4(a), (b), (c), (d)

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Prove that wad 1—cos? @= sin? @, +2, VI-sin? © = cos 0. 3. sec a VI—sin? @ =1 1. 1—cos? @= sin? @. Vv sin? 0+cos? @ sect 5. sec? @- 1 tan? 6 =0. 6, Sinz O:hcogs Oak tan? 6 sec? @—tan?6 7. 1-cos'O-sin?®=0, 8 sin‘ ® + sin? @ cos? 0 = sin? @, 9. sin‘® + 2sin°@ cos*® + cos‘® =1. 10. cos? 6 (cosec? 6 — cot? 9) = cos? 9, sin ® cosec tan @ cot 0 eer oe ape igs sin“ 0+cos* 6 eB “sin? 30°+ cos? 30° pt Sine 30224, Cost: 307 sec? $7°— tan? 57° 13. cos A tan A= sin A, 14. ‘sin* A cosec? A+ cost A sec? A = |, 15. sin?A cot’ A + cos? A tan? A= Se Note. We have Vi-sin2@ = Veos26 not hold good if @ ties in 2nd or 3rd = see a. cos a, =|€080| = cos0 if cos0 is +ve, the results of 2 and Q, 3 do quadrant. Similarly, secay/i—sin2q = scae/Synner ch er feos ais +ve,ie.,a © Lor lV quad. COS eld 'SC Mathemay ch4as May, Prove that _ t= sec O cosec 0. 1. sec 0 cot 8 = cosec 0 2. tan 8+ cot : i 1+cos@—-sin"@ 6 0088 1 sind, Sr emay 70d " secO-tan® sin@(1+cos@) : 79, 6. (tanA + cot A) sin A x cosA = | T.cosa= 0A. oot (A€ MlorIV quad.) 8. sin‘ @—cos! @= sin? 0—eox9, eee [+cor? 4) 9. sec? A + cosec? A = sec? A cosec? A. 11. sin’ (1+ cot?$) = 1. 13. sec‘ A~sec? A= tan? A + tan‘ A, 10. sin’ 0 + cos? 0 = (sin 0 + cos 8)(1 — sin 8 cos 0, 12. (tan. A+ cot A)? = cosec? A+ sec?A. 14. (cosec 8 - sin 6)(sec 6 — cos 6)(tan 8 + cot @)= (NDA April 2007) cotA+tanB "cot B+ tan A =cot A tan B 16, 2, 1+ cosas 1+cosa, sina 1+cosA _ 2 T=eos 4 ~ C086 4 $00 nner show that a? — 82 = 4./o. = 2 cosec a. 18. 19. If tan 8+ sin @=q and tan 0 —sin = B, 1. Ifcot 8= 5, find the values of other #-ratios of @. 2. If cos A = 0.6, find the value of 5 sin A—3 tan A. . 3 1 3. IfsinA= = + — a Or! sinA 5” Prove that tan A Re 1 cosec?@—sec” 0 —=, find the value of ——3>——— VI 1 5. If'sin 0 = 5 prove that sec @ + tan @= 25 if 6 lies between 0 and ee What will be the value 4. Iftan 0 = cosec”0+ sec” @ x 3 of the expression when @ lies () between > and m and (i) between x and mi {Hint, Part (ji) is impossible. Why ?] 2cos® a) 6. If lies in the second quadrant and tan ®@ = —, find the value of ———. 12 1-sin® 7. Ifsin @ sec @=—1 and O lies in the second quadrant, find sin @ and ses Se @NMer Li Ch 4-12 ISC Mathematics _, 5. 13sinA +SsecA 8. If Ais in the fourth quadrant and cos A = D find the value of Stan A + 6cosecA, tanA +6c0secA” Verify that 2 ° 1-tan* 30° 9. sin 60° = 22030? 10. cos 60° = ——>——. 1+ tan2 30° 1+ tan* 30° Prove that 7 11. sec 30° tan 60° + sin 45° cosee 45° + cos 30° cot 60° = = 12. $ cot? 30° + 3 sin? 60° — 2 cosec? 60° — ; tan? 30° ANSWERS 5 5 >) cosec 8 = + z a S anner Lens 6-3. 