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Best “OPSCIENCE STECHNOLONY FACULTY OF SCIENCE Peparment of Chemical & Fovesie Siences FINAL EXAMINATION 20222125, ‘COURSE CODE: ‘CHEM 102, COURSE MODULE OR TITLE: GENERAL CHEMISTRY Il DATE: ULMAY 2023 TIME: 600 PM io 8:00 PM. TIME ALLOWED: 2 HOURS. ‘The following items ae prcvide: ‘+ One EXAMINATION Paper (9 printed pages in ol inelusve of cover Page and the Periodic ble of Ekments) Candidates are permite tobring it the examination rom: ‘+ Non programmable Sclentii Caleulstor, “The paper consists of 10 multiple choice questions in section A and 6 structured questions in section B. Instructions ‘+ Candidstes mus ansver all question ftom seston A and section B. ‘+ Allanswers must be writen in the answer booklet) provided. ‘+ Allrough work nus be writen in he answer booklets) provided. * A line should be dean through any rough work o indicate to the examine that itis mot part ofthe work be graded + luck orbue pen oly must be used for writen answers and pei ar all Arawings and sketches ‘+ Ensure you have thecorect number of pages on your examination question paper Page of9 [SECTION A: MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 10 MARKS Answer al questions inthis section. ‘The option Selected ax the rs ser tose Be clearly write on the answer sheet, provided. ach question eT mark 1, For the four lecies heptane, betanle seg, hytel and dipropy/l aie list them in ‘onde of nereasing boiling point 'A) lepanol,dpropy mia, hepane, heptanoie aid 5B) hepa, heptane, diropy amine, hspanote seid ) heptano, prop! amine, hepanois es, bepsane ) heptane, prop amin, hepano, heptane cid 2. The ection beryeen a secondary asin snd a chlorate followed by bese hydlysis elds to following three rods A A testy amine, wate nd sodium shee B) A peimary sin, weer and Rtochlone cis ©) A secondary chloramine, water acd sodium chlovde 1) A teniarychloraming, water and hydrochloric acid 3. Wha is the moloulr formule of the molecule below? Hy cr A) CHWONCL B) CiflyONCl ©) cHLONe! D) CHONCI Page 209 4, “The motecae with he fomula C0 ray sepresen the following motel A) 2enetiyS-bexend-o} B) Sune Shep 4-01 ©) Smet iePcter-Sok Dy Smet S-senan-a 5. How many lone gts ate prset inthe molecule wih she skola sca thats showy below? Hy o on ae me O68 Ds 6. Which fe lowing are not valid unis fr a reaction ae? 8) el By Msi ©} mat het. D) met Cnr! 1. Given at water as specific oat capeity of 4186 Ig K" aa tet aoa is 48 gH" If we ad the sare amount of het wo egal aac of on snd Water, which ‘yl have the larger eaage in tennpersare? A) Wate 3) Ion C) The reperature changes woul be the sme 1) Thotenperatites wil os change, Page 309 ‘8. Which nibontotpe i use in carbon dating? A) Carbon 3B) Carbon 13 ) Carbor- 8 ) None of the above 9, What ste effect of adding a catlyt onthe rte constant of eatin? ‘Ay Rate constant retains eee, ) Rate constant doseass, () Rete constant nerese, ) Rate constant becomes unity. {0 Whichpase emit inthe eton 40 > $n? Ay pate 3 pare ©) Peston Dy yay Page of SECTION B: STRUCTURED QUESTIONS (60 MARKS) All answers must be writen inthe answer shee provided Each question is 15 mars 1. The electrophilic alton reaction can be used 1o explain how hydro gaa hoi tect with alkenes. 1Smarks £8) Explain te wo steps wih reaction equations ofthe seaton mechanism that are equ to explain how HCI racs with 2nethygropene an indicate ove the arrows whether th reaction i fa rsa (Each op 3 marks) Explain how water molecules could be ned othe double bend by two editions of te electphili ation reason where the watermoleciles ae added oe double bond 2emettl peopene (Gach elon 3 marks) ©) Make dowings of the ve diferent products iat esl from the electrophilic dion seston oF HCI with 2aetiygropene, (Each mask) 4) Whats the nae ofthe rule that gover the produson of two diferent molecules ina noa-toshiometri ra inthe eleseopbiic edition estion hetweenhydogen halides tnd alone? a me. 1Smarks ‘Make drawings ofthe molecules wih the following IUPAC name o eanmon names: (Gach tres mas) 2) S-iscpropylt-mechylnanane 5) pometiypenol 9) @2ectiore-Ssnethylpet-2e-t-o1 4) Smetty-d-oxopentanal 6) Nethyl-N-methyleyclohexaneming Pages.of9 ma » » 9 » » 9 us) Consider a easion with te ate law sven by rate = kA By what tor wil the reacon ze change ithe concentration of Ae Blvad? Bl ‘A company that produces carbonsted water wants 2 concentration of ieatved atbon Sioxde of 0265 ML Wout shouldbe the pstial presse of arbon dioxide gas nse i esl at 28°C ta achieve the equred concentration of ieolvd eabon lone The Henry's aw costa for COs solved in waters 33x10 Minin at 25°C. (3] ‘Nitrogen oxide react with cxmne according tothe following mechani, Step 1:N04(g) + O(a) NOS(0) + 0268) (Slow) Step 2:N04(g) + NO,(9)— Nasa) (rast) (White down te molecules oF hetwo steps a © Wenity weintemedite m (i) What isthe overall rection? m (iv) Whats the rate for the ese? 2 “Te atvaion energy fora reaction is 3.85 neh The ate somata forthe reseion snc 032 2 6) Whatis te value ofthe te constant et 63°C? a (di) Besides ineesing the reeton tempentir, Kaw ele can you inten the value of the ne consan? tH pst “Expln how the oxygen content in water bodies is sffete by them olson? [1] ‘Ursin 258 decay to U3, etal eying ge ld 20 mpl he seco Sys bas rai 23 a 1 ra 24, 20 pa ba 1172p of Au85 dasy 65 pi ey bw lan eit ‘Au-198 to decay? 4 Poaeb 19 Consider the exon r{HO)¥ (ag) + SCM (aq) —Er(H.0},SCN*(09)4 101 ‘The following data were obtained: he rates given ae relative not ger Exponent, (COOL (SCT LIM aii ate Or i 0.025 0030 6.2410" 2 005 0.060 11 3 080 2.030 Lao? () Write the rate equation forthe sution. i (2) Caleulte the vale ofthe rte constant PB Page 9 syonene Siiaehiae’ olla, a [Ee 2 feo Squaw] 24) JO 21981 21poLi9d ‘CONSTANTS [ale = [4]. ke R= 0.0821 L atm molK-? R= 8314)K-'mol™* Page 8 oF

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