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Chapter 4 Globalisation

One mark Questions

1. How many countries are currently the members of the World Trade
Organisation (WTO)?
2. In which specific industries are MNCs interested?
3. What are SEZs?
4. Name the term which refers to globalization which creates opportunities
for all and ensures that is benefits are better shared.
5. Give examples of industries where the small manufacturers have been hit
hard due to competition.
6. Define MNC.
7. What is the aim of WTO?
8. For how many years companies do not have to pay taxes if they set up
production units in the SEZs?

Three mark Questions

1. What complaint do farmers of developing countries have against

developed country governments?
2. Describe any three factors which have enabled globalisation in
3. Enumerate any three features of Multinational Corporations.
4. Suggest any three ways by which globalization can be made fairer so that
it benefits all people.

Five marks Questions

1. How have transportation technology and information and
communication technology stimulated the globalisation
process? Explain with suitable examples.
2. Suggest measures to make globalization fair so that it benefits all

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