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451 - COMPUTER STUDIES – Paper 2

Year 2024 - 2 ½ hours

Instructions to candidates

a) Write your name and admission number at the top right hand corner of each print out .
a) Write your name and admission number on the CD-RW provided .
b) Write the name and the version of the application software used for each question in the
answersheet provided.
c) Answer all the questions.
d) All questions carry equal marks
e) Passwords should not be used while saving your work.
f) All answers must be saved in CD-RW.
g) Make a printout of the answers on the answersheet provided.
h) Arrange your printouts and staple them together.
i) Hand in all the printout and the CD-RW
j) This paper consists of 4 printed pages.
k) Do not remove any pages from this booklet.
l) Candidate should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed as
indicated and that no questions are missing.

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1. a) Open a word processor application and create the following document as it appears.
Save it as Mwangaza 1. (15 marks)
P.O BOX 2345,
DEAR <<Title>><<NAME>>
You are notified to attend the above classes on <<date>>. Natural Language Processing (NLP)
stands as a pivotal technology in the realm of artificial intelligence, bridging the gap between
human communication and computer understanding. It is a multidisciplinary domain that
empowers computers to interpret, analyze, and generate human language, enabling seamless
interaction between humans and machines. The significance of NLP is evident in its widespread
applications, ranging from automated customer support to real-time language translation.
The table below shows the fee structure per session

Natural language processing tutorials

Amount per area in ksh
Lesson Time Area1 Area 2 Area 3
One 8.00 3400 4500 5700
Two 11.00 5500 5000 6000
Three 2.00 3200 2500 5300
. Here are some emerging trends and future developments in NLP to learn:

 Transfer learning. The application of transfer learning in NLP allows models to apply
knowledge learned from one task to another, improving efficiency and learning capability.
 Multimodal NLP. Integrating NLP with visual and auditory inputs will lead to the development
of more versatile and comprehensive models capable of multimodal understanding.

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 Real-time processing. Advancements in NLP will enable real-time language processing,
allowing for more dynamic and interactive applications.
 Ethical and responsible AI. The focus on ethical considerations and responsible AI will shape
the development of NLP models, ensuring fairness, transparency, and accountability.
Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a branch of artificial intelligence that focuses on the
interaction between computers and humans through natural language. The objective is to
program computers to process and analyze large amounts of natural language data.

Yours in service

Mr. John Kamau

b) Spell check your document (1 mark)

c) i) Apply an in margin drop cap to the first letter of the first paragraph “ You are notified…”
with a spacing of 0.5” and line drop of 3 lines (2 marks)

ii) Copy the last paragraph and place it before the words “The table below….” (1 mark)

iii) Create two columns on the first paragraph and a line in between (2 marks)

d) i) insert a caption “Fee structure” below the table (1 mark)

ii) Format the label headings starting from lesson to area 3 to 900 and strikethrough
(2 marks)

iii) Using an appropriate function, calculate the total fee to be paid in lesson one (2 marks)

iv) Calculate the total fee paid in area 3 (2 marks)

e) Design the logo as it appears then place it at the top center of the application (8 marks)


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f)i) Insert page numbers of format x of y at the bottom of each page of the document (1 mark)

ii) Insert header as your full names and footer as you class and adm no (2 marks)

g) Save your document as Mwangaza 2 (1 mark)

h) i) Mwangaza institute intends to mail merge this document. Using the table below, create a
data source and save it as addresses (6 marks)

Title Name Address Town Phone date

Mr Andandi Box 10 Nyamira 011234323 25/4/2024
Dr Omondi Box 123 Kisumu 0711232323 28/4/2024
Pst Njuguna Box 324 Nyeri 0734326786 30/4/2024
Mrs Angela Box 564 Mombasa 0232456781 02/5/2024
Prf. kibet Box 876 Eldoret 0111235891 08/5/2024

ii) Merge the document Mwangaza 2 and Addreses and save it as trainees (2 marks)

i) Print Mwangaza 2 document and the Pst Njuguna’s document (2 marks)

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2. The table below shows records of fee payment kept by MOKASA UNIVERSITY accounts
department in the year 2023.
(a) (i) Open a database program and create a database named MOKASA FEES.
(b) Create the tables named Student details and fee payment in the database in (a)(i) above
using the given data types. (9 marks)
Student details

Book details

(c) Set the primary key for each table. (2 marks)

(d) Create the relationship among the tables and enforce referential integrity (2 marks)
(e) Enter the data in the respective table above. (15 marks)

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Student details

Fee payment details

(f) Create two forms named, student detail and fee payment form from the tables above.
(2 marks)
(g) Create a query that would display the following fields:
(i) Student ID, name,gender, town, faculty and age by end of year 2024. Save the
query as AgeQuery. (3 marks)

(ii) Name, gender, faculty, receipt No, town and amount paid whose name end with
letter "i".
I. Compute total amount of fees collected.
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II. Save the query as TFee Query. (3 marks)
(iii) Student ID, name, gender, receipt No, and amount paid.
(I) Compute fee balance. (Given that total fee payeable is Ksh. 100,000).
(II) Display students whose fee balance is Ksh. 50,000 and above.
(III) Save the query as BalQuery. (4 marks)

(g)Create a pie chart based on the query in b(iii) above to display students names and their
respective fee balances. (3 marks)

(h)Create a report to display Student ID, name, gender, town, faculty, amount paid, balance and
receipt number. (3 marks)

I. Group records per faculty.

II. Compute total fees paid and balances per faculty.
III. Compute the grand totals
(ii) Modify the report to appear as follows:
I. To have a report tile “Mokasa Fee Balances 2023”
II. Underline the report title.
III. Save the report as “FeeBal Report” (3 marks)

(i)Print out later each of the following: (4 marks)

 Tables: Fee payment table

 Queries: Bal_Query
 Report: Fee_Bal Report
 Chart

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