747330108 Analysis of Financial Statement of Five Banks of Bangladesh

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Report on

“Analysis of Financial Statement of Five Banks of Bangladesh

of Previous 3 Years”

Submitted To:

Mr. Saiful Islam


Faculty of Business Administration

BGC Trust University, Bangladesh

Prepared By:

Suvashish Raha

Id number: 140323537(140107282)

Roll: 1423537(1407282)

BBA (Finance)

BGC Trust University, Bangladesh

Date of Submission: 14th July 2018.


14th July 2018

Mr. Saiful Islam


Faculty of Business Administration

BGC Trust University, Bangladesh.

Subject: Submission of report on “Analysis of Financial Statement of

Five Banks of Bangladesh of Previous 3 Years”.

Dear Sir,

I am pleased to submit my Report on “Analysis of Financial Statement of Five Banks of

Bangladesh of Previous 3 Years” That I was assigned by you. It was a great opportunity for me
to acquire practical knowledge of investment banking. I have concentrated my best effort to
achieve the objectives of the report and hope that my endeavor will serve the purpose.

I believe that the knowledge and experience I have gathered during the project and preparation of
the report as well will immensely help me in my professional life. I will be obliged if you kindly
approve this effort.

Sincerely yours,

Suvashish Raha

Id number: 140323537(140107282)

Roll: 1423537(1407282)

BBA (Finance)

BGC Trust University, Bangladesh


I can’t deserve all the praise. In every step of this study, many individuals and institutional
experts supported me by providing valuable information, guidance and their valuable time. It
gives an immense pleasure to acknowledge them with gratitude.

It is time to show my gratitude to the Almighty Allah for providing me the strengths and
encouragement as well as opportunity to complete the difficult tasks of making this report within
the scheduled time.

The report would like to acknowledge the assistance of internship supervisor Mr. Saiful Islam,
Lecturer, Faculty of Business Administration, BGC Trust University, Bangladesh, for providing
all the guidance and support that was needed. His sincere guidance, untiring co-operation,
valuable suggestion and inspirations for creating a unique report enabled me to overcome all the
problems during the course of while preparing this report.

Finally, sincere gratitude goes to family and friends for supporting, sharing their thought and
giving the moral support needed during the preparation of this report.

This paper is based upon organizational overview and financial analysis of different banks which
are running business successfully in Bangladesh. I have tried to learn to their business process in
the field of finance especially in the maintenance and expenditures of the company. Besides, the
projects that I have been a part of during my internship program have also been discussed in the
end of paper. In this competitive market of Bangladesh to sustain and being profitable is
necessary. To do so, a company must focus on its well management of financial assets and keep
satisfying its stockholders too. Throughout the report, there are a wide description about
company’s overview and ratio analysis of Standard Chartered Bank Ltd, City Bank Ltd, First
Securities Islami Bank Ltd, Dhaka Bank Ltd, and Islami Bank Bangladesh ltd. These
organizations are performing very well by providing the best banking services to the Bangladesh
as well as the world. There is a wide description about mission, vision, activities, products and
services of these organizations. Different types of ratios are also being analyzed throughout the
report. When analyzing these organization’s different activities I have noticed some findings or
limitations and I have tried to put some recommendations regarding these findings. When
preparing the report, it was required to meet with different officials from these organizations and
I meet with them to collect proper information about organizational operations. I hope that my
report would give some insight to all the responsibilities carried out during my tenure as an
intern. With limited access to data due to confidentiality, I have tried to provide as much
information as were possible about the works involving my topic.
Table of Contents

SL No. Topic Page

1.0 Chapter 01: Introductory part 1-2

1.1 Objectives of the report: 1

1.2 Limitations of the Report: 1
1.3 Methodology of the report: 2
1.4 Scope of the report: 2
2.0 Chapter 02: Company overview 3-15

2.1 Standard Chartered Bank Ltd 3

2.2 The City Bank Ltd 6
2.3 First Security Islami Bank Ltd 9
2.4 Dhaka Bank Ltd 12
2.5 Islami Bank Bangladesh Lt 14
3.0 Chapter 03: Some Theoretical 16-18

3.1 Liquidity Ratios 16
3.2 Activity Ratios 16
3.3 Leverage Ratios 17
3.4 Profitability Ratios 18
4.0 Chapter 04:Ratio Analysis of Banks 19-33

4.1 Liquidity Ratio 19

4.1.1 Current Ratio 19
4.1.2 Quick Ratio 20
4.1.3 Working Capital Ratio 21
4.2 Activity ratio 22
4.2.1 Inventory Turnover 22
4.2.2 Total Asset Turnover 23
4.2.3 Days Sales Outstanding 24
4.2.4 Average Payment Period 25
4.3 Leverage ratios (Debt Ratio) 26
4.4 Profitability ratios 27
4.4.1 Net Profit 27
4.4.2 Return on Equity 28
4.4.3 Return on Asset 29
4.4.4 Earnings per Share 30
5.0 Chapter 05: Findings,
Recommendations and Conclusion
5.1 Findings of the Report 31
5.2 Recommendations 32
5.3 Conclusion 33
References 34

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