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Feedback Created by Studyable Essay Grader Essay Chewed Paper and Personal Transformation Grade 16/20 Marker Notes The essay demonstrates a deep understanding of personal growth and transformation through the metaphor of chewed paper and the author's experiences. The essay is well-organized and provides substantial evidence to support the thesis. The writing style is clear and engaging, with a strong academic tone. However, there are occasional errors in grammar and punctuation that need to be addressed. The essay could benefit from more thorough research and analysis of evidence. Suggestions Line Chewed paper is my absolute favourite thing in the world. Feedback Engagement Suggested rewrite Chewed paper is my absolute favorite thing in the world. Line Iwas young when Kaka passed away, and although | didn't understand the cause at the time, | vividly remember my mother lying on the kitchen floor. Feedback Clarity Suggested rewrite Iwas young when Kaka passed away. Although I didn't understand the cause at the time, | vividly remember my mother lying on the kitchen floor. Line Ihad to cook my own meals and motivate myself to study, as there was no longer anyone to ensure | completed my homework as my sister used to do. Feedback Delivery Suggested rewrite Ihad to cook my own meals and find motivation to study, as there was no longer anyone to ensure | completed my homework as my sister used to do. Line l avoided wearing glasses, even though | desperately needed them, simply because | feared I'd be teased as “double battery." Feedback Engagement Suggested rewrite lavoided wearing glasses, even though | desperately needed them, simply because | feared I'd be teased as "double battery." Line Iwasn't art, yet they still appreciated me. Feedback Clarity Suggested rewrite Iwasn't considered art, yet they still appreciated me. Line look forward to establishing a tradition of repurposing papers that would otherwise go to waste, turning them into symbols of creativity and connection. Feedback Engagement Suggested rewrite look forward to establishing a tradition of repurposing papers that would otherwise go to waste, turning them into symbols of creativity and connection.

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