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Test Series Schedule

1st Test 1: July 10 - Introduction to Anthropology

2ndTest 2: July 14 - Evolution and Genetics
3rdTest 3: July 18 - Human Evolution
4th Test 4: July 22 - Archaeological Anthropology
5th Test 5: July 26 - Cultural Anthropology
6th Test 6: July 30 - Social Organization
7th Test 7: August 3 - Kinship and Marriage
8th Test 8: August 7 - Economic Anthropology
9th Test 9: August 11 - Political Anthropology
10thTest 10: August 15 - Religion and Magic
11thTest 11: August 19 - Anthropology of Pakistan
12thTest 12: August 23 - Research Methods in Anthropology
13thTest 13: August 27 - Applied Anthropology
14thTest 14: August 31 - Current Trends in Anthropology
15thTest 15: September 4 - Comprehensive Test

Test Details
Test 1: July 10 - Introduction to Anthropology
Definition and Scope
Branches of Anthropology
Importance of Anthropology
1st Define anthropology and discuss its scope.
2ndExplain the different branches of anthropology.
3rdDiscuss the importance of anthropology in contemporary society.
"Anthropology" by Ember, Ember, and Peregrine
Online articles and journals on the basics of anthropology

Test 2: July 14 - Evolution and Genetics

Theories of Evolution
Human Genetics
Natural Selection
1st Compare and contrast the theories of evolution proposed by Darwin and Lamarck.
2ndExplain the principles of human genetics.
3rdDiscuss the concept of natural selection and its implications for human evolution.
"Physical Anthropology" by Philip Stein and Bruce Rowe
Online resources on evolution and genetics

Test 3: July 18 - Human Evolution

Fossil Records
Major Hominid Species
Human Adaptation and Variation
1st Discuss the significance of fossil records in understanding human evolution.
2ndDescribe the major hominid species and their characteristics.
3rdExplain how humans have adapted to different environments.
"Introduction to Physical Anthropology" by Jurmain, Kilgore, and Trevathan
Online articles on human evolution

Test 4: July 22 - Archaeological Anthropology

Methods of Archaeological Excavation
Dating Techniques
Major Archaeological Sites
1st Explain the methods used in archaeological excavation.
2ndDiscuss the various dating techniques used in archaeology.
3rdDescribe any two major archaeological sites and their significance.
"Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice" by Colin Renfrew and Paul Bahn
Online resources on archaeological methods and sites

Test 5: July 26 - Cultural Anthropology

Culture and Society
Cultural Relativism
1st Define culture and society. How are they interrelated?
2ndExplain the role of ethnography in cultural anthropology.
3rdDiscuss the concept of cultural relativism and its importance.
"Cultural Anthropology" by Conrad Kottak
Online articles on culture and society

Test 6: July 30 - Social Organization

Types of Social Organization
Social Institutions
Social Stratification
1st Describe the different types of social organization.
2ndExplain the role of social institutions in society.
3rdDiscuss the concept of social stratification and its effects on social mobility.
"Anthropology: The Exploration of Human Diversity" by Conrad Kottak
Online resources on social organization

Test 7: August 3 - Kinship and Marriage

Kinship Systems
Forms of Marriage
Rules of Descent
1st Explain the various kinship systems found in different cultures.
2ndDescribe the different forms of marriage.
3rdDiscuss the rules of descent and their significance in kinship systems.
"Kinship and Social Organization" by John Beattie
Online articles on kinship and marriage

Test 8: August 7 - Economic Anthropology

Modes of Production
Exchange Systems
Subsistence Strategies
1st Discuss the different modes of production in economic anthropology.
2ndExplain the various exchange systems found in different cultures.
3rdDescribe the different subsistence strategies used by human societies.
"Economic Anthropology" by Chris Hann and Keith Hart
Online resources on economic anthropology

Test 9: August 11 - Political Anthropology

Types of Political Systems
Power and Authority
Conflict Resolution
1st Describe the different types of political systems in anthropology.
2ndExplain the concepts of power and authority.
3rdDiscuss the methods of conflict resolution in different cultures.
"Political Anthropology: An Introduction" by Ted C. Lewellen
Online articles on political systems and conflict resolution

Test 10: August 15 - Religion and Magic

Theories of Religion
Rituals and Beliefs
Magic and Witchcraft
1st Compare and contrast the various theories of religion.
2ndExplain the role of rituals and beliefs in religion.
3rdDiscuss the concepts of magic and witchcraft in different cultures.
"Anthropology of Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft" by Rebecca Stein and Philip Stein
Online resources on religion and magic

Test 11: August 19 - Anthropology of Pakistan

Ethnic Groups
Cultural Practices
Social Change
1st Describe the major ethnic groups in Pakistan.
2ndDiscuss the cultural practices unique to Pakistan.
3rdExplain the social changes occurring in Pakistan.
"Pakistan: A Hard Country" by Anatol Lieven
Online articles on the anthropology of Pakistan

Test 12: August 23 - Research Methods in Anthropology

Qualitative and Quantitative Methods
Fieldwork Techniques
Ethical Considerations
1st Discuss the qualitative and quantitative methods used in anthropological research.
2ndExplain the fieldwork techniques used by anthropologists.
3rdDescribe the ethical considerations in anthropological research.
"Research Methods in Anthropology" by H. Russell Bernard
Online resources on research methods

Test 13: August 27 - Applied Anthropology

Definition and Scope
Applications in Development
Medical Anthropology
1st Define applied anthropology and discuss its scope.
2ndExplain the applications of anthropology in development.
3rdDescribe the field of medical anthropology and its significance.
"Applied Anthropology: Domains of Application" by Satish Kedia and John van Willigen
Online articles on applied anthropology

Test 14: August 31 - Current Trends in Anthropology

Globalization and Anthropology
Digital Anthropology
Environmental Anthropology
1st Discuss the impact of globalization on anthropology.
2ndExplain the field of digital anthropology and its significance.
3rdDescribe the role of environmental anthropology in contemporary society.
"Anthropology and the New Cosmopolitanism" by Pnina Werbner
Online resources on current trends in anthropology

Test 15: September 4 - Comprehensive Test

1st Comprehensive questions covering all topics from previous tests.
Review materials from previous tests and additional online resources.

Preparation Tips
1st Study Consistently: Allocate specific hours daily for each topic.
2ndUse Multiple Resources: Don't rely on a single book; use online articles and journals.
3rdPractice Writing: Practice writing detailed answers to improve writing speed and clarity.
4th Discussion Groups: Join study groups to discuss and understand different perspectives.
5th Seek Feedback: Get feedback on your answers from peers or mentors.
Good luck with your preparation!

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