QIP on improving of efficiency of health care system

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PROJECT TITLE ፡ Improving health system

efficiency in procurement, human resource and supply
REGION: Oromia
Health Facility: Haramaya General Hospital
Prp by Harif A(M.Sc.)
Date: sept, 2022
Background of Haramaya General Hospital
❑Haramaya Hospital is found in East Hararghe;
Oromia National Regional state; 507Km from Finfinne
and 18 km from Harar town
◦It is established in 2005 Ethiopia calendar.
◦It was upgraded from health centre
❑Then in 2009 it was expanded to a zonal hospital by
the Regional Health Bureau.

haramaya general Hospital cluster 1st Q report prp by HA

◦Now the Hospital have more than 172 beds and giving
health service for two towns and four districts for
more than 1.4 million people and also there is 27
Health centers in the catchment and two lead health
◦It has 340 employees; 186 health Professionals and
the rest supportive staff

haramaya general Hospital cluster 1st Q report prp by HA

◦On averages Daily 320-460 patients visit OPD
◦It has specialty in psychiatry, eye, ART clinic, Youth
friendly service ,ophthalmic clinic, and TBL among other
services and also four referral clinic
◦To promote quality service effectively the hospital has fully
utilized all health reform core processes, namely BPR,BSC,
HSTQ, IPD initiatives and EHAQ/EBC
haramaya general Hospital cluster 1st Q report prp by HA
Organization’s Mission, Vision, Scope of
◦ Mission
Haramaya General Hospital plays a basic role to reduce morbidity, mortality and disability and improve the health status
of Haramaya hospital catchment population through providing and regulating a comprehensive package of preventive,
promotive, rehabilitative and basic curative health services via a decentralized and democratized health system.
◦ Vision
To see healthy, productive, and prosperous Haramaya Hospital catchment population
Problem statement (prioritized for improvement)

◦ Us we assessed in our hospital there is sources of inefficiency in procurement, human resource for
health and supply chain
Aim Statement
◦ The Aim of these project is to improving efficiency in health system in our Haramaya
General Hospital start from Sept 11, 2022 to March 30, 2023 for evidence based
decision making.
Methodologies of the project
Model for Improvement
What are we trying to accomplish?

What change can we make that will

result in improvement?
How will we know that a change
is an improvement?

Act Plan

Study Do
Fishbone Diagram
Shortage of clinicians Products and services
& training of
workforce Shortage of pharmaceutical expenditure
Lack of resource
Absence of Low FTE of GP that spent with patient
Inappropriate payment systems

of Shortage of hospital budget
engagemen Source inefficiency in
t health system our hospital
Inappropriate hospital
size with services Poor communication Poor mgt, Rx and Dx
and poorly managed of disease
patient flow
Unnecessary admission and
unnecessary referrals to specialists
Poor infrastructure
Low bed density

Lack of equipment and Inapproppriate ALS and low BORs

inappropriate use of technology

Environment/technology/ Services delivery

Aim Primary Drivers Secondary Drivers Change Ideas
By what, by when What must be present to achieve our aim 1 What must be present to deliver each

Turnover and Recruitment Increase staff motivation, Introducing

performance-based payments
Premium Pay Work Days Lost Due to
Injury or Illness Staffing Efficiency Use appropriate incentive, reward and
appraisal systems
Improve staff efficiency
Needs-based assessment and Raising workforce awareness and training
training; revise remuneration
policies; flexible contracts; Using work measurement and time
management techniques
performance-related pay
Improve quality of Develop and implement guidelines
Enhance monitoring and clinical
care and decrease medical error, clinical
improve hospital size, improve audit; improve continuity of care
undertake more clinical audits; monitor
admission/length of stay hospital performance
Use input-output data to plan, match managerial Modifying hospital size: selecting an efficient
capacity to size; raise occupancy size and
provide alternative care (e.g. day care); alter preventing hospital overdevelopmen
incentives to hospital providers; raise Improving workforce, equipment, and beds
Improve use of procedures, based on
knowledge about efficient admission practice evidence
investigations and
Modifying hospital budget structures and Improve
Reform incentive, revenue and regulation/governanc
payment structures (e.g. capitation)
management techniques and methods of
economic analysis

Improve use generic drug, rational Improve drug regulation and

quality control; carry out product Developing appropriate tariff and payment systems
use of drugs
testing Value of purchased drugs, Value of stocked drugs
Value of drugs supplied, Volume of consumption of
improve prescribing guidance, specific drug and Share of generics in market
information, training and develop
active purchasing; reduce -Use of cost analysis and DEA model and other efficiency
mark-ups, raise public awareness measurement
A flowchart for the selection of policy tools for improving allocative efficiency
Aim Change Balancing
Outcome measure Process measures measures
state ideas
Indicator Numerator Denominator

Indicator Improve worker .

Improving efficiency of health care system in our

Numerator Improve
quality of care

Denominat Improve
or products and

Data HMIS report,


Source satisfaction
Aim Improving efficiency of health care system in our hospital
S What Process Measure Wher Who How(descriptio When (time table ) Remar
(Change e(ser (responsible n how to deliver k
ideas) vice body) activities Start date End date
1 Improve worker Increase staff motivation, prepare Harama ➢HR, QI team and ➢Attendance, survey Nov 1, 2022 July 30, 2023
appropriate incentive, reward and
productivity appraisal system, prepare
ya SMT and guideline
awareness and training, using work hospital
measurement and time system

2 Improve quality Develop and implement evidence Harama ❖QI team, SMT ❖CA, HMIS report, Nov 1, 2022 July 30, 2023
based clinical care guideline, ❖# Beds, #modified
of care undertake more clinical audits,
monitoring , improve hospital room/unit
admission/length of stay,
modifying hospital size,
✓Pharm Dep’t, ✓Value of purchased drugs,
3 Improve hospital Improve pharmaceutical expenditure,
prepare appropriate payment system, stocked drugs, drugs
Nov 1, 2022 July 30, 2023
products and improve, improve use of Rx and Dx
Finance, QI team,
supplied, consumption of
services in imaging and Lab, improve use in SMT specific drug and Share of
generic drug and rational drug use generics in market,
P of PDSA…
Measurement Plan /data collection plan
AIM/Out Come Data source Data collection Time Responsible
Indicator (Where) method (how) (When) for
Improve efficiency Haramaya G HMIS report, Nov 1, 2022, to QI team, SMT
of health care system July 30, 2023
Hospital Clinical Audit,
in hospital survey, FGD,
◦ Test your change ideas one at a time
◦ Use Run chart to monitor your QI project over time.
◦ Describe the measured results and how they compared to the predictions and baseline
◦ Here describe what modifications to the plan will be made for the next cycle from what you learned (Adapt,
Adopt, Abandon)

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