A jury of her peers

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oe of Crise Ra pid Be Rew el ng Jur 44 oft Hea Peers _ | x — Busom gto Gtospell Pusom Gaspell wrote “A Tuy of Her Peers? vohith. a sferminest ere ae Btony iS based om, three ladieg. The -firgt is Nee Maxtha Hole, Minnie Foster amd nae beter Mrs. Martha Hole i§ a protagonist character pr Btory, Minnie Fopter v4 arrestol after dex. pee hor husbamol. Mrs. Makatha toue pea tn Mas Peter ayo brought nga hunsbomol at the male ite er ee, 1S 10 fake bouse of — wy) ancl Minnie (Fonte) Rrwright «And their husbarrd has given responsi) Litty 10 Find ars, evidence -fow the case . Mrs. Marcctha Holle -amol minnie wright Ore comsiclercol as jury, Mrs PetQirard rs Matha Hale. ane, Frrag nating . Hee" Gituotiow of, We oxime ceree . hore Invest Beatign. 1§ LiKe ce intel eetuord iny estigectione THa incident: wos neck inv wuNal ako ~ DickReove Cou’ if eeu rat ta-cioit by disease the dean Do tris Shaws the Bolctions of peteria iin thelr jomas. Mss Martha Hale soca anie ttt ake not Ze ¢lesete each oto - Menshove prefudices abgut women. dieaubineadiabels. use dS cnmiiatiow On serisry aiPerisen meanZ _ a treatment 6 not peqvidle ts waren 77 | men. No tum genslite ade Rares see OQ ———E_—_ sss ' ™ tet Tm sihray trent ae male chavo ers axe MH) Harty Hale , Mv Peter , Hendon Him 3 Man Maina. Hole ward to. Je im Dictap County ad Mas Minngr. é *8 ban, te gee what hag h Bat hor Kictom wa, im ro youd /pxaper corclition Sa Bhe.Fivst Aeomed st 7X Then Ma Hale: Dhewff (Dickson & 5 Police) atctiveo! tH, Because Martha Holes. hush og Toba i Oulu person whe £u0 the Ms John { unlp r 1. Toho we sons thoong ast = When My” Hole -pisst seal te Hones heuse that ine Minne. evo Giting em a @cking Choiy aml sho was Jauatarn.o, and told’ to ma tale thatsher — husbomd i9 murdeteol . Be, Mr Hale Look | deubt or ‘Mmne wn | ’ Minne Foster i5 eetdiutee ond the sancucanh cena to“ Co ed| fasesigge Be Minne aa _ av | qo hgtheertud giv a loa ek futx rmankion cfrom adi hes forily af tne a She bore de pr a hore: anno feemhouse. Ble was oa clatives te cut or _— f to Or bey hud Bhe «0% meee ameepapermne | | And Minne fe wa tt had erty one t cannery bred med grec boc ep invcaae the wed paving, Opty Camp rect bird, Mas Mourthe Hale ded ds Pie mi first realy ows abaut that case: But ne +01 assum pati have Jot the Key evidences of the case, They knawe that Minne 1S 4 jonocent perderve 29 may. ghe have rnuedered hte husband before of Jortwa gho was dueRring pion horn 4 Mas Guemen. jo he WHE of Ghexttt- Police) . And she came win ghentf te ge He tom ayo Mars Mate, Ht And Mrs. Matha war now gain to. Minne waigtt 7s home .» Px Hendeisors js the comnety 1s octore wha Las aurivecl ab Sephe > MT Hale was asked t heck he hos actually es muscdde fide. Then. Mt Hendiesows (Cdurty's otprnen) i ete ol the scene amd Sawer "ldap was dna cornlihon — D mvs Marina Hale Bhe is wie 08 Mr- Haley furme, , AL, o Intelligent , ateaclfast ord alse Hm," Song Gpinions AstumpHOnt, she ei Mas fin finds -chieh a6 te: 2ave Ming Brew pumishmont - >| Mr Hale ? Mr Hale }si Maxtha’s husband ne dem a farm, Me is 4 pleasant mam ond Apphors te cke } gecd husbond Je ps D| Mes peter : vas ; Loe : | Mas peter js uwite of maiPedee- ahe iS a itimld women whe is afsaid to | her Spiniom, he is quite jnrelligent-, 2 inn tee) wa) of a te-t | Minne. Fowler is Yoite of Max wudnt gi}, | used to be cheerAul scoparia | butler . Bat afite hoe. makdlage all. wete hoe > Hee uhappy matrioae. eit 4 Sohn wright cost i < x here. Then who became pitt gad, Jonelay mal iselatecl persn >’ | John nyt! . » 4 aed i | dobn. is *he husband of Hinnes He sail » | murdered : The pemplewhe Kneiwhim: aad tat » | he was ag@od mam. Ke woh alo mistable | ow : i Vidyalek ® Hilldewen i Pr Henderson is ho Ss attorney whe _ jp honeat amd is goed at his see 7 z D. Mer Peter! Mv Peter is hasbomal vol of Mrs Peters He is descaibed asia loxge mom seitiia. big valle - — Den oath une The “dldaut- pam ole ad ys Tales He amol_ Me Hale distavereel ohn uelgee (ved) rowueelote ' { % Dy) Del - Racig Voake He } a de ctor. iA. sted [he $ tet da a

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