Maths pp1

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Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education

121/1 MATHEMATICS ALT. A Paper 1

Name:…………………………………………………………Adm No: ……………...……

Index Number: …….……………. Candidate’s Signature: …….……….....
School: ……………………………………… Stream …………………………...

121/1 Mathematics PP1

Monday 18th March, 2024

Instructions to Candidates
(a) Write your name, Adm. Number and stream in the spaces
provided at the top of this page. Time: 8.00-10.30 am
(b) This paper consists of TWO sections: Section I and Section
(c) Answer ALL the questions in Section I and any five questions from Section II.
(d) Show all the steps in your calculation, giving your answer at each stage in the
spaces provided below each question.
(e) Marks may be given for correct working even if the answer is wrong.
(f) Non-programmable silent electronic calculators and KNEC
Mathematical tables may be used, except where stated otherwise.
(g) This paper consists of 15 printed pages.
(h) Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed as
indicated and that no questions are missing.
(i) Candidates should answer the questions in English.

For Examiners Use Only Section I

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Total


17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Total

Answer all questions in this section in the spaces provided

1. Evaluate without using calculator (3marks)

28−(−8) 15−(−2)(−6)
−2 3

2. Simplify the following expression. (3 marks)

4 x −81
2 ax−6 x−9 a+ 27

3. Three bells ring at intervals of 40minutes, 45 minutes and 50minutes respectively. If the bells
ring together at 8.20 a.m . Find the time they had last rang simultaneously (3marks)

4. Three angles of a polygon are 125, 140 and 160. The remaining angles are 145 each.
Calculate the sum of the interior angles of the polygon. (4 marks)

5. Solve for y in the equation (3marks)

2 y +4
÷ 27
y−1 ¿

6. A bank in Kenya buys and sells foreign currency as shown below:

Buying (Kshs ) Selling ( Kshs )
1 US Dollar 170.20 170.85
1 Sterling Pound 201.50 202.10

An American tourist came to Kenya with 15 000 US Dollars and converted the whole amount
intoKenya Shillings. He then spent 650 000 Kenya Shillings and converted the remaining amount
intoSterling Pounds. Calculate to two decimal place, the amount he received. (3 marks)

7. Solve the following inequality and state all the integral values of x that satisfy the inequality
−¿2 (3−x ¿>5 and 4−3 x ≥−23 (3marks)

8. Triangle ABC is mapped onto triangle A’B’C’ by a transformation through centre X.

(a) Locate the centre X. (2


(b) Find the angle of rotation. (1 mark)

9. The masses of two similar solids are given as 135g and 320g respectively. If the larger
solid has an area of 320m2. Find the area of the smaller one in m2 (3marks)

10. The figure below shows a histogram drawn to represent marks obtained in a mathematics test
done by19 students. The first class is in the range 11 – 15.

(a) From the information provided, complete the frequency distribution table below. (2 marks)
Marks 11 – 15
Frequency 4
(b) On the figure, draw a vertical line that divides the histogram into two equal areas. (2 marks)

(−63 ) under the translation vector T is P’(−10

11. The image of object P
) . Find the translation vector
T hence the image of Q( ) under the same translation

12. The figure below shows an incomplete net of an open cuboid with a rectangular base ABCD.

Complete the net of the cuboid. (2 marks)

13. Use mathematical table to evaluate (3marks)

2 3
+ ( 4.37 )

14. The figure below shows a circle centre O. chord AB subtends 300 at the centre. If the area
of the minor segment is 5.25cm2.Find the radius of the circle (3marks)

15. From a point P the angle of elevation of the top of a tree is 250. From another point Q
on the same side which is 10 metres from the base of the tree, the angle of elevation of
the top of the tree is 36.50C. Giving your answer to one decimal place, determine the
height of the tree hence calculate the distance between P and Q. (4 marks)

16. Solve for the value of θ in the equation (3marks)
8 sin ⁡(2 θ+10)
cos ⁡(3 θ−30)

SECTION II(50 marks)

