 2 sin20 a) ). cot o: — tan o, = 2 cot 20. 11. cosec A 2 cot 2A cos A=2 sin A. cos2x-+sin x _ , sin 2x4 c0s2x _ 4 oo5 y Isc] ; tanx, [SC] cosx+sin x sin 2x +cosx <& Scanner Lens a Isc Mathematicg a Ch 5-28 sin@+sin20 15, cotA = z[cor4- a 14, ——— SI | = tan. a 2 tan]. 1+cos0+cos20 2 16, SO8A+siNA cosA-SinA 41.94 . sehen cosA—sinA cosA+sinA~ : cos + sin, a 1, —SiN2A_ I-cosA | A 1-cos2A” cosA 2°, 19. 2.cos A= y[2+,/2(1+c0s44)], A € Jor IV Quad. 20. tan 2A = (sec 2A + 1) (sec? 4-1), A in Lor IV Quad, SecBA =I _ tan8A 22, tan 2A~ sec A sin A= tan A sec 24 sec4A-1 tan2A x 21. 23. (i) (cos A + cos B)' + (sin A+ sin B)? = 4 cos? (7) (ii) (Cos A - cos BY? + (sin A—sin B)?= 4 sin? (47) 24. (i) cos? ¥ +c0s? Pecos? Brcos? aa, (ii) sin + sin* ay sin‘— i + sin'— ies 3 y 8 8 8 Bry 25. coso. cos (60° - &) cos (60° + «) = i cos 30, Bat see a6, 208 a=cos3a , sin? a+sin30 _ 5 | cosa sina : 27. cos? 20 — sin? 6 = cos 0 . cos 30. 2g, 1+£0820+c0s60 _ sin30 cos 40 ind” ay ® cos (x-24) + 0s) x+cos"( r+ 1 3 " ‘sin10° cosl0°— /3l. tan 70° ~ tan 20° - 2 tan 40° = 4 tan 10°, Y 32. tan 6 +2 tan 20 + 4 tan 46 + 8 cot 80 = cot 0. + 33. (i) 4 (cos? 20° + cos? 40°) = 3 (cos 20° + cos 40°), (ii) 4 (cos? 10° + sin? 20°) = 3 (cos 10° + sin 20°), 34, cos?.x sin?x = — ze cos x — COS 3x —cos 5x), 36, cot A + cot a oa + cot (120° +A) = 3 cot 34,

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