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BI2’ST IOTSWANA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY ONSCIINCE E THCHNOLOG FACULTY OF SCIENCE Department of Chemical & Forensic Sciences FINAL EXAMINATION 2021/2022 COURSECODE ‘CHEM 102 ‘COURSE MODULE OR THEE: GENERAL CHEMISTRY I DATE: 27 JUNE 2022 TIME: 9:00AM TIME ALLOWED: 2 HOURS, ‘The following Items are provided: + One EXAMINATION Paper (10 printed pages in total inclusive of cover Page and the Periodic table of Elements) Candidates are permitted to ring into the examination room: ‘+ Non programmable Sentific Calculators ‘The paper consists of 10 muliple choice questions In section A and 4 structured questions in section B Instructions Candidates must answer all questions from section & and section 8, ‘+ Allansers must be written inthe answer booklet(s) provided, ‘+ Allrough work must be written in the answer bookle(s) provided, ‘+ Aline shouldbe draw through any rough work t indicat to the examiner ‘that itis not pat of the work tobe graded, ‘+ Black or blue pen only must be used for written answers and pene forall drawings and sketches. ‘+ Ensure you have the corect numberof pages on your examination question paper. mm Ms Answer all questions in this section. ‘The option selected as the best answer must be clearly written on the answer sheet provided. Each question is1 mark, 1. Which of the following molecutes is expected to form strong intermolecular hydrogen bonds in aqueous solution? A Cyclohexane B, Ethyl propyl ether © 4-terebutyl nonane D. Bthanaic ac 2, How many lone pairs of electrons are there inthe molecule below? x ng rome GENERAL CHENISTRY i: Page20f10 | | | | | { 3. Whats the molecular formula of the molecule below? nd AL Callis02N) B. Coth0eN) © Conan D. CoH 0aN 4 Whats the IUPAC recommended name of the molecle below? Hs HO -methylphenylphenol 2emethylphenat p-methylbenzopheno] P-hydroxytoluene pope 5. How many constitutional isomers exists for the molecule withthe structural formula Calis? a B c . (GENERAL CHetasTAY Page 3 oF 10 6, Given that the ratelaw fora reaction A+B—+C fs given by, rate = KAJ. ‘Which statement Is correct? A. Aplot of against time is near B, Therateis independent ofthe concentration af A. . The units ofthe rate constantare s, DD. The rate depends on the concentration of B. 7. ‘The solubility of KC at 50°C is 45 3/100 g water, if100 gof water at 50°C contains 50 gof dissolved KC) the solution isreferred as being A. Special B. Unsaturated. C Supersaturated. D. Saturated. 18, Ifthe ratelaw forthe reaction A +28 - Cis given by:rate = KH]. The order with respectto Ais, and the order with respect to Bis, A, Firstand zero B. Zeroand first C. Firstand second D, Firstand frst 9. Whatis the effect of adding a catalyst onthe enthalpy change (AH) ofa reaction? A. AH increases B. AW decreases. ©. AM remains the same, D. None ofthe above, 10, Which partie emitued nthe reaction #u —» 347k? A paride Betapace © Poston D ym (GENERAL CHEMISTRY I Page 4.020 ‘SECTION Ii: STRUCTURED QUESTIONS (60 MARKS) Ailanswers must be written in the answer sheet provided. Bach question is 15 marks BI Incerestingly, when an alkane molecule reacts with adi-halogen under the influence of heat or ultraviolet radiation, the length of the carbon chain is elongated irco double length, asa by-product inthis type of reaction. The reaction Is described by & ‘mechanism that proceeds in three primary steps. Name these three steps and show the reaction mechanism under each step including reaction intermediates that are required ta explain te formation ofthe hydrocarbon by-product. Use methane as the reactant alkane, (Each step 5 marks) us B2. (as Complete the following reactions: (Each three marks) a) 7 4/., os 4 + KMnO, + HO (GENERAL CHEQISIRY I Page Sof 10 a @ 2 Heat + NH a Hs teat + KMn0, ——> ‘GENERAL CHEMISTRY I Poge 6 010 + NaOH — Ba, : 15) 4} Consider a reaction with arate law given by: rure= 4d]. By what factor wall the reaction rate change ifthe concentration of Ais tripled? Q 1) The reaction A — has a rate constant of 12 min’, the initial [A] = 0.5 mol Lt, ‘when would (A) reach the value of 0.028 mol 1? By ‘9 The aqueous concentration of C02 in an unopened can of soda at 20°C is 0.027 M. ‘The Flenry’s aw constant for carbon dioxide in water at 20°C is 3410" M/atn Calculate the partial pressure of CO2in the ea, fol 4) Hydrogen peroxide decomposes inthe presence of HBr according tothe following. mechanism, Step 1: H0s(a9)* Br (aq) —> H,0(09)+0B"(09) (Stow) Step 21,0, (09) + OB (aa) —> H,Oa) Br(ag)+0,.@) (Fast Write down the molecularties ofthe two steps, a 1, Identify the intermediate wu |i Whats the overall reaction? a Iv. Give that the rate law forthe reaction is: raze = R{Wz0,]{@r"], whieh steps the rate determining step? ie €] Thervate constant ofa reaction at 50°C is 0.032 6! and at 70°C its 0.075 Calculate the value of Es forthe reaction. a (GENERAL CHENISTRY I: Page 7 of 10 Bs, '8) The diagram below shows an energy profile fora chenlcal reaction. ted {) Is the reaction endothermic or exothermic? ia (i) Redraw the diagram and label i fully By) ) Uranium-238 decays to form thorium-234 with ahalFlie of 45 « 10° years. Hew many years will ttake for 75% ofthe uranium-238 to decay? bl ©) The data in the table below were abtained from 3 experiments forthe reaction CHOH + (Cab) CCl— CH,O(CHa)s + HCL Tnitalconcentrations/A (CHOI (CoH )aCCMo | [EHS OCH ale | Pinal imin [cri,0(cqtts)sl/m 040.05 00 00026. z 010/010 6.00 o.00065. 25 20 [040 0.00 ‘2.00156 15, |) Calculate the rates of reaction for the three experiments; (2) Determine the ratelaw forthe reaction. i Determine the rate constant forthe reaction, a ‘GENERAL CHEDASTRY I: Page 8 20 | | i (0F 10 6 984 LSINOH TWUBN3O won| pa | ws | sa | fo | de Be eal [esdise 25822 pssijeelin jest frail b ‘s}UaWE]F 8Y} JO aIqe| DIPOLE Useful Information [A]=[4], -k a w(t es [4] [4] ga acl) [ a A R= 0.0821 L atm mol"K~* R=8314 JK“ mol" ni) -2G-2) (GENERAL CHEMISTRY i Page 20.20,

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