Answer only five questions from this section.
17. a) Determine the equation of a line equidistant from the points P(−2 , 4 ¿ and Q(4,6) in
the form y¿mx+c (4marks)

b) A line L1 passes through the point (−1 ,1 ¿ and is perpendicular to the line L2
whose gradient is .Find the equation of L1 in the double intercept form (3marks)

c) If the line L2 passes through the point (−3 , 2 ¿. Find the equation of the line L2 in
the form y¿ mx+ c hence find its x-intercept (3marks)

18. In the year 2015, the price of a television set was Ksh 60 000.
(a) Calculate the amount of money received from the sales of 40 such television sets. (2 marks)

(b) In the year 2016, the price of each television set increased by 10% while the number of
television sets sold decreased by 15%. Calculate the percentage decrease in the amount received
from the sales. (3 marks)

(c) By the end of 2016, the price of each television set changed in the ratio 12:11, calculate the price
of each television set in 2017. (2 marks)

(d) In the year 2017, the amount of sales realised was 8% more than that of 2015. Calculate the
number of television sets sold in 2017. (3 marks)

19. (a) Using a pair of compasses and a ruler only, construct:
(i) A parallelogram ABCD such that angle ABC = 1200 AB¿ 6 cm and BC = 4cm (4marks)

(ii) Measure the difference between diagonals AC and BD (2marks)

(b) By construction, find the perpendicular distance from point D that meets the line AB at T.
Measure the length DT (2marks)

c) Find the area of parallelogram constructed (2marks)

2 x −8
20. a) Find the valuesof x for which the matrix −4 x has no inverse (3marks)

b ) Kamau bought five exercise books and three geometrical sets for Ksh 725. If he had bought one
less exercise book and two more geometrical sets he would have spent Ksh 375 more.By taking the
price of an exercise book to be x and that of geometrical set to be y:
i) Form two linear equations to represent the above information (2marks)

ii) Use matrix method to find the cost of of each exercise book and each geometrical set

c) Find the total cost of two such exercise book and six similar geometrical set (1mark)

21. The figure below represents a piece of land in the shape of a quadrilateral in which AB =80 m,
AD =60 m and DC = 110 m. Angle ADC = 150 o and angle BAD is a right angle.

(a) The size of angle ADB correct to 2 decimal places. (2 marks)

(b) The length of BC correct to 1 decimal place. (4 marks)

(c) The area of the piece of land, in hectares, correct to 4 significant figures. (4 marks)

22. A solid is partly a cone and partly hemisphere. The radius of the hemispherical part is 5cm
and the total height of the solid is 17cm. Determine
a) The volume of the cone (2marks)

b) The volume of the hemispherical part (2marks)

c) The volume of the solid (2marks)

d) The total surface area of the solid (4marks)

23.a) A matatu left Oyugis for Homa bay town 51km away at an average speed of
48km/h at 7.00 a.m. at 7.30 a.m a bodaboda left Homabay for Oyugis travelling
along the same route at an average speed of 60km/h. determine
i) The time the bodaboda met the matatu (3marks)

ii) How far from Oyugis did the bodaboda meet matatu (3marks)

b)A train A 20m long is moving at an average speed of 52km/h. another train B 30m
long is moving in the opposite direction at an average speed of 48km/h.If the two
trains are 60m apart. How long do the two trains take to completely pass each other.
Give your answer in seconds (4marks)

24. (a) Complete the table below for y = 2x2 + 5x - 7 for the range -4 ≤ x ≤ 2 (2marks)

x −4 −3.5 −3 −2.5 −2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

y 5 -7 -10 -10 -7 5 11

(b) On the grid provided, draw the graph of y=2 x 2 +5 x −7 for−4 ≤ x ≤2.
Use the scale of 1cm for 0.5unit on the x axis and 1cm for 2units on y- axis (3marks)

(c) Use your graph to solve

i.2 x 2+5 x−7=0 (2marks)

ii.2 x 2+5 x−7 = 4 x+3 (3marks)


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