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3 Years LL.

B (H) Semester 3, Examination, 2022

Subject: Corporate Governance Law
Paper: LOC 3.3.7

Time: 3 Hours Full Marks: 80

The figures in the margin indicate the full marks.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable

Group A

1. Answer all the questions. 2 x 5=10

a) What is the CSR Committee a subset of?

b) Which companies are mandated to have a CSR Committee?
c) Identify two external stakeholders of a company.
d) What is the difference between a Promoter and a Director’s role in a Company?
e) Give two important recommendations of the Kotak Committee Report of 2017
vis-à-vis corporate governance.

Group B

Answer any three questions. 10 x 3

2. “Company Secretaries are more important than Directors in ensuring compliance

with corporate governance norms in India”- Critically examine this statement.
3. What revisions over the years have been made to audit committees to ensure
compliance with corporate governance standards in India?
4. What is the importance of KMP in ensuring corporate governance standards in India?
5. “Prohibition on related party transaction helps in reducing instances of fraud”-
Critically Analyse this statement.

Group C

Answer any two questions. 20 x 2

6. Explain in detail the meaning and evolution of corporate governance in India.

7. “The SEBI regulations have more bearing than the Companies Act, 2013 on the
meaning and practice of corporate governance in India”- Do you agree with this
statement? Critically Analyse.
8. Explain in reference to the Companies Act, 2013 how the interests of the internal
stakeholders of a company are addressed.
9. How has the mandate of Corporate Social Responsibility helped in achieving the
Corporate Governance standard in India?

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