7.sinO= pr 808 ~V2. ¢: = . Trigonometrical Functions Ch 4-19 4( . Express the following as functions of angles less than 45° : (isin 194°, (ii) sin 348°, (iii) cos 189°, (i) sin (~ 1785°), (») tan (3598°), (vi) cot (— 1952"), (vii) cosee (~ 7498"). 2, Without using tables, give the value of each of the following : (i) sin 120°, (ii) cot 330°, (iii) sec 210°, (iv) cos 315°, ‘ 15 (v) cosec 675°, (vi) cos 855°, (vii) sin 4530°, (viii) sec =. 3. With the help of tables, find the values, correct to four places of decimals, of each of the following : (i) cos 116° (ii) sin 267° (iii) sin (- 263°) (iv) cos 280° 10’ (v) tan (2015° 24’). . Find the value of sin 750° cos 300° + cos 1470° sin (— 1020°). cos 30 — 2 cos 40 Ps SIN £008 Se when 0 = 150 §, Evaluate sin 3042sin 40° en = 150°, ii cos (— 8) tan (- 6) . ify? Se ea 6 Simply: nO 8) 7 Fin (540° +0) 8. sin (90° — 8) sec (180° — 6) sin (— 6) sin (180° + 6) cot (360° — 6) cosec (90° + 0) " sin 150° — 5 cos 300° + 7 tan 225° tan 135° +3 sin 210° 10. Ifsin (79 + 9°) =cos 2 6, find a value of }. 11. Find the values of @ lying between 0° and 360° when 1 (sin = 7 (ii) tan 0 =—1, (iii) sec @=— 2, (iv) sin 6 = sin 21°, (v) tan @=—2.0145, (vi) sin® = cos 317°, (vii) cos 0 = sin 285°. 12. If 0° < @ < 90° and cos 6 = 4 find the values of (cos (90° +8) (if) cosec (180°+ 8) (iii) tan (360-0) _(iv) sin (270° - 6). 13, Find six angles for which sin 0 =~ 2 14, Find all the angles between 0° and 720° whose tangent is ~ ¥ 15, Find the values of 0 between 0° and 360° which satisfy the equations (i) sin? = 3, (i 20830 >. Isc) 16. If tan 6 = 0.4, when 0 lies between 0° and 360°, write down the possible values of @ and sin 0. [sc] 17, Ifcos x°= sin 200°, find the possible values of x between — 180° and 360°. Isc] <& Scanner Lens ISC mM, 7 lathemay Ch 4-20 aticg : If A, B, C are the angles of a triangle, prove that 18. cos C =~ cos (A+B). A =cot—. 2 B+C 19. tan tan (B+C) + tan (C+ A) + tan (A +B) " tan (m— A) + tan (2x — B) + tan (31 —C) 1 1 21. IfA, B,C, D are the angles of a quadrilateral, prove that cos z (A+B) +cos z (C+ D)=o, ANSWERS 1.@)-sin 14° (i) sin 12° Gi) cos 9° (iv) sin 15° (¥) = tan 28 (vi) cot 28° (vii) sec 28° i ity) 2 ye Vi 20> (i) V3 i) Ore ) wi) “+ * Gi) + iti) V2 3.@-0.4384 (i) - 0.9986 (i) 0.9925 6) 0.1766 () 0.7107 41 8.3043) 61 7. sec @ 8. sin 9.-2 10. 9° 11. (30°, 150° (i 135°,315° ay 120°, 2402 () 219, 159° ©) 116° 24’, 296° 24" (vi) 479, 133° (win 1652, 1950 es ee) es ad - (i) 3 (i) 3 (iii) 7 (iv) is 13. 240°, 300°, 600°, 660°, 960°, 1020°. 14, 150°, 330°, 510°, 6908, <& Scanneriar 15. (i) 60°, 120°, 240°, 300°, (@) 20°, 100°, 140°, 220°, 2602, 3402, 16. 21° 48’, 201° 48, 0.3714.—0.3714 17 & 1100 ncne

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